| Ph. (03) 9639 8623

RISE: Refugees Survivors and Ex-Detainees

RISE acknowledges that the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are the original owners and custodians of the land that we live and work on.

RISE Support Services offer help in addressing initial critical settlement needs of refugees. Our involvement across these areas is as a go between, advocating and facilitating migrant needs with relevant governmental departments and NGO partners. RISE provides services to address five essential settlement issues: housing, access to welfare support, employment, education and driving. RISE settlement services deliver support and assistance to refugees and asylum seekers, address community needs

Housing: RISE works in partnership with local authorities and neighbourhood services to ensure the sensitive and appropriate accommodation of refugees. RISE also seeks to minimise homelessness amongst refugee communities by assisting with the provision of emergency and crisis accommodation.

Welfare Support: RISE assist with access to numerous welfare services by providing support with the various complexities of applying & receiving benefits. RISE also acts as a referral agency for newly arrived families and youth in need of various resources including furniture, books and home wares to help establish their new lives.

Employment & Resume Clinic: RISE facilitates pathways to employment for refugees by providing training, job searching support, and assistance with resume and interview preparation. RISE works directly with employment providers and seeks to assist refugees to secure meaningful employment.

For more info or to register for our housing, welfare support and employment services, please email or call us at 03 9639 8623.