
譚詠麟 Alan Tam 2010 再度感動演唱會 (全)
published: 17 Dec 2013
譚詠麟 Alan Tam 2010 再度感動演唱會 (全)
譚詠麟 Alan Tam 2010 再度感動演唱會 (全)
樂壇至尊級巨星譚詠麟於2010年07月駕臨紅館,舉行一連八場「2010再度感動演唱會」。Alan在這個充滿懷舊味道的派對上施展渾身解數,不搞無謂噱頭,純粹以好歌會友。他特別為演唱會準備了超過一百首歌曲,令每晚的曲目均有所不同。 演唱會全長超過三小時,Alan不單大唱數十首八、九十年代膾炙人口的難忘經典,還獻上一些過往未受注意的滄海遺珠,令現場觀眾如癡如醉。他又提攜幾位後輩當表演嘉賓,包括樂隊Mr.、契仔關楚耀和來自北京的女結他手顧愛寧。 演唱會現推出藍光雙碟卡拉OK影音專輯,以1920x1080全高清拍攝, 收錄逾200分鐘震撼紅館現場演繹以及逾半小時演唱會製作花絮,讓樂迷再三欣賞、再三感動。至尊級雙藍光光碟.Uncompressed PCM 5.1 16bit/48kHz.dts-HD Master Audio 5.1 24/96.Multi-Audio Karaoke.至尊級HD1080高清器材拍攝及錄製.全數碼24bit/96kHz錄音逾200分鐘現場演繹 01. Overture 02. 你知我知 03. 魔與道 04. 俗世洪流 05. 擁抱 06. Acoustic Medley 1 i) 今夜情為証 ii) 情義倆心知 iii) 我愛雀斑 iv) 八十歲後! 07. Acoustic Medley 2 i) 幸運星 ii) 永不想你 iii) 迷癡的心 iv) 還是你懂得愛我 08. 酒紅色的心 00:46:10 09. 第一滴淚 00:51:31 10. 淩晨一吻 00:55:36 11. 愛你兩個人 01:00:01 12. 一個永遠不好的傷口 01:03:35 13. 望愛 (譚詠麟+ 顧愛寧) 01:09:29 14. 此刻你在何處 01:14:56 15. Maggie 01:21:53 16. 冷傲的化妝 01:25:04 17. 香港· 香港 01:27:52 18. 知心當玩偶 01:30:30 19. 愛情陷阱 01:33:11 20. 成功需苦幹 (譚詠麟+ 關楚耀) 01:38:13 21. 約翰人生(譚詠麟+ Mr.) 01:42:29 22. Upbeat Medley: (譚詠麟+ Mr.) i) Mr. Tam 01:46:58 ii) 暴風女神Lorelei 01:48:44 iii) 世界停頓 01:50:27 iv) 刺客 01:52:09 23. 如果我是陳奕迅 01:54:52 24. 一首歌一個故事 02:00:12 25. 忘不了您 02:03:40 26. 幻影 02:08:30 27. 愛的根源 02:13:12 28. 愛在深秋 02:17:46 29. 一生中最愛 02:22:26 30. 情憑誰來定錯對 02:27:51 31. 那些感動過人的歌 02:32:32 32. 披著羊皮的狼 (譚詠麟+ 顧愛寧) 02:40:13 33. 有淚不輕流 02:43:44 34. 雨絲.情愁 02:46:17 35. 愛的逃兵 02:50:10 36. 也曾相識 02:53:45 37. 最愛的你 02:56:43 38. 講不出再見 03:01:30 39. 偏愛 03:05:24 40. 高低一起 03:08:10 41. 無言感激 03:14:42 42. MAKING OF -- BR cache BR 2013-12-17 Regina- published: 17 Dec 2013
- views: 47

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Live Fully Now
An inspirational and profound speech from the late philosopher Alan Watts.
Alan Watts aud...
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Live Fully Now
Live Fully Now
An inspirational and profound speech from the late philosopher Alan Watts. Alan Watts audio courtesy of: www.alanwatts.org Music written and composed by: Dexter Britain "From Truth" dexterbritain.co.uk Download creative common version for home use at: http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Dexter_Britain/Creative_Commons_Selection/ Footage purchased under the license of TragedyandHope from Videohive and Pond5. Big thank you to all those who contributed to the Kickstarter campaign, this video literally would not have been possible without you. Special mention to these people for their generous donations: - Edouard Mondron - Andrew Vlachos - Lim Wen Qi - Krister Paulsen -Jenny Klok -Vitaliy Levit - Michael Oughton - Laure Gunderson- published: 14 Apr 2014
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Alan Watts - The Dream Of Life
Alan Watts - The Dream Of Life
Alan Wilson Watts described himself a...
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Alan Watts - The Dream Of Life
Alan Watts - The Dream Of Life
Alan Watts - The Dream Of Life _____________________ Alan Wilson Watts described himself as "an ego inside a bag of skin" before adding that even that was really a hallucination. A popular American writer and thinker, Alan Watts was born and raised in England, and helped introduce Zen philosophy in the United States. Alan Watts became an Episcopal minister and worked for six years as chaplain during and after World War II, then abruptly quit the pulpit and the church, writing later that Zen Buddhism allowed Alan Watts to escape "the monstrously oppressive God the Father". For several years Alan Watts taught college courses in comparative philosophy, but then Alan Watts abandoned academia except for short stints as a visiting scholar. Alan Watts spent the remainder of his years writing and lecturing independently, living in a houseboat on San Francisco Bay, and hosting a popular radio program on KPFA, the community radio station in Berkeley, CA. _____________________ Some or all of the items or clips in the film may be products of other companies and copied or used in our own video, nor we are claiming them as our own.- published: 23 Mar 2013
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