
Dark Souls II: Bonfire Blunder - PART 11 - Steam Train
...Alright, well see ya!
Your conductors are:
Ross: http://www.YouTube.com/R...
published: 17 May 2014
Dark Souls II: Bonfire Blunder - PART 11 - Steam Train
Dark Souls II: Bonfire Blunder - PART 11 - Steam Train
BONFIRE LIT ...Alright, well see ya! Your conductors are: Ross: http://www.YouTube.com/RubberNinja Arin the Bandit: http://www.YouTube.com/Egoraptor- published: 17 May 2014
- views: 30380

Diablo III: Reaper of Souls Opening Cinematic
The End of Days has begun: http://diablo3.com/ReaperOfSouls
The next chapter in Sanctuar...
published: 21 Aug 2013
Diablo III: Reaper of Souls Opening Cinematic
Diablo III: Reaper of Souls Opening Cinematic
The End of Days has begun: http://diablo3.com/ReaperOfSouls The next chapter in Sanctuary's epic saga has been unveiled. Originally debuted at gamescom 2013 on August 21 in Cologne, Germany, this is the opening cinematic for Diablo III's first expansion set, Reaper of Souls. For all the latest news and information regarding this major update to the critically acclaimed Diablo franchise, visit http://www.diablo3.com.- published: 21 Aug 2013
- views: 301

Dark Souls 2 - Ep.2 (El regreso del Argentino) en Español - GOTH
Si te gusto dale like y suscribete! :D
Enterate de todos los videos primero en: Facebook.c...
published: 16 May 2014
Dark Souls 2 - Ep.2 (El regreso del Argentino) en Español - GOTH
Dark Souls 2 - Ep.2 (El regreso del Argentino) en Español - GOTH
Si te gusto dale like y suscribete! :D Enterate de todos los videos primero en: Facebook.com/GOTHJAIDEFINICHON- published: 16 May 2014
- views: 27448

Dark Souls 2 PvP: The Bow Cleric Returns
If you enjoyed the video then don't forget to give it a like!
Music: Future Gladiator - K...
published: 16 May 2014
Dark Souls 2 PvP: The Bow Cleric Returns
Dark Souls 2 PvP: The Bow Cleric Returns
If you enjoyed the video then don't forget to give it a like! Music: Future Gladiator - Kevin Macleod If you enjoyed the music then be sure to check out more here! http://incompetech.com/- published: 16 May 2014
- views: 10578

Diablo III Reaper of Souls (2.0.5) Opening 170 Horadric Caches
A short video in which I'm opening 170 Horadric Caches from ACT1. All of them (except one ...
published: 16 May 2014
Diablo III Reaper of Souls (2.0.5) Opening 170 Horadric Caches
Diablo III Reaper of Souls (2.0.5) Opening 170 Horadric Caches
A short video in which I'm opening 170 Horadric Caches from ACT1. All of them (except one which is from T2) are obtained in Normal. It took me 850 separate bounties to collect them. They were collected during the first two days from the 2nd Diablo III Anniversary (15.05.14 / 16.05.14). I want to thank my friends Djanny#2264, Anakreon#1515 and ScrappyDoo#2145 for helping me through the journey. All the legendaries @ 20:15 My battletag: Dex#2339 My armory: http://eu.battle.net/d3/en/profile/Dex-2339/career Dex at: http://www.d3bg.org/about.php- published: 16 May 2014
- views: 8052

Dark Souls II: Summoned Souls - PART 10 - Steam Train
How to Succeed in Dark Souls Without Really Trying.
Your conductors are:
Ross: http://ww...
published: 15 May 2014
Dark Souls II: Summoned Souls - PART 10 - Steam Train
Dark Souls II: Summoned Souls - PART 10 - Steam Train
How to Succeed in Dark Souls Without Really Trying. Your conductors are: Ross: http://www.YouTube.com/RubberNinja Arin the Bandit: http://www.YouTube.com/Egoraptor- published: 15 May 2014
- views: 78351

Шахты - Долина Жатвы [Dark Souls 2 PC #15]
Это мое второе прохождение по Dark Souls, на этот раз на PC.
Важные моменты:
0:06 - Мы с...
published: 16 May 2014
Шахты - Долина Жатвы [Dark Souls 2 PC #15]
Шахты - Долина Жатвы [Dark Souls 2 PC #15]
Это мое второе прохождение по Dark Souls, на этот раз на PC. Важные моменты: 0:06 - Мы стали грешником! Грех банзай! 0:44 - Повышение уровня. 1:30 - НПЦ Торговка рудой Хлоэнн (. Y .) 6:30 - ПВП Вторженец. 7:50 - Ароматная ветвь былого. 8:03 - Огненное семя. 8:30 - НПЦ Одинокий Гавлан (торговец) 9:30 - Грубый камень. 12:06 - Костер. 13:00 - Хлоэнн, теперь в Маджуле. Story Time :[ 13:35 - Разговор по душам с кузнецом Лениграстом. 13:48 - Молот кузнеца. 18:53 - Тайный проход. 19:24 - Старая пика рыцаря, Старый большой щит рыцаря. 23:00 - Фимиам простака. 23:28 - Фимиам скептика. 24:02 - Жук! Бледный камень. 24:23 - Ароматная ветвь былого. 24:46 - Фимиам простака. 25:43 - Хамелеон! МебЭль! 26:09 - ПВП Вторженец! Синий! 28:17 - Алтарь Света, Жест "Восславь Солнце!" (Ковенант Солнца, Славься Солер!) 29:00 - Синий нашелся! 30:36 - Несколько ПВП вторжениий (красный) 33:44 - Лунный серп в чужом мире? wat 35:36 - Читерная защита от вторженцев. 36:52 - Закончили вторжения, подробнее о Ковенанте Солнца. 39:48 - Jolly Cooperation! 41:35 - Медаль Света. Что-то пропустил? Напишите об этом в комментариях. Плейлист этого прохождения Dark Souls 2: http://bit.ly/1rwbok5 Плейлист первого прохождения Dark Souls 2: http://bit.ly/Ob1Jks Крутые видео по Dark Souls 2 вне прохождения: МебЭль 1: http://bit.ly/1gONjxU МебЭль 2: http://bit.ly/1jQLnpu Хищник: http://bit.ly/1nlDoam Dark vs Light: http://bit.ly/1iGLjrk Самурай из Братства Крови: http://bit.ly/1gONitH Волк в овечьей шкуре: http://bit.ly/RHZWp1 Крысиный монтаж: http://bit.ly/1kWceEs Все о ковенанте Крысиного Короля: http://bit.ly/1jBThUY Буду рад каждому вашему лайку! Ежедневная доза позитива: http://www.youtube.com/user/Eligorko Плейлист "Что за...?": http://bit.ly/1kllbWE --------------------------------------- Лайвстрим: http://ru.twitch.tv/eligorko Вконтакте: http://vk.com/eligorkofans YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/Eligorko --------------------------------------- Пожалуйста, Не рекламируйте свои\чужие каналы, сайты и тому подобное. Ведите себя прилично и уважайте мнение других. Воздержитесь от спойлеров. Не надо портить впечатление от игры. Если вы видите такие комментарии, то просто ставьте им пальцы вниз и помечайте как спам.- published: 16 May 2014
- views: 518

Let's Play Dark Souls 2 NG+ (German) #07 - Hilf anderen und dir selbst
Dark Souls 2 NG+ Playlist: http://goo.gl/mLrxbH
Bruugar auf Twitter: https://twitter.com/B...
published: 17 May 2014
Let's Play Dark Souls 2 NG+ (German) #07 - Hilf anderen und dir selbst
Let's Play Dark Souls 2 NG+ (German) #07 - Hilf anderen und dir selbst
Dark Souls 2 NG+ Playlist: http://goo.gl/mLrxbH Bruugar auf Twitter: https://twitter.com/Bruugar Games bis zu 70% günstiger: http://goo.gl/x2yWtC ►► Endlich wieder Dark Souls - das Sterben beginnt! Dark Souls II präsentiert einen neuen Helden, eine neue Geschichte und eine unbekannte Welt. In dieser Welt müssen die Spieler um ihr Überleben kämpfen, wobei die Welt nicht nur mit kompromisslosen Herausforderungen aufwartet, sondern auch mit dem ultimativen Gefühl, dass die Spieler mit ihren Siegen mächtige Erfolge errungen haben. Epische Schlachten gegen grausame Feinde und blutrünstige Bosse erwarten jene Abenteurer, die diese verwüstete Welt, in der Tod und Verzweiflung herrschen, durchqueren und erobern. Zudem werden Spieler eine völlig überarbeitete, serverbasierte Mehrspielererfahrung entdecken, dank der Dark Souls II dem Konzept des Spielens und Teilens mit anderen seinen charakteristischen Stempel aufdrückt. Auf jene, die die nötige Beharrlichkeit und die schiere Willensstärke zeigen, warten großartige Belohnungen.- published: 17 May 2014
- views: 1553

Dark Souls 2 - The Syvilized Build - Third Arena of Blood Victor
Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/fightincowboy
Twitter: https://twitter.com/fightincowboy
published: 16 May 2014
Dark Souls 2 - The Syvilized Build - Third Arena of Blood Victor
Dark Souls 2 - The Syvilized Build - Third Arena of Blood Victor
Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/fightincowboy Twitter: https://twitter.com/fightincowboy Prepare to die....again. Developed by From Software, Dark Souls 2 is the highly anticipated sequel to the punishing 2011 hit Dark Souls. The unique old-school action RPG experience captivated imaginations of gamers worldwide with incredible challenge and intense emotional reward. Dark Souls 2 brings the franchise's renowned difficulty and gripping gameplay to new levels with both single and multiplayer experiences. All recordings are on Xbox 360 using a Hauppauge HD PVR 2 Gaming Edition or using Xsplit on a custom gaming PC built by Cowboy himself.- published: 16 May 2014
- views: 9065

Dark Souls 2's Ending: Explained!
Part 2: Dark Souls 2's Story: Explained!
CLICK HERE: http://youtu.be/nNo9Ow6XG10
published: 15 May 2014
Dark Souls 2's Ending: Explained!
Dark Souls 2's Ending: Explained!
Part 2: Dark Souls 2's Story: Explained! CLICK HERE: http://youtu.be/nNo9Ow6XG10 KINDLE THE CHANNEL [become a patron] ►http://www.patreon.com/vaatividya CREATION TIME [for this video] ►took bloody forever CREATION COST [thumbnail] $65 RELEVANT LINKS ►Check out Alex Roe's music - it's amazing. His is the song at the end: http://youtu.be/T5678aqCRTM ►Amazing thumbnail by http://www.carson-drew-it.com/ PLAYLISTS ►Dark Souls 2 Lore: http://bit.ly/1dedWjI ►Dark Souls 2: http://bit.ly/1kOc0BF ►Discover Drangleic: http://bit.ly/1hLBw7H ►Dark Souls Lore: http://bit.ly/13x6nNs ►Demon's Souls Lore: http://bit.ly/16mIF86 ►Project Beast SOULS NEWS: http://bit.ly/1mrlV0X ►Dark Souls 2 SOULS NEWS: http://bit.ly/Rh5Cpe ►50 Things You Didn't Know: http://bit.ly/1miCJ4O ►Dark Souls Modded: http://bit.ly/1atJKeA SOCIAL ►Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/VaatiVidya ►Follow me on Tumblr: http://vaatividya.tumblr.com/ ►Follow me on Twitch.tv: http://www.twitch.tv/vaatividya ►Follow me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Vaatividya ►Follow me on Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/vaatividya CHANNEL ART ►Outro & Avatar commissioned from https://etall.tumblr.com ►Cartoon-style characters by http://www.carson-drew-it.com/ ►Contributions by http://kalisdevals.tumblr.com ROYALTY-FREE MUSIC (audiomicro.com) ►A Reality Within An Old Dream _(Background Ambient Music_) ►Dramatic Cinematic Piano Solo ►Dramatic, Determined _ Inspirational _(Ambient Instrumental Background_) ►Alex Roe - Demon's Souls - Let Strength Be Granted- published: 15 May 2014
- views: 84409

DARK SOULS 2 # 66 - Der Schmelzer-Dämon «» Let's Play Dark Souls 2 | Deutsch HD
Site: http://pietsmiet.de | Shop: http://pietsmiet.spreadshirt.de
Spiel günstig & schnell ...
published: 15 May 2014
DARK SOULS 2 # 66 - Der Schmelzer-Dämon «» Let's Play Dark Souls 2 | Deutsch HD
DARK SOULS 2 # 66 - Der Schmelzer-Dämon «» Let's Play Dark Souls 2 | Deutsch HD
Site: http://pietsmiet.de | Shop: http://pietsmiet.spreadshirt.de Spiel günstig & schnell per Email bei MMOGA http://goo.gl/1ELSW8 » Facebook: http://goo.gl/RKdlRp | » Twitter: http://goo.gl/u4hsiA «»--«»--«»--«»--«»--«»--«»--«» » Dark Souls 2 « DARK SOULS 2 # 66 - Der Schmelzer-Dämon «» Let's Play Dark Souls 2 | Deutsch HD Action RPG von From Software, Publisher ist Bandai Namco Games Offizielle Internetseite: http://www.darksoulsii.com/de/ «»--«»--«»--«»--«»--«»--«»--«» » TEAM PIETSMIET « Offizielle Internetseite: http://www.pietsmiet.de 24/7/365 Live-Stream: http://www.pietsmiet.tv Kram außerhalb von Let's Plays: http://www.youtube.com/pietsmiettv Unser Team besteht aus sechs spieleverrückten Teilzeit-Bekloppten, die sich größtenteils seit der Kindheit kennen. Irgendwann kamen wir auf die Idee unsere allabendlichen Zockersessions aufzuzeichnen und auf Youtube zu veröffentlichen. So entstand der Kanal PietSmittie, wie ihr ihn heute kennt. Selbstverständlich sind wir auch auf den Social-Media-Plattformen unterwegs, falls euch unser Gequatsche auf Youtube nicht schon genug nervt :D |FACEBOOK| Piet: http://www.facebook.com/PietSmittie Br4mm3n: http://www.facebook.com/Br4mm3n Jay: http://www.facebook.com/Icetea3105 Hardi: http://www.facebook.com/DerHardi Sep: http://www.facebook.com/kessemak88 Chris: http://www.facebook.com/Brosator |TWITTER| Piet: http://www.twitter.com/pietsmiet Br4mm3n: http://www.twitter.com/Br4mm3n Hardi: http://www.twitter.com/DenisHartwig Chris: http://www.twitter.com/Brosator «»--«»--«»--«»--«»--«»--«»--«» » AMAZON « Dark Souls 2 bei Amazon: http://goo.gl/BFhzsf Ihr wollt was anderes bei Amazon kaufen und ohne weitere Kosten PietSmiet unterstützen? http://goo.gl/nH2LT «»--«»--«»--«»--«»--«»--«»--«» ~Together~Dark Souls 2~Chris~Piet~- published: 15 May 2014
- views: 24000

Dark Souls 2 PvP - Top Ten Trolls (Week 3)
This week, get ready for a dirty episode of Top Ten Trolls! If you enjoyed watching please...
published: 15 May 2014
Dark Souls 2 PvP - Top Ten Trolls (Week 3)
Dark Souls 2 PvP - Top Ten Trolls (Week 3)
This week, get ready for a dirty episode of Top Ten Trolls! If you enjoyed watching please remember to leave a like and check out the contributors down below. Remember to tune in next week for Dark Souls 2: Top Ten Sneak Attacks! - Click here to SUBSCRIBE if you enjoy these Top 10s! - http://bit.ly/1fnKDGw The winner's channels (Congrats to everyone!): 1) Mayhem - http://bit.ly/1m0GBIH 2) Otzdarva - http://bit.ly/1k2vi3U 3) Leviathxn - http://bit.ly/1g6mieC 4) notfromphoenix - http://bit.ly/1k2uWuc 5) DrakTheDerp - http://bit.ly/1mRkw31 6) Spherax - http://bit.ly/1mRl2y2 7) GannecusDks - http://bit.ly/1lA8LeJ 8) liamdarksouls - http://bit.ly/1mYNNph 9) BroWithTheFro - http://bit.ly/1mRkkRB 10) ZOMBIEHEADZoCOM - http://bit.ly/1hMgORA - Next week is Top Ten Stealth Kills (send me your sneaky awesomeness :P) - The week after that is Top Ten Epic Kills! (feel free to send me your clips for both topics in advance!) How to submit your clips: - Attach the video via personal message on Youtube - Must have - "I give TheSunlightBlade rights to use this video" somewhere in the message. Check out my channel artist! - http://www.youtube.com/user/Z1Designs Music used: • Tobu & Itro - Sunburst [NCS Release] - http://bit.ly/1gEROeN • "Smiling" ♫ Hi-Rez - http://bit.ly/1eKt7f4 IMPORTANT! By submitting your videos to SunlightBlade, you hereby acknowledge that you grant me a perpetual non-exclusive world-wide license (not ownership) to display, promote, or modify your video for commercial use.- published: 15 May 2014
- views: 26286

DARK SOULS 2 # 67 - Ruft uns «» Let's Play Dark Souls 2 | Deutsch HD
Site: http://pietsmiet.de | Shop: http://pietsmiet.spreadshirt.de
Spiel günstig & schnell ...
published: 16 May 2014
DARK SOULS 2 # 67 - Ruft uns «» Let's Play Dark Souls 2 | Deutsch HD
DARK SOULS 2 # 67 - Ruft uns «» Let's Play Dark Souls 2 | Deutsch HD
Site: http://pietsmiet.de | Shop: http://pietsmiet.spreadshirt.de Spiel günstig & schnell per Email bei MMOGA http://goo.gl/1ELSW8 » Facebook: http://goo.gl/RKdlRp | » Twitter: http://goo.gl/u4hsiA «»--«»--«»--«»--«»--«»--«»--«» » Dark Souls 2 « DARK SOULS 2 # 67 - Ruft uns «» Let's Play Dark Souls 2 | Deutsch HD Action RPG von From Software, Publisher ist Bandai Namco Games Offizielle Internetseite: http://www.darksoulsii.com/de/ «»--«»--«»--«»--«»--«»--«»--«» » TEAM PIETSMIET « Offizielle Internetseite: http://www.pietsmiet.de 24/7/365 Live-Stream: http://www.pietsmiet.tv Kram außerhalb von Let's Plays: http://www.youtube.com/pietsmiettv Unser Team besteht aus sechs spieleverrückten Teilzeit-Bekloppten, die sich größtenteils seit der Kindheit kennen. Irgendwann kamen wir auf die Idee unsere allabendlichen Zockersessions aufzuzeichnen und auf Youtube zu veröffentlichen. So entstand der Kanal PietSmittie, wie ihr ihn heute kennt. Selbstverständlich sind wir auch auf den Social-Media-Plattformen unterwegs, falls euch unser Gequatsche auf Youtube nicht schon genug nervt :D |FACEBOOK| Piet: http://www.facebook.com/PietSmittie Br4mm3n: http://www.facebook.com/Br4mm3n Jay: http://www.facebook.com/Icetea3105 Hardi: http://www.facebook.com/DerHardi Sep: http://www.facebook.com/kessemak88 Chris: http://www.facebook.com/Brosator |TWITTER| Piet: http://www.twitter.com/pietsmiet Br4mm3n: http://www.twitter.com/Br4mm3n Hardi: http://www.twitter.com/DenisHartwig Chris: http://www.twitter.com/Brosator «»--«»--«»--«»--«»--«»--«»--«» » AMAZON « Dark Souls 2 bei Amazon: http://goo.gl/BFhzsf Ihr wollt was anderes bei Amazon kaufen und ohne weitere Kosten PietSmiet unterstützen? http://goo.gl/nH2LT «»--«»--«»--«»--«»--«»--«»--«» ~Together~Dark Souls 2~Chris~Piet~- published: 16 May 2014
- views: 36262

[Zeratina BJ] Dark Souls 2 - Parte 8!
Clique em "Mostrar mais" :D
Muito obrigado por assistir! Faça parte da Resistência BJ: Ins...
published: 16 May 2014
[Zeratina BJ] Dark Souls 2 - Parte 8!
[Zeratina BJ] Dark Souls 2 - Parte 8!
Clique em "Mostrar mais" :D Muito obrigado por assistir! Faça parte da Resistência BJ: Inscreva-se e dê joinha no vídeo! - Confira TODAS as outras partes da Zeratina de Dark Souls 2: http://bit.ly/ZeratinaDarkSouls2 - Está travando? Acompanhe ao vivo também pelo nosso canal do Twitch.TV: http://www.twitch.tv/baixakijogos - Quer saber como fazemos os gameplays ao vivo? http://youtu.be/T_Wj6NKZH1Q - Mais do Baixaki Jogos: http://www.twitter.com/baixakijogos http://www.facebook.com/baixakijogos http://www.instagram.com/baixakijogos - Páginas dos soldados da Resistência BJ: Resistência BJ no Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ResistenciaB... Sotobello da Depressão: http://www.facebook.com/sotobellodade... - Mande cartas para o Baixaki Jogos: A/C Gabriel Soto Bello Rua Pasteur, 463 - NZN - Batel Curitiba - PR CEP: 80250-080 - Mande seus wallpapers (resolução 1920x1080), caricaturas e imagens do #AoVivoBJ para gameplay@baixakijogos.com.br http://www.baixakijogos.com.br- published: 16 May 2014
- views: 2388
Youtube results:

Dark Souls 2 PC: ROTTEN vs SWORDSMAN! (#11)
Click here to help the channel and get rewards: http://www.patreon.com/Tyrannicon
Click fo...
published: 15 May 2014
Dark Souls 2 PC: ROTTEN vs SWORDSMAN! (#11)
Dark Souls 2 PC: ROTTEN vs SWORDSMAN! (#11)
Click here to help the channel and get rewards: http://www.patreon.com/Tyrannicon Click for next episode: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PmxB7mZbzp8 Click for the Dark Souls 2 RAGE playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hOv_OoJuyeE&list;=PLbXZBCtOGx2niDP_vVo7U80yMDiIyYJNK Click here to subscribe: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=Tyrannicon Special thanks to the following Cohesive Unit members for supporting the channel on Patreon.com: Paul Fawcett, Knight Archie, Chryie Vasquez, Sean Bevan, chaosdachamp, Andreas Bredesen, VictorIII, Richard Harrell, MDPgrayman86, killa4hire333, ssjblacksad, Chris Medina, ChrisHCollier, Michael savage, Nicore, Mercury,Scuba Steve, XRawrgeo, illusive man, ElusiveHemroid, Honza Holecek, Cohesive Chan, Jonathan Tillmon, RyanD86, Jugger Nuggss, D3ADLY M3NACE, Zoltán Matók, Bladius, Frostbite, Christopher M. Kristensen, James Linzy, ChocoROID, Kirethorn, Alastair,Booswishous, Derrick Ryan, Benjamin Riddle, TheMoirda, Jon Theil Joergensen, Chris Leis, SuperDoublesman, antoine hayes, Fifor Adrian, Dascottishtwat, Kyle Murray, andrew johnstone, Erik, ethan penfold, Robert, Kyle Ciccone, ryan obrien, Jamie Smith, Josh Prigmore, Corp Witch, Gabriel Larouche, Mikal Moen, john vang, Bo Brewster, Chris Nolan,Arran, pisokek, Hulydooly, James Cowley, DisturbedJaws, Jnuge, Kristoff Gayle, Jonny Altamirano, Avatar_of_Might, Anthony, Mason, xDLGx, Anders Källman, Herschelle, Andres Guerra, Anthony Arredondo, lappys, ZWarrior006, Mark Vickers, GboyBama, Simon D Magus, superobesepenguin, Wet Letice, CheesyPriz, Alander71, TunaWizard, Lukas Kunde, Jay M, Liquifier, Sebastian Krause, Kai777777,Ben Parod "dark souls 2" "dark souls 2 review" "dark souls 2 gameplay" "dark souls 2 lore" "dark souls 2 trailer" "dark souls 2 help" "dark souls 2 walkthrough" "dark souls 2 tips" "dark souls 2 cursed" "dark souls 2 pvp" "dark souls 2 character creation" "dark souls 2 classes" "dark souls 2 dual swordsman" "dark souls 2 ps4" "dark souls 2 dragonrider" Dark Souls 2 is an action role-playing video game set in an open world environment, developed for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 by From Software. From Software will also publish the game in Japan, while Namco Bandai Games will do it in other regions. The story of Dark Souls 2 will revolve around a cursed undead character trying to find a cure for their curse. It will be emotional and involved in the fashion of Demon's Souls' story. The game's director has mentioned that the sequel is not directly linked to its predecessor story-wise, although they are set in the same world. The director also stated that the concept of time will factor into the story. Currently, the main storyline is attributed to the legendary land of Dranglaec, full of souls to help undead maintain their humanity while fighting the curse of the undead. Dark Souls 2, Dark Souls 2 Gameplay, Dark Souls 2 Walkthrough Part 1, Dark Souls 2 Gameplay Part 1, Dark Souls 2 Part 1, Dark Souls 2 Walkthrough, Dark Souls 2 Boss, Dark Souls 2 Ending, Dark Souls II, Dark Souls II Gameplay, Dark Souls II Walkthrough Part 1, Dark Souls II Review, Dark Souls II Gameplay Part 1, Dark Souls 2 Xbox 360, Dark Souls 2 PS3, Dark Souls 2 PC, Dark Souls 2 theRadBrad, DS2, Dark Souls 2 Cursed, Dark Souls 2 PVP, Dark Souls 2 Classes, Dark Souls 2 Dual Swordsman Darks Souls 2 Bosses include: Pursuer, Last Giant, Dragonrider, Old Dragonslayer, Flexile Sentry, Ruin Sentinel, Lost Sinner, Executioner's Chariot, Skeleton Lord's, Covetous Demon, Mytha the Baneful Queen, Smelter Demon, Old Iron King, Royal Rat Vanguard, Rotten Scorpioness, Najka, Royal Rat Authority, Duke's Dear, Freja, Looking Glass Knight (Mirror Knight), Demon of Song, Velstadt, King Guardian Dragon, Ancient Dragon, Giant Lord, Nashandra Throne Defender, Throne Watcher, Darklurker, Belfry Gargoyle, Old Witch, Old King, Old Dead One, Old Paledrake, EpicNameBro Game Summary The story will revolve around a cursed undead character trying to find a cure for their curse. It will be emotional and involved in the fashion of Demon's Souls' story. The game's director has mentioned that the sequel is not directly linked to its predecessor story-wise, although they are set in the same world. The director also stated that the concept of time will factor into the story. Currently, the main storyline is attributed to the legendary land of Dranglaec, full of souls to help undead maintain their humanity while fighting the curse of the undead. Dark Souls 2 Gameplay Walkthrough Part 1 for XBOX 360, PS3 and PC in 1080p HD. This Dark Souls 2 Gameplay Walkthrough will include all Bosses, a Review, Classes, Character Creation Enemies, Weapons and the Ending.- published: 15 May 2014
- views: 3346

Тюрьма Нежити - Роща Охотника [Dark Souls 2 PC #14]
Это мое второе прохождение по Dark Souls, на этот раз на PC.
Важные моменты:
0:33 - Повы...
published: 15 May 2014
Тюрьма Нежити - Роща Охотника [Dark Souls 2 PC #14]
Тюрьма Нежити - Роща Охотника [Dark Souls 2 PC #14]
Это мое второе прохождение по Dark Souls, на этот раз на PC. Важные моменты: 0:33 - Повышаем уровень. 2:07 - Вторженец (красный) 5:18 - Беспалевная засада. 6:40 - НПЦ-вторженец - Безжалостная Роэнна. 7:58 - Ключ от тюрьмы нежити. 8:30 - Костер. 8:36 - Крейтон Скиталец. Жест "Да!". 11:37 - Жук! (Осколок, Большой осколок и обломок титанита) 13:24 - Поджигание (пиромантие) 14:14 - Короткий путь. 15:20 - Палица (магическая) 16:30 - БОСС. Повелители скелетов. 20:05 - Костер. Ядовитый Бассейн. 21:07 - Отсюда и дальше ПВП вторжения (красный) Что-то пропустил? Напишите об этом в комментариях. Плейлист этого прохождения Dark Souls 2: http://bit.ly/1rwbok5 Плейлист первого прохождения Dark Souls 2: http://bit.ly/Ob1Jks Крутые видео по Dark Souls 2 вне прохождения: МебЭль 1: http://bit.ly/1gONjxU МебЭль 2: http://bit.ly/1jQLnpu Хищник: http://bit.ly/1nlDoam Dark vs Light: http://bit.ly/1iGLjrk Самурай из Братства Крови: http://bit.ly/1gONitH Волк в овечьей шкуре: http://bit.ly/RHZWp1 Крысиный монтаж: http://bit.ly/1kWceEs Все о ковенанте Крысиного Короля: http://bit.ly/1jBThUY Буду рад каждому вашему лайку! Ежедневная доза позитива: http://www.youtube.com/user/Eligorko Плейлист "Что за...?": http://bit.ly/1kllbWE --------------------------------------- Лайвстрим: http://ru.twitch.tv/eligorko Вконтакте: http://vk.com/eligorkofans YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/Eligorko --------------------------------------- Пожалуйста, Не рекламируйте свои\чужие каналы, сайты и тому подобное. Ведите себя прилично и уважайте мнение других. Воздержитесь от спойлеров. Не надо портить впечатление от игры. Если вы видите такие комментарии, то просто ставьте им пальцы вниз и помечайте как спам.- published: 15 May 2014
- views: 20113

Вся суть Dark Souls 2
Восславь солнце еба!
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published: 14 May 2014
Вся суть Dark Souls 2
Вся суть Dark Souls 2
Восславь солнце еба! Twitter: https://twitter.com/PonyStew Steam Group: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/Poanas Я в ВК: http://vk.com/poanas- published: 14 May 2014
- views: 20240

DARK SOULS 2 # 65 - Matte Glut «» Let's Play Dark Souls 2 | Deutsch HD
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published: 14 May 2014
DARK SOULS 2 # 65 - Matte Glut «» Let's Play Dark Souls 2 | Deutsch HD
DARK SOULS 2 # 65 - Matte Glut «» Let's Play Dark Souls 2 | Deutsch HD
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- views: 10956