
Sony's Entire Press Conference - E3 2014
Watch Sony's E3 2014 press conference in it's entirety....
published: 10 Jun 2014
Sony's Entire Press Conference - E3 2014
Sony's Entire Press Conference - E3 2014
Watch Sony's E3 2014 press conference in it's entirety.- published: 10 Jun 2014
- views: 70315

4K UltraHD TimeLapse with Shutter-Priority AE, SONY DSC-RX100M3
This is a study video of the SONY Time-Lapse App....
published: 22 Jun 2014
4K UltraHD TimeLapse with Shutter-Priority AE, SONY DSC-RX100M3
4K UltraHD TimeLapse with Shutter-Priority AE, SONY DSC-RX100M3
This is a study video of the SONY Time-Lapse App.- published: 22 Jun 2014
- views: 6201

Sony SmartBand, Review en español
Puedes comprar tu SmartBand aquí: http://amzn.to/1ioqqHV
Suscríbete a Andro4all: http://b...
published: 20 Jun 2014
Sony SmartBand, Review en español
Sony SmartBand, Review en español
Puedes comprar tu SmartBand aquí: http://amzn.to/1ioqqHV Suscríbete a Andro4all: http://bit.ly/14EIQwt Analizamos el Sony SmartBand, un wereable del fabricante japonés, que destaca por el factor social. Además, lógicamente podrá registrar nuestra actividad y nuestro sueño. No te pierdas este interesante complemento para nuestro smartphone. Recuerda que también puedes seguir a Andro4all en las redes sociales: Instagram: http://instagram.com/andro_4all Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/andro4all Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/andro4all G+: http://www.google.com/+andro4all http://www.andro4all.com- published: 20 Jun 2014
- views: 14578

Xperia Z2 D6543 Sony Smartphone - Unboxing Brasil
Sony Xperia Z2 D6543
Preço e onde comprar:
R$2374 - Americanas - http://oferta.vc/3ml1 (pr...
published: 20 Jun 2014
Xperia Z2 D6543 Sony Smartphone - Unboxing Brasil
Xperia Z2 D6543 Sony Smartphone - Unboxing Brasil
Sony Xperia Z2 D6543 Preço e onde comprar: R$2374 - Americanas - http://oferta.vc/3ml1 (preto) R$2374 - Shoptime - http://oferta.vc/3ml3 (branco) R$2500 - Walmart - http://goo.gl/tokevf (preto) http://goo.gl/W3cRuQ (branco) R$2270 - Fast Shop - http://goo.gl/IzA1lJ (preto) R$2200 - Saraiva - http://goo.gl/NReNzi (preto) http://goo.gl/ydkKsr (branco) R$2200 - Magazine Luiza - http://goo.gl/V6TNyA (preto) http://goo.gl/VQTI4O (branco) (esses são links patrocinados. Se você comprar por aqui, o EuTestei tira uma pequena comissão. Obrigada. :D) Fica de olho que o review sai em breve! \o/ ----------------------+----------------------------+----------------------------+--------------------------- \o/ AJUDEM O EUTESTEI! DIVULGUEM OS VÍDEOS! \o/ Nos procurem nas redes sociais e tire suas dúvidas! Site de resenhas: http://eutestei.info Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/EuTestei.info Google+: http://www.plus.google.com/105157604726425539924 Pedido de produtos: http://eutestei.userecho.com- published: 20 Jun 2014
- views: 3587

SONY ILCE-7S α7S 驚異の高感度ISO 409600 暗闇でビデオ撮影をテスト!ソニー フルサイズ一眼 A7S
ISO 409600だからこそ見える世界があった!
ILCE-7S α7Sボディ→ http://www.amazon.co.jp/o/ASIN/B00KD43TWE/jetdai...
published: 20 Jun 2014
SONY ILCE-7S α7S 驚異の高感度ISO 409600 暗闇でビデオ撮影をテスト!ソニー フルサイズ一眼 A7S
SONY ILCE-7S α7S 驚異の高感度ISO 409600 暗闇でビデオ撮影をテスト!ソニー フルサイズ一眼 A7S
ISO 409600だからこそ見える世界があった! ILCE-7S α7Sボディ→ http://www.amazon.co.jp/o/ASIN/B00KD43TWE/jetdaisuke-22/ 液晶保護PCK-LM16→ http://www.amazon.co.jp/o/ASIN/B00FXKLQT6/jetdaisuke-22/ 標準ズームレンズ→ http://www.amazon.co.jp/o/ASIN/B00FYOF8SQ/jetdaisuke-22/ 55mmレンズ→ http://www.amazon.co.jp/o/ASIN/B00FYOF61K/jetdaisuke-22/ 35mmレンズ→ http://www.amazon.co.jp/o/ASIN/B00FXKLQWI/jetdaisuke-22/ ILCE-7R「α7R」→ http://www.amazon.co.jp/o/ASIN/B00FXKLN58/jetdaisuke-22/ ※上記製品リンクURLはAmazonアソシエイトのリンクを使用しています。 これまでのSONY α7シリーズ関連動画は以下のリンク先に。 ついにキター!(゚∀゚) SONY α7R 初日の感想。世界初フルサイズ・ミラーレス一眼 ローパスフィルターレス ソニー ILCE-7R https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3vz4SaYiscc あのキヤノン神レンズをSONY α7Rに装着、そして超望遠で月面撮影、超解像ズーム利用などなど https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_rsTvjZMFbU ショック! α99 画質比較で α7R に惨敗? SONY LA-EA4 マウントアダプターでAマウントレンズをフルサイズEマウントでお試し https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ndWZWPmJOU 超ミニ「SONY α7R フィギュア」キター!そして「Sonnar T* FE55mm F1.8 ZA」ツァイスレンズを使ってみた【SEL55F18Z】 この新レンズで謎の水棲獣オゴポゴを激写だ! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5zp_e-i-EHU 驚異の無音AFでデジイチ動画これ最強!SONY「Vario Tessar T* FE 24-70mm F4 ZA OSS」フルサイズEマウントレンズ SEL2470Z ソニー ツァイス https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XWPfzKm_1nU 【速報】SONY α7R・α7 実機を体験してきたよ!話題のフルサイズ。あとRX10も【ILCE-7 / 7R】 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tT43_Uz80XI SONY新型デジカメ体験会RX100M3、α77II、α7S話題の三機種に触れてきたゼ! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5uWwyH8bU3E- published: 20 Jun 2014
- views: 6441

Sony Xperia Z2. Разница в деталях.
Делимся впечатлениями от официальной версии Sony Xperia Z2, его плюсах и минусах. Текстова...
published: 19 Jun 2014
Sony Xperia Z2. Разница в деталях.
Sony Xperia Z2. Разница в деталях.
Делимся впечатлениями от официальной версии Sony Xperia Z2, его плюсах и минусах. Текстовая версия и примеры снимков- published: 19 Jun 2014
- views: 13370

Xperia Z2 D6543 Sony Smartphone - Resenha Brasil
Sony Xperia Z2 D6543
Preço e onde comprar:
R$2374 - Americanas - http://oferta.vc/3ml1 (pr...
published: 21 Jun 2014
Xperia Z2 D6543 Sony Smartphone - Resenha Brasil
Xperia Z2 D6543 Sony Smartphone - Resenha Brasil
Sony Xperia Z2 D6543 Preço e onde comprar: R$2374 - Americanas - http://oferta.vc/3ml1 (preto) R$2374 - Shoptime - http://oferta.vc/3ml3 (branco) R$2500 - Walmart - http://goo.gl/tokevf (preto) http://goo.gl/W3cRuQ (branco) R$2270 - Fast Shop - http://goo.gl/IzA1lJ (preto) R$2200 - Saraiva - http://goo.gl/NReNzi (preto) http://goo.gl/ydkKsr (branco) R$2200 - Magazine Luiza - http://goo.gl/V6TNyA (preto) http://goo.gl/VQTI4O (branco) (esses são links patrocinados. Se você comprar por aqui, o EuTestei tira uma pequena comissão. Obrigada. :D) ÍNDICE Design - 00:29 Tela - 04:05 Desempenho - 06:53 Sistema operacional - 10:55 Aplicativos - 14:41 Música e mídia - 24:27 Bateria e armazenamento - 27:35 Caixa - 29:07 (unboxing: http://youtu.be/BG3d8GMv80E) Conclusão - 29:43 ----------------------+----------------------------+----------------------------+--------------------------- \o/ AJUDEM O EUTESTEI! DIVULGUEM OS VÍDEOS! \o/ Nos procurem nas redes sociais e tire suas dúvidas! Site de resenhas: http://eutestei.info Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/EuTestei.info Google+: http://www.plus.google.com/105157604726425539924 Pedido de produtos: http://eutestei.userecho.com- published: 21 Jun 2014
- views: 9166

Free 2D Intro #67 | Sony Vegas & After Effects Template
Free 2D Intro #67 | Sony Vegas & After Effects Template
Free Intro Template f...
published: 21 Jun 2014
Free 2D Intro #67 | Sony Vegas & After Effects Template
Free 2D Intro #67 | Sony Vegas & After Effects Template
OPEN ------- Free 2D Intro #67 | Sony Vegas & After Effects Template Free Intro Template for Sony Vegas And After Effects. _____________________________________________ DOWNLOAD: http://velosofy.com/posts/intro-template-067 _____________________________________________ Creator: https://www.youtube.com/user/DanexMotions _____________________________________________ Ending music: PatrickReza - Chasing Fire (Feat. Natasha Mira) Wallpaper used: http://hdw.eweb4.com/wallpapers/1448/ _____________________________________________ Submit your Templates!: http://www.velosofy.com/submit ____________________________________________ http://www.twitter.com/VelosofyYT http://www.velosofy.com/ https://www.facebook.com/velosofy http://www.velosofy.com/faq _____________________________________________- published: 21 Jun 2014
- views: 8186

Sony a6000 Hands-on Review
Out with the NEX-6, in with the A6000 (without the NEX moniker). With an insane amount of ...
published: 20 Jun 2014
Sony a6000 Hands-on Review
Sony a6000 Hands-on Review
Out with the NEX-6, in with the A6000 (without the NEX moniker). With an insane amount of auto-focus points, is this one of the best mirrorless cameras to get?- published: 20 Jun 2014
- views: 13604

Sony IS Refunding Last Of Us Remastered Edition $10 Difference
published: 22 Jun 2014
Sony IS Refunding Last Of Us Remastered Edition $10 Difference
Sony IS Refunding Last Of Us Remastered Edition $10 Difference
https://twitter.com/amboyes/status/480561154238861312- published: 22 Jun 2014
- views: 3201

New Sony Smartphones and Google Auto Link
Rumor Roundup: New Sony Smartphones and Google Auto Link
Get your free 7-day trial to Lyn...
published: 21 Jun 2014
New Sony Smartphones and Google Auto Link
New Sony Smartphones and Google Auto Link
Rumor Roundup: New Sony Smartphones and Google Auto Link Get your free 7-day trial to Lynda: http://www.lynda.com/technobuffalo Jon R is back to tackle the biggest tech rumors of the week! In this episode of Rumor Roundup, Jon talks about Google preparing to compete against Apple by introducing its own in-car software solution called Auto Link and Sony announcing three new smartphones during its IFA keynote in September. Jon also talks about a new leaked iPhone 6 photograph that shows the device having a large 5.5-inch screen. All this and more in this episode of Rumor Roundup! MORE: http://bit.ly/1pRS3vE- published: 21 Jun 2014
- views: 1899

5 motivos para NÃO comprar o Sony Xperia Z2
Apesar de ser um bom aparelho, o Xperia Z2 também tem seus defeitos. Temos então 5 motivos...
published: 19 Jun 2014
5 motivos para NÃO comprar o Sony Xperia Z2
5 motivos para NÃO comprar o Sony Xperia Z2
Apesar de ser um bom aparelho, o Xperia Z2 também tem seus defeitos. Temos então 5 motivos para levar em consideração na hora de escolher esse como seu próximo smartphone. Leia a análise completa em http://canalte.ch/SH0U E leia também: 5 motivos para COMPRAR o Sony Xperia Z2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KJ89H2uzKdk Acompanhe o Canaltech nas redes sociais: Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/canaltech Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/canaltech Podcast: http://www.canaltech.com.br/podcast- published: 19 Jun 2014
- views: 7762
Vimeo results:

Sony Professional: Introducing the Sony NEX-FS700
For more information about Sony's professional camera range visit: bit.ly/HjhIRX The firs...
published: 05 Apr 2012
author: Sony Professional
Sony Professional: Introducing the Sony NEX-FS700
For more information about Sony's professional camera range visit: bit.ly/HjhIRX The first footage from Sony's new NEX-FS700. The new Super 35mm model is designed for high-speed shooting and is capable of capturing footage at up to 960 frames per second. The camcorder also features a range of capabilities such as 3G HD-SDI output and built-in ND filters. Additionally, it also offers several creative options, shooting styles and enhanced ergonomics, all based on customer feedback, to deliver a flexible production tool that fits seamlessly into a variety of shooting applications.

Sony Professional: Philip Bloom 'Sugared Art' in HD
We're celebrating the way film makers use their vision and expertise to turn the ordinary ...
published: 19 Dec 2011
author: Sony Professional
Sony Professional: Philip Bloom 'Sugared Art' in HD
We're celebrating the way film makers use their vision and expertise to turn the ordinary into the extraordinary, through a series of films shot in collaboration with Philip Bloom. The second film, 'Sugared Art', focuses on the creation of a cake in a controlled environment, demonstrating how to make a static setting move cinematically using the Sony Professional NEX-FS100E. To see behind the scenes footage from the shoot and tutorials from Philip Bloom visit: http://www.sony.co.uk/biz/section/videography-extraordinary-filmstutorials?SM=VM02_1211 To find out more about the extra.ordinary series visit: http://www.sony.co.uk/biz/content/name/cd-philip-bloom-1110?SM=VM01_1211

Earth Air Fire Water - Sony F55 240fps
Earth Air Fire Water was shot with the Sony F55 and AXS-R5 recorder using beta firmware to...
published: 12 Sep 2013
author: Sony Professional USA
Earth Air Fire Water - Sony F55 240fps
Earth Air Fire Water was shot with the Sony F55 and AXS-R5 recorder using beta firmware to record raw at 240 fps in 2K.
The film was shot by Cinematographer Steve Lawes and Directed by Martin Scanlan. Colour grading by Dado Valentic of Mytherapy and music by Micah Berek of Hearfilm. The film will be premiered at IBC 2013.
Commissioned by Sony Europe and Produced by Earth Below Films (https://vimeo.com/user16170086)

The Calling
Inspirational video about the calling of professional photographer David McLain. This beau...
published: 23 Oct 2012
author: SonyElectronics
The Calling
Inspirational video about the calling of professional photographer David McLain. This beauty piece was shot entirely on the Sony a99 full-frame DSLR camera.
Learn More about the Sony a99 here: http://bit.ly/OoWpJe
Youtube results:

E3 2014 Live Stream -- Day 1 (Microsoft, EA, Ubisoft, Sony Press Conferences)
Also watch it live here: http://www.ign.com/e3
Don't miss a single second of gaming's big...
published: 09 Jun 2014
E3 2014 Live Stream -- Day 1 (Microsoft, EA, Ubisoft, Sony Press Conferences)
E3 2014 Live Stream -- Day 1 (Microsoft, EA, Ubisoft, Sony Press Conferences)
Also watch it live here: http://www.ign.com/e3 Don't miss a single second of gaming's biggest event of the year - E3! IGN is here to give you the most talked about trailer announcements, gameplay demos, interviews, discussions, and so much more! Get it all LIVE here! Schedule (Monday, June 9th) 9:00AM - IGN's Microsoft Pre-Show 9:30AM - Microsoft Press Conference 11:00AM - IGN's Post Show (feat. Evolve) 12:00PM - EA Press Conference 1:00PM - IGN's Post-Show 2:00PM - Halo 2:20PM - The Evil Within 2:30PM - IGN's Ubisoft Pre-Show 3:00PM - Ubisoft Press Conference 4:00PM - IGN's Post-Show (w/ Aisha Tyler) 5:30PM - IGN's Sony Pre-Show 6:00PM - Sony Press Conference 7:30PM - IGN's Post-Show (w/ Troy Baker)- published: 09 Jun 2014
- views: 0

5 motivos para COMPRAR o Sony Xperia Z2
Para sermos sinceros, o Xperia Z2 possui uma série de características interessantes que sã...
published: 19 Jun 2014
5 motivos para COMPRAR o Sony Xperia Z2
5 motivos para COMPRAR o Sony Xperia Z2
Para sermos sinceros, o Xperia Z2 possui uma série de características interessantes que são capazes de agradar mesmo os usuários exigentes. Separamos as 5 que chamaram mais a nossa atenção. Confira! Leia a análise completa em http://canalte.ch/SH0U E assista também: 5 motivos para NÃO comprar o Sony Xperia Z2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1wmRpZnZzsc Acompanhe o Canaltech nas redes sociais: Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/canaltech Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/canaltech Podcast: http://www.canaltech.com.br/podcast- published: 19 Jun 2014
- views: 7069

published: 21 Jun 2014
http://www.dualshockers.com/2014/06/21/xbox-one-manages-to-top-amazon-japan-best-seller-chart-on-its-pre-order-debut/- published: 21 Jun 2014
- views: 2496

Download: Intro/Vinheta com partículas p/ YouTubers (Sony Vegas 12 e 13)
published: 21 Jun 2014
Download: Intro/Vinheta com partículas p/ YouTubers (Sony Vegas 12 e 13)
Download: Intro/Vinheta com partículas p/ YouTubers (Sony Vegas 12 e 13)
DOWNLOAD DA VINHETA: http://tecnodia.com.br/2014/06/download-introvinheta-com-particulas-p-youtubers-sony-vegas-12-e-13/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Pichau Informática http://www.pichau.com.br Facebook da Pichau https://www.facebook.com/PichauInfo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ EXTENSÃO DO TECNODIA Baixe a extensão para seu navegador (Google Chrome ou Firefox) e fique por dentro dos novos vídeos do canal http://myapp.wips.com/tecnodia-extension ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PORTAL TECNODIA Notícias sobre games, tecnologia e cinema http://tecnodia.com.br DIVULGUE SEU CANAL/VÍDEO http://tecnodia.com.br/envie-seu-video VOCÊ É UM YOUTUBER? Conheça a Nation Studios Brasil https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RNjH4fqFwJI GERE RECEITA COM SEU SITE/LINKS http://migre.me/d1qJ2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - SIGA/CURTA TWITTER http://twitter.com/tecno_dia TWITTER - PERFIL PESSOAL http://twitter.com/leotecnodia FACEBOOK - FANPAGE http://facebook.com/tecnodia FACEBOOK - PERFIL http://facebook.com/canaltecnodia GOOGLE + https://plus.google.com/u/0/117111577644467886259 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - TAGS EXTRAS: template intro sony vegas gratis, intro sony vegas 12, intro sony vegas 13, template de vinheta sony vegas, vinheta para youtubers, baixar vinheta para youtube, intro gratis sony vegas- published: 21 Jun 2014
- views: 1062