
Joe Jimenez, CEO of Novartis at Berkeley-Haas
Joe Jimenez, Haas MBA 84 and CEO of Novartis, spoke to the Berkeley-Haas community about l...
published: 26 Sep 2013
Joe Jimenez, CEO of Novartis at Berkeley-Haas
Joe Jimenez, CEO of Novartis at Berkeley-Haas
Joe Jimenez, Haas MBA 84 and CEO of Novartis, spoke to the Berkeley-Haas community about leadership and the pharmaceutical industry in his Dean's Speaker Series talk on September 24, 2013.- published: 26 Sep 2013
- views: 106

Long Live Life: Reflecting on the Novartis mission
Long Live Life is a collective expression for what Novartis stands for and believes in as ...
published: 25 Oct 2013
Long Live Life: Reflecting on the Novartis mission
Long Live Life: Reflecting on the Novartis mission
Long Live Life is a collective expression for what Novartis stands for and believes in as a company -- that normal life is extraordinary and that every day we fight to protect normal life. That's what it means to care and to cure.- published: 25 Oct 2013
- views: 1038

Novartis and Glaxo Deal Reshapes Pharma Industry
Novartis completed about $25 billion of transactions in its product portfolios, including ...
published: 22 Apr 2014
Novartis and Glaxo Deal Reshapes Pharma Industry
Novartis and Glaxo Deal Reshapes Pharma Industry
Novartis completed about $25 billion of transactions in its product portfolios, including the sale of two units to British-based GlaxoSmithKline. Hester Plumridge explains why the Swiss company is doing these deals now and what this means for the pharmaceutical industry.- published: 22 Apr 2014
- views: 14

Joseph Jimenez, CEO - at the Novartis Annual Press Conference 2013 1/2
Novartis - Press-Footage is available for free from the GOMEX newsroom at http://cms-gomex...
published: 23 Jan 2013
author: Wirtschaftsvideo
Joseph Jimenez, CEO - at the Novartis Annual Press Conference 2013 1/2
Joseph Jimenez, CEO - at the Novartis Annual Press Conference 2013 1/2
Novartis - Press-Footage is available for free from the GOMEX newsroom at http://cms-gomex.com Novartis delivers strong innovation in 2012, offsetting patent...- published: 23 Jan 2013
- views: 274
- author: Wirtschaftsvideo

Healthcare - where are we headed?
Patients, diseases and healthcare are changing - and this affects your health. © 2010 Nova...
published: 12 Apr 2010
author: Novartis
Healthcare - where are we headed?
Healthcare - where are we headed?
Patients, diseases and healthcare are changing - and this affects your health. © 2010 Novartis AG.- published: 12 Apr 2010
- views: 50539
- author: Novartis

Berufseinstieg bei der Novartis Pharma GmbH
Frank Kellenberg von Novartis spricht mit uns im Interview über die Einstiegschancen und K...
published: 24 Jan 2012
author: audimaxmedien
Berufseinstieg bei der Novartis Pharma GmbH
Berufseinstieg bei der Novartis Pharma GmbH
Frank Kellenberg von Novartis spricht mit uns im Interview über die Einstiegschancen und Karrieremöglichkeiten bei Novartis.- published: 24 Jan 2012
- views: 814
- author: audimaxmedien

Novartis International Biotechnology Leadership Camp 2013
Today's best young talent will soon be changing the world. Novartis International Biotechn...
published: 30 Aug 2013
Novartis International Biotechnology Leadership Camp 2013
Novartis International Biotechnology Leadership Camp 2013
Today's best young talent will soon be changing the world. Novartis International Biotechnology Leadership Camp (BioCamp) offers top university students the opportunity to apply their bright minds to the trends and challenges of the biotechnology and healthcare industry and think like entrepreneurs. The 2013 BioCamp welcomed 60 participants from 21 countries to Novartis Headquarters in Basel, Switzerland, from August 25 to August 28, 2013. This year, the focus is biotechnology and the challenges facing scientists, researchers and entrepreneurs as they work to bring medicines to market that benefit patients. Learn more about the Novartis BioCamp: http://www.novartis.com/careers/biocamp/index.shtml © 2013 Novartis AG- published: 30 Aug 2013
- views: 166

How Novartis and Big Pharma maximise profits with evergreening - Truthloader
Adam explains how drug companies may manipulate patent laws to maximise profits - a proces...
published: 03 Apr 2013
author: Truthloader
How Novartis and Big Pharma maximise profits with evergreening - Truthloader
How Novartis and Big Pharma maximise profits with evergreening - Truthloader
Adam explains how drug companies may manipulate patent laws to maximise profits - a process known as "evergreening" - and speaks to Aziz Rehman from Médecins...- published: 03 Apr 2013
- views: 6699
- author: Truthloader

Novartis CEO Joe Jimenez: The best advice I ever got
What's the best advice you've ever been given? In the first clip for Fast Company's "30 Se...
published: 21 Dec 2012
author: Novartis
Novartis CEO Joe Jimenez: The best advice I ever got
Novartis CEO Joe Jimenez: The best advice I ever got
What's the best advice you've ever been given? In the first clip for Fast Company's "30 Second MBA" video series, Novartis CEO Joe Jimenez shares his most va...- published: 21 Dec 2012
- views: 3379
- author: Novartis

120 secondes - Novartis restructure son portefeuille d'activités
120 secondes : Reto Zenhäusern, membre de la direction générale de Novartis, commente l'im...
published: 23 Apr 2014
120 secondes - Novartis restructure son portefeuille d'activités
120 secondes - Novartis restructure son portefeuille d'activités
120 secondes : Reto Zenhäusern, membre de la direction générale de Novartis, commente l'importante transformation annoncée hier par le CEO de l'entreprise Joe Jimenez. Retrouvez toutes les vidéos de 120 secondes sur : http://www.rts.ch/couleur3/programmes/120-secondes- published: 23 Apr 2014
- views: 8

Patentstreit in Indien - Novartis will über Leichen gehen
Das indische Patentrecht erlaubt Armen weltweit den Zugang für die Grundversorgung mit Pha...
published: 19 May 2012
author: Carolus Magnus
Patentstreit in Indien - Novartis will über Leichen gehen
Patentstreit in Indien - Novartis will über Leichen gehen
Das indische Patentrecht erlaubt Armen weltweit den Zugang für die Grundversorgung mit Pharmazeutika. Sollte Novartis, welche mehr Gewinn für ihre Aktionäre ...- published: 19 May 2012
- views: 288
- author: Carolus Magnus

"Mr. Novartis" - im Gespräch. Dr. Daniel Vasella bei Leadership Revisited
Wofür sind Top-Manager verantwortlich? In welchen emotionalen Dynamiken entscheiden sie? -...
published: 28 Nov 2011
author: HeitgerConsulting
"Mr. Novartis" - im Gespräch. Dr. Daniel Vasella bei Leadership Revisited
"Mr. Novartis" - im Gespräch. Dr. Daniel Vasella bei Leadership Revisited
Wofür sind Top-Manager verantwortlich? In welchen emotionalen Dynamiken entscheiden sie? - Dr. Daniel Vasella, langjähriger CEO und Verwaltungsratspräsident ...- published: 28 Nov 2011
- views: 3914
- author: HeitgerConsulting

Novartis-GV: Die Wut der Aktionäre
Die Messer sind gewetzt: Daniel Vasella, nur noch heute Präsident von Novartis, tritt vor ...
published: 22 Feb 2013
author: bolzurich
Novartis-GV: Die Wut der Aktionäre
Novartis-GV: Die Wut der Aktionäre
Die Messer sind gewetzt: Daniel Vasella, nur noch heute Präsident von Novartis, tritt vor über 2688 Aktionäre. Die Mehrheit ist ihm schlecht gesinnt und wett...- published: 22 Feb 2013
- views: 1461
- author: bolzurich

120 secondes - Le procès de Novartis en Inde
120 secondes - L'invité du jour : Reto Zenhäusern, membre de la direction générale de Nova...
published: 13 Sep 2012
author: RTS - Radio Télévision Suisse
120 secondes - Le procès de Novartis en Inde
120 secondes - Le procès de Novartis en Inde
120 secondes - L'invité du jour : Reto Zenhäusern, membre de la direction générale de Novartis, évoque le procès intenté par sa compagnie en Inde pour empêc...- published: 13 Sep 2012
- views: 9741
- author: RTS - Radio Télévision Suisse
Vimeo results:

Had the opportunity to work with Andrew McClellan again on this piece for Novartis. Beyon...
published: 20 Apr 2012
author: JohnLong
Had the opportunity to work with Andrew McClellan again on this piece for Novartis. Beyond Novartis' Malaria Initiative being an amazing program, Eric Diga and I had an awesome time taking Andrew's storyboards and finding ways to animate and transition with them.
Andrew and Eric are two of my favorite people to work with. I can't say much more than that!
Producer/ Art Director: Andrew McClellan [Fleishman-Hillard]
Motion Design: Eric Diga/John Long
Edit: John Long
c4d, adobe suite

Otrivin: Scissor
Client: Novartis
Agency: Saatchi & Saatchi, Geneva
Chief Creative Officers: John Pallant &...
published: 22 May 2011
author: Leon Jacobs
Otrivin: Scissor
Client: Novartis
Agency: Saatchi & Saatchi, Geneva
Chief Creative Officers: John Pallant & Derek Green
Creative Director: Leon Jacobs
Writers: Maureen McCabe, Boris DeClerck
Art Directors: Lisa McCleod, Daniela Nedelschi, Lucy Crudgington
Agency Producer: Scott McBurnie
Production Company: The Sweet Shop
Director: Sam Holst
Producer: Camillo Spath
Editor: Michael Lonsdale

Novartis - Next10
Intro animation for the Novartis Next10 initiative.
Agency: Me plus You...
published: 10 Feb 2014
author: Jon Gallo
Novartis - Next10
Intro animation for the Novartis Next10 initiative.
Agency: Me plus You

- Novartis hastayla24saat kısa film yarışması en iyi film ödülü
Burak Barutçu -...
published: 01 Mar 2011
author: Burak Barutcu
- Novartis hastayla24saat kısa film yarışması en iyi film ödülü
Burak Barutçu - Selin Önel
Hikaye & Senaryo
Hande Ortaç Aksoy
Görüntü Yönetimi & Kamera
Burak Barutçu - Ersin Koç - Selin Önel
Burak Barutçu - Selin Önel
ercüment: Ercüment Acar
okan: Nezih Cihan Aksoy
garson: Fırat Banatonguz
esra: Esra Öztürk
burcu: Burcu Ünür
Hande Ortaç Aksoy - Çiğdem Karakaş - Can Özbaşaran -Mustafa Sürücü - Selin Önel
Hande Ortaç Aksoy - Nezih Cihan Aksoy - Burak Barutcu
Ersin Koç - Selin Önel
Işık Şefi
Mustafa Sürücü
Dr.Nalin Tekin
Boom Operatörü
Çağlar Karakuş
Çiğdem Karakaş
Tolga Atakan
Biel Ballester Trio, Graci Pedro, Leo Hipaucha - When I Was A Boy
Lalo Schifrin & Orchestra - Samba De Uma Nota So
Youtube results:

Novartis/GSK -- expensive restructuring?
GlaxoSmithKline has struck a three-way agreement worth $16bn with Novartis to reorganise t...
published: 22 Apr 2014
Novartis/GSK -- expensive restructuring?
Novartis/GSK -- expensive restructuring?
GlaxoSmithKline has struck a three-way agreement worth $16bn with Novartis to reorganise their businesses. Lex's Joseph Cotterill and Robert Armstrong discuss whether the reorganisation aids a prime objective of drugmakers: selling more drugs. For more video content from the Financial Times, visit http://www.FT.com/video Subscribe to the Financial Times on YouTube; http://goo.gl/vUQx5k Twitter https://twitter.com/ftvideo Facebook https://www.facebook.com/financialtimes- published: 22 Apr 2014
- views: 2

Novartis Schweizer Pass
Der Schweizer Pass von Novartis zeigt die Bedeutung von Novartis in und für die Schweiz. I...
published: 01 Nov 2011
author: maxomedia
Novartis Schweizer Pass
Novartis Schweizer Pass
Der Schweizer Pass von Novartis zeigt die Bedeutung von Novartis in und für die Schweiz. Informationen aus verschiedenen Abteilungen zur Rolle und Bedeutung ...- published: 01 Nov 2011
- views: 370
- author: maxomedia

Novartis International Biotechnology Leadership Camp 2012
Today's best young talent will soon be changing the world. Novartis International Biotechn...
published: 31 Aug 2012
author: Novartis
Novartis International Biotechnology Leadership Camp 2012
Novartis International Biotechnology Leadership Camp 2012
Today's best young talent will soon be changing the world. Novartis International Biotechnology Leadership Camp (BioCamp) offers top university students the ...- published: 31 Aug 2012
- views: 5941
- author: Novartis

Sun Pharma settles Novartis lawsuit over drug Gleevec
Sun Pharmaceuticals announced settlement of a legal dispute with Novartis AG in the US on ...
published: 06 Jun 2014
Sun Pharma settles Novartis lawsuit over drug Gleevec
Sun Pharma settles Novartis lawsuit over drug Gleevec
Sun Pharmaceuticals announced settlement of a legal dispute with Novartis AG in the US on a generic version of patented leukemia drug Gleevec. This settlement is a positive development as it wards off litigation risks and formalizes Sun's launch plans for generic Gleevec, reports CNBC TV18's Archana Shukla.- published: 06 Jun 2014
- views: 2