Category: Human Rights

Ewan Robertson: Social Programs Expanded in Venezuela

The Venezuelan government has initiated its policy of expanding social programs in the country’s most deprived areas in a bid to eradicate extreme poverty

Manning Marable: A Humane Society is Possible Through Struggle

An interview  with Manning Marable on “Being Left.” Socialism lost its way largely when it became decoupled from the processes of democracy. My vision of a just society is one that is democratic, that allows people’s voices to be heard, where the people actually govern.”

Justin Podur: Haiti’s New Dictatorship

Review by Stephen Roblin. Podur’s insightful and concise overview of Haiti’s recent history is an important work of revisionist scholarship that contains valuable lessons, particularly for outsiders who want to contribute constructively to the ongoing struggle for freedom and dignity in Haiti.

Thalif Deen: EU Aims to Scuttle Treaty on Human Rights Abuses

The study provides an indication of the degree of influence that corporate actors exert and their ability, in cooperation with some powerful U.N. member states, to prevent international binding rules for TNCs at the United Nations

Ariel Dorfman: How to Forgive Your Torturer

The River Kwai Passes Through Latin America and Washington

Richard Falk: Force-Feeding Palestinian Hunger Strikers

The depth of this deepening humanitarian crisis has even moved the normally passive Palestinian Authority to take some action

Meredith Tax: Women’s Emancipation and Human Rights

Are the ideas of human rights so elitist and out of sync with popular movements that we might as well just give up?

Glenn Greenwald: What Excuse Remains for Obama’s Failure to Close GITMO?

The excuse-making on behalf of President Obama has always found its most extreme form when it came time to explain why he failed to fulfill his oft-stated 2008 election promise to close Guantanamo

Dean Baker: The Veterans Affairs Scandal and Plans for Downsizing the Social Security Administration

Unfortunately the VA system is not the only part of the government where essential services may be threatened by cutbacks

Levi Gahman: Death of a Zapatista – Neoliberalism’s Assault on Indigenous Autonomy

The Zapatista struggle continues …Subcomandante Marcos ceases to exist …Galeano lives

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