Monthly Archives: July 2006

Is Israel Fighting a Proxy War for Washington?

Hizballah leader Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah said a curious thing Saturday: Israel has recognized reality and is ready for a cease-fire in Lebanon, Nasrallah claimed, but it is the U.S. that insists that it fight on. And if you read the … Continue reading

Posted in 99c Blogging, Situation Report | 6 Comments

Eating Sandals in Red Hook

Other people’s pupusas Okay, I’ll tell you, because I trust and respect you. And actually, because the Gothamist alreayd told you about it two years ago. The best-kept food secret in Brooklyn is a sandal. A huarache to be exact. … Continue reading

Posted in Cuisine | 8 Comments

The Dems Don’t Get Iraq, #324

The Congressional Democrats are in a huff over the fact that Iraq’s prime minister Nuri al-Maliki has attacked “Israeli aggression” and refused to condemn Hizballah over the current conflagration in Lebanon. How can the U.S. be listening to such a … Continue reading

Posted in 99c Blogging | 7 Comments

Six Fallacies of the U.S. Hizballah Campaign

Is Iran Driving the Conflict? People outraged by the hundreds of Lebanese killed in Israeli bombing raids over the past week may be tempted to see in the U.S. rush to ship Israel extra supplies of bombs and missiles to … Continue reading

Posted in Featured Analysis | 14 Comments

Putin’s Restraint

While I agree entirely with the call for Israel to respond with restraint and proportionality to the Hizballah attacks across its northern border, I’m not so sure that President Vladimir Putin has much credibility in making the point. Putin told … Continue reading

Posted in 99c Blogging | 5 Comments

Back to Reality: Does the World Cup Still Matter?

Golden Boot? 2006 Was About the Golden Shin Guard It was tough defenders with an ability to raid the flanks like Zambrotta, rather than forwards like Totti or Luca Toni, that shone for Italy As a football spectacle, Germany 2006 … Continue reading

Posted in Glancing Headers, Situation Report | 13 Comments

Condi, You’re Killing Me!

Anyone who has any Hamas numbers in their rolodex should call them and tell them to, uh, do the right thing so that we can get President Bush’s vision back on track and stuff… Thus Condi Rice on the current … Continue reading

Posted in 99c Blogging | 3 Comments

Berserk in Gaza: Olmert Blows It

World Cup blogging continues here — but there’s more to life than football, Barry, so read this too! Even before the Palestinians committed the cardinal sin of electing Hamas to govern them, Israel had no intention of negotiating with Mahmoud … Continue reading

Posted in Featured Analysis | 4 Comments