Tag Archives: Gaza

FRSO 6th Congress Resolution: Support Palestinian Liberation

The following resolution is from the 6th Congress of the Freedom Road Socialist Organization, which took place in May 2010.

Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO) supports the Palestinian people and their resistance against Israel’s criminal theft of Palestinian lands, expulsion of the Palestinian people, undermining of Palestinian rights, and brutal assault and siege on Gaza.  The steadfast people of Palestine have struggled for many decades for self-determination and independence, especially since the founding of the state of “Israel” on May 14, 1948, when over 750,000 Palestinians were forced off their lands in what the Palestinians call Al-Nakba (the Catastrophe). 

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Minnesota protests Israeli killings of activists bringing humanitarian aid to Gaza

The following article is from Fight Back! News:

Minneapolis, MN – More than 200 people gathered here, June 1, at the office of U.S. Senator Amy Klobuchar, to protest the Israeli murders of pro-Palestine activists who were bringing humanitarian aid to Gaza.

Speaking to the crowd, Meredith Aby of the Anti-War Committee said, “We are here today to protest the outrageous acts of the Israeli military on Monday, May 31 to the Freedom Flotilla which was trying to bring humanitarian aid to Gaza. Israeli commandos boarded the ships in international waters and killed at least ten people for the ‘crime’ of trying to bring humanitarian aid to Palestinians.”

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PFLP condemns the murderous crimes of the Israeli pirates and salutes the heroes of the Freedom Flotilla

The following statement is from the website of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine:

The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine condemns the latest Israeli massacre on the high seas, in international waters, the brutal assault on the international Freedom Flotilla to Gaza on May 31, 2010. The Israeli state terror pirates, said the Front, attacked the humanitarian aid and international solidarity ships with firearms and commandos; the Front said that this is the latest crime against humanity committed by the occupation state, illustrating its blatant disregard for international law.

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Palestinian revolutionary women on International Women’s Day

The following is from the website of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine. The Marxist-Leninist is posting it as part of the continuing series of articles on women’s liberation in honor of Women’s History Month and International Women’s Day (March 8th):

The following interview of Comrades Leila Khaled and Shireen Said was conducted by British journalist Sukant Chandan and published on March 8, 2010 – International Women’s Day. We republish the interview below:

The Palestinian people’s oppression continues due primarily to the financial, diplomatic, and military support that the Zionist state receives from the USA and secondly to the acquiescence of pro-Western states in the region.  After the fall of the Zionist state’s long lost brother — the Apartheid state of South Africa — the Palestinian struggle remains perhaps the leading and most potent anti-imperialist struggle in the world.  Therefore, Palestinian women are a central example of what role women can play in the struggle to free themselves, their families, their communities, and their nation from imperialism.

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Open letter to AFL-CIO President Trumka: Boycott Israeli Apartheid

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following letter, written by Labor for Palestine to the President of the AFL-CIO, urging support for the campaign to boycott Israel.

Open Letter from U.S. Trade Unionists to AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka: Boycott Apartheid Israel

Issued by Labor for Palestinelaborforpalestine.us@gmail.com

“Sanctions alone cannot eradicate apartheid; that task is ultimately left to the people of South Africa themselves. But economic pressure and political isolation of the South African government can hasten the day when justice and freedom reign in that troubled land.” –Richard L. Trumka, June 23, 1987

“We call on other workers and unions to . . . do all that is necessary to ensure that they boycott all goods to and from Israel until Palestine is free.” –Congress of South African Trade Unions, February 3, 2009

“We urge all international trade unions to heed the call of Palestinian civil society, including the trade union movement, by endorsing BDS. We further urge all trade unions and trade union federations to sever their links with the Histadrut, a Zionist organization that has always played a key role in perpetuating Israel’s occupation, colonization and system of racial discrimination, and that has justified and applauded Israel’s war crimes in Gaza in December 2008 and January 2009.” –Palestinian Trade Union Movement Unanimously Confirms Support for BDS, November 25, 2009

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Gaza stands resisting and steadfast one year after occupation massacres

The following article is from the website of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine:

Comrade Mizher: Gaza stands resisting and steadfast one year after occupation massacres

A rally in Ezbet Abed Rabbo, one of the most devastated areas in last year’s Zionist assault on Gaza, organized by the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine marked the one-year anniversary of the aggression on December 25, 2009. Thousands of residents of Abed Rabbo and members and supporters of the PFLP rallied in the village, amid the ruins of destroyed homes, waving Palestinian flags and PFLP banners.

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Unity and steadfastness: Over 70,000 rally in Gaza for PFLP 42nd anniversary

The following article is from the website of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, a Marxist-Leninist organization that has now been waging armed struggle against Imperialism, Zionism, and Arab reaction, and for socialism and national liberation, for 42 years. They fight for a singular, secular Palestinian state in all of historic Palestine. The PFLP’s General Secretary, Ahmad Sa’adat, is currently imprisoned by Israel. Please see also the PFLP’s 42nd anniversary statement, “Time for a new political era of resistance and national liberation” and the statement of solidarity to the PFLP on their 42nd anniversary from the Freedom Road Socialist Organization.

Unity and steadfastness: Over 70,000 rally in Gaza for PFLP 42nd anniversary

Over 70,000 cadres, members and supporters of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, and the people of the Gaza Strip, converged on Palestine Stadium for the 42nd anniversary rally of the PFLP on December 12, 2009, spilling into the surrounding streets and carrying Palestinian flags, PFLP banners and posters of the Front’s martyrs and leaders.

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PFLP congratulates Bolivian people and President Evo Morales on re-election

The following is from the website of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine:

The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine congratulates the people of Bolivia, the Movement Towards Socialism, and President Evo Morales on his re-election on December 6, 2009. The re-election of President Morales is another proud step by the Bolivian people to build social justice, resist U.S. imperialism and hegemony and determine their own destiny.

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Israel’s new government, the ugly face of racism

bombsigning3The following is from Fight Back! News:

Commentary by Hatem Abudayyeh

Israeli right-winger Benjamin Netanyahu, who stated that Israel did not “go far enough” in its 22-day invasion and massacre of 1400 Palestinians in Gaza earlier this year and who has never accepted even the possibility of an independent state for the Palestinians, is now the new prime minister. He was sworn in on April 1, after being asked in February by President Shimon Peres to form a coalition government.

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Hatem Abudayyeh speaks about Gaza War

This is a video of a speech by Palestinian Liberation Movement activist and organizer, Hatem Abudayyeh, in Chicago on March 14th. Read Abudayyeh’s recent article, The Gaza War: Victory for the Palestinian People.