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Bustan considers the environmental aspects of its projects as equally important as the social aspects, as they are undoubtedly intertwined. Nature is in the very essence of the Bedouin life and culture.
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Women Entrepreneurship

Bustan's Women Empowerment project is a first of its kind project, taking place amongst the Bedouin Women of Qasr A-Sir.  The goal of the project is twofold: Firstly, to elevate the economic power of the women of the village, by means of business initiatives and confidence building, and secondly, to educate them on matters of health and environment, such as sustainable living and nutrition. Throughout the project, the Women of Qasr A-Sir will be trained and supervised by professionals and consultants who will guarantee that the women are not only developing their business initiatives successfully, but also doing so while continuously discussing matters that are of crucial importance to the women and to the community, such as family health, education, and the role of Women in the Bedouin culture in modern times.

Led by Mariyam Abu Ragig, the founder of the ecological farm "The daughter of the desert" the women have formed three initial groups that are at the beginning of turning into businesses: a sewing cooperative, a catering business (for the Eco Khan and events of the community) and a greenhouse initiative. The sewing group has started their training on May 2011.
