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Recent Comments

Francis Yellow: Hamas, Israel tells us, is hiding among civilians
Hau mitakuyepi, Greetings my Relatives, Pilamaya mitakuye, I thank you my relative, Seymour for voicing the unspeakable. In the course …
Howard Dic: Russia-Israel: Domestic Politics and Serious Blowback
Was checking out Z to see if anyone had anything of interest to say about some of the fairly persuasive …
Philip Log: Russia-Israel: Domestic Politics and Serious Blowback
putin's military intervention? you must be kidding! read Stephen cohen and rewrite the article
Carl Wingo: Militarization of the Police
Where's the link for the video?
george patterson: Israel-Gaza Conflict
The passionate, outspoken courageous statement of Whittall, a senior official in the Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF), that "his organisation’s …
george patterson: Israel-Gaza Conflict
Mr. Whittall, the senior official of MSF, has made a compelling moral case, pointing out poignantly that while “ 'the …
Josh Stremer: The Killing Towers of the US Telecom Industry
Thanks for the article. God bless all the fallen tower climbers. It's the most dangerous job in US for …
Sanda Aronson: How Rejecting Psychopathology is Counter-Productive to Critical Psychiatry
I am a disabled person (severe ME/CFS) who is an advocate for people with disabilities based on my years of …
David Dobereiner: The Working Class and Left Politics
At last. Perhaps the first stirring of resistance from the massively oppressed working class.
Ed Lytwak: It was Putin’s Missile?
If you want answers to who and why, a good place to start would be the NATO/CIA affiliated ultra-right-wing …
Sanda Aronson: Editorial Position of the New York Times: Thumbs Up for Gaza Slaughter
I have posted art in protest of the U.S. gov't policy in support of Israel's policy and attack on Gaza …
Sanda Aronson: Besieged and Blockaded
I was once (1968) an "AFSC wife", i.e. my spouse worked for the AFSC as a community organizer. At …
Pol Dubh: Gaza’s Torment, Israel’s Crimes, Our Responsibilities
This is just a continuation of the Israeli persecution of Palestinians that has been going since before 1947.
John Andrews: Direct Action to Survive in Detroit
Those that can't pay will have to go to river to go to the toilet and get their drinking water. Hah. …
george patterson: Deleting the Imperial Perpetrator
george patterson July 20, 2014 10:06 am Reply Yes, it is true: ” In 1954, the US CIA overthrew Guatemala’s …
george patterson: Deleting the Imperial Perpetrator
Ye, it is true: " In 1954, the US CIA overthrew Guatemala’s president Jacobo Arbenz and installed a more pliant …
Glenn Fritz: Seven Things
Great work, Paul.
John Barkdull: Break The Silence: A World War Is Beckoning
Markus, I don't think anyone is saying the current Russian government is the model of democracy. To the contrary, people …
Michael Albert: Leninism, Anarchism, or What
Hi, Well, the article indicates one key dimension of the disagreement, and also some avenues for dealing - what did you …
postwar-fugue: Leninism, Anarchism, or What
I heartily agree that a serious in-depth dialogue between Anarchists & Leninists is absolutely necessary NOW. The Left, in …
george patterson: The Gaza Crisis
Yes, this video and interview is still relevant.
Tom McNama: The Gaza Crisis
I believe this video and interview refer to the previous crisis in Gaza, not the current one Unfortunately, it is still …
Vincent Walsh: Gaza: 4 Dead Boys on the Beach & Israel’s Precision War
That's Vincent Walsh, for the record.
Vincent Wa: Gaza: 4 Dead Boys on the Beach & Israel’s Precision War
It seems another conclusion might logically be drawn here: the killing of the four boys on the beach, along with …
george patterson: Gaza civilians waiting ‘for the slaughterhouse’
Yes, terrorist bombing in Gaza and Israel is abhorrent. It's war crime and a violation of international law. …
John Goodr: Leninism, Anarchism, or What
Anarchist belief , as I understand it, follow it can be summed up as : any government/body long enough in …
george patterson: Why the West Bank isn’t erupting against Israel
Amira Hass expresses lyrically with poetic, tragic eloquence the Palestinian despair, sorrow, and yearning for freedom, peace, justice, and …
george patterson: The Gaza Crisis
Noam Chomsky has stated it eloquently again with superb clarity, logic, and wisdom that there can only be a truly …
Ed Lytwak: Is the Media Selling or Telling?
When we speak of “our democracy,” it is often forgotten, perhaps deliberately, that the U.S. is run by a War …
Michael Lesher: Is the Media Selling or Telling?
It is indeed what we've come to. And to the extent we don't speak out against it -- particularly those …
Cities Are Using Hidden Webs Of Acoustic Sensors To Detect Gunfire - NEWSWATCH | NEWSWATCH: How Facebook Could Get You Arrested
[…] not hard to imagine ways to improve a system like ShotSpotter,” writes researcher Evgeny Morozov. In his view, rather than detecting …
Jason Chaplin: Fantasies
‘Some Bewildered Clarifications: A Response to Noam Chomsky by Slavoj Žižek,’ http://www.versobooks.com/blogs/1365-some-bewildered-clarifications-a-response-to-noam-chomsky-by-slavoj-zizek .
Brian Cady: Geoengineering: Testing the Waters
Dear Naomi, Re: 'Geo-engineering: Testing the Waters' I've read and think quite highly of _The Shock Doctrine_. and just heard you join …
Julius-Patrice Johnson: Gaza’s Torment, Israel’s Crimes, Our Responsibilities
As of Wednesday July 14th 2014: 226 Palestinians killed 40 Children killed 24 Women killed >70% Civilian 1,680 Palestinian injuries 1 Israeli killed Source- …
Following Strawberries, Following People | Pozole Powered Anthropology: Watsonville Teachers and Students Take on Methyl Iodide
[…] union. Upon learning about my project and interests, they asked me to help them on their campaign against the …
Beginnings: Following Strawberries, Following People | Pozole Powered Anthropology: Watsonville Teachers and Students Take on Methyl Iodide
[…] union. Upon learning about my project and interests, they asked me to help them on their campaign against the …
Sanda Aronson: Israel Inflicts Illegal Collective Punishment on Gaza
Thank you Marjorie Cohn, Esq. Giving the legal framework is helpful for those of us who oppose and dissent …
george patterson: Our Wretched Jewish State
If there were such an equivalent of the righteous Gentiles for the Jews (“the righteous Jews”), Gideon Levy would definitely …
Thierry Blanc: Our Wretched Jewish State
If there were an equivalent of the righteous Gentiles for the Jews ("the righteous Jews"), Gideon Levi would be one …
Ed Lytwak: Is It Time To “Boycott” The USA?
Arguably, the most effective political action is the strike – general, consumer (boycott), and hunger. Few would doubt …
george patterson: Israel’s Double Standard
What he stated is painfully tragic and sad that touches our hearts like The Rose of Sharon" which is the …
george patterson: Our Wretched Jewish State
This is as brilliant article by Gideon Levy. He has stated it eloquently and poetically, "In the Jewish state, …
Richard Bluhm: Is It Time To “Boycott” The USA?
"America, the land that never was, yet must be." Langston Hughes I'm not sure there has ever been a preferable …
Casey: Immigrant Children Abuse—the Latest U.S. Border ‘Crisis’
...for children who do not have families in the US already.
Casey: Immigrant Children Abuse—the Latest U.S. Border ‘Crisis’
Well both actually. Hopefully through the foster care system they would be eventually adopted out. It's possible if …
Francis Yellow: The Natives Play No Football
Hau mitakuye, Greetings my Relative, Satya Sagar, Wopila cicu, giving Thanks for showing us how today's genocide and oppression are …
Steven Que: What Catalonia Independence Means And What We Should Learn From It
I like how you ended with the, "Cui bono?" In the US we say, "Follow the money." …
Ed Lytwak: IOPS for You?
I am one of those people who signed up with IOPS in the beginning and also one who has done …
mozillanerd mozillanerd: Gaza civilians waiting ‘for the slaughterhouse’
In much of the atrocious treatment of the Palestinians by Israel i come to the thought that Israel is …
george patterson: Gaza’s Torment, Israel’s Crimes, Our Responsibilities
What is happening in Gaza is an unspeakable crime, savagery, and outrage! It is a monumental violation of human …
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