
Horace - Nu stiu (Videoclip Oficial)
Premiera pe http://hiphopnews.ro
Artist/Voce/Text : Horace ( https://www.facebook.com/Hor...
published: 21 Oct 2013
Horace - Nu stiu (Videoclip Oficial)
Horace - Nu stiu (Videoclip Oficial)
Premiera pe http://hiphopnews.ro Artist/Voce/Text : Horace ( https://www.facebook.com/HoraceOficial ) Instrumental : Stackz Beats Mix/Master : Lu-K Beats @FonogramStudios ( https://www.facebook.com/lukbeatsoffi... ) Regizor/Scenariu/DOP : Patrunjel Florin ( https://www.facebook.com/patru.flo?fr... ) Post-producție : Patrunjel Florin @Elegance-Media ( https://www.facebook.com/pages/Elegan... ) Brands : NERV ( https://www.facebook.com/NERVwear ) BeleaBrand : ( https://www.facebook.com/pages/BELEA-BRAND/434811819943666 ) VERSURI : Eu chiar nu stiu, ce vrei tu Ca ai cerut prea mult si cateodata n-ai avut Poate, ai fi vrut unu' cu teancuri mai mari Dar stai chill ca-n muzica asta nu se arunca ca la lautari Tu inca astepti teancuri de dolari Eu sunt cu gandul la concerte, tot mai mari Vreau sa vad stadioane pline si bratele sus Tu vrei sa vezi cum profitul si anii se duc Si totusi, pentru varsta ta esti putin cam profitoare Ca altii nu stiau nici de Nike cand tu aveai Gabbane Si cica tu primesti doar dragoste din parti Dar de unde venea dragostea trebuiau si ceva marci Si, astea sunt doar niste carti date pe fata Dar pentru tine sunt adevarate palme-n viata Stiu cum te simti cand tu credeai ca eu sunt prostul Dar in jocul banilor sincer eu nu-ti vad rostul Ref x2 : Nu stiu, chiar nu stiu ce vrei tu De fiecare data cand apari imi distrugi universul Imi schimbi sensul, mersul si vorbele Si eu credeam ca am trecut de toate probele Azi vrei aici, maine mai departe Tu vrei o viata libera, nu munca si carte Vrei un iubit cu conturi mai mari Sa aiba zero-uri de aici si pana la bulgari Poate si un Bvlgari sau Versace Mai bine ia-le pe ambele, ca sa vezi care-ti place Si astia n-au ce-ti face ca-s in limba dupa tine Nu stiu ce cautam si cum de te-am gasit pe tine Si nu stiu daca voiam fite de Bucuresti Dar de fiecare data cand te vad imi zambesti Si nu stiu daca voiam arfe de Timisoara Dar fara doar si poate, tu esti domnisoara ! Ref x2 : Nu stiu, chiar nu stiu ce vrei tu De fiecare data cand apari imi distrugi universul Imi schimbi sensul, mersul si vorbele Si eu credeam ca am trecut de toate probele- published: 21 Oct 2013
- views: 13030

Horace Silver Trio & Art Blakey + Sabu [1953] | Full Album
01 Safari | 0:00
02 Horoscope | 2:50
03 Thou S...
published: 28 Feb 2014
Horace Silver Trio & Art Blakey + Sabu [1953] | Full Album
Horace Silver Trio & Art Blakey + Sabu [1953] | Full Album
Tracks: 01 Safari | 0:00 02 Horoscope | 2:50 03 Thou Swell | 6:44 04 Quicksilver | 9:40 05 Ecaroh | 12:44 06 Yeah | 15:57 07 Knowlegde Box | 18:50 08 Prelude to a Kiss | 21:31 09 I remember you | 24:33 10 Opus de Funk | 28:25 11 Day in Day Out | 31:57 12 Silverware | 34:58 13 How about you | 37:37 14 Buhaina | 41:20 15 Message from Kenya | 44:31 16 Nothing but the Soul | 49:05 Message From Kenya teams Art with Sabu Martinez, the 24-year-old conga drum virtuoso who came here some nine years ago from Puerto Rico. He has been featured with Josephine Premice, played in Tito Rodriguez' mambo orchestra and was prominent in the last big band of Dizzy Gillespie, in which he took the role originally filled by the lated and great Chano Pozo. The story of Message From Kenya, Art tell us, was first told to him by Moses Mann, a Nigerian drummer who worked in this country with Pearl Primus. The evocation, voiced dramatically in a mixture of Spanish and Swahili, tells of a hunter whose cries celebrate the news that he has captured more game than any other hunter in the village, in order to convince the girl he loves of his prowess. The ritual comes vividly to life as Sabu and Blakey develop a study in rhythmic variety and dynamics with exciting crescendos and diminuendos. On the other drum number, Nothing But The Soul, Art is alone. Despite the temptation to use this opportunity by wandering off in a variety of pyrotechnical displays with all kinds of tempo and mood changes, Art has chosen to limit himself mainly to the development and maintenance of the beat, in a dazzling assortment of interpretations. While there is nothing in this performance calculated to amaze the drum schools, there is much that will intrigue the average listener in Art's demonstration of rhythmic patterns, in the dramatic suspension during a long roll, in the deterity with which he handles the sticks and snares. Art won the Down Beat critics poll in 1953 and the public has followed suit by acclaiming him no less enthusiastically. — LEONARD FEATHER Credits Bass -- Curly Russell (tracks: 2, 3, 5, 7, 8), Gene Ramey (tracks: 1, 4, 6), Percy Heath (tracks: 9 to 11, 13, 15, 16) Congas, Vocals -- Sabu Martinez (tracks: 12) Drums -- Art Blakey Piano -- Horace Silver Producer -- Alfred Lion Recorded By, Remastered By -- Rudy Van Gelder Reissue Producer -- Michael Cuscuna- published: 28 Feb 2014
- views: 30

Horace the Hate Bug from The Love Bug starring Bruce Campbell
This is an original screen used 1965 VW Bug used in the Disney TV movie "The Love Bug". Th...
published: 19 Oct 2012
author: ScreenUsed
Horace the Hate Bug from The Love Bug starring Bruce Campbell
Horace the Hate Bug from The Love Bug starring Bruce Campbell
This is an original screen used 1965 VW Bug used in the Disney TV movie "The Love Bug". The car plays the character "Horace the Hate Bug". It is a feature...- published: 19 Oct 2012
- views: 4160
- author: ScreenUsed

Horace feat. PURP Divine - Uită-mă [Lyric Video]
Vă rugăm sa nu uploadați materialul pe alte canale. Dacă ne apreciați munca ne puteți aju...
published: 13 Mar 2014
Horace feat. PURP Divine - Uită-mă [Lyric Video]
Horace feat. PURP Divine - Uită-mă [Lyric Video]
Vă rugăm sa nu uploadați materialul pe alte canale. Dacă ne apreciați munca ne puteți ajuta cu un share/like/subscribe. Mulțumim ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- LINK DE DOWNLOAD : https://soundcloud.com/mitea-horatiu/horace-feat-purp-divine-uita ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Voce / Text : Horace & PURP Divine Muzica : Nemisis & Toba Mix / Master : Horace Edit / Montaj : Sey Designs Artwork : Cocheci "Owisign" Ovidiu LINKS : https://www.facebook.com/HoraceOficial | instagram.com/itshorace https://www.facebook.com/purpdivine | instagram.com/purpdivine https://www.facebook.com/SeyDesignsOfficial | instagram.com/raresey- published: 13 Mar 2014
- views: 4990

Horace Andy - Mr. Bassie
Essential Studio One tune from 1972 produced by Clement "Coxsone" Dodd. It was also feautu...
published: 25 May 2008
author: IAmTheGorgon
Horace Andy - Mr. Bassie
Horace Andy - Mr. Bassie
Essential Studio One tune from 1972 produced by Clement "Coxsone" Dodd. It was also feautured on the Mr. Bassie album released in 1998. Keep on playing that ...- published: 25 May 2008
- views: 287730
- author: IAmTheGorgon

Horace ft. JM - Stele Cazatoare [Prod. EuroStarz]
Download link : https://soundcloud.com/mitea-horatiu/horace-ft-jm-falling-stars https://fa...
published: 22 Jun 2013
author: horace MC
Horace ft. JM - Stele Cazatoare [Prod. EuroStarz]
Horace ft. JM - Stele Cazatoare [Prod. EuroStarz]
Download link : https://soundcloud.com/mitea-horatiu/horace-ft-jm-falling-stars https://facebook.com/mitea.horatiu https://www.facebook.com/HoraceKSR instagr...- published: 22 Jun 2013
- views: 3857
- author: horace MC

Horace Andy "Skylarking"
Horace Andy "Skylarking". Ire!...
published: 31 Aug 2008
author: donovanuk1
Horace Andy "Skylarking"
Horace Andy "Skylarking"
Horace Andy "Skylarking". Ire!- published: 31 Aug 2008
- views: 619436
- author: donovanuk1

Horace feat. Dadi - In urma mea
Text : Horace / Dadi
Instrumental : Redd Lights
Mix/Master : Horace @NextGen Studio
published: 10 Jul 2014
Horace feat. Dadi - In urma mea
Horace feat. Dadi - In urma mea
Text : Horace / Dadi Instrumental : Redd Lights Mix/Master : Horace @NextGen Studio Artwork : SeyDesignz Inregistrat @NextGen Studio LINKS : Horace https://www.facebook.com/HoraceOficial Dadi : https://www.facebook.com/dadi.dragos SeyDesigns : https://www.facebook.com/SeyDesignsOfficial- published: 10 Jul 2014
- views: 2719

Horace - Pentru mine (Videoclip Oficial)
Horace - Pentru mine (Videoclip Oficial) Artist/voce/text : Horace Instrumental : Preluat(...
published: 03 Mar 2013
author: horace MC
Horace - Pentru mine (Videoclip Oficial)
Horace - Pentru mine (Videoclip Oficial)
Horace - Pentru mine (Videoclip Oficial) Artist/voce/text : Horace Instrumental : Preluat(Mixtape) Mix/master : Tzip-Tzop Filmat : Sight Production Montat : ...- published: 03 Mar 2013
- views: 4792
- author: horace MC

Horace Andy -- best of (full album) studio 1 records 1974
a1 -Conscious Dreadlocks;
a2- I Can See Clearly Now;
a3- Love & Heartache
a;4- Knock Three...
published: 26 Dec 2013
Horace Andy -- best of (full album) studio 1 records 1974
Horace Andy -- best of (full album) studio 1 records 1974
a1 -Conscious Dreadlocks; a2- I Can See Clearly Now; a3- Love & Heartache a;4- Knock Three Times a;5- Ain't No Sunshine a;6- Rock Me Baby // b1- Oh Lord Why Lord; b2- Eternal Love; b3- Everything I Own b4-; Born In The Ghetto; b5- My Time; b6- Found Someone Of My Own enjoy!!!- published: 26 Dec 2013
- views: 398

Horace Grant on Playing With Michael Jordan, Kobe Bryant, and Shaquille O'Neal | B.S. Report
Horace Grant explains to Bill Simmons what it was like to play with Michael Jordan during ...
published: 25 Feb 2014
Horace Grant on Playing With Michael Jordan, Kobe Bryant, and Shaquille O'Neal | B.S. Report
Horace Grant on Playing With Michael Jordan, Kobe Bryant, and Shaquille O'Neal | B.S. Report
Horace Grant explains to Bill Simmons what it was like to play with Michael Jordan during the Bulls' championship runs and talks about the conflicts in the locker room between Shaquille O'Neal and Penny Hardaway, and Shaq and Kobe Bryant. Visit Grantland: http://www.Grantland.com Grantland on Twitter: http://www.Twitter.com/Grantland33 Grantland on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/Grantland33 The B.S. Report Podcast: http://espn.go.com/espnradio/podcast/archive?id=2864045 Grantland Network Podcasts: http://www.grantland.com/podcasts- published: 25 Feb 2014
- views: 2888

Horace Silver 5tet - Song For My Father [1968]
Jazz Omkring Midnat - Denmark TV 1968 Horace Silver - Piano Bill Hardman - Trumpet Bennie ...
published: 18 Sep 2011
author: Dorian Grey
Horace Silver 5tet - Song For My Father [1968]
Horace Silver 5tet - Song For My Father [1968]
Jazz Omkring Midnat - Denmark TV 1968 Horace Silver - Piano Bill Hardman - Trumpet Bennie Maupin - Tenor John Williams - Bass Billy Cobham - Drums.- published: 18 Sep 2011
- views: 120653
- author: Dorian Grey

Horace Silver Quintet & Elvin Jones Trio 1968 - FULL LIVE
On Jazz Omkring Midnat - Denmark TV - 1968
.Horace Silver Quintet:
Piano: ...
published: 26 Jan 2014
Horace Silver Quintet & Elvin Jones Trio 1968 - FULL LIVE
Horace Silver Quintet & Elvin Jones Trio 1968 - FULL LIVE
On Jazz Omkring Midnat - Denmark TV - 1968 PERSONEL: .Horace Silver Quintet: Piano: Horace Silver Trumpet: Bill Hardman Tenor Sax: Bennie Maupin Bass: John Williams Drums: Billy Cobham .Elvin Jones Trio: Drums: Elvin Jones Sax; Flute: Joe Farrel Bass: Jimmy Garrison- published: 26 Jan 2014
- views: 84

Horace Silver 5tet - Tokyo Blues [1964]
Festival de jazz d'Antibes - Juan les Pins - France - 28.07.1964
Horace Silver - Piano
published: 14 Oct 2013
Horace Silver 5tet - Tokyo Blues [1964]
Horace Silver 5tet - Tokyo Blues [1964]
Festival de jazz d'Antibes - Juan les Pins - France - 28.07.1964 Horace Silver - Piano Joe Henderson - Tenor Saxophone Carmell Jones - Trumpet Teddy Smith - Bass Roger Humphries - Drums- published: 14 Oct 2013
- views: 465
Youtube results:

Jeff Lorber | Horace
From the 2012 " Galaxy " Album http://music.aol.ca/song/jeff-lorber/horace/25857874 With a...
published: 03 Dec 2011
author: babys gottago
Jeff Lorber | Horace
Jeff Lorber | Horace
From the 2012 " Galaxy " Album http://music.aol.ca/song/jeff-lorber/horace/25857874 With a smooth sound bringing together elements of funk, R&B;, rock, and el...- published: 03 Dec 2011
- views: 30525
- author: babys gottago

Horace Silver - Song for My Father
Song for my Father Album: Song for my Father (1964) Written by: Horace Silver Personnel: H...
published: 11 Dec 2009
author: jazzhole13
Horace Silver - Song for My Father
Horace Silver - Song for My Father
Song for my Father Album: Song for my Father (1964) Written by: Horace Silver Personnel: Horace Silver — piano Carmell Jones — trumpet Joe Henderson — tenor ...- published: 11 Dec 2009
- views: 146529
- author: jazzhole13

Horace Silver 5tet - Pretty Eyes [1964]
Festival de jazz d'Antibes - Juan les Pins - France - 28.07.1964
Horace Silver - Piano
published: 15 Oct 2013
Horace Silver 5tet - Pretty Eyes [1964]
Horace Silver 5tet - Pretty Eyes [1964]
Festival de jazz d'Antibes - Juan les Pins - France - 28.07.1964 Horace Silver - Piano Joe Henderson - Tenor Saxophone Carmell Jones - Trumpet Teddy Smith - Bass Roger Humphries - Drums- published: 15 Oct 2013
- views: 515

Horace Spencer Freak Athletic With a High Motor! Impresses at Pangos Spring Spectacular!
Check out one of the top ranked players in the class of 2015, Horace Spencer of Findlay Pr...
published: 30 Apr 2014
Horace Spencer Freak Athletic With a High Motor! Impresses at Pangos Spring Spectacular!
Horace Spencer Freak Athletic With a High Motor! Impresses at Pangos Spring Spectacular!
Check out one of the top ranked players in the class of 2015, Horace Spencer of Findlay Prep. Horace impressed at the 2014 Pangos Spring Spectacular with his freakish length & athleticism and his never ending motor.- published: 30 Apr 2014
- views: 5379