UT Hosts Africa's Next Great Entrepreneurs
Twenty-five entrepreneurs spent six weeks at UT for the Mandela Washington Fellowship for Young African Leaders, the White House's signature effort to support Africa's emerging leaders.
What You Accomplish When Discovery is in Your DNA
From the moon landing to the Space Station to teaching young aerospace engineers, retiring professor Hans Mark forged an extraordinary career. We explore the highlights.
Opinion: Voters Deserve Better from Candidates
Government professor Sean Theriault calls on Texas candidates to run serious campaigns worthy of his students' efforts and attention. Read more.
Know: Your Connection to a World of Ideas
Twenty-five entrepreneurs spent six weeks at UT for the Mandela Washington Fellowship for Young African Leaders, the White House's signature effort to support Africa's emerging leaders.
From the moon landing to the Space Station to teaching young aerospace engineers, retiring professor Hans Mark forged an extraordinary career. We explore the highlights.
Government professor Sean Theriault calls on Texas candidates to run serious campaigns worthy of his students' efforts and attention. Read more.
Know: Your Connection to a World of Ideas


Explore all news
Court rules for UT Austin in Fisher case
Read the full statement from President Bill Powers in response to the court ruling on UT admissions case.
Fly's super-hearing power could aid humans
Researchers' new device could be used to build the next generation of hypersensitive hearing aids.
Faculty offer insights on immigration and border crisis
Experts from across disciplines at UT Austin are poised to discuss topics related to the immigration debate.
Anthropologist debunks walking on all fours theory
Study contradicts claims that quadrupeds featured in BBC documentary are examples of backward evolution.
Mutation stops worms from getting drunk
Neuroscience breakthrough could lead to new drugs for treating symptoms of alcohol withdrawal.
Academic Calendars: July 29, Tuesday Last class day for nine-week classes.


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