
Akira Project - Live Action Trailer
The Akira Project is a crowd-sourced, non-profit project meant to create a live action fan...
published: 09 May 2014
Akira Project - Live Action Trailer
Akira Project - Live Action Trailer
The Akira Project is a crowd-sourced, non-profit project meant to create a live action fan trailer of AKIRA, the renowned manga-turned-anime film from the late 1980′s; a stunning example of both mediums as art forms. While Hollywood has been working on a live-action Akira movie for a few years now, we, as fans, wanted to take a shot at making our own adaptation. A chance to stick as close to the source material as possible. A chance to do Akira Justice. We launched an Indiegogo campaign in July 2012 as part of a crowd sourcing effort to make this project come to life. Many people contributed not just financially but offered their time and talent to help the production that was shot in Montreal, Quebec from November 2-5th 2012. What started out as a simple idea between two guys having a beer (Hey! It'd be cool to see Kaneda ride his bike around Neo-Tokyo!), became a global endeavour, filled with adventures and hurdles, involving more than 40 artists in 12 different countries. After a year and a half in post-production, we are proud to present the project to Akira fans the world over. We hope to have done justice to the timeless work of Katsuhiro Otomo and look forward to, someday, seeing the full scope of the Akira story translated to the big screen as a live-action. For more information: www.akira-project.com Facebook: fb.com/projectakira Twitter: twitter.com/Project_Akira Production company: www.cineground.com Music: 1.Icarus Main Theme (Deux Ex) - Michael McCann (iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/ca/album/icarus/id499097665?i=499097668) 2. Kaneda's Theme Remix - Le Matos : (lematos.bandcamp.com) Shot on RED Epic-X with Kowa Prominar Anamorphics, Cooke MiniS4, Leica Summicron-C. Partners: CineGround, GreenGround, EZ Designs, Location Snap Shots, Studio Nora, Badpen Studios- published: 09 May 2014
- views: 301

AKIRA 鉄雄と金田 1
くやしいってのがどんな気持ちか分かったかよぉ!! 漫画を原作とした映画「AKIRA」の鉄雄と金田のシーン。 「さん」をつけろよデコスケ野郎!!(金田)...
published: 06 Oct 2011
author: MyBlackCoat
AKIRA 鉄雄と金田 1
AKIRA 鉄雄と金田 1
くやしいってのがどんな気持ちか分かったかよぉ!! 漫画を原作とした映画「AKIRA」の鉄雄と金田のシーン。 「さん」をつけろよデコスケ野郎!!(金田)- published: 06 Oct 2011
- views: 444196
- author: MyBlackCoat

Daniel Gun & Akira Ft. Ri Enne - Runaway (OFFICIAL HD VERSION)
Videoproduktion by Klimo Brennpunkt Berlin (Berliner Unterg...
published: 29 Oct 2013
Daniel Gun & Akira Ft. Ri Enne - Runaway (OFFICIAL HD VERSION)
Daniel Gun & Akira Ft. Ri Enne - Runaway (OFFICIAL HD VERSION)
http://www.Brennpunkt-Mode.de Videoproduktion by Klimo Brennpunkt Berlin (Berliner Untergrund Produktion) http://www.facebook.com/BerlinerUntergundTv http://www.facebook.com/brennpunkt.berlin.3 http://www.gentis-berlin.com http://www.iriedrips.de Track by Daniel Gun & Akira Black https://www.facebook.com/DanielGunGFM https://www.facebook.com/akira.brennpunktberlin Beat by Underdog Beatz https://www.facebook.com/underdogbeatz Berliner Untergrund TV echter Untergrund Rap aus Berlin, Germany und Europa! Bei Intresse, einfach Anschreiben. Die Inhalte dieses Videos sind Urheberrechtlich geschützt. Jede Vervielfältigung, Vorführung, Sendung, Vermietung und/oder Verleihung des Videos oder einzelner Inhalte ist ohne Einwilligung des Rechteinhabers untersagt und zieht straf- oder zivilrechtliche Folgen nach sich. Alle Rechte bleiben vorbehalten- published: 29 Oct 2013
- views: 7276

Akira Trailer
I consider Akira to be the greatest animated film of all time. Going into this project I k...
published: 08 May 2013
author: Jonathon Propp
Akira Trailer
Akira Trailer
I consider Akira to be the greatest animated film of all time. Going into this project I knew I wanted to leave the viewer with the same reaction as I had wh...- published: 08 May 2013
- views: 1526
- author: Jonathon Propp

AKIRA - Player Piano
Award winning Composer & Pianist Sonya Belousova and Director Tom Grey bring the classic J...
published: 01 Jul 2014
AKIRA - Player Piano
AKIRA - Player Piano
Award winning Composer & Pianist Sonya Belousova and Director Tom Grey bring the classic Japanese anime, Akira, to life in the premiere episode of Player Piano on the Geek & Sundry Network. Featuring Cellist Eru Matsumoto. To Download Sonya's original arrangement of Akira, go to: Loudr: http://loudr.fm/release/akira/hvZCE iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/akira-single/id894780095?uo=4 Learn more about Player Piano at: www.playerpianomusic.com Be sure to like, share, and let us know in the comments which songs or soundtracks you'd like to see Sonya arrange and perform in future episodes. Sponsored by Anime Expo: www.anime-expo.org Directed by: Tom Grey @theRealTomGrey Arranged and Performed by: Sonya Belousova Featuring: Eru Matsumoto (Electric Cello) www.erumatsumoto.com, https://www.facebook.com/erucello Recorded and Mixed by: Guillermo Marin Producer: Joe Brown 1st AD: Andy Newman PA: Hector Soto Casting: Stephanie Pressman D.P.: Stephen Paar 1st AC: Joey Rassool (and End Card D.P.) BTS: Jay Light Gaffer: Dan Prostak Grip: Matt Moroughan Grip: Grant Linden Production Designer: Megan Burns Art Director: Kia Herman SFX Makeup: Jen Giragos Beauty Hair/Makeup: Robyn Rebbe Wardrobe: Manzi DeYoung VFX: Alessandro Schiassi End Card GFX: Seth Ylitalo-Ward Player Piano Logo: Joe Pimenta Takashi: Ryan Omega Background: Joe Filippone Background: Stephen Farbman Background: Dakota Hinton Background: Michael Pao Background: Sean Nobles Background: Bennett Cousins Background: Ariel Staehle Background: Peter Srinivasan Background: Joseph Paloma Background: Kolby Roberts Special Guest: Amy Dallen Special Guest: Omar Najam Special Guest: James "Tigermonkey" Isaacs Special Guest: Dael Kingsmill Special Thanks: Anime Expo Marc Perez Shawn Strider Bangzoom Entertainment Eric Sherman Firehouse Recording Studios Jeremy Soule Ryan Meyer Bob Neikamp Lighting and Grip equipment provided by: www.heywhatsyourface.com 'Kaneda'sTheme" Written by: Shoji Yamashiro Published by: Victor Music Arts Inc. C/O Reach Music Publishing Inc.- published: 01 Jul 2014
- views: 5951

Akira: My Favorite Scenes
Trunks RAGE (Vegeta's SS Theme) http://youtu.be/1YJEojiP834 DBZ fan? NEW DBZ fandubs every...
published: 11 Jan 2012
author: Kool Keith Productions
Akira: My Favorite Scenes
Akira: My Favorite Scenes
Trunks RAGE (Vegeta's SS Theme) http://youtu.be/1YJEojiP834 DBZ fan? NEW DBZ fandubs every 2 weeks, so SUBSCRIBE! ADD me on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com...- published: 11 Jan 2012
- views: 79125
- author: Kool Keith Productions

Điều Ước Giản Đơn - Akira Phan [Official]
Nghệ danh này và phong cách của Akira Phan được nhạc sĩ Minh Khang định hình. Từ một ca sĩ...
published: 04 Oct 2013
Điều Ước Giản Đơn - Akira Phan [Official]
Điều Ước Giản Đơn - Akira Phan [Official]
Nghệ danh này và phong cách của Akira Phan được nhạc sĩ Minh Khang định hình. Từ một ca sĩ ít được chú ý, 1 thời gian dài sau khi đổi nghệ danh và phát hành album đầu tiên của mình, Akira bỗng vụt sáng thành ca sĩ được giới trẻ yêu thích với bài Hit rất ăn khách của nhạc sĩ Nguyễn Văn Chung là Mùa Đông Không Lạnh- published: 04 Oct 2013
- views: 144

Akira Soundtrack - Kaneda's Theme
Extended version....
published: 21 Feb 2009
author: TokyoKnights3
Akira Soundtrack - Kaneda's Theme
Akira Soundtrack - Kaneda's Theme
Extended version.- published: 21 Feb 2009
- views: 831245
- author: TokyoKnights3
Youtube results:

Akira Mutation scene-Pioneer 2001
Remasterd english dub of tetsuo's mutation....
published: 23 Apr 2011
author: tokyorider2019
Akira Mutation scene-Pioneer 2001
Akira Mutation scene-Pioneer 2001
Remasterd english dub of tetsuo's mutation.- published: 23 Apr 2011
- views: 109465
- author: tokyorider2019

Tất Cả Là Vì Em - Akira Phan [Official]
Bài hát: Tất Cả Là Vì Em
Ca sĩ: Akira Phan
Chúng ta khó khăn lắm mới được ở bên nhau
published: 29 Aug 2013
Tất Cả Là Vì Em - Akira Phan [Official]
Tất Cả Là Vì Em - Akira Phan [Official]
Bài hát: Tất Cả Là Vì Em Ca sĩ: Akira Phan Chúng ta khó khăn lắm mới được ở bên nhau Đánh đổi hết tất cả để được yêu nhau Cả thế này chẳng gì quý giá hơn Bằng được sống với người mình yêu thương Lúc đó dẫu đau khổ anh vẫn thấy vui Lúc đó dẫu cay đắng anh vẫn cười tươi Tình yêu tuyệt vời ở trên thế gian Sẽ xóa hết những trái ngang đời anh.- published: 29 Aug 2013
- views: 19288

Akira - motorbikes scene
I grabbed this off another youtube user. the original seems to have been deleted. If you m...
published: 11 Feb 2009
author: myseadrive
Akira - motorbikes scene
Akira - motorbikes scene
I grabbed this off another youtube user. the original seems to have been deleted. If you made this, let me know so I can give credit.- published: 11 Feb 2009
- views: 344438
- author: myseadrive

芸能山城組『金田のテーマ』 AKIRA 『KANEDA』
2010年夏に新宿で行われた、ケチャ祭りの昼の部で演奏された、ジェゴグによる『金田のテーマ』です。 映画『アキラ』の冒頭、バイクでの暴走シーンが鮮明に思い出されます。 2010 S...
published: 19 Aug 2010
author: spookboy
芸能山城組『金田のテーマ』 AKIRA 『KANEDA』
芸能山城組『金田のテーマ』 AKIRA 『KANEDA』
2010年夏に新宿で行われた、ケチャ祭りの昼の部で演奏された、ジェゴグによる『金田のテーマ』です。 映画『アキラ』の冒頭、バイクでの暴走シーンが鮮明に思い出されます。 2010 Summer Yamashiro-gumi play 「KANEDA」at Shinjuku Tokyo. Amazing play.- published: 19 Aug 2010
- views: 85243
- author: spookboy