July 22 2014

99 The deafening silence around the Hamas proposal for a 10-year truce

15 Watch: 9 Jewish activists arrested after occupying Friends of the Israel Defense Forces office

15 You are not Alone: To Palestinians on July 20, 2014

8 Mr. Modi– do not court apartheid Israel in my name

82 Arab reporters come under attack from Israelis

50 ‘Telegenically Dead’: Israel’s crumbling media war

24 US Jews occupy Israeli army support office in NY in civil disobedience action
Alex Kane with Phil Weiss

26 Gaza onslaught is p.r. problem for Israel’s ‘moral authority’ — Albright

51 Naomi Wolf walked out of synagogue when they had nothing to say about Gaza massacre

21 Burning children

July 21 2014

69 ‘We have nothing left to lose. I would rather die with my family under the rubble of our house than have a humiliating truce’: Palestinian youth demand justice

7 Ramallah, July 20 and 21

109 Renouncing my Israeli citizenship
Lenny Lapon

9 Video: Night raid in Bethlehem’s Aida Refugee Camp

20 The fascists wanted to murder us: An eyewitness account of Haifa’s anti-war protest

7 Jews must take action against Israeli brutality
International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network and Jews Against Genocide

20 Dear American media, I’m asking you to simply tell what’s happening in Gaza

46 Netanyahu’s latest ‘cartoon evidence’: racist image identifying Muslims with terror

232 Finally, Israel is alienating the US mainstream media

33 CNN headline: “100 people killed today in Israel, Gaza fighting”

11 Heathcote Williams: ‘An Old Man and a Young Man in Gaza’

4 Lacking bomb shelters, Israel’s Bedouins advised to ‘protect themselves by lying on the ground’

7 The other side of history

35 Democrat Eliot Engel appears at pro-Israel rally featuring anti-Muslim activist Pamela Geller

214 In Photos: Worldwide protest against Israeli attack on Gaza (Updated)

37 Video: A beautiful brother went looking for his family in the death zone (Updated)
Rina Andolini and Joe Catron

July 20 2014

363 Massacre in Gaza: At least 60 killed in Shuja’iyeh, over 60,000 in UN shelters

82 Palestinians celebrate report that Hamas captured Israeli soldier
Annie Robbins and Allison Deger

45 Video: Resistance activists down power line in West Bank

67 Look at Netanyahu’s ‘evidence’ that civilians are harboring rockets in Gaza

16 ‘Washington Post’ exhibits naked double standard in Israeli, Palestinian deaths (and injuries)

29 Hamas wants to pile up ‘telegenically-dead Palestinians for their cause’ — Netanyahu, on television
Alex Kane and Phil Weiss

13 In Photos: Activists clash with Israeli and Palestinian Authority forces during protest in Bethlehem

23 Kristof says Stephen Hawking and American Studies Association support Hamas
Donald Johnson and Phil Weiss

58 Video: ‘It’s a hell of a pinpoint operation’ — John Kerry caught criticizing Israel on hot mic during Sunday news show

6 Gaza, a poem

13 This Jew can’t support Israel

22 Nobel peace laureates and celebrities call for military embargo on Israel