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Recent Quotes

Brian Cady:

Those before us brilliantly used energy and technology to eliminate labor, with industrialism, when our world was full of energy resources and almost empty of workers. But now the world is filling with pollution, full of us seven billion workers, and emptying of resources. We can all do better by shifting from being productive in Read more…

Brian Cady: Energy or Jobs?

"…The basic nature of the painful transition involves a necessary shift from economies based on maximizing labor productivity (and thereby continually increasing the capital and energy intensity of their industrial production), which heretofore has been based on non-renewable energy, to economies that must now conserve capital, energy and materials and more fully employ their human Read more…

Ariosto Salomon:

We should not be looking for heroes, we should be looking for good ideas.

Sarah Owens:

All concerned should put down the smelling salts, stick the fainting couch back in the closet and deal with reality.

Ariosto Salomon:

Remember that the media have two basic functions. One is to indoctrinate the elites, to make sure they have the right ideas and know how to serve power. In fact, typically the elites are the most indoctrinated segment of a society, because they are the ones who are exposed to the most propaganda and actually Read more…

Ariosto Salomon:

"The world does not reward honesty and independence, it rewards obedience and service. It's a world of concentrated power, and those who have power are not going to reward those who question that power." "The basic principle, rarely violated, is that what conflicts with the requirements of power and privilege does not exist."

Brian Cady:

"Fritz gave me courage in my efforts to call economists to account. I used to merely say that economics was getting in the way of citizen's talking ot each other about what is valuable under drastically change dcircumstances. After knowing Fritz, I have had the courage to say that economics is a form of brain Read more…

Ariosto Salomon:

… when you come back from the Third World to the West – the U.S. in particular – you are struck by the narrowing of thought and understanding, the limited nature of legitimate discussion, the separation of people from each other. It's startling how stultifying it feels, since our opportunities are so vastly greater here.

Ariosto Salomon:

The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very lively debate within that spectrum – even encourage the more critical and dissident views. That gives people the sense that there's free thinking going on, while all the time the presuppositions of the system Read more…

Ariosto Salomon:

  Both prisons and inner-city schools target a kind of superfluous population that there's no point educating because there's nothing for them to do. Because we're a civilized people, we put them in prison, rather than sending death squads out to murder them.

Ariosto Salomon:

A prince that acquires new territories and removes the natives to give his people room will be remembered as the father of the nation.

Ariosto Salomon:

The essential point was captured in John F. Kennedy's celebrated remark that while we would prefer decent democratic regimes, if the choice is between a Trujillo or a Castro, we will choose the Trujillo. It is necessary only to add three points: (1) the concept of "a Castro" is very broad, extending to anyone who Read more…

Ariosto Salomon:

…states are not moral agents. They act in their own interests. And that means the interests of powerful forces within them.

Ariosto Salomon:

The war is not meant to be won, it's meant to be continuous.

Ariosto Salomon:

The invasion of Iraq was initially justified as an act of so-called anticipatory self-defense. The attack violated the principles of the Nuremberg Tribunal, a basis for the UN Charter, which declared that initiation of a war of aggression is "the supreme international crime differing only from other war crimes in that it contains within itself Read more…

Marian Dou:

Train hard, and eat clean, because you’re worth it!

Terri Lee:

"We did not vote ourselves into this mess and we can't vote ourselves out of it."  - Adolph Reed Jr,

Terri Lee:

"Just because you have elections doesn't mean you're a democratic country.” –Arundhati Roy   

T Wignesan:

Dashboard You have created 6 post         If you look straight ahead, always, you might be forewarned of major pitfalls lying in wait, but you run the risk of being tripped up by those imperceptibly minor ones right at your feet.

T Wignesan: Pitfalls

Dashboard You have created 6 post If you look straight ahead, always, you might be forewarned of major pitfalls lying in wait, but you run the risk of being tripped up by those imperceptibly minor ones right at your feet.

T Wignesan:

Unless you opt out for good, abstinence or self-denial can only make you more vulnerable and prompt you to commit that one fatal error.

T Wignesan:

If you don’t trust yourself fully, you’d become an outcast, but if you trust yourself to the exclusion of everyone else, you’d become an outcaste.  

T Wignesan:

Man/Woman has always been and still is a slave to fresh, young sex (there’s such a phenomenon as fresh, old sex, too), and whatever one might say for/about the high ideals of cultural refinement, man’s humanity to man, and social and economic justice, one cannot mask this truth; man/woman must continue in this humiliating role Read more…

T Wignesan:

It's easy not to hate; the less you see people, the less you hate, until you're left all to yourself and have only yourself to hate.

T Wignesan:

 If you write a poem a day, you’re most likely to end up a poetaster by the end of the day; that is, at the end of a long and repetitive day. Poets are born and self-made. Shakespeare didn’t take creative writing courses at Iowa, nor Lady Murasaki, Kalidasa, Wu Cheng'en, Cervantes, Voltaire, Dante, Hemingway Read more…


In the long run men [sic--read "people"] hit only what they aim at.  Therefore, though they should fail immediately, they had better aim at something high. (Walden)

Michael Ross: Sweeping

The only thing more surprising than how much dirt comes up when you sweep the kitchen floor is, how much dirt comes up when you sweep the kitchen floor a 2nd time.


Authority cannot exist without responsibility.

Irony Man:

We do not stop playing because we get old; we get old because we stop playing.


"Unless you people get your skulls cracked I'm not even going to come to your funeral" -Gandhi

William H.:

From Thomas Pynchon’s AGAINST THE DAY          Scarsdale Vibe was addressing the Las Animas–Huerfano Delegation ofthe Industrial Defense Alliance (L.A.H.D.I.D.A) gathered in the casino of an exclusive hot-springs resort up near the Continental Di­vide. Enormous windows revealed and framed mountain scenery like picture postcards hand-tinted by a crew brought in from across the sea Read more…


But the work of man is only just beginning, and it remains to conquer all the violence entrenched in the recessees of our passion and no race possesses the monopoly of beauty, of intelligence, of force. And there is a place for all at the rendezvous of victory. – Aimé Césaire


"A politician is an arse upon which everyone has sat except a man"


"We are here to kill war. We are here to laugh at the odds and live our lives so well that Death will tremble to take us."

Roger Bybee:

"So when you ran for office you built a tremendous amount of trust with the American people, that you seemed like someone who wouldn't move the bar on us," she said. "And it seems, especially in the last year, as if your negotiating tactics have sort of cut away at that trust by compromising some Read more…


None are so hopelessly enslaved as those who falsely believe they are free. – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


“A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies. The man who never reads lives only one.”

Roger Bybee:

"What haunts the Obama administration is what still haunts the country: the stunning lack of accountability for the greed and misdeeds that brought America to its gravest financial crisis since the Great Depression. There has been no legal, moral, or financial reckoning for the most powerful wrongdoers. Nor have there been meaningful reforms that might Read more…

Roger Bybee:

"Ironically, I had hurt the Democrats by both my victories and my defeats. The loss of health care and the passage of NAFTA demoralized many of our base voters and depressed turnout." –Bill Clinton, in his memoir


"Sticking feathers up your butt does not make you a chicken." -Tyler Durden

Mümtaz Derya Tarhan: To be whole is to be part

To be whole is to be part.

Roger Bybee:

The late British billionaire Sir James Goldsmith observed how radically global capitalism has shifted, from its Fordist strategy of paying high wages to build the domestic market to seeking the lowest wages available anywhere on the globe. The earlier model of capitalism also partially accepted the notion that the economy was an instrument of meeting Read more…

Roger Bybee:

"The free-market system blunders into recession; its victims flock to the free-market banner. And here we go again… "The answer to the riddle is as plain as the caviar on a lobbyist's spoon. Democrats don't speak to angry, working-class people because a lot of them can't speak to angry, working-class people. They don't know how. Read more…

Roger Bybee:

January 24, 2011 'In case you missed it, there is a fierce debate going on. One side, which now controls the House and effectively can block legislation in the Senate, disparages science, wants America to be close to a theocracy, craves a return to Wild West gun-slinging, would gut social insurance, and repeal most of Read more…

Lavender Blume:

Have you any idea how much tyrants fear the people they oppress? All of them realize that, one day, amongst their many victims, there is sure to be one who rises against them and strikes back!

Roger Bybee:

You are here: ChicagoTribune.com>Collections>Sarah Palin What others are saying   Roger Bybee, In These Times   January 04, 2011 In 2006, pollsters and political analysts John Halpin and Ruy Teixeira analyzed Democracy Corps polling data and concluded: "A majority of Americans do not believe progressives or Democrats stand for anything." In other words, it is Read more…

Joe H:

In criticizing media priorities and biases we often draw on the media themselves for at least some of the facts.  This affords the opportunity for a classic non sequitur, in which the citations of facts from the mainstream press by a critic of the press is offered as a triumphant "proof" that the criticism is Read more…

Roger Bybee:

Renegotiating a social contract today is impossible. Political power has so shifted to those who invest for a living that their poilitical representatives have no incentive to strike a deal.–Jeff Faux, from his book, The Party Isn't Over, 1996

Roger Bybee:

In past economic crises, populist fervor has been for expanding the power of the national government to address America’s pressing needs. Pleas for making good the nation’s commitment to equality and welfare have been as loud as those for liberty. Now the many who are struggling have no progressive champion. The left have ceded the Read more…

Dorian Bre:

"We can have democracy in this country, or we can have great wealth concentrated in the hands of a few, but we can’t have both."

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