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Israeli propaganda war hits social media


Matthew Hall

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Israel's Advocacy Room where volunteer students work social media channels "to explain" Israel's side of the story.

Israel's Advocacy Room where volunteer students work social media channels "to explain" Israel's side of the story. Photo: IDC Herzliya

A computer lab staffed by students in an Israeli university is playing a key role in the war of information in the Gaza conflict.

Inspired by the role of social media during the Arab Spring and boosted by the support of the Israeli government and Israel Defence Force, student volunteers at the Interdisciplinary Center (IDC) Herzliya, a private university north of Tel Aviv, are waging their own propaganda war countering online anti-Israeli sentiment.

Staffed by approximately 400 student volunteers the project which goes by the name “Israel Under Fire”, claims to have succeeded in closing anti-Israeli pages on Facebook and challenging propaganda from Hamas, the organisation that governs the Gaza Strip and whose military arm is firing rockets at Israel.

Israel Under Fire: the social media project is staffed by 400 volunteer students.

Israel Under Fire: the social media project is staffed by 400 volunteer students.

According to Igal Raich, a 23-year-old IDC student who volunteers in what is called "The Advocacy Room", the project aims to counter what is perceived as a false representation of Israel in international and social media through Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.

“It is run by students who are all volunteers,” said Raich, who grew up in Canada before moving to Israel to study and also served in the Israeli military. “The school gave us a computer lab to work from and from nine in the morning until eight at night it is constantly full with student volunteers.”

Volunteer groups include a team that translates messages from Hebrew into 30 languages and a graphics team creating charts and images to be distributed via Facebook and Twitter.

Hamas' tweets concentrate on graphic images from the conflict.

Hamas' tweets concentrate on graphic images from the conflict.

There is also a video editing department and a talkback team that, according to Raich, trawls social media “looking for inconsistent facts like ‘Israel constantly kills women and children’”.

“They are skilled with what they do,” said Raich of the volunteers. “A lot of people buy what is posted online but before you make your judgment you need to know both sides of the story.”

Raich said students played a similar role during 2012’s Pillar of Defence operation – another Israeli military action against Hamas in Gaza. According to the university's figures, 1600 students volunteered to spread social media messages to an audience of 21 million people in 62 countries and in 31 languages. The Prime Minister’s office, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, and the Defence Force considered the university’s efforts so successful they sought to collaborate during subsequent military actions.

Tweets from a resident of Gaza.

Tweets from a resident of Gaza.

“We started to work together,” said Raich, who is sitting exams during the current conflict. “We are constantly getting updates from the Prime Minister’s office and the Minister of Foreign Affairs because they know we are successful in what we do.”

The Prime Minister's office has also purchased promoted tweets for selected posts to increase their visibility

Like missiles targeting both Gaza and Israel, the online battle is two-way traffic. As well as the student campaign, Israel’s IDF also runs social media accounts promoting Israeli perspectives. 

A Palestinian point of view is represented in social media accounts run by the al-Qassam Brigades, the military arm of Hamas. Tweets from the al-Qassam Brigades include graphic images of dead or injured children and videos showing rockets being prepared for launch, presumably at Israel.

At the other end of the spectrum, Twitter accounts from civilians in Gaza detail the lives of scared teenagers counting Israeli bombs falling in residential areas and the effects of sleepless nights due to the sound of overhead drones.

Critics of the Israeli social media campaign suggest that, like many things on the internet, it is difficult to discern truth and are sceptical of the authenticity of pro-Israeli posts that appear to be organic but are government propaganda.

“The whole point of such efforts is to look like they are unofficial, just everyday people chatting online,” Dena Shunra, a Hebrew-English translator, told The Electronic Intifada, an online news site.

Update: Corrected caption on Gaza tweet.


  • Who cares? Israel and Palestine can have each other. In fact the world can do without them and their never ending conflict.

    Date and time
    July 18, 2014, 8:10AM
    • Propaganda shows how illiterate you really are just check on the computer and medical technology along with numerous inventions that originate in Israel without which we all would be worse off. Now look for anything comparable that comes from the other side that is Islamic states and you will ascertain in a matter of minutes nothing. We all need Israel and if it weren't for the oil we could do without the others.

      Sir Walter
      Ivory Tower
      Date and time
      July 19, 2014, 7:52PM
  • Israel knows as long as it continually subjugates,spreads apartheid and steals land they need all the propaganda possible.

    N Coast
    Date and time
    July 18, 2014, 8:19AM
    • A bit like your comment.

      Date and time
      July 18, 2014, 6:19PM
    • Paul Israel has never advocated apartheid au contraire. It is patently clear you have succumbed to propaganda that Israel is the oppressor. Hamas welcomes your misguided ilk habibi

      Sir Walter
      Ivory Tower
      Date and time
      July 19, 2014, 8:19PM
  • I wonder when Palestinian University students will be able to form a similar propaganda unit? Whoops, I forgot, they don't have a university in the West Bank??

    Date and time
    July 18, 2014, 9:02AM
    • In fact, the relatively prosperous West Bank has numerous universities & institutions offering a range of degrees, diplomas and vocations for those who are interested in education, inspiration, personal development & peaceful co-existence.

      Arab American University
      Al-Quds Open University
      Al-Quds University
      An-Najah National University
      Bethlehem Bible College
      Bethlehem University
      Birzeit University
      Edward Said National Conservatory of Music
      Hebron University
      Ibrahimieh College
      Khodori Institute, Tulkarm
      Palestine Polytechnic University
      Al Ahlia University of Palestine

      Date and time
      July 18, 2014, 3:55PM
    • AB, who are you trying to kid: "Relatively Prosperous". Relative to what: "rats in a drain hole". They are starved of fuel, power, medicines and health services while you lot live like kings. You lot keep blasting them to rubble and then you say they are relatively prosperous. You have as much chance of winning this "spin game" as Joseph Gobbels' had at winning over the Poms in WW2.

      Date and time
      July 18, 2014, 6:20PM
    • Good research and presentation of facts Alfie, NOT.
      AB has shown you to be just telling fibs and spreading misinformation.
      Please don't do it as readers want the truth, not made up propaganda. Anything you comment on now, is interpreted as being rubbish. YOU HAVE NO CREDIBILITY.

      multi unis
      Date and time
      July 20, 2014, 8:30AM
  • Propaganda - or censorship?

    Date and time
    July 18, 2014, 11:12AM
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