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Palestine-Israel, The joint struggle on the background of Israel preparation for withdrawal*

category mashriq / arabia / iraq | community struggles | news report author Wednesday April 30, 2014 00:03author by Ilan S. - AAtW, ainfos Ahdut (Unity)author email ilan.shalif at gmail dot comauthor address Tel Aviv Report this post to the editors

Bil'in, Ni'lin, Nabi Saleh, Qaddum, Ma'sara, Sheikh Jarrah, South of Hebron Hills

The Israeli Zionist-capitalist elite start to feel that the point of a showdown is nearing fast. They already realized the total backup of the US is diminishing due to the change in its global interests and diminishing of its power... but it still gambling that dragging time may increase their gains in the sphere of lands grabbing and domination on the future Palestinian state. However, the painful understanding that they will not get all that they demanded all the time since the Oslo agreement is already here. The Palestinian ruling elites in the west bank and in Gaza too are on their compromising road as the Fatah old guard and the Hamas are now contemplating sharing the spoils. The joint struggle which contribute its share to the world wide mounting pressure on Israel to compromise continue in spite of the increasing pressure of Israel to put end to it.


Nabi Saleh

Friday 25/04/2014 Marking the historical unity accords between the rival political factions, Fatah and Hamas, Palestinians, accompanied by Israeli and international solidarity activists marched today in the village of Nabi Saleh. The IOF responded with barrages of tear gas canisters, rubber coated steel bullets and stun grenades, injuring a journalist, who was taken to hospital for medical attention.
Haim Schwarczenberg


Friday 25/04/2014
Samantha Comizzoli

Odai Qaddomi


200 people of whom 100 were children were trying to pray on the hill of Qaryut. As prayers finished and the people began to return home the soldiers began to shoot. 15 people suffocated due to tear gas inhalation.

South of Hebron Hills

Activists joined Farmers resisting transfer. Those who can, harvest. And those who cannot, sit in the shade and upload pictures to the internet


Sunday 27-4-14 Today: Uriel Ferera, 19-year-old orthodox Jew from Be׳er Sheva, enters the Tel Ha'Shomer Military Base, where he will announce his refusal to draft to Israeli army service, April 27, 2014. Uriel says he refuses to take part in the occupation and that his request for civil service instead of a military one was rejected by the army. (Oren Ziv, Yotam Ronen/
After the demo he entered the recruiting facility, refused to be recruited to the army mandatory service and was sentenced to the first period of 20 days in jail.
Uriel wearing the shirt the father of the musician Drus refusnic Omar Saad brought him.
* From my blog at:
See at the blog previous reports about the joint struggles the Anarchists Against the Wall take part in.
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Ahdut (Unity) blog:

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Mortar Volume 2

Mashriq / Arabia / Iraq | Community struggles | News Report | en

Thu 03 Jul, 07:13

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Israeli-Palestinian protest against national service. (Photo: RutySoft Galeria) imagePalestine-Israel: In the Beitunia murder, the joint struggle again highlights the most important asp... 21:47 Wed 28 May by Ilan S. 0 comments

Many objections were raised about the participation of Israelis in the non-armed struggle in the areas of Palestine occupied in the 1967 war. Some, mostly Palestinians, regarded it as a contribution to so called "normalization". Others claimed that Israeli activists should do their struggle within the Israeli population of the 1948 borders. Many anarchists raised reservations as the Palestinian popular struggle is a kind of capitalist "national independence struggle" for the self-determination of the Palestinian capitalist elite to monopolize the option for the exploitation of the Palestinian working masses - they just ignore the fact that most Palestinians wish for a bi-national democratic whole Palestine and not for a national Palestinian State. Others just do not take upon themselves the obligation to serve as a life-saving shield, as Israeli policy officially forbids the state forces to shoot to kill when Israelis are supposed to be among the demonstrators. Indigenous people struggle against settler colonialist transfer and marginalization is NOT the same as a national Bourgeoisie for "national independence" or "national self-determination". [Italiano]

textPalestine-Israel, The joint struggle activists insist in the efforts to change the world* 22:02 Mon 19 May by Ilan S. 0 comments

Week after week, on weekend and in the week-days to anarchists and other activists insist of leaning our Shoulders on the wheels of history that revolve too slow and push them as much as we can. There is not much of energy in the masses and many activists lost the urge to participate, but still many of us persist and join the meager efforts of the Palestinians who resist the advancing transfer efforts of the Israeli Zionist project and its state forces. The international solidarity activists who join us bring with them the echoes of world wide expanding support and the message that our struggle contribute a lot to it. The frustrated Israeli state forces continue their murderous efforts to extinguish the popular struggle adding live ammunition from time to time like the last week at the demo in Bitunia (near the Ofer concentration camp) but retreat under mounting international pressure. [Italiano]

textPalestine-Israel, The moment of truth is nearing, but short time considerations still block it* 04:25 Wed 07 May by Ilan S. 0 comments

The mounting pressure of world imperial powers seems to cause a section of Israel capitalist elite to accept the compromise offered by the Palestinian elite. Another section still want to delay the deal either to enjoy the short term gains or to improve the deal. They think that they can delay the settlement till the November election in the US with out any risk. Mean time the creeping transfer efforts continue mainly in the C areas of the occupied west bank and the suppression of Palestinian popular rebellion. The popular struggle continue both to slow the creeping transfer and to recruit international pressure to quicken the end of occupation. The joint struggle in the south Hebron hill help the Palestinian farmers Tsumud (persistence), in he Sheik Jarakh it help to curb the transfer in the East of Jerusalem. In Bil'in, Ni'ilin, Qaddum, and Ma'asara it help to freeze the murderous suppression of the popular struggle at large.

textPalestine-Israel, Though it seems lot of things are going to change soon - it is in a slow motion* 04:26 Wed 23 Apr by Ilan S. 0 comments

The prolonged status quo between the Israeli ruling elite and the Palestinian elite reach a climax. Changes in the balances of power within the Israeli capitalist elite is still in slow motion, but you can feel the vibrations. The joint struggle of the Palestinian grass root activists and the Israeli radicals is not expanding, but the new wave of total refusnic military service of Israeli youth - which already passed the hundred seems promising. The joint struggle in Bil'in, Ni'ilin, Nabi Saleh, Qaddum, Sheikh Jarah, South Hebron Hills, Arkib (within Israel) and other places from time to time keep the flame in spite of the harsh repression. The involvement of Israeli Jews and to a lesser measure international activists still prevent a massive bloody massacre of the unarmed Palestinian demonstrators. [Italiano]

textPalestine-Israel The struggle and the joint struggle continue in spite of the stand still* 13:34 Mon 14 Apr by Ilan S. 0 comments

May be it is because the Arabic Spring and the wave in the developed countries raised too much the hopes for change followed by disillusions. May be it was (like the big wave in Israel that mobilized about 10% of the population) a kind of releasing pressure valve... The struggle still continue, but the number of participants diminished and the moral of those who continue is not high. The smaller flame of hope for a radical change in our tortured home land is nourished by the change in the imperial power balance, the gradual withdrawal of the US from the region and the increasing pressure for change by Europe with the B.D.S. at its front. But, the joint struggle continue, and the gradual bunt out of many of the old timer activists of the anarchists against the wall is partly replaced by the new wave of total refusnics of mandatory military service for high school graduates and the activists of the anarchist-communist Ahdut. [Italiano]

textPalestine-Israel, The joint popular struggle continues to backdrop of "talks" that change nothing 18:23 Fri 04 Apr by Ilan S. 0 comments

The joint struggle continues; even many activists have been "burned out" while waiting for short-term gains and victories. The advances in the international arena are paradoxically reducing the flame of most people in spite of the increase in suppression efforts by the anxious settlers and the Israeli authorities. The hard core of the activists continue their struggle in spite of the increased suppression, encouraged by every small success, by every tear grenade returned to the harassers, by every failure to cut a demonstration short. Bil'in, Ni'lin, Nabi Saleh, Ma'sara, the South Hebron Hills, and Sheikh Jarrah continue the weekly demonstrations in a stubborn mood of "tsumud" (persistence) - the long, long refusal to yield to the expulsion-transfer of the Zionist settler project. [Italiano]

textPalestine-Israel, The joint struggle continue on back ground of an immanent crash of "negotiations* 02:35 Thu 20 Mar by Ilan S. 0 comments

The political negotiations intended to prevent the involvement of international forums by the Palestinian ruling elite do not stop the joint struggle of popular movement which invigorate the B.D.S. efforts and the local non armed struggle. The increased suppression of the struggling communities and the transfer efforts in a choice location do not extinguish the flames of struggle and the persistent of the "Tsumud". Night raids in Ni'ilin, Bil'in, Nabi Saleh, and Qaddum, and arrests increase. The threats of dispersing the Friday demos with live ammunition towards the stone throwing Shabab is expressed from time to time by shots at youth legs. In Bil'in, the members of the Israeli anarcho-communist organization start to fill the gap resulted from the diminishing participation of the anarchists against the wall initiative. Our black and redNblack flags are accepted in a friendly mode. [Italiano]

textPalestine-Israel, The more Israel is threatened by B.D.S. the more vicious is to the Palestinians* 00:19 Wed 12 Mar by Ilan S. 0 comments

The emergence of the B.D.S. finds its expressions in both the Israeli media, the ruling elite, and the medium level of the capitalists. The harassment of the Ni'ilin, Nabi Saleh, and Qaddum is not applied to Bil'in which is in the focus of international attention. It seems the state forces got specific orders to be much more "lenient" even with the stones throwing Shabab. Lot of the Israeli activists lost their persistence as the development on the ground is not expanding and the advance of the B.D.S. is too abstract for them. For many Israeli and the Palestinian activists the big picture is not clear enough and they do not feel that we are winning. They do not really feel the satisfaction from the fact that our joint struggle is the important leaning point the lever of the B.D.S. need for its success. [Italiano]

textPalestine-Israel The imminent crash of belligerent Zionism push the elite to desperate acceleration* 02:11 Tue 04 Mar by Ilan S. 0 comments

The acceleration of the B.D.S. and international pressure to yield a bit cause near panic in the more ideological Zionist elite. Their response is the acceleration of suppression of the Palestinians and efforts to transfer them from key areas that the die hards dream of holding for ever. The Israeli state force back the irregular settlers and initiate lot of action itself. The harassment of the Ni'ilin, Nabi Saleh, and Qaddum who are not in the focus of international media is more vicious than ever. Bil'in, that earned international fame and attention of media, got partial immunity. The chanting of the demonstrators expressed the real opinion on the two states pseudo solution: "free free Palestine from the river to the sea". The "no state redNblack flags" which the anarchist-communist Ahdut members hold high in Bil'in demos are accepted without any reservation. [Italiano]

textPalestine-Israel, The smell of the nearing victory the joint struggle contribute to so much to.* 03:12 Tue 25 Feb by Ilan S. 0 comments

The Israeli media is nearly obsessed with the escalation of the B.D.S. as if they know things they do not disclose. Both supporters and rejectors of the end of the occupation start to regard it as immanent and not in the far future. A section of the Israeli capitalist elite which is suffering from the boycott and fear its escalation start to organize to accelerate the end of occupation. 100 of them traveled for the Davos conference and official organization was established. On the ground, it seems that the efforts of the Israeli state forces escalate their repression of on going struggles and make more efforts to transfer villagers from strategic locations. Bil'in will celebrate the ninth anniversary of the ongoing struggle on the 28th of February. [Italiano]

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imageHorizons for the Syrian revolution May 23 by Mazen Kalmamaz 0 comments

The main features of the Syrian revolution are its youthful, spontaneous aspect, and the fact that it was created on the streets and is linked directly to the people. It is a revolution without centralized control, led by insurgent individuals. Consequently, no-one can claim to govern it or lead and the reason is simple: the young insurgents rose up spontaneously and there are no signs of participation by religious elements, whose ideas are extremely reactionary, or indeed by any other tendency. [العربية ]

textBlood-baath in Syria and proletarian direct action Feb 15 Class War Group 0 comments

Greetings to proletarians in struggle in Syria, Egypt, Tunisia... and all over the world!

imageItalian speaking tour of an Anarchist Against the Wall Apr 07 Federazione dei Comunisti Anarchici 0 comments

From 5-15 April 2009, a member of Anarchists Against the Wall, Haggai Matar (well-known also for his anti-militarist work, since he was one of the first of the new wave of political objectors to military service), will be in Italy for a speaking tour with the dual aim of providing updates on the current situation in the struggle against the wall and the occupation, and of collecting funds for the activities of AAtW. If you can, please come to one of the events below. If you are unable to attend but you want to contribute to the work of AAtW, please log on to for details on how to do so. [Italian]

textAnarchists Against the Wall and Bil'in Popular Committee awarded Carl von Ossietzky Medal Oct 17 1 comments

Anarchists Against the Wall and the Bil'in Popular Committee exemplify the nonviolent resistance to the Israeli-built "Separation Wall" on Palestinian land, as well as steadfastness in the diverse grass-root campaigns against the Israeli Occupation of the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

imageIsrael-Palestine: The murder of Ahmad Husam Yousef Mousa Jul 30 0 comments

Ahmad Husam Yousef Mousa, 10 years old, was murdered yesterday as he demonstrated together with his friends against the separation wall which is being constructed on the lands of his village Ni'ilin. When Ahmad and his friends reached the construction site the soldiers shot rubber bullets at them and they began to
retreat. At that point one of the soldiers shot a live round at Ahmad's head from a distance of about 10 meters.

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