- published: 13 Feb 2016
- views: 189378
The Tupolev Tu-95 (Russian: Туполев Ту-95; NATO reporting name: "Bear") is a large, four-engine turboprop-powered strategic bomber and missile platform. First flown in 1952, the Tu-95 entered service with the Soviet Union in 1956 and is expected to serve the Russian Air Force until at least 2040. A development of the bomber for maritime patrol is designated Tu-142, while a passenger airliner derivative was called Tu-114.
The aircraft has four Kuznetsov NK-12 engines, each driving contra-rotating propellers. It is the only propeller-powered strategic bomber still in operational use today. The tips of the propeller-blades move faster than the speed of sound, making it one of the noisiest military aircraft. Its distinctive swept-back wings are at a 35° angle.
The design bureau led by Andrei Tupolev designed the Soviet Union's first intercontinental bomber, the 1949 Tu-85, a scaled-up version of the Tu-4, a Boeing B-29 Superfortress copy.
A new requirement was issued to both Tupolev and Myasishchev design bureaus in 1950: the proposed bomber had to have an un-refueled range of 8,000 km (4,970 mi)—far enough to threaten key targets in the United States. Other goals included the ability to carry an 11,000 kg (12.1 ton) load over the target.
WORLDS FASTEST Propeller Driven Aircraft Tu-95 flying on mission
RARE | Tupolev Tu-95MS Inflight | HD
Wings Of The Red Star Tu 95! The Nuclear Bear! YouTube
Wings of the Red Star - Tu 95 The Nuclear Bear (Best Quality)
Alaskan F-15/Tu-95 Bear Intercept
Tupolev Tu-95 bomber dropping a cruise missile
Russian TU-22M TU-95 And TU-160 Planes Continue To Drop Their Loads Over Syria
Engels Airbase TU 95 Bear taking off
Russian strategic bomber Tupolev Tu-22M and Tu-95 in action over Syria (HD)
Tu-95 'Bear' - the master of Taiga air!
The Tu-160 is the worlds fastest propeller driven aircraft in the world today. The Tupolev Tu-95 (Russian: Туполев Ту-95; NATO reporting name: "Bear") is a large, four-engine turboprop-powered strategic bomber and missile platform. First flown in 1952, the Tu-95 entered service with the Soviet Union in 1956 and is expected to serve the Russian Air Force until at least 2040.[1] A development of the bomber for maritime patrol is designated Tu-142, while a passenger airliner derivative was called Tu-114. The aircraft has four Kuznetsov NK-12 engines, each driving contra-rotating propellers. It is the only propeller-powered strategic bomber still in operational use today. The tips of the propeller-blades move faster than the speed of sound, making it one of the noisiest military aircraft.[2] ...
This is a rare sight at the Tu-95 at work from the inside! This video is not mine, I found it on the web and they are not located anywhere on youtube, so I wanted to share them with you. If you are the owner of these videos, please notify me and I will delete them. I mean no disrespect. Thanks for watching and enjoy! Helicopterpilot16|2013
Please visit my channel @ http://www.youtube.com/user/vexed123 The Tupolev Tu-95 (Russian: Туполев Ту--95 NATO reporting name: Bear) is a large, four-engine turboprop-powered strategic bomber and missile platform. First flown in 1952, the Tu-95 entered service with the Soviet Union in 1956 and is expected to serve the Russian Air Force until at least 2040. A naval development of the bomber is designated Tu-142. The aircraft has four Kuznetsov NK-12 engines, developed by the Kuznetsov Design Bureau with participation of Ferdinand Brandner and other captured Nazi engineers, each driving contra-rotating propellers. An airliner variant Tu-114 holds the record as the world's fastest propeller-driven aircraft. Some experimental aircraft were designed for theoretically higher speeds, but none att...
LIKE | COMMENT | SHARE | SUBSCRIBE great gaming channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvhWnKfFKf2w4Br9NCKccNQ The Tupolev Tu-22M (Russian: Туполев Ту-22М; NATO reporting name: Backfire) is a supersonic, variable-sweep wing, long-range strategic and maritime strike bomber developed by the Tupolev Design Bureau. According to some sources, the bomber was believed to be designated Tu-26 at one time. Significant numbers remain in service with the Russian Air Force, and as of 2014 more than 100 Tu-22Ms are in use. Role Strategic bomber/Maritime strike Manufacturer Tupolev First flight 30 August 1969 Introduction 1972 Status In service Primary users Soviet Air Forces (historical) Russian Air Force Ukrainian Air Force Indian Navy (historical) Produced 1967–1997 Number built 497 Developed from ...
I will upload next game after I week because I will be busy with my other works so I apologise.
เครื่องบินทิ้งระเบิดTu 95 Bear ของสหภาพโซเวียต ในยุคสงครามเย็น
An old Playfix kit from the seventies. Awful kit - horrible, brittle, non-fitting plastic & aged, incorrect & unusable decals. My aim was to have it looking more realistic than the box art. I feel I succeeded.
Tupolev tu-95 NATO reporting name bear is manufactured by Tupolev in the USSR during the Cold War, strategic bombers and long-lasting and very successful . Bomber Field, the good old days of big crowds and lots of great planes. This Sony Hi-8 video features the 21ft - 6in wingspan Russian Bear bomber. UKRAINKA, RUSSIA — Two pilots were reportedly killed in an explosion as their plane was taking off from a Russian military base. In a video posted to local . Tupolev Tu-95 Bear. Soviet Union strategic bomber.
【PK NT&T;】 An overview of the World Military videos on the navy, air force, army. From aircraft carriers to fighter planes, passing through tanks, infantry and special forces, to the attack submarines. Military HUB - A meeting place for all fans ....
Large Russian Supersonic TU22 Tupolev in Action Enjoy & Subscribe Don't Forget to Like & Comment Below Tupolev Tu-22 was the first . LIKE | COMMENT | SHARE | SUBSCRIBE great gaming channel The Tupolev Tu-22M . The Tupolev Tu-22M (Russian: Туполев Ту-22М; NATO reporting name: Backfire) is a supersonic, variable-sweep wing, long-range strategic and maritime strike .
pesawat pembom RUSIA siap siaga untuk membantu sahabat nya
SAAT Pesawat TU 95 Rusia Masuki WILAYAH Inggris Malaysia Bangga Buat Mobil Canggih, Indonesia Bangga Buat . Pesawat Pembom Rusia Ini Bikin NATO Tak Berdaya - EROPA bereaksi keras atas kegiatan aktivitas pesawat-pesawat pembom Rusia di wilayah bawah Selat . Pesawat TU-22 M dan oleh Nato diberi julukan Backfire merupakan pesawat jet supersonik dengan sayap ayun. Pesawat pembom strategis jarak jauh dan . Tak ada yang berani meremehkan kekuatan TNI AU saat itu. Salah satunya karena kehadiran pesawat pengebom strategis TU-16 KS dan TU-16. Pesawat .
¿Que harías si te encontraras con tú ex? Si te gusto este vídeo dele like!! Suscríbete y Comparte!! Visita: http://www.mega.cl/programas/volverias-con-tu-ex/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/VolveriasConTuExCL/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/VolveriascntuEX Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/Volveriascontuex/
新闻龙卷风 2016-01-26 俄罗斯可携核武TU-95起飞前爆炸!蘑菇云火光是.. ▶ 新闻龙卷风 2016 (按時更新): https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLOLcs_uLLWPRumhv5-Dcdn64xa1Eyl8r_ 俄罗斯可携核武TU-95起飞前大爆炸!蘑菇云火光是.. 差1公尺壮航母变火球,SU-57直停航母甲板敬礼? 山东女子怪病一次吐10条黑虫,连医生也无解.. 大陆开车入溜冰...冰风暴不可思议现象! 握大权16年不死鸟!英美联手狙杀普京大阴谋!? 一周前英国法院控普京,密令家法制裁前KGB特务! 前KGB特务疑遭普京暗杀,因一卷神秘录影带? 224死埃及空难,前KGB特务爆:普京令炸机出兵中东! 奥巴马讽只是区域国家,普京调40万重兵,10核弹列车! 核武、长白山、金正恩,零下39度正常上工朝鲜急冻地狱! 金正日死前招10人密谋结束朝鲜世袭!金正恩起杀心? 神秘白色浮石,长白山神秘湖中年水位不动藏着.. 零下30度的冰雪饥荒,朝鲜连田埂中都种满农作物..
¡ QUE TAL CHICOS COMO ESTAN ! en esta ocasion les traigo un tutorial sobre el bombardero ligero ruso Tu-95 espero que les guste y LOLOLOLOLOLOL Mi texture pack: sphax purebdcraft 128x128 Si quieres estar al tanto de todos mis videos: Dame like en FACEBOOK :https://www.facebook.com/LAUTYZERO?ref=hl Seguime en TWITTER: https://twitter.com/L4utyZ3r0
History Story Nr 1 (komplett) A true Story - Eine wahre Geschichte Nein, sie ist nicht wahr, aber sie hätte sich1974 durchaus ereignen können. Der 9 .11. hat zum ersten Mal in der amerikanischen Geschichte den Amerikanern vorgeführt, das die USA auch im eigenen Land verwundbar ist. Für dieses Amerika eine fürchterliche Erfahrung. 1975 war das Land von solchen Erfahrungen, außer vielleicht Pearl Harbour, noch weit entfernt. Dort gab es Politiker und Militärs, in herausragenden Entscheidungspositionen, die allen Ernstes glaubten, die atomare Schwelle der Interkontinentalwaffen, mit "kleinkalibrigen" Atomwaffen z.B. der "Pershing Rakete" unterlaufen zu können. Die russische Antwort darauf waren die "SS 20 ff". Diese Waffen schon in geringer Anzahl eingesetzt, hätten mit atomaren Ground Zer...
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Look at this little nigga, man
Ay T.I. is that really you man?
Yeah shawty, what's happenin'?
Ay man can you give me a ride home, man?
Man, it's 2:30 in the muthafuckin' mornin', what the fuck you doin' out here?
Out here trappin' tryna get rid of this bomb and purp, man
Man you can come with me on one condition
What's that bruh?
Let me convince you to put that bomb down
I knew it T.I.
You wasn't really on that dope boy shit
I tell you what shawty, get in man
I'll show you how to tote that tool
Make that double
Better be cool, you don't want no trouble
Keep it leanin' to the left
My gat stay cocked
I'm always super clean when you see me on the block
Keep my money in a knot with a rubberband on it
Blow to marijuana, know I got it if you want it
See me standin' on the corner, slangin' that crack
You know how it is to be the man in trap
I'm the dopeman nigga the dopeman nigga the dope the dope dope the dopeman nigga
I'm the dopeman nigga the dopeman nigga the dope the dopeman the dopeman nigga
I'm the dopeman nigga the dopeman nigga the dope the dope dope the dopeman nigga
I'm the dopeman nigga the dopeman nigga (From a ki' to a G, it's all about money)
Look, bet all you see is tats, money, grills, and chains
But if you scratch the surface you can feel the pain
Names change but the situation still the same
The bills need payin' nigga simple and plain
Take a young'n who's aspirin' to get him some change
Won't nobody hire him so he get in the game
Went and bought a 50 slab, divide it up into ten
Sold 'em all, double down, did it again
By then you got enough to buy a quarter ounce
You sellin' dimes to forty fiends buy it and bounce
Throw some money to your momma keep some food in the house
Cop the outfit and the Jordans on the day they came out
Betta get ya self a pistol know the jackers is out
Flip another seven grams, oh you hustlin' now
Time to get yourself a half, make sure it's some glass
A hundred bags sell it fast stack a G now you officially
(I betcha think you pretty good at it now, huh?)
Now once you flipped a couple o's know the game get gravy
Take twelve fifty go git ya two and a baby
Yeah sixty three grams if you whip that right
you should get back five or six that night Stack that money and repeat that twice
Buy you somethin' to ride in, ya gotta be tight
Next time you buy somethin' take twenty-five hundred
Get four and a half it come back in nine don't it
Now stay low key when the money keep comin'
Keep some niggas on ya team to show these suckas they don't want it
By then your connect will clearly see you on ya grind
Shit you come to get a nine and he front you what you buyin'
As long as you bring back your money on time
And if you snort blow, do it on your own time
At this rate you'll be at a brick in no time
They say the want some weight, tell them niggas stand in line
(Stay with me now shawty, here comes the fun part)
Now the robbers plottin' on ya and your name stay buzzin'
You caught a sale case down in Macon with your cousin
Your connect ain't worried, you and him cool
He know you'll never tell what you and him do
A mob of a hundred just a few of them true
You heard a worker snictchin' on you and it's true
Everybody know you sell that shit
The feds come and get ya, shit we heard you
Tote that tool, make that double
Better be cool, you don't want no trouble
Keep it leanin' to the left, my gat stay cocked
I'm always super clean when you see me on the block
Keep my money in a knot with a rubberband on it
Blow that marijuana know I got it if you want it
See me standin' on the corner slangin' that crack
You know how it is to be the man in trap