Monthly Archives: November 2006

Combat Rations

Lunch with the French Special Forces Okay, at the prompting of Hungry Pat, another cuisine posting. Quick quiz Which army would you be in if your Meal Ready to Eat pack contained the following: Potted Meat of Mackerel Stewed Beef … Continue reading

Posted in Cuisine | 17 Comments

Marx, Fukuyama and the Planet

Getting a little hot around here, eh Friedrich? It gives me great pleasure to welcome guest columnist Gavin Evans to Rootless Cosmopolitan, with a thoughtful offering on global warming and what it says and does to our received notions of … Continue reading

Posted in Annals of Globalization, Featured Analysis, Guest Columns | 14 Comments

Marx and Fukuyama Were Wrong: It’s the Environment, Stupid!

Getting a little hot around here, eh Friedrich? It gives me great pleasure to welcome guest columnist Gavin Evans to Rootless Cosmopolitan, with a thoughtful offering on global warming and what it says and does to our received notions of … Continue reading

Posted in Annals of Globalization | 3 Comments

Borat’s Not Funny

Most of the discussion about Borat and anti-Semitism misses the point. The ADL wonders if he’s not playing a dangerous game since “not everyone will get the joke.” But they may be missing the point: The prejudice that Borat is … Continue reading

Posted in A Wondering Jew | 53 Comments