#IndiaWithIsrael 的搜尋結果

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  2. I stand by the side of Israel's right to defend herself from the brutal attacks of the Hamas.

  3. Hamas' underground tunnel network is a marvel & proves it prioritizes murder over Gaza's people

  4. : Hindus & Jews have Common Challenges, Common Interests and Common Enimies. http://t.co/4q21sj1t

  5. This cant b mere coincidence - Pune techie murder, UP Riots, , , Now forcefully feeding Roza fasting ppl

  6. 3 cheers for . govt knows that opposition's communal pandering is continuation of Brit divide & rule.

  7. I challenge you that you can't ignore this tweet and you will do Retweet too.RT Plz.

    、 、 、 及其他 7 位
  8. Support Israel in crushing the killers of humanity ,Israel needs our suport. We need their support

  9. All Hindus & Sikh groups in the US are supporting Israel. Proud of you guys for standing with the righteousness.

  10. My 6 years neice

    、 、 、 及其他 6 位
  11. Pls follow Political Officer at Embassy of Israel in India, . He interacts with ppl online. Stood with us during


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