Hot Off the Press

The latest news on and the WordPress community.

Longreads’ Best of WordPress, Vol. 2

Here’s the second edition of Longreads’ Best of WordPress! We’ve combed through the internet to put together a reading list of some of the best storytelling being published on WordPress. (You can find Vol. 1 here.) As a reminder: If you read or publish a story on WordPress that’s over …

Just Pressed: New Books by Authors on

From a comic diary to a collection of essays on culture and belonging, the most recent published works by authors are great additions to your bookshelf.

Heading to BlogHer ’14 next week? So are we!

BlogHer 2014, the 10th anniversary celebration of the popular women’s blogging network, kicks off next Thursday, July 24th in San Jose, California. There’s still time to register, and we hope you do — we’ll be there, too!

Attention, Writers: The Next Blogging U. Challenge Is Here

Writing 201, which starts next Monday, July 21st, will help bloggers develop their storytelling and self-editing skills.

Street Art: Around the World in Eight Photos

Tour the colorful street art of the world found on, right from your seat.

New Themes: Adaption and Isola

Adaption and Isola are two great new free themes that keep your content looking good, no matter what device your readers use.

Early Theme Adopters: Worldview, Collective, and Alto

In our Early Theme Adopters series, we focus on bloggers creating great sites with recent additions to the Theme Showcase. Today, let’s visit sites using Alto, Collective, and Worldview, three themes launched together a few months ago.

Field Notes: European Beer Bloggers Conference

We recently sponsored the fourth European Beer Blogging Conference in Dublin, Ireland. editor Ben Huberman reports back on this hopping community.

New Theme: Big Brother

Big Brother‘s bold colors and strong type will represent your business or organization with sophistication and panache.

Themes for Longform Writers

A sampling of themes for bloggers writing #longreads, authors publishing material, and others who focus on longer articles.

Longreads’ Best of WordPress, Vol. 1

A reading list of 10 stories we love right now.

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