LIVE: Barroso's State of the Union address
European Commission President José Manuel Barroso has delivered a State of the Union speec...
published: 11 Sep 2013
LIVE: Barroso's State of the Union address
LIVE: Barroso's State of the Union address
European Commission President José Manuel Barroso has delivered a State of the Union speech similar in style to that of the US President for the past three years. Addressing the European Parliament, the Commission President talks about his visions for Europe and reveals new action plans for the year ahead. The fourth State of the Union speech will take place at the European Parliament in Strasbourg at 9 am CET. euronews, the most watched news channel in Europe Subscribe for your daily dose of international news, curated and explained:http://eurone.ws/10ZCK4a Euronews is available in 13 other languages: http://eurone.ws/17moBCU Find us on: Youtube http://bit.ly/zr3upY Facebook http://www.facebook.com/euronews.fans Twitter http://twitter.com/euronews- published: 11 Sep 2013
- views: 0
Nigel Farage offers Barroso some cooling news (State of the Union 2013)
http://www.ukipmeps.org | http://twitter.com/Nigel_Farage
Join UKIP: http://ukip.datawareo...
published: 11 Sep 2013
Nigel Farage offers Barroso some cooling news (State of the Union 2013)
Nigel Farage offers Barroso some cooling news (State of the Union 2013)
http://www.ukipmeps.org | http://twitter.com/Nigel_Farage Join UKIP: http://ukip.datawareonline.co.uk/JoinOnline.aspx?type=1 Translations into Italian, French and Polish here: http://www.ukipmeps.org/articles_714_Farage-offers-Barroso-some-cooling-news.html • European Parliament, Strasbourg, 11 September 2013 • Speaker: Nigel Farage MEP, Leader of the UK Independence Party (UKIP), Co-President of the 'Europe of Freedom and Democracy' (EFD) Group in the European Parliament - http://nigelfaragemep.co.uk With a response from José Manuel Barroso, President of the EU Commission and a cameo appearance by Guy VERHOFSTADT MEP (Belgium), President of the Liberal group (ALDE) • Debate: State of the Union Statement by the President of the Commission [2013/2623(RSP)] Transcript Round One Well, Mr Barroso, not just you but the entire unelected government of Europe and a chance perhaps for our citizens to reflect on where the real power lies in this Union. I've listened to you for nearly ten years - full marks for consistency - you are a man that likes fixed ideology, you probably picked it up when you were a communist or Maoist, or whatever you were, and for the last ten years you've pursued euro-federalism combined with an increasing green obsession. And yes, it's been good - for bureaucrats, for big businessmen, for landowners, it has not been a bad decade. But it has been a disaster for poor people, unemployed people and those on low wages. The euro which you believed would give us monetary stability has done the very opposite, it was a misconstruction from the start, and it's pretty clear that youth unemployment, at nearly 50% across the Mediterranean, is probably nearly double what it would have been as a direct result of the misconstruction that is the euro. They're in the wrong currency, but I know that you'll never ever admit to that, and the euro I think will die a very slow and painful death. But you're all in denial about that. But it's the green agenda that I find really more interesting. You keep telling us that climate change is an absolute top priority, and you've been greeted with almost hysteria in this place over the last ten years. Well, those of us who have been sceptical about this have been mocked, derided, called 'deniers'. We've argued from the start that the science wasn't settled, and we've argued very strongly that the measures we're taking to combat what may or may not be a problem are damaging our citizens. And we've been proved to be right. Tens of millions forced into fuel poverty, manufacturing industry being driven away because of course our competitors in China and in America are going for cheap fossil alternatives and of course wind turbines blighting the landscapes and seascapes of Europe. And still today you go on about green growth. Well, the consensus is breaking behind you - you know, [Industry] Commissioner Tajani the other day said that actually we face a systematic industrial massacre. It is time to stop this stupidity and to help you [holds up colour pictures] there is the NASA photograph last August of the northern icecaps. And there is the NASA photograph this year of the icecaps. They increased by 60% in one year. Leading American scientists are now saying we are going into a period of between 15-30 years of global cooling. We may have made one of the biggest stupidest collective mistakes in history by getting so worrying about global warming. You can reverse this in the next seven or eight months. You can bring down peoples' taxes. If you don't, they will vote on it in the European elections of next year. Round TWO "Well next year's European elections will not be contested on the old division lines of left and right and several group leaders have agreed with that today. Frankly that is all irrelevant. It will be contested between those of us who believe in national democracy within the nation state; and those who believe that the 28 countries that are part of the EU are better governed by these institutions. That in a sense is what this comes down to. But Mr Barroso, those of us who believe in national democracy do not want to take us back to the Western Front or 1914. Those of us who believe in national democracy will say to you that it is a healthy assertion of identity. But it also shows a deeper understanding of why the problems of Europe were caused in the past. It is democratic nation states in Europe that are stable and will not go to war with each other. I will remind people that without the vote in the House of Commons two weeks ago that we would now be at war in Syria. What better proof can there be that nation state democracy can be a force for good. .................................. Video source: EbS (European Parliament) ..................................- published: 11 Sep 2013
- views: 371
Brussels Commie Jose Manuel Barroso (16Feb14)
European Communist Jose Manuel Barroso talks shit about the Ponzi Euro currency, and lying...
published: 16 Feb 2014
Brussels Commie Jose Manuel Barroso (16Feb14)
Brussels Commie Jose Manuel Barroso (16Feb14)
European Communist Jose Manuel Barroso talks shit about the Ponzi Euro currency, and lying that Scotland would need to join European Union of they split from UK as it's "a new country".... well so too would the UK be new, and they too would need to re-apply. Barroso is freedom and democracy hating lying piece of crap. Recorded from BBC1 HD, Andrew Marr Show, 16 February 2014.- published: 16 Feb 2014
- views: 855
Barroso lashes out at British Conservatives in European Parliament
Speaking before the European Parliament, President of the European Commission Jose Manuel ...
published: 03 Jul 2012
author: EUXTV
Barroso lashes out at British Conservatives in European Parliament
Barroso lashes out at British Conservatives in European Parliament
Speaking before the European Parliament, President of the European Commission Jose Manuel Barroso on Tuesday said that "he was puzzled" by British Conservati...- published: 03 Jul 2012
- views: 34888
- author: EUXTV
Marco Aurélio Mello chama Luís Roberto Barroso de 'novato'
Marco Aurélio Mello chama Luís Roberto Barroso de 'novato'
Discussão entre ministros marco...
published: 13 Sep 2013
Marco Aurélio Mello chama Luís Roberto Barroso de 'novato'
Marco Aurélio Mello chama Luís Roberto Barroso de 'novato'
Marco Aurélio Mello chama Luís Roberto Barroso de 'novato' Discussão entre ministros marcou a sessão de hoje no ST RIO — Ao votar de forma contrária à aceitação dos embargos infringentes, o ministro do Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF) Marco Aurélio Mello alfinetou o ministro Luís Roberto Barroso, que é o mais novo membro da Corte e que na quarta-feira se posicionou de forma favorável aos recursos que poderão dar um novo julgamento a 11 dos 25 condenados no processo do mensalão. Chamou-o de "novato" e disse que ele não foi suficientemente convincente ao defender sua posição na Corte. — Como quase tudo que faço na vida, faço o que considero certo. Sou um juiz que me considero pautado pelo que é certo, correto. O que vai sair no jornal do dia seguinte não faz diferença para mim — defendeu-se Barroso. — Pois para mim, faz! — retrucou Marco Aurélio, lembrando que o STF construiu uma imagem positiva nos últimos meses e que não deveria colocá-la em risco. Barroso então voltou ao microfone: — Fico muito feliz quando uma decisão do tribunal constitucional coincide com a opinião pública. Mas se o resultado não for (coincidente), aceito a responsabilidade do meu cargo. Não julgamos para a multidão, julgamos pessoas. E disse ainda que gostaria de perguntar às pessoas sobre a seguinte situação: "se seu pai, seu irmão, seu filho estivessem na reta final do julgamento e fosse necessário mudar a regra para mudar a vida deles", o que fariam — referindo-se ao que ele considera ser a mudança de regras proposta pela adoção dos embargos infringentes pelo STF. Marco Aurélio resolveu continuar o debate: — Já disse que se com o meu voto, com ciência e consciência possuirmos, tiver que ir para o paredão, vou para o paredão. (...) Não me impressiona o transporte da situação enfrentada para o campo familiar, mesmo porque, se parente até o terceiro grau (fosse) eu não poderia julgar. (...) Mas não é disso que se trata. Estamos aqui reunidos e tenho certeza de que meu voto não está incomodando a quem quer que seja, a não ser os acusados, que estão assistindo os julgamentos em algum lugar. E ainda na carga, Marco Aurélio continuou: — Vejo que o novato parte para a crítica ao próprio colegiado, como partiu em votos anteriores, no que chegou a apontar que, se estivesse a julgar, não decidiria da forma mediante a qual decidimos. Estimado amigo Barroso, nós precisamos nos completar. (...) Não respondi a Vossa Excelência sobre a crítica que, para mim, não foi velada, foi uma crítica direta, porque achei que não era bom para a instituição a autofagia. (...) Vossa Excelência (referindo-se a Barroso) elogiou um dos acusados — lembrou Marco Aurélio, referindo-se à sessão de julgamento dos embargos de declaração no qual Luís Roberto Barroso comentou a situação do réu José Genuíno. À época, Barroso disse que lamentava condenar "um homem que participou da resistência a ditadura no Brasil num tempo em que isso exigiria abnegação e muitos riscos", que lamentava condenar "o homem que lutou pela redemocratização" e "condenar um homem que, segundo todas as fontes, leva uma vida modesta e jamais lucrou com a política". Barroso então voltou a falar. — Não tenho nenhum direito de polemizar com essa Corte. O fato de eventualmente divergir não significa crítica ou que os outros ministros estejam errados e eu, certo. (...) No geral, acompanhei as decisões e disse, mais de uma vez, que considerei extraordinário o trabalho que desenvolveu (referindo-se ao ministro Joaquim Barbosa), e a coragem do revisor (Ricardo Lewandowski) de defender suas ideias. Se alguém do tribunal se sentiu ofendido, não era a intenção. (...) Votei de acordo com minha consciência — concluiu ele, encerrando o debate. http://oglobo.globo.com/pais/marco-aurelio-mello-chama-luis-roberto-barroso-de-novato-9940318 Curta nossa página no Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MobilizacaoPatriota- published: 13 Sep 2013
- views: 6243
ADPF 54 - Anencefalia - Sustentação Oral Profº Luís Roberto Barroso
published: 13 Apr 2012
author: Vandelson Bispo
ADPF 54 - Anencefalia - Sustentação Oral Profº Luís Roberto Barroso
ADPF 54 - Anencefalia - Sustentação Oral Profº Luís Roberto Barroso
- published: 13 Apr 2012
- views: 20570
- author: Vandelson Bispo
Entrevista ministro Luís Roberto Barroso (26/06/13)
published: 26 Jun 2013
author: Jornal da Justiça
Entrevista ministro Luís Roberto Barroso (26/06/13)
Entrevista ministro Luís Roberto Barroso (26/06/13)
- published: 26 Jun 2013
- views: 1226
- author: Jornal da Justiça
Nigel Farage destroys Barroso's euro-commie crap again
Nigel Farage completely demolishes commissar Barroso's speech (read: diktats). "It's time ...
published: 14 Sep 2013
Nigel Farage destroys Barroso's euro-commie crap again
Nigel Farage destroys Barroso's euro-commie crap again
Nigel Farage completely demolishes commissar Barroso's speech (read: diktats). "It's time to stop this stupidity" (Farage referring to global warming)- published: 14 Sep 2013
- views: 198
EU President Jose Manuel Barroso: WTF Scotland is like Kosov a new country & not welcomed in the EU
1 strike PLZ sub to my back up channel
published: 16 Feb 2014
EU President Jose Manuel Barroso: WTF Scotland is like Kosov a new country & not welcomed in the EU
EU President Jose Manuel Barroso: WTF Scotland is like Kosov a new country & not welcomed in the EU
1 strike PLZ sub to my back up channel http://www.youtube.com/channel/UC06StA75rt3uUM_EKXC413g Join Cip n Kev on our Radio show G.U.N.N Sundays 6pm - 8pmUK time http://truthfrequencyradio.com/schedule/ All my links : https://www.facebook.com/cipsclips http://www.facebook.com/pages/Freedom-news-HUB/196931600444224?skip_nax_wizard=true https://www.facebook.com/groups/576642195730651/ https://twitter.com/houstoncraig google.com/+cipsclips Plz sub to my channel to keep up to date with all the latest news and updates And plz thumbs up if your glad I brought this info to your attention even if you don't agree with the point of view EU President Jose Manuel Barroso : WTF Scotland is like Kosov "a new country " & will not be welcomed in the EU !!- published: 16 Feb 2014
- views: 47
President Barroso on the current situation in Ukraine
"(...) Those young people in the streets of Ukraine, with freezing temperatures, are writi...
published: 09 Dec 2013
President Barroso on the current situation in Ukraine
President Barroso on the current situation in Ukraine
"(...) Those young people in the streets of Ukraine, with freezing temperatures, are writing the new narrative for Europe(...). My appeal to all the intellectuals, to all men and women of culture, to all citizens, is not to give up to this defeatism, is to have the courage to fight the negative forces because yes, the populist forces, the extremist forces are negative forces that are today under a theme that is very often an anti-European theme, making the revival of the all demons of Europe, like extreme nationalism, like xenophobia, sometimes racism -- these are negative values. It is important, in face of these challenges - instead of keeping ourselves in the comfort zone, namely the so called establishment parties - to have the courage to go out and fight, not to give up to those arguments, to explain with reasonable and rational arguments - sometimes for some of us with emotion - why we care about Europe, why Europe is something we must cherish precisely to defend these values. And if sometimes in Europe some of us have doubts about how important these values are, just look at Ukraine. " http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_MEMO-13-1116_en.htm- published: 09 Dec 2013
- views: 207
Nigel Farage: Barroso to kompletny idiota
Nigel Farage, lider UKIP, komentuje dla kanału "Fox" wypowiedź Barroso na szczycie G20 w M...
published: 30 Jun 2012
author: KarasekUS
Nigel Farage: Barroso to kompletny idiota
Nigel Farage: Barroso to kompletny idiota
Nigel Farage, lider UKIP, komentuje dla kanału "Fox" wypowiedź Barroso na szczycie G20 w Meksyku oraz kryzys euro. Transkrypt tego wideo jest dostępny na: ht...- published: 30 Jun 2012
- views: 74462
- author: KarasekUS
Sabatina STF: Pedro Taques faz questionamentos a Barroso
Sabatina STF: Pedro Taques faz questionamentos a Barroso. (05.06) Imagens: TV Senado....
published: 05 Jun 2013
author: tvtaques
Sabatina STF: Pedro Taques faz questionamentos a Barroso
Sabatina STF: Pedro Taques faz questionamentos a Barroso
Sabatina STF: Pedro Taques faz questionamentos a Barroso. (05.06) Imagens: TV Senado.- published: 05 Jun 2013
- views: 4598
- author: tvtaques
Barroso "lamenta" ter que condenar Genoino
Ministro do STF ressalta a luta do deputado federal (PT-SP) contra a ditadura, mas mantém ...
published: 29 Aug 2013
Barroso "lamenta" ter que condenar Genoino
Barroso "lamenta" ter que condenar Genoino
Ministro do STF ressalta a luta do deputado federal (PT-SP) contra a ditadura, mas mantém posição de não analisar questões de mérito nos embargos de declaração e rejeita os recursos do petista. Para Rafael Zanatta, professor da Direito GV, essa postura pode não se repetir nos embargos infringentes- published: 29 Aug 2013
- views: 189
Farage: 'Barroso in the Bunker' planning world domination
http://www.ukipmeps.org • European Parliament, Brussels - 12 October 2011 • Speaker: Nigel...
published: 12 Oct 2011
author: europarl
Farage: 'Barroso in the Bunker' planning world domination
Farage: 'Barroso in the Bunker' planning world domination
http://www.ukipmeps.org • European Parliament, Brussels - 12 October 2011 • Speaker: Nigel Farage MEP, UKIP, Co-President of the EFD Group in the European Pa...- published: 12 Oct 2011
- views: 56393
- author: europarl
Vimeo results:
Una película de Lisa Tillinger y Gerardo Barroso Alcalá...
published: 20 Feb 2013
author: Gerardo Barroso
Una película de Lisa Tillinger y Gerardo Barroso Alcalá
Bernardo Barroso Summer 2011
Bernardo Barroso 20 years old, Portugal, sponsored by turbo bodyboards, mutant wetsuits, s...
published: 30 Sep 2011
author: bernardo barroso
Bernardo Barroso Summer 2011
Bernardo Barroso 20 years old, Portugal, sponsored by turbo bodyboards, mutant wetsuits, stealth fins, bana surfshop, wiser clothing .
Filmed in a few sessions in this summer (2011).
Special Thanks: Family, friends, Indodreams Lda , Invert Lda .
hope you enjoy !
The Last Ride of the Chatham Bookmobile
A victim of government cutbacks, the Chatham County bookmobile will no longer serve the pr...
published: 17 Jul 2011
author: Mark Barroso
The Last Ride of the Chatham Bookmobile
A victim of government cutbacks, the Chatham County bookmobile will no longer serve the pre-school children, seniors, and other residents of the 709 square mile county in North Carolina. For 53 years, promoting literacy and providing residents with convenient access to books was considered an important role of government. Newly elected county commissioners do not share that view.
Original music by Paul Ford.
Youtube results:
"Vivemos a época da tolerância", diz Barroso em sabatina no Senado
Durante sabatina na Comissão de Constituição e Justiça do Senado, o advogado Luís Roberto ...
published: 05 Jun 2013
author: Senado Federal
"Vivemos a época da tolerância", diz Barroso em sabatina no Senado
"Vivemos a época da tolerância", diz Barroso em sabatina no Senado
Durante sabatina na Comissão de Constituição e Justiça do Senado, o advogado Luís Roberto Barroso falou sobre a sua filosofia de vida. Ele afirmou crer "no b...- published: 05 Jun 2013
- views: 2220
- author: Senado Federal
Barroso dans son bunker planifiant la domination du monde - Nigel Farage
Parlement Européen, Bruxelles - 12 Octobre 2011 ▻ Orateurs: - Nigel Farage député Européen...
published: 13 Oct 2011
author: kevinz
Barroso dans son bunker planifiant la domination du monde - Nigel Farage
Barroso dans son bunker planifiant la domination du monde - Nigel Farage
Parlement Européen, Bruxelles - 12 Octobre 2011 ▻ Orateurs: - Nigel Farage député Européen, UKIP, coprésident du groupe 'Europe libertés démocratie' ▻ Déba...- published: 13 Oct 2011
- views: 7445
- author: kevinz
Barroso: "figures show start of economic recovery" - global conversation
Answering questions for European citizens on euronews' "Global...
euronews, the most watc...
published: 12 Sep 2013
Barroso: "figures show start of economic recovery" - global conversation
Barroso: "figures show start of economic recovery" - global conversation
Answering questions for European citizens on euronews' "Global... euronews, the most watched news channel in Europe Subscribe for your daily dose of international news, curated and explained:http://eurone.ws/10ZCK4a Euronews is available in 13 other languages: http://eurone.ws/17moBCU http://www.euronews.com/2013/09/12/barroso-figures-show-start-of-economic-recovery Answering questions for European citizens on euronews' "Global Conversation":http://bit.ly/1d5C9oa on Thursday night, following his "State of the Union" speech, the President of the European Commission José Manuel Barroso began by saying he believed the Russian plan to take Syria's chemical weapons "should be tried". He then went on to sound cautiously optimistic about a return of growth, but said high unemployment was "socially unacceptable". Find us on: Youtube http://bit.ly/zr3upY Facebook http://www.facebook.com/euronews.fans Twitter http://twitter.com/euronews- published: 12 Sep 2013
- views: 44
Statement by President Barroso on Ukraine - Euromaidan
"It was with shock and utter dismay that we have been watching developments over the last ...
published: 19 Feb 2014
Statement by President Barroso on Ukraine - Euromaidan
Statement by President Barroso on Ukraine - Euromaidan
"It was with shock and utter dismay that we have been watching developments over the last 24 hours in Ukraine...We therefore expect that targeted measures against those responsible for violence and use of excessive force can be agreed by our Member States as a matter of urgency" See the press release http://europa.eu/!Xb78Pd- published: 19 Feb 2014
- views: 349