West Nile Virus Symptoms
- Duration: 3:34
- Updated: 21 Nov 2013
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Did you know that people who are infected with west nile virus can die from inflammation of the brain, and that is why it's very important to know what the symptoms are. This virus really can be found almost everywhere in the world that has a somewhat tropical climate. Originally it was discovered in Uganda in 1937, but later spread all over the world and in the 1990's hit the U.S.
The good news is that we do know exactly what causes this problem, and it's an infected mosquito that bites someone. If you're like me and mosquitos love me, this may not seem like good news but, since we do know what causes it this does make preventing it a little easier.
There have been cases of someone getting this disease through blood transfusions and organ transplants but it's not very common. What happens is the virus moves around the mosquito's bloodstream and into the salivary glands. Then when it bites someone it transmits the virus. More good news is that the virus itself while can be annoying, doesn't do too much damage unless it enters the brain. Usually we have something called a blood-brain barrier that prevents harmful invaders from entering the brain, but this virus has a trick up its sleeve.
Health experts are not exactly sure how this occurs, but they think it has something to do with an immune cell called TLR-3 that recognizes the virus and shoots out something that breaks down the barrier, and allows this invader to slip in.
Maybe they should of calledTLR-3 Benjamin Arnold since he was the traitor in the U.S. revolutionary war. Once in the brain and nervous system the immune system launches an inflammatory reaction. Inflammation is when the body tries to heal itself, but ends up doing a bunch of damage and this is very bad and people usually die from it.
At this point you probably want to go out and kill every single mosquito you find because the itching is not fun and you can get this condition plus malaria. It's important to know that just because you get bitten by 1 mosquito that doesn't mean you're going to get the west nile virus, because only certain mosquitos have it.
The next thing you're probably thinking about is if you do get bitten by a mosquito how do you know you're not infected with the west nile virus? Some people are not going to have any symptoms and some will. A few of these signals could include a fever, since the body is trying to eliminate the virus. Other symptoms could include a headache, body aches, fatigue, back pain and a rash. If the virus enters the brain the outward indicators will most likely get much more severe.
These symptoms will include confusion, mild muscle seizures, convulsions, muscle pain, not having any coordination and possibly a coma. Since I just dropped all this sad information on you I'm going to try to lift your spirits by telling you what to do to never have these problems. Yep, the first thing you can do is not get bitten by a mosquito and to limit your risks to them. This means in the summer not to be outdoors in the dusk, early morning and to use an insect repellent.
The next thing you can do is to build up your immune system so if you are infected you can fight it off. This means getting enough rest, drinking plenty of fluids, washing your hands and eating healthy. There are also many herbal remedies and supplements you can take to build up your immune system.
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Did you know that people who are infected with west nile virus can die from inflammation of the brain, and that is why it's very important to know what the symptoms are. This virus really can be found almost everywhere in the world that has a somewhat tropical climate. Originally it was discovered in Uganda in 1937, but later spread all over the world and in the 1990's hit the U.S.
The good news is that we do know exactly what causes this problem, and it's an infected mosquito that bites someone. If you're like me and mosquitos love me, this may not seem like good news but, since we do know what causes it this does make preventing it a little easier.
There have been cases of someone getting this disease through blood transfusions and organ transplants but it's not very common. What happens is the virus moves around the mosquito's bloodstream and into the salivary glands. Then when it bites someone it transmits the virus. More good news is that the virus itself while can be annoying, doesn't do too much damage unless it enters the brain. Usually we have something called a blood-brain barrier that prevents harmful invaders from entering the brain, but this virus has a trick up its sleeve.
Health experts are not exactly sure how this occurs, but they think it has something to do with an immune cell called TLR-3 that recognizes the virus and shoots out something that breaks down the barrier, and allows this invader to slip in.
Maybe they should of calledTLR-3 Benjamin Arnold since he was the traitor in the U.S. revolutionary war. Once in the brain and nervous system the immune system launches an inflammatory reaction. Inflammation is when the body tries to heal itself, but ends up doing a bunch of damage and this is very bad and people usually die from it.
At this point you probably want to go out and kill every single mosquito you find because the itching is not fun and you can get this condition plus malaria. It's important to know that just because you get bitten by 1 mosquito that doesn't mean you're going to get the west nile virus, because only certain mosquitos have it.
The next thing you're probably thinking about is if you do get bitten by a mosquito how do you know you're not infected with the west nile virus? Some people are not going to have any symptoms and some will. A few of these signals could include a fever, since the body is trying to eliminate the virus. Other symptoms could include a headache, body aches, fatigue, back pain and a rash. If the virus enters the brain the outward indicators will most likely get much more severe.
These symptoms will include confusion, mild muscle seizures, convulsions, muscle pain, not having any coordination and possibly a coma. Since I just dropped all this sad information on you I'm going to try to lift your spirits by telling you what to do to never have these problems. Yep, the first thing you can do is not get bitten by a mosquito and to limit your risks to them. This means in the summer not to be outdoors in the dusk, early morning and to use an insect repellent.
The next thing you can do is to build up your immune system so if you are infected you can fight it off. This means getting enough rest, drinking plenty of fluids, washing your hands and eating healthy. There are also many herbal remedies and supplements you can take to build up your immune system.
If you're interested in what supplements can do for you, I highly recommend checking out a free guide on the supplement world.
This free guide shows you what to look for in a supplement brand, herbal remedies that you should consider and a lot more information about these products. The best part is it's free and the author is the best person ever, it's me. To view this free guide click on the link http://utahtexans.com/.
- published: 21 Nov 2013
- views: 4