Park Avenue: money, power and the American dream - Why Poverty?
How much inequality is too much? To find out more and get teaching resources linked to the...
published: 05 Jan 2013
author: WhyPoverty
Park Avenue: money, power and the American dream - Why Poverty?
Park Avenue: money, power and the American dream - Why Poverty?
How much inequality is too much? To find out more and get teaching resources linked to the film, go to www.whypoverty.net 740 Park Ave, New York City, is hom...- published: 05 Jan 2013
- views: 189731
- author: WhyPoverty
Park Avenue: money, power and the American dream - Why Poverty? Trailer
PARK AVENUE: How much inequality is too much? Full film available online in JANUARY 2013 -...
published: 18 Oct 2012
author: WhyPoverty
Park Avenue: money, power and the American dream - Why Poverty? Trailer
Park Avenue: money, power and the American dream - Why Poverty? Trailer
PARK AVENUE: How much inequality is too much? Full film available online in JANUARY 2013 - see http://youtu.be/6niWzomA_So & www.whypoverty.net 740 Park Ave,...- published: 18 Oct 2012
- views: 31353
- author: WhyPoverty
Park Avenue: Dinheiro, Poder e o Sonho Americano - Porque Pobreza?
Por que o pobre se resigna ao rico?
O número 640 da Park Avenue é o endereço dos apartame...
published: 09 Sep 2013
Park Avenue: Dinheiro, Poder e o Sonho Americano - Porque Pobreza?
Park Avenue: Dinheiro, Poder e o Sonho Americano - Porque Pobreza?
Por que o pobre se resigna ao rico? O número 640 da Park Avenue é o endereço dos apartamentos mais luxuosos de Manhattan -- residência de gerações da nata de Wall Street, dos barões das falcatruas e dos controladores de fundos de investimentos. O interior dos apartamentos desse prédio é simplesmente palaciano. Dois quilômetros ao norte, no entanto, está a outra Park Avenue, ao sul do Bronx, onde as perspectivas de vida não são tão boas para aqueles que estão presos na base da pirâmide americana. Alex Gibney examina a desigualdade nos Estados Unidos sob o prisma desses dois locais próximos e antagônicos. Em duas décadas, a desigualdade aumentou consideravelmente nos Estados Unidos e muitos sentem que o antigo ideal de que esse é o país das oportunidades, está morrendo. Mas, como isso aconteceu? Quem são os novos ricos e os novos pobres? Director Alex Gibney Producer Blair Foster Produced by Jigsaw Productions & Steps International- published: 09 Sep 2013
- views: 36
Gli invisibili - Park Avenue - (estratto dall'album ALIBI)
Gli invisibili dei Park Avenue.Singolo in rotazione su Virgin Radio...
published: 10 May 2014
Gli invisibili - Park Avenue - (estratto dall'album ALIBI)
Gli invisibili - Park Avenue - (estratto dall'album ALIBI)
Gli invisibili dei Park Avenue.Singolo in rotazione su Virgin Radio- published: 10 May 2014
- views: 2
Armes reiches Amerika - Auf der Park Avenue durch New York (Doku)
Jeder Muskel ist gespannt, wenn sich José mit nacktem Oberkörper immer wieder an der Ampel...
published: 08 Dec 2013
Armes reiches Amerika - Auf der Park Avenue durch New York (Doku)
Armes reiches Amerika - Auf der Park Avenue durch New York (Doku)
Jeder Muskel ist gespannt, wenn sich José mit nacktem Oberkörper immer wieder an der Ampel hochzieht - an der Ecke Park Avenue und 180. Straße, im Herzen der Bronx von New York. Keine gute Gegend ist das. Und auch José wirkt mit seinem stechenden Blick, den Tattoos am ganzen Körper und der verbissenen Kraftdemonstration alles andere als vertrauenerweckend. Doch dann lächelt er breit, zeigt seine Zahnlücke und wirkt wie ein kleiner Junge. Obwohl er viele Jahre seines Lebens im Gefängnis verbracht hat, ist er glücklich. Gurken haben sein Leben gerettet. Kaum aus dem Gefängnis entlassen, meldet sich er, der kein Gangster mehr sein will, an der Pforte von United Pickles auf der Park Avenue. Die alte Gurkenfabrik befindet sich seit drei Generationen in Familienhand. Jeder kennt das massive Backsteingebäude mit den zugemauerten Fenstern, das stets den Geruch von Essig ausdünstet, so dass auch auf der Straße die Augen tränen. Chef Stephen Leibowitz gab José eine Chance. Seitdem ist er jeden Morgen der Erste und abends der Letzte. "Mir hat noch nie jemand das Gefühl gegeben, dass ich etwas Sinnvolles tun kann", sagt José, "bis jetzt, in der Gurkenfabrik." José hat gerade eine Familie gegründet und lebt, wie er selbst sagt, endlich den amerikanischen Traum: Seinen Kindern wird es besser gehen als ihm, da ist er sicher. Am Horizont, hinter Hochbahn und Brücken, flimmern die Bürotürme Manhattans. Gleiche Straße, andere Welt. 150 Blocks weiter südlich steht das New York, das jeder kennt. Glas, Stahl, Beton. Manhattan wächst immer weiter in die Höhe. Je höher die kalten Fassaden, desto höher die Einkommen. Von unten nach oben - die Architektur entlang der Park Avenue spiegelt die wirtschaftliche Realität. "Die Hausnummer entscheidet über die Zukunftschancen deiner Kinder", sagen hier im Süden der Park Avenue viele. Sie sind es, die ihre Träume längst verwirklicht haben. Und nun, im Zeichen der Wirtschaftskrise, um diese fürchten. Einer von ihnen ist Malcom Elvey. Vor mehr als 30 Jahren zog er von Südafrika nach New York, um sein Glück zu versuchen. Er baute ein Transportunternehmen auf. Heute wohnt er in der Park Avenue, umgeben von Originalbildern von Picasso und Juan Miro. Er hat den sozialen Aufstieg geschafft, und er ist überzeugt, dass das auch heute noch möglich ist. Allerdings gibt er zu: "Heute müssen die jungen Leute härter dafür arbeiten." Und auch er und seine wohlhabenden Freunde fühlen sich nicht mehr ganz so sicher. Dort, wo er verwirklicht wurde, erlebt der amerikanische Traum eine Krise. In der Dokumentation zeigen die USA-Korrespondenten Klaus Prömpers und Christoph Röckerath, wie zerrissen das Land ist. Vor der Präsidentschaftswahl ist Amerika so gespalten wie selten zuvor. Es geht um nichts Geringeres als das Selbstverständnis der Weltmacht, die sich selbst immer mehr des eigenen Abstiegs bewusst wird. Vom Hinterhof im Ghetto der Bronx über die Boxclubs Harlems bis in die Belle Etage der Superreichen in Manhattan wird all dies sichtbar. Entlang der einen, langen Straße: der Park Avenue, New York.- published: 08 Dec 2013
- views: 37
Trump Park Avenue: Penthouse
Take a tour of this amazing penthouse in Trump Park Avenue in New York City. For more info...
published: 07 Jun 2012
author: Trump
Trump Park Avenue: Penthouse
Trump Park Avenue: Penthouse
Take a tour of this amazing penthouse in Trump Park Avenue in New York City. For more information please contact Michelle Griffith, Broker Specialist at Trum...- published: 07 Jun 2012
- views: 38238
- author: Trump
Vera Wang, John D. Rockefeller Jr. & Jackie O Lived in This NYC Building-Eminent Domains
New York City is no stranger to lavish apartments. None more so than the elegantly underst...
published: 23 Oct 2013
Vera Wang, John D. Rockefeller Jr. & Jackie O Lived in This NYC Building-Eminent Domains
Vera Wang, John D. Rockefeller Jr. & Jackie O Lived in This NYC Building-Eminent Domains
New York City is no stranger to lavish apartments. None more so than the elegantly understated 740 Park Avenue, which has been home to affluent denizens Vera Wang, John D. Rockefeller, and a young Jackie O. Subscribe to the all-new Vanity Fair channel here: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIsbLox_y9dCIMLd8tdC6qg?sub_confirmation=1 Visit the Vanity Fair channel for more video: http://www.youtube.com/vanityfair With a unique mix of image and intellect, Vanity Fair captures the people, places, and ideas that are defining modern culture. From the arts and entertainment, to business and media, to politics and world affairs, Vanity Fair is what the world is talking about now. Connect with Vanity Fair online: Visit VanityFair.com: http://www.vanityfair.com Follow Vanity Fair on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/vanityfairmagazine Follow Vanity Fair on Google+: https://plus.google.com/+VanityFair/p... Follow Vanity Fair on Twitter: https://twitter.com/vanityfair Follow Vanity Fair on Instagram: http://instagram.com/vanityfair Follow Vanity Fair on Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/vanityfair/ Follow Vanity Fair on Tumblr: http://vanityfair.tumblr.com Vera Wang, John D. Rockefeller Jr. & Jackie O Lived in This NYC Building-Eminent Domains- published: 23 Oct 2013
- views: 372
432 Park Avenue: Tallest Residential Building in the Western Hemisphere-Eminent Domains-Vanity Fair
Manhattan's staggering skyline is about to be transformed once again, when in 2015 a new t...
published: 22 Nov 2013
432 Park Avenue: Tallest Residential Building in the Western Hemisphere-Eminent Domains-Vanity Fair
432 Park Avenue: Tallest Residential Building in the Western Hemisphere-Eminent Domains-Vanity Fair
Manhattan's staggering skyline is about to be transformed once again, when in 2015 a new tower will pierce the sky. 432 Park Avenue is set to be the tallest residential building in the Western Hemisphere—and we can take you inside. Subscribe to the all-new Vanity Fair channel here: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIsbLox_y9dCIMLd8tdC6qg?sub_confirmation=1 Visit the Vanity Fair channel for more video: http://www.youtube.com/vanityfair With a unique mix of image and intellect, Vanity Fair captures the people, places, and ideas that are defining modern culture. From the arts and entertainment, to business and media, to politics and world affairs, Vanity Fair is what the world is talking about now. Connect with Vanity Fair online: Visit VanityFair.com: http://www.vanityfair.com Follow Vanity Fair on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/vanityfairmagazine Follow Vanity Fair on Google+: https://plus.google.com/+VanityFair/posts Follow Vanity Fair on Twitter: https://twitter.com/vanityfair Follow Vanity Fair on Instagram: http://instagram.com/vanityfair Follow Vanity Fair on Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/vanityfair/ Follow Vanity Fair on Tumblr: http://vanityfair.tumblr.com 432 Park Avenue: Tallest Residential Building in the Western Hemisphere-Eminent Domains-Vanity Fair Show of Force (http://showofforce.com/home/)- published: 22 Nov 2013
- views: 235
Independent Lens | Park Avenue: Money, Power & the American Dream | Clip | PBS
http://www.pbs.org/independentlens/park-avenue/ Premiering November 12, 2012. Check local ...
published: 10 Oct 2012
author: IndependentLens
Independent Lens | Park Avenue: Money, Power & the American Dream | Clip | PBS
Independent Lens | Park Avenue: Money, Power & the American Dream | Clip | PBS
http://www.pbs.org/independentlens/park-avenue/ Premiering November 12, 2012. Check local listings: http://www.pbs.org/independentlens/broadcast.html In this...- published: 10 Oct 2012
- views: 21506
- author: IndependentLens
666 Park Avenue On ABC (Trailer-3D)
Trailer 666 Park Avenue On ABC http://www.fun-ludo.fr http://www.facebook.com/FunLudo.fr h...
published: 15 May 2012
author: FunLudo
666 Park Avenue On ABC (Trailer-3D)
666 Park Avenue On ABC (Trailer-3D)
Trailer 666 Park Avenue On ABC http://www.fun-ludo.fr http://www.facebook.com/FunLudo.fr https://twitter.com/FunLudo.- published: 15 May 2012
- views: 483673
- author: FunLudo
Park Avenue - Non è domani - OFFICIAL VIDEO 2014
''Non è domani'' il nuovo OFFICIAL VIDEO 2014 dei Park Avenue
Iscrivetevi al canale per no...
published: 10 Jan 2014
Park Avenue - Non è domani - OFFICIAL VIDEO 2014
Park Avenue - Non è domani - OFFICIAL VIDEO 2014
''Non è domani'' il nuovo OFFICIAL VIDEO 2014 dei Park Avenue Iscrivetevi al canale per non perdere tutte le news! http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=ParkAvenueChannel I Park Avenue, giovane band che si è già fatta conoscere all'estero e in Italia con il primo Ep 'OSSIGENO', tornano nel 2014 con il singolo 'Non è domani' e il video in anteprima su TGcom24. Tratto dall'album che uscirà a Marzo, il brano parla di diversità e affronta il tema della crisi di identità. Il video visibile dal 30/12/2013 sulla pagina spettacolo, propone due opposte angolazioni della stessa storia raccontata attraverso le sensazioni, ambigue e non immediate da decifrare. Si ringrazia la partecipazione della bellissima modella brasiliana Isabelle Cutrim. https://www.facebook.com/ParkAvenueBand?fref=ts https://twitter.com/ParkAvenueMusic http://www.youtube.com/user/ParkAvenueChannel http://www.parkavenueofficial.com/ Bio: I Park Avenue nascono a Novara nel 2006 e cominciano subito la loro esperienza live proponendo i loro pezzi inediti. Si esibiscono nei più importanti locali nazionali e partecipano a numerosi concorsi, vincendo l'Emergenza Rock Festival. Suonano in Germania al Tahuberthal Open Air Festival, allo Sziget Festival di Budapest e a Praga al Rock For People, proponendo il loro repertorio inedito prima di grandi artisti internazionali tra cui Gogol Bordello, The Killers, Massive Attack, Pink e The Offspring. Dopo la loro precedente e fortunata esperienza in lingua inglese con il primo album 'Time To', che li ha portati di colpo a cavalcare grossi palchi, da Giugno del 2013 per la prima volta, si affacciano al mercato discografico con un Ep di inediti i in lingua italiana "OSSIGENO", catturando fin da subito l'attenzione di importanti network radiofonici nazionali come Virgin Radio (partner storica della band) e Radio 105 che decide di programmarli come Band Supersonic. Nell'estate 2013 il singolo OSSIGENO assieme al brano L'Enigma sono trasmessi ad alta rotazione radiofonica su Virgin Radio, Radio Montecarlo e Radio 105, ed altri network di pari importanza. La lavorazione del loro nuovo album di inediti presso i SilverLining Studios, valorizza il carattere propriamente 'live' della band e il risultato è un sound convincente che racchiude in sé temi forti e originali, alternati agli spunti intimisti delle ballad. Il loro percorso artistico seppur breve si presenta intenso e vanta prestigiose collaborazioni e innumerevoli soddisfazioni: Dall'album "TIME TO" sono stati estratti i singoli 'Golden Mind' e 'I Play' entrambi 'adottati' da Virgin Radio che ha fortemente voluto il primo nella sua compilation 'Style Rock 3' accanto a nomi prestigiosi del panorama musicale internazionale come Depeche Mode, Franz Ferdinand, Oasis. Inoltre si ricordano le esibizioni come opening act di artisti quali Ligabue nel 'Tour Stadi 2010' a Messina e Pescara, il capodanno 2011 insieme a Biagio Antonacci a Salerno, Skunk Anansie e Mogwai a Napoli, Baustelle e altri artisti di fama internazionale.- published: 10 Jan 2014
- views: 425
Historic Park Avenue - Famous Places To Go And See In New York City
If you're wondering what to see in New York City, the possibilities are endless. If you wa...
published: 12 May 2013
author: WS Westwood
Historic Park Avenue - Famous Places To Go And See In New York City
Historic Park Avenue - Famous Places To Go And See In New York City
If you're wondering what to see in New York City, the possibilities are endless. If you want to do a little sightseeing in NYC, you might find it interesting...- published: 12 May 2013
- views: 166
- author: WS Westwood
400 Park Avenue South
Watch as Pritzker Prize-winning architect Christian de Portzamparc shares his design inspi...
published: 21 Apr 2014
400 Park Avenue South
400 Park Avenue South
Watch as Pritzker Prize-winning architect Christian de Portzamparc shares his design inspiration for 400 Park Avenue South.- published: 21 Apr 2014
- views: 1839
1991 Buick Park Avenue w/ 29k miles Start Up, Exhaust, and In Depth Tour
Hello and welcome to Saabkyle04! YouTube's largest collection of automotive variety! In to...
published: 04 Mar 2012
author: saabkyle04
1991 Buick Park Avenue w/ 29k miles Start Up, Exhaust, and In Depth Tour
1991 Buick Park Avenue w/ 29k miles Start Up, Exhaust, and In Depth Tour
Hello and welcome to Saabkyle04! YouTube's largest collection of automotive variety! In today's video, we will take an up close and personal in depth look at...- published: 04 Mar 2012
- views: 46732
- author: saabkyle04
Youtube results:
Park Avenue - L'Enigma - Bside Ep OSSIGENO
L'Enigma é il B-side del mini Ep "OSSIGENO", con il quale i Park Avenue sono ritornati in ...
published: 04 Jan 2014
Park Avenue - L'Enigma - Bside Ep OSSIGENO
Park Avenue - L'Enigma - Bside Ep OSSIGENO
L'Enigma é il B-side del mini Ep "OSSIGENO", con il quale i Park Avenue sono ritornati in radio con la loro prima esperienza in lingua italiana. Il singololo Ossigeno é stato trasmesso da Giugno a Settembre su Radio 105, Radio Montecarlo,Virgin Radio ed ancor ora in programmazione. Virgin Radio ha creduto anche nel brano L'Enigma, mandandolo in programmazioine dal 01/08/2013 sulla sua emittente, ed ora i Park Avenue in collaborazione con Nooko.com hanno deciso di donare a L'Enigma il video che si meritava ed al loro publico l'inizio di una lunga serie di iniziative che vedranno varie versioni del brano remixate da importanti crews di DJ di differenti generi musicali dal Dance floor alla Drum&Bass.; https://www.facebook.com/ParkAvenueBand?fref=ts https://twitter.com/ParkAvenueMusic http://www.youtube.com/user/ParkAvenueChannel http://www.parkavenueofficial.com/ https://itunes.apple.com/it/album/ossigeno-single/id656633883.- published: 04 Jan 2014
- views: 429
Helena Mattsson in 666 Park Avenue (all episodes)
published: 30 Mar 2013
author: Павел Соколов
Helena Mattsson in 666 Park Avenue (all episodes)
Helena Mattsson in 666 Park Avenue (all episodes)
- published: 30 Mar 2013
- views: 2370
- author: Павел Соколов
The Royal Philharmonic Concert Orchestra / Park Avenue Beat (Perry Mason Theme)
1994 album Television Themes: 16 Most Requested Songs The original theme scored by Fred St...
published: 12 Dec 2010
author: jazzysclassicjazz
The Royal Philharmonic Concert Orchestra / Park Avenue Beat (Perry Mason Theme)
The Royal Philharmonic Concert Orchestra / Park Avenue Beat (Perry Mason Theme)
1994 album Television Themes: 16 Most Requested Songs The original theme scored by Fred Steiner. Richard Dick DeBenedictis (born 1937) is an American compose...- published: 12 Dec 2010
- views: 29310
- author: jazzysclassicjazz
740 Park Avenue 140601
740 - Park Avenue
Die Park Avenue in New York zieht sich quer durch Manhatten, bevor sie a...
published: 01 Jun 2014
740 Park Avenue 140601
740 Park Avenue 140601
740 - Park Avenue Die Park Avenue in New York zieht sich quer durch Manhatten, bevor sie auf der anderen Flussseite die Bronx erreicht. Eine Doku über das Heute und die Menschen in New York.- published: 01 Jun 2014
- views: 9