
Schweitzer Won't Bail Out Montana Dems

Schweitzer Won't Bail Out Montana Dems

Montana Democrats shouldn’t expect Brian Schweitzer to save them from the plagiarism scandal swirling around incumbent John Walsh, but they do have a little time to find a new candidate if they want to replace him.Under state law, Walsh has until ...

Insiders say Montana’s most popular politician won’t replace scandal-plagued Senator John Walsh on the ballot.

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The GOP’s Last Identity Crisis

The GOP’s Last Identity Crisis

A century ago, before Tea Parties, Super PACs, and Fox News, a small band of Republican insurgents launched a daring political revolt against the party establishment. Their tactics would be familiar to modern conservatives—sensational filibusters,...

In an excerpt from his new book, ‘Unreasonable Men,’ Michael Wolraich shows how a century ago it was progressives who splintered the GOP.

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Why This Congressman Killed the GI Bill

Why This Congressman Killed the GI Bill

By Aaron Glantz & The Center for Investigative ReportingLegislation designed to prevent for-profit colleges from gaming the federal aid system and exploiting veterans died within 15 minutes of being introduced earlier this month.U.S. Rep. John...

Legislation designed to prevent for-profit colleges from exploiting veterans died within 15 minutes of being introduced.

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Graves Tapped To Run Crucial House Panel

Graves Tapped To Run Crucial House Panel

Rep. Sam Graves is expected to be the next chairman of the committee that oversees the country's highway system, according to a source familiar with the talks between Graves and House Transportation Committee Chairman Bill Shuster. "Grav...

A source tells The Daily Beast that Rep. Sam Graves (R-MO) will be the next chair of the Highways and Transit Subcommittee.

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The GOP’s Last Identity Crisis

The GOP’s Last Identity Crisis

A century ago, before Tea Parties, Super PACs, and Fox News, a small band of Republican insurgents launched a daring political revolt against the party establishment. Their tactics would be familiar to modern conservatives—sensational filibusters,...

In an excerpt from his new book, ‘Unreasonable Men,’ Michael Wolraich shows how a century ago it was progressives who splintered the GOP.

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Glenn Beck’s Common Core Kumbaya Moment

Glenn Beck’s Common Core Kumbaya Moment

They were sitting in the Crossroads of the World, lounging in the dark in stadium-style seating in the heart of one of the world’s capitals. Outside, the neon marquees lit up the night.But for two hours, they were a punch line.Early on in the live...

The conservative media star is embracing some strange bedfellows in his fight against Obama’s educational standards.

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Dole: Gay Marriage Holding Portman Back

Dole: Gay Marriage Holding Portman Back

Bob Dole suggested Wednesday that fellow Republican Rob Portman doesn’t support ratifying the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities because the senator came out in favor of gay marriage.That was the implication from a conversation ...

The elder Republican implied the senator from Ohio has already risked too much with social conservatives to endorse an international convention they hate.

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Congress’s Dysfunction Snares Veterans

Congress’s Dysfunction Snares Veterans

Come September, recovering veterans in at least 20 states could be booted from a pilot program for traumatic brain injury—not because of personal medical progress, but because of the nation’s lawmakers.Despite bipartisan support, Congress has not ...

Lawmakers on both sides of the aisle agree that a pilot program to treat veterans with traumatic brain injuries should be extended. But they can’t seem to pass the needed legislation.

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Glenn Beck’s Common Core Kumbaya Moment

Glenn Beck’s Common Core Kumbaya Moment

They were sitting in the Crossroads of the World, lounging in the dark in stadium-style seating in the heart of one of the world’s capitals. Outside, the neon marquees lit up the night.But for two hours, they were a punch line.Early on in the live...

The conservative media star is embracing some strange bedfellows in his fight against Obama’s educational standards.

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The Weird World of Celeb Clone Surgery

The Weird World of Celeb Clone Surgery

Earlier this month, a seemingly deranged woman made headlines.Claire Leeson, you see, had spent more than $30,000 on plastic surgery in a quest to look more like Kim Kardashian. Armed with a body-positive story about how the procedures she underwe...

New data crowns Kim Kardashian as the most popular celebrity people are getting plastic surgery to look like. Why that’s a surprising—and maybe even dangerous—revelation.

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Viral Vid: Fifty Shades of Grey Trailer

Viral Vid: Fifty Shades of Grey Trailer

E.L. James’ novel Fifty Shades of Grey made sexy sexy again. Not only did it put a 21st-century spin on the bodice-rippers your mom used to read in secret, but it made it OK to read them in public, as any public transit rider or plane passenger ca...

A first look at the film adaptation of your favorite dirty book

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Dear John, It Gets Better

Dear John, It Gets Better

Dear John,We are here again, then. On with the sensible suit and fixed, stony glares. Heading to court. Big, fancy lawyers. Trying to keep a lid on yet more rumors about your sexuality. Claims you are gay. Dumb phrases, aren’t they? Aren’t you exh...

A new legal battle unfolds around the actor’s alleged homosexuality. What he can do for the best and why gay Hollywood needs to wake up from its hypocritical slumber.

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Anna Kendrick’s Drunken Horror Stories

Anna Kendrick’s Drunken Horror Stories

Anna Kendrick is just plain likable. Like Emma Stone, she’s blessed with that intriguing mix of allure and attainability, assuring even the most cynical of moviegoers that she’d make a fun partner-in-crime. She tweets hilarious things about, say, ...

The witty and charming actress discussed her new role in the comedy Happy Christmas, the plot of the highly-anticipated sequel Pitch Perfect 2, and much more.

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Viral Vid: Fifty Shades of Grey Trailer

Viral Vid: Fifty Shades of Grey Trailer

E.L. James’ novel Fifty Shades of Grey made sexy sexy again. Not only did it put a 21st-century spin on the bodice-rippers your mom used to read in secret, but it made it OK to read them in public, as any public transit rider or plane passenger ca...

A first look at the film adaptation of your favorite dirty book

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Is Google Anti-‘America’?

Is Google Anti-‘America’?

Rep. Dana Rohrabacher—the Putin-loving, fluoridated-water-hating Republican congressman from California—is going to war against Google, again, this time over a cheesy documentary.This month saw the theatrical premiere of America, the $11.4 million...

Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, the outspoken GOP congressman from The Golden State, is claiming the search giant has waged a covert campaign against the Dinesh D’Souza documentary America.

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Viral Vid: Jon Stewart Wants to Buy CNN

Viral Vid: Jon Stewart Wants to Buy CNN

Jon Stewart has been locked in a feud with CNN reaching as far back as his famous showdown with Tucker Carlson on the news network’s previous incarnation of Crossfire. Nary a month has passed since that the Daily Show host hasn't criticized C...

'Daily Show' host launches mock $10B crowdfunding campaign

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A Crowning Moment of American Hypocrisy

A Crowning Moment of American Hypocrisy

Wednesday is the 30th anniversary of an iconic moment in American hypocrisy: Vanessa Williams, who had been crowned Miss America in September 1983, resigned amid threats from Penthouse to publish nude photos she had taken in 1982. Williams swore t...

Thirty years ago, Vanessa Williams relinquished her crown amidst a nude photo scandal, crystallizing the unfair expectation that American girls have to be sexy, but not sexual.

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Is Google Anti-‘America’?

Is Google Anti-‘America’?

Rep. Dana Rohrabacher—the Putin-loving, fluoridated-water-hating Republican congressman from California—is going to war against Google, again, this time over a cheesy documentary.This month saw the theatrical premiere of America, the $11.4 million...

Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, the outspoken GOP congressman from The Golden State, is claiming the search giant has waged a covert campaign against the Dinesh D’Souza documentary America.

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World News

Pope Thanks Freed Sudanese Christian

Pope Thanks Freed Sudanese Christian

After intense negotiations between the Sudanese government and diplomats from the U.S, Italy and the Vatican, 27-year-old Meriam Yahia Ibrahim Ishag landed in Rome on Thursday morning with her husband and two children, one of whom was born two mon...

A young mother sentenced to death by Sudan for converting to Christianity has arrived in Rome with her family and American husband—and got a pontiff’s welcome.

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Why 1,000 Americans Can Fight for Israel

Why 1,000 Americans Can Fight for Israel

The death of two Americans serving in Israel’s military in this weekend’s fighting with Hamas in Gaza is not the first time Americans have died while serving in foreign militaries. Max Steinberg, 24, of California, and Nissim Sean Carmeli, 21, of ...

The Jewish state is one of four that let U.S. citizens in their militaries.

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Hezbollah to Hamas: You’re on Your Own

Hezbollah to Hamas: You’re on Your Own

BEIRUT, Lebanon — Hezbollah boss Hassan Nasrallah made a phone call to Hamas chief Khaled Mashaal on Monday and vowed to support “the resistance in Gaza in any way necessary.” Then Nasrallah, whose fame has spread far and wide over the years as th...

Hamas is increasingly isolated in the region as it fights its ferocious war against Israel. In the old days Hezbollah might have helped—but not now.

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Grindr Helps Holy Land Make Love Not War

Grindr Helps Holy Land Make Love Not War

War or no war, people still want to get laid.At least that’s what an English teacher in Ramallah and six of her peers have found in the 36 hours since they created a Tumblr called PalesTinder that collects screenshots of conversations from the hoo...

What happens when you tell a potential hookup you’re in Ramallah? Seven twentysomethings tried it using PalesTinder to reveal the results: sometimes racist—and sometimes just horny.

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Why 1,000 Americans Can Fight for Israel

Why 1,000 Americans Can Fight for Israel

The death of two Americans serving in Israel’s military in this weekend’s fighting with Hamas in Gaza is not the first time Americans have died while serving in foreign militaries. Max Steinberg, 24, of California, and Nissim Sean Carmeli, 21, of ...

The Jewish state is one of four that let U.S. citizens in their militaries.

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Bill de Blasio’s Roman Holiday

Bill de Blasio’s Roman Holiday

When New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio and his family decamped for their Roman holiday, the Italians were most impressed that he carried his own bags off the plane. That’s apparently not something Italian mayors do. After stopping for a photo op ...

It’s a transatlantic love fest as Italians greet the New York City mayor and his family with double kisses.

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Ukraine Denies Grad Rocket Attacks

Ukraine Denies Grad Rocket Attacks

On Tuesday, Grad ground-to-ground rocket attacks damaged at least 10 buildings in the city of Luhansk in eastern Ukraine, which has a population of over 400,000. A day prior, Grad strikes turned Donetsk into a ghost town—hardly any pedestrians cou...

Grad rockets pounded Donetsk and Luhansk this week, and human rights monitors say Kiev is behind the carnage. But Ukraine’s new defense minister tells The Daily Beast his forces are ...

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U.S.: Separatists in Ukraine Killed MH17

U.S.: Separatists in Ukraine Killed MH17

The U.S. intelligence community’s best guess is that Ukrainian separatists supported by Russia, but not actual Russians, were the ones who fired the missile that brought down MH17 and killed 296 people over eastern Ukraine.If the leading theory of...

Moscow has been lying about what happened to the airliner but one thing it is saying may actually be true: It wasn’t a Russian who pulled the trigger.

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Bill de Blasio’s Roman Holiday

Bill de Blasio’s Roman Holiday

When New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio and his family decamped for their Roman holiday, the Italians were most impressed that he carried his own bags off the plane. That’s apparently not something Italian mayors do. After stopping for a photo op ...

It’s a transatlantic love fest as Italians greet the New York City mayor and his family with double kisses.

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Tech + Health

Self-Tracking for N00bz

Self-Tracking for N00bz

Sometimes when I’m hanging out with group of friends, fellow writers, or co-workers, the topic of quantified self comes up. Someone will say, “Ask Jamie, he can tell you how many steps he walked from here to the meeting room. Or how many words he ...

Want to get started with self-tracking fitness, dreams, moods—but aren’t sure how? These three tips will help you begin.

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The Plague Hits China

The Plague Hits China

China! The plague! A city quarantined! It sounds like a dismal new episode of the new 24: Live Another Day. But this time it’s true.Yumen, a town of 30,000 in northwest China, has been “sealed off” because a young man there died of the plague, an ...

News of the plague killing a man in China spread quickly, but thanks to antibiotics, it’s nothing to freak out about…yet.

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RFK Jr.’s Twisted Anti-Vaxx History

RFK Jr.’s Twisted Anti-Vaxx History

If you’re headed to Capitol Hill with a cause, it helps to be a Kennedy.For Robert Kennedy Jr., scion of America’s most storied political family, all it takes is his name to arrange face-to-face meetings with two powerful Senators. As a physician ...

Despite multiple studies showing no link between vaccines and autism, RFK Jr. continues to use his position to spread that lie. What will it take to make him stop?

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Grindr Helps Holy Land Make Love Not War

Grindr Helps Holy Land Make Love Not War

War or no war, people still want to get laid.At least that’s what an English teacher in Ramallah and six of her peers have found in the 36 hours since they created a Tumblr called PalesTinder that collects screenshots of conversations from the hoo...

What happens when you tell a potential hookup you’re in Ramallah? Seven twentysomethings tried it using PalesTinder to reveal the results: sometimes racist—and sometimes just horny.

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The Plague Hits China

The Plague Hits China

China! The plague! A city quarantined! It sounds like a dismal new episode of the new 24: Live Another Day. But this time it’s true.Yumen, a town of 30,000 in northwest China, has been “sealed off” because a young man there died of the plague, an ...

News of the plague killing a man in China spread quickly, but thanks to antibiotics, it’s nothing to freak out about…yet.

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Brooklynite Goes Off Her Meds—for Art

Brooklynite Goes Off Her Meds—for Art

Marni Kotak sits on a gold-painted twin bed, wearing a gold satin nightgown, with matching bedsheets covering her legs. She’s scribbling in gold ink on a cartoonishly large notepad, an expanding list of the day’s emotional fluctuations. It’s a sma...

Performance artist Marni Kotak is weaning herself off a cocktail of antidepressants and anti-psychotic drugs in a Brooklyn gallery. Could you call it art?

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New Gadget Detects Date Rape Drugs

New Gadget Detects Date Rape Drugs

Too carefree with that red Solo cup, or wary of a handsome stranger buying the next round? Say hello to High-Tech’s newest solution to the date rape drug crisis. The pd.id, or personal drink identification device, can quickly and discreetly inform...

The pd.i.d. can detect roofies in juice, water and cocktails--but will the $75 price tag deter young women?

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Living With Disability in the Dark Ages

Living With Disability in the Dark Ages

A recent study in the International Journal of Paleopathology revealed a 5th- or 6th-century AD skull found in the French town of Saint-Jean-des-Vignes is likely that of a child with Down syndrome. This 5- to 7-year-old child is now the earliest p...

A newly discovered ancient skeleton showed signs of Down syndrome, yet it was given the same burial as other members of its community. What it tells us about the history of disability.

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Brooklynite Goes Off Her Meds—for Art

Brooklynite Goes Off Her Meds—for Art

Marni Kotak sits on a gold-painted twin bed, wearing a gold satin nightgown, with matching bedsheets covering her legs. She’s scribbling in gold ink on a cartoonishly large notepad, an expanding list of the day’s emotional fluctuations. It’s a sma...

Performance artist Marni Kotak is weaning herself off a cocktail of antidepressants and anti-psychotic drugs in a Brooklyn gallery. Could you call it art?

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Clothes Swapping Isn’t Just for Kimye

Clothes Swapping Isn’t Just for Kimye

Who can forget the 2001 American Music Awards, when then-idyllic couple Justin Timberlake and Britney Spears took to the red carpet in matching Canadian tuxedos? Or the numerous times Posh and Becks sported nearly identical looks, from the purple ...

We may all snicker at gooey-eyed couples who begin to coordinate their outfits, but matching may actually be a sign of a strong relationship. Unless the look is truly hideous, of cou...

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Justin Bieber for Calvin Klein

Justin Bieber for Calvin Klein

Justin Bieber for Calvin Klein: Have we found the next Marky Mark? According to the Daily Mail, Pop music bad boy Justin Bieber recently shot a campaign for Calvin Klein that is projected to run later this year. Bieber, who frequently posts photos...

And more than 20,000 Americans set to wed on 12/13/14.

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A Crowning Moment of American Hypocrisy

A Crowning Moment of American Hypocrisy

Wednesday is the 30th anniversary of an iconic moment in American hypocrisy: Vanessa Williams, who had been crowned Miss America in September 1983, resigned amid threats from Penthouse to publish nude photos she had taken in 1982. Williams swore t...

Thirty years ago, Vanessa Williams relinquished her crown amidst a nude photo scandal, crystallizing the unfair expectation that American girls have to be sexy, but not sexual.

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Blake Lively Gets Her GOOP On

Blake Lively Gets Her GOOP On

Really, before any celebrity follows the example of Gwyneth Paltrow and now the Gossip Girl actress Blake Lively in setting up a lifestyle blog, we, the poor public without access to personal shoppers and people to choose our mood colors for the d...

The ‘Gossip Girl’ actress has followed Gwyneth Paltrow to the blogging ‘n’ selling online rodeo. We cut through the babble about historical and artisanal preservation to the $25 spoons.

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Justin Bieber for Calvin Klein

Justin Bieber for Calvin Klein

Justin Bieber for Calvin Klein: Have we found the next Marky Mark? According to the Daily Mail, Pop music bad boy Justin Bieber recently shot a campaign for Calvin Klein that is projected to run later this year. Bieber, who frequently posts photos...

And more than 20,000 Americans set to wed on 12/13/14.

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The EPA Is a C-List Celebrity

The EPA Is a C-List Celebrity

The EPA is Keeping Up With The Kardashians: On Monday night, the Environmental Protection Agency’s Office of Water announced it was just another desperate C-Lister fighting for validation in Kim Kardashian’s world. “I’m now a C-List celebrity in K...

And Blake Lively launches a lifestyle blog.

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How the World Wars Changed Fashion

How the World Wars Changed Fashion

Britain entered World War I on August 4, 1914. One hundred years later, the WWI centenary is being honored with a slew of exhibitions and commemorative events, from a light-a-candle hour to memorials for the fallen.The fashion industry is no excep...

Think shorter hemlines, the end of corsets, and (gasp!) trousers for women. It’s been 100 years since the start of WWI, but the war’s impact on fashion is still seen on runways today.

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Olivia Palermo Now a Shoe Designer

Olivia Palermo Now a Shoe Designer

Olivia Palermo, Shoe Designer: Already dubbed an unofficial ambassador for Aquazzura, style maven Olivia Palermo now has entered into a partnership with the Italian shoe label. Palermo, who is often photographed in the brand's designs, has cr...

And powerful women choose powerful drinks, according to new study.

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The EPA Is a C-List Celebrity

The EPA Is a C-List Celebrity

The EPA is Keeping Up With The Kardashians: On Monday night, the Environmental Protection Agency’s Office of Water announced it was just another desperate C-Lister fighting for validation in Kim Kardashian’s world. “I’m now a C-List celebrity in K...

And Blake Lively launches a lifestyle blog.

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Great Escapes

Iraq’s Endangered Mythical Temple

Iraq’s Endangered Mythical Temple

In an ancient stone carving, warriors brandishing shields and swords swarm over the columned facade of a grand temple. On one side, a palace stands with three women perched on top; on the other, above private homes, a ruler on a throne dictates to...

For centuries, scientists have been searching for an ancient temple dedicated to a winged warrior. Now, one archaeologist thinks he may have found it. Only problem: It’s in the middl...

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  • A Bonsai Tree Goes to Space…for Art

    A Bonsai Tree Goes to Space…for Art

    With Virgin Galactic coming closer to offering commercial flights to space, many people’s dreams are about to come true. But for one artist, they already have. Symbolically, at least.Last Week, Japanese artist Azuma Makato launched two botanical o...

    While many earthlings are waiting for their chance to blast off into space, one Japanese artist has already achieved his dreams, sending a bonsai tree and floral bouquet high above E...

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Is Organic Vodka Good for You?

Is Organic Vodka Good for You?

Nothing about the sleek blue bar and $13 cocktails at Maui’s Monkeypod Kitchen screams back-to-nature—the décor is Mixology-chic, not Green Acres, and you can’t even see the beach from the landlocked café. But its menu is dedicated to locally sour...

It’s official: the organic movement has infiltrated our bars. But whether or not your martini is made from organic, kosher, locally-sourced vodka, it still isn’t “healthy” for you.

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Blake Lively Gets Her GOOP On

Blake Lively Gets Her GOOP On

Really, before any celebrity follows the example of Gwyneth Paltrow and now the Gossip Girl actress Blake Lively in setting up a lifestyle blog, we, the poor public without access to personal shoppers and people to choose our mood colors for the d...

The ‘Gossip Girl’ actress has followed Gwyneth Paltrow to the blogging ‘n’ selling online rodeo. We cut through the babble about historical and artisanal preservation to the $25 spoons.

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Brooklynite Goes Off Her Meds—for Art

Brooklynite Goes Off Her Meds—for Art

Marni Kotak sits on a gold-painted twin bed, wearing a gold satin nightgown, with matching bedsheets covering her legs. She’s scribbling in gold ink on a cartoonishly large notepad, an expanding list of the day’s emotional fluctuations. It’s a sma...

Performance artist Marni Kotak is weaning herself off a cocktail of antidepressants and anti-psychotic drugs in a Brooklyn gallery. Could you call it art?

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Is Organic Vodka Good for You?

Is Organic Vodka Good for You?

Nothing about the sleek blue bar and $13 cocktails at Maui’s Monkeypod Kitchen screams back-to-nature—the décor is Mixology-chic, not Green Acres, and you can’t even see the beach from the landlocked café. But its menu is dedicated to locally sour...

It’s official: the organic movement has infiltrated our bars. But whether or not your martini is made from organic, kosher, locally-sourced vodka, it still isn’t “healthy” for you.

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How the World Wars Changed Fashion

How the World Wars Changed Fashion

Britain entered World War I on August 4, 1914. One hundred years later, the WWI centenary is being honored with a slew of exhibitions and commemorative events, from a light-a-candle hour to memorials for the fallen.The fashion industry is no excep...

Think shorter hemlines, the end of corsets, and (gasp!) trousers for women. It’s been 100 years since the start of WWI, but the war’s impact on fashion is still seen on runways today.

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China Is Brewing Wine From Tiger Bones

China Is Brewing Wine From Tiger Bones

From an old cardboard box, Li Wen drew a clear glass bottle filled with a dark brown liquid. The yellowed label indicated that it was brewed decades ago.“I have newer batches too,” Li said in a voice stained by caffeine and nicotine, “and I’m also...

Despite official bans on the sales of tiger bones, wine made from exotic animal remains thrives on China’s black market.

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Prince George, 1, Saves the Royals

Prince George, 1, Saves the Royals

Prince George’s first birthday party this afternoon will be much like that of any other upper-class child of his peer group—tea and cake at his parents’ London home, a visit from granny, conspicuously tasteful wooden presents (probably neglected b...

New Pictures of Prince George admiring butterflies with his parents are released to mark his first birthday

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How the World Wars Changed Fashion

How the World Wars Changed Fashion

Britain entered World War I on August 4, 1914. One hundred years later, the WWI centenary is being honored with a slew of exhibitions and commemorative events, from a light-a-candle hour to memorials for the fallen.The fashion industry is no excep...

Think shorter hemlines, the end of corsets, and (gasp!) trousers for women. It’s been 100 years since the start of WWI, but the war’s impact on fashion is still seen on runways today.

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Artist Gives Lohan the ‘Natural’ Look

Artist Gives Lohan the ‘Natural’ Look

These days, Photoshop is almost synonymous with celebrity. Nearly every magazine and advertisement sharpens, brightens, smoothes, and slims the famous figures that grace their glossy covers and mega-sized billboards. The problem has gotten so bad ...

One artist has decided to combat the plague of Photoshopped celebrity looks by going in the oppose direction—depicting our favorite stars as if they looked more like us.

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  • ‘We Cannot Return to Guatemala’

    ‘We Cannot Return to Guatemala’

    SAN DIEGO — “No podemos volver a Guatemala. We cannot return to Guatemala,” Elvina tells me. She’s just arrived at Border Angels, a local San Diego charity, with three of her four children. Her eldest son, an 18-year-old, is being held separately ...

    Conservatives are blaming the immigration crisis on the president, but one mother who crossed the border says she’s never heard of Obama’s laws—she just wants to save her children.

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British Law Prosecutes Parents for FGM

British Law Prosecutes Parents for FGM

More than 137,000 women in England and Wales have undergone female genital mutilation. An estimated 20,000 girls born in Britain are at risk. Seeking to end the practice “everywhere for everyone within this generation,” Prime Minister David Camero...

British law said it was illegal to perform female genital mutilation or to take a girl out of the country for the purpose. Now, parents can be prosecuted for allowing it.

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A Crowning Moment of American Hypocrisy

A Crowning Moment of American Hypocrisy

Wednesday is the 30th anniversary of an iconic moment in American hypocrisy: Vanessa Williams, who had been crowned Miss America in September 1983, resigned amid threats from Penthouse to publish nude photos she had taken in 1982. Williams swore t...

Thirty years ago, Vanessa Williams relinquished her crown amidst a nude photo scandal, crystallizing the unfair expectation that American girls have to be sexy, but not sexual.

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Grindr Helps Holy Land Make Love Not War

Grindr Helps Holy Land Make Love Not War

War or no war, people still want to get laid.At least that’s what an English teacher in Ramallah and six of her peers have found in the 36 hours since they created a Tumblr called PalesTinder that collects screenshots of conversations from the hoo...

What happens when you tell a potential hookup you’re in Ramallah? Seven twentysomethings tried it using PalesTinder to reveal the results: sometimes racist—and sometimes just horny.

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British Law Prosecutes Parents for FGM

British Law Prosecutes Parents for FGM

More than 137,000 women in England and Wales have undergone female genital mutilation. An estimated 20,000 girls born in Britain are at risk. Seeking to end the practice “everywhere for everyone within this generation,” Prime Minister David Camero...

British law said it was illegal to perform female genital mutilation or to take a girl out of the country for the purpose. Now, parents can be prosecuted for allowing it.

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Blake Lively Gets Her GOOP On

Blake Lively Gets Her GOOP On

Really, before any celebrity follows the example of Gwyneth Paltrow and now the Gossip Girl actress Blake Lively in setting up a lifestyle blog, we, the poor public without access to personal shoppers and people to choose our mood colors for the d...

The ‘Gossip Girl’ actress has followed Gwyneth Paltrow to the blogging ‘n’ selling online rodeo. We cut through the babble about historical and artisanal preservation to the $25 spoons.

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Brooklynite Goes Off Her Meds—for Art

Brooklynite Goes Off Her Meds—for Art

Marni Kotak sits on a gold-painted twin bed, wearing a gold satin nightgown, with matching bedsheets covering her legs. She’s scribbling in gold ink on a cartoonishly large notepad, an expanding list of the day’s emotional fluctuations. It’s a sma...

Performance artist Marni Kotak is weaning herself off a cocktail of antidepressants and anti-psychotic drugs in a Brooklyn gallery. Could you call it art?

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The Hobby Lobby Case and Sex Discrimi...

The Hobby Lobby Case and Sex Discrimi...

While the U.S. Supreme Court recently upheld the right of corporations to exclude birth control from health care coverage, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission says that doing so actually violates federal anti-discrimination law. Title VII ...

The Supreme Court recently upheld the right of corporations to exclude birth control from health care coverage. But the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission says that’s discrimina...

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Blake Lively Gets Her GOOP On

Blake Lively Gets Her GOOP On

Really, before any celebrity follows the example of Gwyneth Paltrow and now the Gossip Girl actress Blake Lively in setting up a lifestyle blog, we, the poor public without access to personal shoppers and people to choose our mood colors for the d...

The ‘Gossip Girl’ actress has followed Gwyneth Paltrow to the blogging ‘n’ selling online rodeo. We cut through the babble about historical and artisanal preservation to the $25 spoons.

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The Unsinkable Lee Grant

The Unsinkable Lee Grant

To say that actress Lee Grant has seen it all would be an understatement.She barreled onto the Broadway scene at the age of 23 in 1949 with Detective Story, and was nominated for an Oscar two years later when it was adapted into film. Just as her ...

A star at 23, then blacklisted for 12 years, actress Lee Grant rebuilt her career, won a pair of Oscars, and caps it all with a frank and spirited memoir.

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  • This Week’s Hot Reads

    This Week’s Hot Reads

    Shadows in the Vineyard: The True Story of the Plot to Poison the World’s Greatest Wine by Maximillian PotterIn his camouflaged lair in the middle of the woods, a career criminal stirs in the dead of night to assemble his tools for a risky but po...

    This week, a true-life crime drama set in a famous French vineyard, an impressive debut, and a refreshing spin on the supernatural thriller.

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Immigrants Meet New ‘Grapes of Wrath’

Immigrants Meet New ‘Grapes of Wrath’

The angry protestors who made headlines recently when they confronted three busloads of Central American mothers and their children in Murrieta, California, reflect widespread fears that many now have about uncontrolled immigration. But we should...

The bigotry and fear greeting busloads of Central American mothers and children is almost word for word what Steinbeck’s Joads heard 75 years ago.

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James Lee Burke’s Best Book Yet

James Lee Burke’s Best Book Yet

Like Babe Ruth, late in his career, pointing toward the center field bleachers at Wrigley Field before sending a ball soaring out of the stadium, James Lee Burke has managed, in one swift maneuver, to confirm and enhance his legacy. At the age of ...

Abandoning the badasses in his usual Louisiana haunts, the Edgar-winning author crafts his first historical novel about oil, movies, and the American Dream.

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The Week’s Best Longreads

The Week’s Best Longreads

Wrong AnswerRachel Aviv, The New YorkerIn the era of high-stakes testing, a struggling school made a shocking choice.My Life With Piper: From Big House to Small ScreenLarry Smith, MatterThe other true story behind Orange is the New Black.The Cultu...

From a school forced by a brutal testing regime into a cheating scandal to a 14-hour trip to T.G.I Friday’s, The Daily Beast picks the best journalism from around the web this week.

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Immigrants Meet New ‘Grapes of Wrath’

Immigrants Meet New ‘Grapes of Wrath’

The angry protestors who made headlines recently when they confronted three busloads of Central American mothers and their children in Murrieta, California, reflect widespread fears that many now have about uncontrolled immigration. But we should...

The bigotry and fear greeting busloads of Central American mothers and children is almost word for word what Steinbeck’s Joads heard 75 years ago.

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Mr. Bad Taste and Trouble Himself

Mr. Bad Taste and Trouble Himself

“He drank too much and smoked too much. He granted too many interviews full of cynical observations about himself and his business. He made too many bad movies and hardly any of the kind that stir critics to rapture or that, taken together, look l...

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Nellie Bly, Feminist Trailblazer

Nellie Bly, Feminist Trailblazer

Long before Jessica Mitford would publish The American Way of Death, her explosive exposé on the corrupt American funeral system in 1963, there was a young muckraker who called herself Nellie Bly. Born Elizabeth Jane Cochran in 1864, Bly responded...

Even if you hated spunk, you would have to love the adventurous, forthright journalist who called herself Nellie Bly.

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A Fantasy Titan Invades the Y.A. Kingdom

A Fantasy Titan Invades the Y.A. Kingdom

Just as the world stops reeling from the latest twists in Game of Thrones—or just in time to remember the characters’ names—Joe Abercrombie has grabbed hold of Occam’s razor and slit open the obsessively complicated worlds constructed by today’s f...

Well known as a fantasy author for adults, Joe Abercrombie makes his first foray in young adult fiction with ‘Half a King,’ about a boy’s violent (but chaste) struggle to rule.

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Mr. Bad Taste and Trouble Himself

Mr. Bad Taste and Trouble Himself

“He drank too much and smoked too much. He granted too many interviews full of cynical observations about himself and his business. He made too many bad movies and hardly any of the kind that stir critics to rapture or that, taken together, look l...

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