Hello, world! You might have noticed there has been an intermission on the blog. Or probably not. I think it says something about the state of blogging in 2014 that my website disappeared and it took 4 days for me…

The death of the homepage in one simple graph

This is a graph. But probably not the one you’re expecting So it’s an odd thing when you’ve been saying something for years and nobody believes you, then suddenly, someone publishes one leaked graph, and overnight all the world agrees…

You’ll have heard a lot over the last few weeks on how Facebook is screwing down the organic reach of brand posts, and there’s a lot of unhappy people out there. I think anyone complaining they get less organic Facebook…

How we built Ampp3d in eight weeks

This evening I spoke at #ProductTank – a showcase event about product development hosted by the BBC, explaining how Trinity Mirror built Ampp3d in eight weeks. Here’s what I said… Ampp3d is the Mirror’s new data journalism site, which we…

At news:rewired I got put on the spot about whether there is a problem with Ampp3d being biased. Here’s what I think… I’m loving editing Ampp3d. It’s harder work than I imagined. And doing data journalism day-in day-out is fascinating…

“The Ampp3d-ification of news”

No, nobody’s coined or used that phrase yet, so I thought I’d start We’re eleven weeks into the experiment that is publishing Ampp3d. I’m enjoying it so far. I think we’ve made some great and entertaining content, and I think…

Like a man tracking Africa for missing episodes of Doctor Who, I’ve fearlessly found some notes on my laptop I never wrote up into blog posts. Back in May the BBC’s Trushar Barot was talking at Hacks/Hackers London about verifying…

As regular as clockwork, and almost as much fun as “are bloggers journalists?”, the “should journalists learn to code” debate has flared up again. Here’s my definitive take on why there is a problem with the debate. There is one…

@BBCExtraGhost, #Vennfest, @UKGoHomeOffice and beyond – doing political satire for the web

It turns out, when I think about it, that I’ve spent rather a lot of my spare time and my career trying to do political satire on the web. And that’s why I was invited to talk about it at…

I’ve been at EuroIA in Edinburgh, taking notes at a furious pace as usual. Here is what I made of Joe Sokohl’s rather wistful talk about place and loss. “The digital place you love is gone” “The space belongs to…