New zine: Our Dark Passenger: Anarchists talk about mental illness and community support

April 29, 2008

Our Dark Passenger: Anarchists talk about mental illness and community support is now out, published by Katipo Books. Weighing in at 34 pages, it is a collection of articles about living with mental illness by anarchists from around Aotearoa, and some writings from overseas. I’ve written a few of the pieces, and collated and designed the zine.

Our Dark Passenger can be purchased from Katipo Books (who will mail it anywhere in the world) for just NZ$2.00 + postage. You can also download the .pdf and print it yourself by clicking here (1.93MB).

The zine has no copyright, so feel free to print and distribute copies as you see fit (just don’t charge more than you need to cover costs). You can download a version imposed for printing by clicking here (for the inside, 1.83MB) and here (for the cover, 100KB). If you distribute it anywhere outside Aotearoa / New Zealand, I’d appreciate it if you emailed me at anarchiazine[at]gmail[dot]com and let me know, it’s always interesting to see how far things spread.


Page 1 – Front Cover
Page 2 – Contents
Page 3 – Introduction (Asher)
Page 4 – Bryden’s Story (Bryden)
Page 6 – Ending it all (Anonymous)
Page 7 – Cartoon (The Icarus Project)
Page 8 – Mental Illness: My Struggle (Asher)
Page 10 – Depression, police terrorism, and me (Anna-Claire)
Page 12 – Amy’s Poem, Drawing, Are we Falling? The war machine (Amy)
Page 14 – On Being Alone (Asher)
Page 16 – Places to look for help in Aotearoa / New Zealand
Page 17 – Activism and Depression (Bexxa)
Page 24 – Discussion Questions for Workshops and Groups (The Icarus Project)
Page 25 – How I Became a Thief (Jessica Max Stein)
Page 28 – Also from Katipo Books
Page 30 – Back cover, 5 things to NOT say to someone suffering from depression


Parts of this zine are likely to be triggering to those who have a history of self-harm or mental illness, so please use your own discretion when deciding to read.

If you think you are likely to be affected negatively by this zine, please DO NOT read it!


Unfortunately, we had to remove the article The Spoon Theory due to copyright issues. Oh well….

A bunch of stuff…

April 13, 2008
  1. The wonderful @ndy from Melbourne and his blog SlackBastard have encountered some troubles thanks to a bunch of dickhead fascists. Check out his blog, temporarily on blogspot, and read this and this for more details.
  2. Radio New Zealand have made a 53 minute long program on anarchism, which can be listened to via their website.

    Part one:

    Long time Wellington activist and anarchist Sam Buchanan talks about his beliefs and influences.

    Part two:

    Historian and author of Rabble Rousers and Merry Pranksters – A History of Anarchism in Aotearoa, Toby Boraman, provides a snap-shot of a century of anarchism in New Zealand.

    Part three:

    Christian anarchist Manu Caddie and Green MP and former member of an anarcho-feminist theatre troupe, Metiria Turei, discuss the influence anarchism has had on their daily lives.

  3. Maia @ Capitalism Bad and Julie @ The Hand Mirror have posts on the latest anti-booze ads from ALAC critiquing the perpetuation of rape myths contained in one of them. Definately worth a read.
  4. Tomorrow sees the sentencing of several more of the arrestees from the 2006 anti-G20 protests in Melbourne. All my love and solidarity goes out to them, to Akin Sari who already sits in Barwon Prison, and to the 13 who are pleading not guilty and awaiting trial next year.


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