Analysis News
  • WATCH: Israeli teen refuses to serve in army, likely to face jail time

    Dozens of supporters, including past refusers, hold demonstration outside Haifa draft board office in solidarity with 19-year-old Udi Segal. By Moriel Rothman-Zecher and Yuval Orr For the past month, the news in Israel/Palestine has been filled with reports of more and more people killed, the vast majority of them Palestinians. As much of Israeli society is swept up in the fever of the most recent war on Gaza, there are those voices that refuse to accept a present, or future, filled with violence, occupation, fear and hostility. One of those voices belongs to Udi Segal, a 19-year-old Israeli from Kibbutz…

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  • WATCH: A voice of peace on the Gaza border

    For 14 years, the Israeli communities in the Gaza vicinity have dealt with regular rocket and mortar attacks. But not everyone shares the hardline views most often heard when news cameras show up. As 'Operation Protective Edge' began this past week, Social TV went to the area and found some different voices. Related: Live blog: Escalation in Gaza - July 2014 Why are there are no white flags in Gaza? Dispatch from Gaza: You can never be emotionally ready Why I object to this military campaign, even as missiles fall on my city

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  • WATCH: Israeli Jews attack Palestinian on public bus

    The following video shows an incident that took place on a municipal bus in the greater Tel Aviv area (near Bnei Brak, for those who know the territory). This was a couple of days ago, shortly after the bodies of three Jewish boys who were abducted in mid-June were discovered in the West Bank. The video shows a Palestinian man (wearing a baseball cap), presumably a citizen of Israel. Three men in military uniform (they are not combat soldiers, but probably employees of the ministry of defense— i.e., bureaucrats) form a human barrier between the Palestinian man and a group of…

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  • WATCH: Disturbing footage of police beating Palestinian in Shuafat

    A disturbing video emerged Thursday night that shows what appears to be Israeli policemen brutally beating a Palestinian in the East Jerusalem neighborhood Shuafat. Clashes broke out in the neighborhood Wednesday morning following the discovery of 16-year-old Mohammed Abu Khdeir's body in a suspected revenge killing by Israeli Jews. The video, first aired by Palestine Today and also appearing in a report in Electronic Intifada, shows what appear to be two undercover Israeli border policemen kicking and beating a Palestinian, whose face is also covered, while he appears handcuffed, pinned down and barely moving. After the two finish beating him they drag…

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  • WATCH: Living in the shadow of the Prawer Plan

    Following a series of high-profile protests that seemingly ended one iteration of the Prawer Plan, nobody — especially those who would be most affected — knows where the plan to displace tens of thousands of Bedouin Israelis stands today. Social TV visits two unrecognized Bedouin villages in the Negev, Al-Araqib and Alsira, to see how people live under the threat of displacement. Read +972's full coverage of the Prawer Plan to displace Bedouin Read +972's full coverage of the Prawer Plan to displace Bedouin

  • WATCH: Palestinian short film tackles emotional impact of conscription

    A just-released short film, titled "Project-X," tackles a politically charged issue -- conscription by the Israeli military -- through an emotional appeal to Palestinian youth. "We wanted this time to make a different kind of video," said Nadim Nashif, director of Baladna -- the Association for Arab Youth, which co-sponsored production of the film. "We wanted to treat the issue in a cinematic way... [to show] what it produces by way of impact on the self." Nashif's comments, which are translated above from Arabic, are included in the description to the "Project-X" video, which can be found here. (The video…

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  • WATCH: Israeli companies export occupation technology

    Dozens of companies involved in the Israeli combat, homeland security, and defense markets demonstrated their technologies during last week's Tel Aviv Security Week Arms Expo. The Real News' Lia Tarachansky headed to the conference to speak to representatives of the companies that help maintain the occupation through the building of walls, fences, checkpoints, or protest-suppression technologies. By Lia Tarachansky / ‘The Real News’ Lia Tarachansky is an Israeli-Russian journalist with The Real News Network reporting on Israel and the occupied Palestinian territories. She is the director of ”On the Side of the Road,” a documentary on Israel’s biggest taboo – the events of 1948 when the state…

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  • WATCH: In Jerusalem, ‘Palestinians aren’t allowed to dream’

    A short documentary film looks at three Palestinian families in East Jerusalem and their struggle to build homes. Filmmaker Omri Shenhar: ‘They drive us in their cabs, build our houses, and collect our trash. But when it comes to their rights we shutter our eyes and hide behind a wall.’ By Omri Shenhar A few months ago I spent an entire weekend in Jerusalem. On Friday I went with my whole family, guided by my grandfather, to the Har'el Brigade monument located next to the Israeli Supreme Court.  My grandpa told us about the battles that he took part in.…

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  • WATCH: Recognizing Israel as a Jewish state, or an 'ethnocracy?'

    Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu recently proposed enshrining the Jewish character of Israel into a basic law, the closest thing Israel has to a constitution. What would such a law mean for Israel's Palestinian minority? Israeli academic Oren Yiftachel talks about 'ethnocracy,' a term he coined that describes the Israeli regime. By Lia Tarachansky / ‘The Real News’ Lia Tarachansky is an Israeli-Russian journalist with The Real News Network reporting on Israel and the occupied Palestinian territories. She is the director of ”On the Side of the Road,” a documentary on Israel's biggest taboo - the events of 1948 when the state…

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  • WATCH: Israeli Supreme Court hears Rachel Corrie appeal

    Corrie's father expresses hope that the top justices 'understand what it means to protect civilians,' and that they reverse the trend of impunity for the IDF. By Jeremy Elster The Israeli Supreme Court this week heard an appeal on behalf of the family of Rachel Corrie, who was crushed to death by an IDF bulldozer in 2003 outside Rafah, Gaza. At the time, she was non-violently protesting the demolition of Palestinian homes. Her parents, Cindy and Craig Corrie, filed a civil suit against the State of Israel alleging wrongful death but faced a setback in August 2012 when the Haifa…

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