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Vol 22 No 1/2 2014

Those who support the union need not merely to unpick the SNP’s plans ... but to present a coherent case for hanging together with the rest of the UK ... From the left there needs to come a moral as well as an instrumental case for security and solidarity in a social union.

Jim Gallagher

Free downloadIndependence after the crash

Editorial // James Stafford

The financial crisis has transformed the debate over Scottish independence – to the disadvantage of the SNP.

Free downloadThe left and Scottish nationalism

Feature // Ben Jackson

The origins and implications of the left’s dalliance with Scottish independence.

Whose Britain is it anyway? The blindsides of British Labour and the left

Feature // Gerry Hassan

Whatever the outcome of the 2014 referendum, the debate on Scottish independence requires Labour to rethink its relationship with the territorial dimensions of the British state.

After the referendum: why it can’t be business as usual

Feature // Adam Fusco

The incorporation of the Scottish campaign for self-government into a broader federalist agenda could enable a democratic revival in the UK.

A house of cards? The instability of Welsh devolution

Feature // Adam Evans

An audit of Wales’ evolving devolution settlement reveals confusion, inconsistency and short-termism at the heart of Labour’s policy-making.

Free downloadRise now and be a nation again? The politics of Englishness

Roundtable // Michael Kenny

How should the left deal with the resurgence of English national identity?

The reform of public services: the One Nation agenda

Commentary // Lisa Nandy, Steve Reed

Putting relationships at the heart of public services.

‘An auction of fear’: the Scotland in Europe referendum, 1975

Essay // Robert Saunders

An earlier referendum in which Scotland’s place in a larger political union was at stake.

The politics of public spending: a 2030 vision

Essay // Robert Tinker

The next government can credibly afford to spend more than the Coalition’s plans. But this is only the starting point of a new debate about public spending.

Blue Labour and nostalgia: the politics of tradition

Essay // Richard Jobson

The Blue Labour paradox was that it appeared simultaneously old and new. In this respect, it offers a blueprint for future intellectual currents within the Labour Party.

Principles or practicalities? Salvaging House of Lords reform

Notebook // Stephen Barber

After yet another failed attempt, what could be done now to reform the House of Lords?

The Italian left at a crossroads

Notebook // Lilia Giugni

The Italian Democratic Party’s struggle to formulate a clear identity, ideology and political strategy.

Free downloadScotland’s future – really?

Review essay // Jim Gallagher

An independence plan dependent on the rest of the UK agreeing to whatever the SNP want.

Free downloadThe nationalist interpretation of Scottish history

Review essay // Gregg McClymont

The contemporary nationalist resonances of a history of post-war Scotland.

Olaf Cramme, Patrick Diamond and Michael McTernan (eds.), Progressive Politics After the Crash

Review // Florence Sutcliffe-Braithwaite

Now what?
