Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome
ARDS Nursing Interventions (Medications too)
Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS)
ARDS / Acute Lung Injury: Current Treatment
Acute Respiratory Failure vs. ARDS for Nursing Students
ARDS Awareness Video
ARDS - CRASH! USMLE Step 2 and 3
4 Steps of Diagnosing ARDS
ARDS Pathophysiology for the USMLE
Acute respiratory distress syndrome ARDS
ARDS, BiLevel, APRV (Mechanical Ventilation)
ARDS RightPlace RightTime
Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome
ARDS Nursing Interventions (Medications too)
Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS)
ARDS / Acute Lung Injury: Current Treatment
Acute Respiratory Failure vs. ARDS for Nursing Students
ARDS Awareness Video
ARDS - CRASH! USMLE Step 2 and 3
4 Steps of Diagnosing ARDS
ARDS Pathophysiology for the USMLE
Acute respiratory distress syndrome ARDS
ARDS, BiLevel, APRV (Mechanical Ventilation)
ARDS RightPlace RightTime
Decathlon- Btwin Tour of Ards 2014
Ventilation of ARDS 1, using simulator
Ards CCE - Far From Home
Ards FC Supporters - Davy Lee's
Rob's ARDs mock exam
Flu and Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) - Mayo Clinic
ARDS Group 5
Mini Challenge - Will Dendy Ards Test
Ards CCE Promo
Ard, ARD, Ards or ARDS may refer to:
Eis und Feuer bringt den Sieg
Schwemmt die Heuchler fort
Von dem Antlitz dieses Seins
Nur Leid und Pein
Ice and fire brings the war
The last stand of this race
Your false ideals will fall
Wiped away by planets faith
Wir sind die Boten
Hört uns an
Lauscht unsren Worten
I'm angesicht von kalten Flammen
Gilt es sich nun zu entscheiden
Falsche Werte zu vergessen
Eis und Feuer zu entfesseln
This is a song of ice and fire
A tale of war for your desire
Let the frost take your breath
Let the flames kiss the flesh
Arise from ice and fire
Fünf Reiter sind nun angekommen
Nehmen mit das Menschenkind
Ziehen es von diesem Ort
Des Menschen grauer Schreckenshort
Das Kind leg tab das Menschenfleisch
Fängt Feuer und zerbricht zu Eis
I'm angesicht von kalten Flammen
Gilt es sich nun zu entscheiden
Falsche Werte zu vergessen
Eis und Feuer zu entfesseln
Ein Lied erklingt auf goldnen Schwingen
Bringt das schwarze Blut zum Singen
Angst und Bang dir dennoch wird
Wenn gleinßend Licht durch Körper bricht
This is a song of ice and fire
Heralds downfall and the end
Of your lies and false ideals
And the fucked up human race
Wir sind die Boten
Hört uns an
Lauscht unsren Worten
I'm angesicht von kalten Flammen
Gilt es sich nun zu entscheiden
Falsche Werte zu vergessen
Eis und Feuer zu entfesseln
This is a song of ice and fire
A tale of war for your desire
Let the frost take your breath
Let the flames kiss the flesh
Alle Farben dieser Welt
Trägst du in dir
Doch weil du das nicht siehst
Bist und bleibst du ein Faschist
Die Bedeutung kennst du nicht
Doch die Wahrheit kommt ans Licht
Ich hasse die Rassen
Sie wurden geschaffen
Von Menschen die nach Kriegen trachten
Ich zähle jetzt bis drei
Dann geht der Schmerz vorbei
Ich schließe die Augen - zähl:
Um mich wird es still
Ich erkenne wer ich bin
Vergessen ist die Wut und der Hass
Weil die Masse Rassen hasst, hasst du sie auch
Und weil du hasst, ist Liebe stets für dich verloren
Zum Rassenhassen auserkoren
Keine Pläne dieser Blender
Erklären uns zum Tier
Eine Rasse und Menschen sind wir!
Kein Gen das uns unterscheidet
Alle Leben Menschlichkeit
Keine Grenzen, keine Rassen
Wenn der Preis Frieden heißt
Schluss, kein Blut und kein Wegzoll
Sinnlose Hassparolen
Vergesst nicht was Recht ist
Wenn Blutrache Gesetz ist
Ich zähle jetzt bis drei
Dann geht der Schmerz vorbei
Ich schließe die Augen - zähl:
Um mich wird es still
Ich erkenne wer ich bin
Vergessen ist die Wut und der Hass
Weil die Masse Rassen hasst, hasst du sie auch
Und weil du hasst, ist Liebe stets für dich verloren
Zum Rassenhassen auserkoren
Die missbrauchte Wissenschaft
Diente Satansplan
Das Bewerten von Rassen ist inhuman
Medizin gibt kein Recht, wer ist gut und wer ist schlecht
Falsche Expertisen, ja Verbrechen wurden nachgewiesen
Die Anleitung zum Massenmord
Viele wurden auch vertrieben
Ramadan und Chanukka
Zigeuner und ein Schwulenpaar
Tief in den Köpfen steckt Wut
Sie alle folgen blind dem Rassenwahn, tja
Ein Führer bringt uns Hass und lässt Terror regnen
Aus jeder Zelle meines Geistes spricht der Widerstand
Doch vergebens
Die Vergangenheit lässt nur eine Möglichkeit zu kämpfen
Gegen die Vergesslichkeit
Weil die Masse Rassen hasst, hasst du sie auch
Und weil du hasst, ist Liebe stets für dich verloren
Zum Rassenhassen auserkoren
Die missbrauchte Wissenschaft
Diente Satansplan
Das Bewerten von Rassen ist inhuman
Medizin gibt kein Recht
Wer ist gut und wer ist schlecht
Wir sind bereit!
Für das letzte Gefecht!
Aus jeder Zelle meines Geistes spricht der Widerstand
Diesen steinigen Weg gehen wir Hand in Hand
Gemeinsam sind wir eine Einheit
Stark I'm Kampf
No more tears for those that are dying
for those that are crying
We are soldiers born to fight
for a peaceful world
So if you feel that you're in a fire
than raise your voice
keep on laughtin', keep on lovin'
We are safe in the eye of the storm
We're safe... inside.. in hell
So keep that faith that fills your heart
We're not worlds apart
one world, one hope, one chance
No one can stop the time
So the world turns right around
Salvation will be found
Brother and sisters you know
Quemad mi casa es una prisón
Estamos rodeados por la corrupión
Quemad mi dinero! Manana ya no valdrá!
No queremos un gobernante
Nadie cree en el sistema
No queremos promesas
Todo lo que tenemos es la ira
Tu sabes que no hay salida
Ya ha ocurrido antes
Siempre ha habido un traidor
Tu vecino no es tu enemigo
Demasiadas armas! Demasiadas violencia!
Los pistoleros no saben lo que hacen
Esta noche lesa guia el miedo y la locura
Esto no ocurre solo aqui
Tienes que levantarte! No hay conciencia!
Tienes que pensar! Un frio corazón!
Traición! Utilizado! La corrupción!
Traición! Utilizado! Un frio corazón!
Cantamos sobre le miedo el miedo
Y la plabras son la mayor amenaza
Contamos sobre la ira el fuego
Las mejores canciones son alentadoras
Allá afuera vive la bestia
Y esta hambrienta
Solo en la oscuridad
Podemos ver las estrellas
No hay salida!
Tienes que levantarte! No hay conciencia!
Tienes que pensar! Un frio corazón!
Traición! Utilizado! La corrupción!
Traición! Utilizado! Un frio corazón!
Demasiadas armas! Demasiada violencia!
Los pistoleros no saben lo que hacen
Tienes que levantarte! No hay conciencia!
Endlich wieder Leichen, ein Krieg wird grade reichen
Den Durst für heut zu stillen, den Erschütterten zu spielen
Das Fremde bringt Bedrohung, lauert drauß vor der Wohnung
Die Medien haben gewonnen, die Invasion hat längst begonnen
Sag mir, wer hat Angst vorm schwarzen Mann
Wer hat Angst vorm schwarzen Mann
Sag mir warum hast du Angst vorm schwarzen Mann
Warum hast du Angst
Was hat die Welt dir denn Getan
Sag mir, wer hat Angst vorm schwarzen Mann
Wer hat Angst vorm weißen Mann
Sag mir warum hast du Angst vorm schwarzen Mann
Warum hast du Angst
Was hat die Welt dir denn Getan
Now choose your way
Fight the truth
It's just control
Fight the truth
Now choose your way
Fight the truth
It's just control
Fight the truth
Warum verschwendest du meine Zeit
Warum verschwendest du meine Zeit
Warum verschwendest du meine Zeit
Warum verschwendest du Zeit
Sag mir wer hat Angst vorm schwarzen Mann
Wer hat Angst vorm weißen Mann
Sag mir warum machst du Angst vorm schwarzen Mann
Sag mir warum machst du Angst
Was hat die Welt dir denn Getan
Now choose your way
Fight the truth
It's just control
Fight the truth
Now choose your way
Fight the truth
It's just control
Heaven is getting dark
The sun is going down
Fogs of anarchy
Exhaled by iron lung
Grab your word and fight for the horde
No mercy for hypocrites
Stars raining from the sky
Leaving a blanket of ash on the ground
Angels with bloody wings
Regaining power they will kill the time
Stars raining from the sky
Leaving a blanket of ash on the ground
Angels with bloody wings
Regaining power
Haunted by thoughts of war
I'll take revenge – for the lost souls
I'll get you all – don't hide in the shades
I hate you, break you, make your bleed
I am your judgement day
Defend the truth – all that remains
Destroy the lies – bring it to the test
Rise up before the fall
I am your judgement day
Leave behind the aeon of slavery
Retarded society I dissect your roots
Burn! Their cities down
Burn! Leaving ash on the ground
Rape their pride
Nature's force ready to attack
For all you hypocrites
Now die
You will die! Why!
Because I am your judgement
I am your judgement day
You will die and there's no other way
No way, no way, no way, no way
I am your judgement
I am your judgement day
I am the storm
I am the fire that burns your cities down
This is my day
This is your death and justice is with me
I want you dead
I want you to fucking bleed for all your sins
I am the storm
I am the fire that burns your cities down
Stars raining from the sky
Leaving a blanket of ash on the ground
Angels with bloody wings
Regaining power they will kill the time
Stars raining from the sky
Leaving a blanket of ash on the ground
Angels with bloody wings
Regaining power
Haunted by thoughts of war
I'll take revenge – for the lost souls
I'll get you all – don't hide in the shades
I hate you, break you, make your bleed
I am your judgement day
Defend the truth – all that remains
Destroy the lies – bring it to the test
Rise up before the fall
Die Welt steht still für Stunden
Nichts atmet mehr
Ich lös mich von meinen Ketten
Aus Staub – zu Staub
Befrei mich aus Raum un Zeit
Bin schwerelos
Durchquere die Sphären des Kosmos
Entfessle die Kraft tief in mir
Niemals werde ich ruh'n
Denn ich lös mich los vom Kosmos
Ich bin das Chaos
Ich bin die Kraft der Natur
Ich bin das Ende und der Ursprung
Accept the law
What goes around comes around
We're going from dust to dust
Shadow upon all
From dirt we'll rise
There's no return from a world
Consisting of spirit
Die Zeit ist stehen geblieben
Kein Tag und keine Nacht
Ich bringe den Schatten ins Land
Aus Staub – zu Staub
Die Verschmelzung meiner Sinne
Sprengt die Ketten meiner Selbst
Durchquere die Sphären des Kosmos
Entfessle die Kraft tief in mir
Niemals werde ich ruh'n
Denn ich lös mich los vom Kosmos
Ich bin das Chaos
Ich bin die Kraft der Natur
Ich bin das Ende und der Ursprung
Accept the law
What goes around comes around
We're going from dust to dust
Shadow upon all
Ten thousand fists are rising
To break the chains of woe
Spartacus himself is watchin'
The revolution of slaves
Resistance for respect
Cause humanity is just a fake
Deep fear is their only goddamn pressure
Illusionists glorify a hidden treasure
Pretence smell the bad scent the bad scent
Pestilence, black death
Sophisticated guardians slaughtered them like pigs
Preparing them for dinner
You won't eat
The architects for evil are not always what they seem to be
Play a bloody game in the fortress of no hope
Beat the demons of time passing your way
And find the key to land of the free
The dice is cast!
I've got no more master who enslaves me!
Beat the demons of time passing your way
And find the key to land of the free
The die is cast!
I've got no master who enslaves me!
Tangles chaotic and senseless
Now who's the perpetrator?
Uniformed ordered and reversed
Everything is upside down
When the power lies in your scope
Everything is upside down in the fortress of no hope
Not the colour of your skin
Not your religious believes
Not the clan you are livin' in
Trust your values - crucify your sin!
Beat the demons of time passing your way
And find the key to land of the free
The die is cast!
Ich fette Sau, wär so gern schön
Genau wie du, Perverser Wunsch
Ohne Hirn begehremswert und niemals einsam
Du bist gemeinsam, die Welt ist Kleinkram
Erzähl mir mehr von deinem Schweinerkram
Ich lausche, kaufe, lebe schweigsam
Aus Fett kann man Seife machen
Erheb dich, befrei dich
Komm und sprich mir nach
Eure Lügen, obsiegen nicht
Erheb sich, befrei dich
Komm und sprich mir nach
Eure Lúgen, obsiegen niemals
Du fette Sau, wärst so gern schön
Genau wie ich, wer will das nicht
Ohne Hirn begehremswert und niemals einsam
Du bist gemeinsam, die Welt ist Kleinkram
Erzähl mir mehr von deinem Schweinerkram
Ich lache, rede, lebe einsam
Fick das Fett, sonst fickt es dich
Und Seife bringt den Tod
Erheb dich, befrei dich
Komm und sprich mir nach
Eure Lügen, obsiegen nicht
Erheb sich, befrei dich
Komm und sprich mir nach
Schmutz, Tod und Pein
Die Welt von heute überschwemmt
Vergieße Blut und wasch sie rein
Der Mensch sich selbst nicht mehr erkennt
Macht, Gier un Hass
Die Welt verdurstet zollt Tribut
Zu spat für Reue kein Erlass
Die Zeit ist reif wir zahlen mit Blut
Entfessle mich und spür den Tod
Blut regiert die Welt
Wasser und Land versinken I'm Rot
Blutend stirbt die Welt
Entfessle mich und spür den Tod
Blut regiert die Welt
Wasser und Land versinken I'm Rot
Blutend stirbt die Welt
Besiegelt ist der Untergang
Das Ende naht
Zulange Lebenssaft vermisst
Durch Blut erblüht die Saat
Rot ist der Regen der dich nicht entkommen lässt
Rot ist der Regen spült hinfort die Menschenpest
Entfessle mich und spür den Tod
Blut regiert die Welt
Wasser und Land versinken I'm Rot
Blutend stirbt die Welt
Entfessle mich und spür den Tod
Blut regiert die Welt
Wasser und Land versinken I'm Rot
Blutend stirbt die Welt
Hate, war and blood!
Rot ist der Regen der dich nicht entkommen lässt
Rot ist der Regen spült hinfort die Menschenpest
Recuerdo ahora aquellos momentos cuando todo parecía difícil
Viva Bastardo, el mal estaba sentado en el suelo
Lucha por la libertad, tienen el corazón en su sitio
A los perros la sociedad está muerta
Viva, viva Bastardo
Viva, viva Bastardo
Don't care about the familia
Give a fuck about the policía
Your rules cause diarrhea
My amigos smoke sensimilla
Fuck you, you are infected
Your words are tearing me down
My neck's protected
I am my own guerrilla
Recuerdo ahora aquellos momentos
Cuando todo estaba difícil
Viva Bastardo, el mal estaba sentado en el suelo
Lucha por la libertad
Viva, viva Bastardo
Viva, viva Bastardo
Don't care about the familia
Give a fuck about the policía
Your rules cause diarrhea
My amigos smoke sensimilla
Fuck you, you are infected
Your words are tearing me down
My neck's protected
I am my own guerrilla
Viva, viva Bastardo
Wer hält dar Ruder in der Hand
Wer hat sie Segel fest gespannt
Wer trägt die See in seinem Herz
Kennt keine Furcht und keinen Schmerz
Wer bricht das Eis mit dem Bug
Wer fängt euch ein und bringt die Flut
Kein Schiff fordert uns heraus
Wir halten jede Flotte auf
Zündet die Lunten zündet die Lunten
Zündet die Lunten Jetzt
Zündet die Lunten zündet die Lunten
Zündet die Lunten Feuer Frei
We sail away to the edge of the world
So light up the candles
A sailor dies tonight
We sail away to the end of our time
So light up the candle
A sailor dies tonight
We sail across the ocean
To find what is ours
We set sail to conquer
We are riders on the storm
Wer brauvht kein Land nur die See
Den Duft von Salz, Rum und Met
Gold hat für uns keinen Wert
Solange der Nordstern strahlt
Der Sebel dir das Ende gringt
Auf das Barbossas Lied erklingt
Der Schädel weiß auf Schwarz gebannt
Setzen wir den Horizont in Brand
Zündet die Lunten zündet die Lunten
Zündet die Lunten Jetzt
Zündet die Lunten zündet die Lunten
Zündet die Lunten Feuer Frei
We live our songs of freedom
That's all we ever had
This time there's no redemption
We're gonna fight our way
We sail across the ocean
To find what is ours
We set sail to conquer
We are riders on the storm
We sail away to the edge of the world
So light up the candles
A sailor dies tonight
We sail away to the end of our time
So light up the candle
A sailor dies tonight
Through the ashes of fallen empires
we can see the shadows of failure
Now I'm standing here, force of destiny!
I was born to lead you out of crudity
Sometimes you lose your temper
and sometimes you lose a friend
But in the hour of darkness
your reign will be lost again
No, I'm reclaiming what is mine
Gods gave me a sign
They blessed with their mind
But i don't give a fuck
I am my own god! The golden emperor!
No sun will shine forever
Black holes in time
and no son will be born
Just another mad reign
All my forefathers made one big mistake
They demand allegiance with the iron stake
You could say my people are not free
but all they need is me
They follow me into death
Just out of true belief
Sometimes you lose your temper
and sometimes you lose a friend
But in the hour of darkness
your reign will be lost again
I'm reclaiming what is mine
Gods gave me a sign
They blessed with their mind
But i don't give a fuck
I am my own god! Forever! The golden emperor!
Forever! The golden emperor!
Rome wasn't built in a day
No King born to stay
Power is a virus, there is no hope
I watched so many kings go by
and no one was free from sin
Their kingdom's destroyed
Their kingdom's destroyed
by only one lie
I'm reclaiming what is mine
Gods gave me a sign
They blessed with their mind
But i don't give a fuck
I am my own god! Forever! The golden emperor!
No sun will shine forever
Black holes in time
and no son will be born
Do you know a place
A grey and lonesome place
Where aspiration's waiting
To conquer your heart
Such a place is my shelter
It aggravates me
Learn to appreciate
What evocates pain
Lessons I'll learn them well
Lessons I'll wipe away the tears
Lessons I'll learn them well
Lessons I walk through hell
Send my soul on a journey
Through dark gates of sweet desperation
I call my own
I'm willing to suffer to straighten out
Searching for the sense
In the tragedy of life
My mind is falling
Down into the abyss of fate
I am at my wits end
But I won't drop myself
Such a place was my shelter
Now I'm reborn
Life is full of lessons
I learned them well
I'm breaking free
Lessons I learned them well
Lessons I wiped away the tears
Lessons I learned them well
Lessons I'm breaking free
My mind is travelling
Through dark gates of pure solitude
I call my own
I'm willing to suffer to realize
Searching for the sense
In the tragedy of life
I will break free!
Send my soul on a journey
Through the gates of white dignity
I call my own
I'm willing to suffer to appreciate
Searching for the sense
Dogs of war are haunting the human flesh
That's not hell, that's the paradise
Adrenaline and instincts take the lead
The beast awakes
Sucking all my hate
Terminate wrath
Sucking all my hate
Terminate wrath
The bullets rip through the enemies
Terminate wrath
Dead bodies cover shattered ground
Terminate wrath
Now die you fucking coward
I'll send you to your gods
Your bones are crushed into pieces
And now you get what you deserve
Can you hear the screams for mercy?
Sweet music in your ears
Can you smell the stench of napalm?
This is your chance to kill
In times of war death is the healing
Now feel the rage and make your stand
Bloodthirst and the lust to kill
Now surrender the beast in you
You sow the death and harvest flesh
Unchain your rage
They call me insane and murderer
I call them prey and hunt them down
Like the wolf among the sheeps
A god among men
Sucking all my hate
Terminate wrath
Sucking all my hate
Terminate wrath
The bullets rip through the enemies
Terminate wrath
Dead bodies cover shattered ground
Terminate wrath
Now die you fucking coward
I'll send you to your gods
Your bones are crushed into pieces
And now you get what you deserve
Can you hear the screams for mercy?
Sweet music in your ears
Can you smell the stench of napalm?
This is your chance to kill
In times of war death is the healing
Now feel the rage and make your stand
Can you hear the screams for mercy?
Sweet music in your ears
Can you smell the stench of napalm?
This is your chance to kill
In times of war death is the healing
[Prologue] I am watching the scene
My blood starts to sing
It's just like a dream
As walls are closing in
[Chapter 1] I saw a mountain surrounded by light
With every step the darkness rising
Relaiming what is hers
Gently licking flames
Give birth to their lives
The path of hope
Now drowned in our cries
I won't let this happen
I won't stand and watch
So every guilty stone will crack
From this rock!
And even if every soul
Fights to the last
The grin behind the mirror hides
A mouth full of ash
I saw a mountain surrounded by light
So bright
Melting friend and foe
Good and bad all alike
As I reached the top
All innocence was lost
Wiped away by brainwashed walls
Let's break those walls
I won't let this happen
I won't stand and watch
So every guilty stone will crack
From this rock!
And even if every soul
Fights to the last
The grin behind the mirror hides
A mouth full of ash
A letter from the top of the mountain
To the rest of the world
The gates are open wide
Don't feel save no!
Floods are rushing in rushing in
We have to stick together
For the first time we build a union
Where sons are born
Equal and free!
But what's paradise
Who needs a reason when obeying rules?
Who needs a reason when acting like a fool?
He's just the right hand of the devil
So fucking blind
He can account for his actions
He executes commands
Think about your acts
Hold tight your true belief
Think and you will see
Think twice the choice is yours
Think about your acts
The choice is yours
It's not only the butcher's guilt
Who needs a reason? You kill for victory
Who needs a reason for death by command
You are the devil, don't be so blind
You got no gun in your hand
Although you bring the death
Think about your acts
Hold tight your true belief
Think and you will see
Think twice the choice is yours
Think about your acts
The choice is yours
It's not only the butcher's guilt
The butcher's guilt!
Think about your acts
Hold tight your true belief
Think and you will see
Think twice the choice is yours
Think about your acts
The choice is yours
Was jagt der Mensch seit ewig Zeiten
Treibt ihn durch die schlimmsten Qualen
Weckt ihn nachts aus tiefem Schlaf
Schickt ihn los trotz allen Gefahren
Es scheint die Suche will nicht enden
Schritt für Schritt nur totes Land
Kein Entkommen, kein Entrinnen
Ruhelos und ausgebrannt
Die letzte Zuflucht die dir jetzt noch bleibt
Wie lange suchst du schon was dich befreit
Rhågenfels ja hols dir
Rhågenfels ja finde es
Rhågenfels greif zu
Est ist jetzt deins
Hinter Mauern in den Türmen
Sammelt sich der letzte Rest
Er schickt sie an den Ort
Berüchtigter als die Pest
Sind keine müden Pilger
Sondern scharfe Todesbringer
Wir ringen um den letzten Schatz
Zuerst verstoßen nun vereint
Tragen wir den gleichen Pelz
Aur Rhågenfels
Die letzte Zuflucht die dir jetzt noch bleibt
Wie lange suchst du schon was dich befreit
Rhågenfels ja hols dir
Rhågenfels ja finde es
Rhågenfels greif zu
Est ist jetzt deins
Vergebens suchen wir uns selbst
Und finden nur den kleinsten Teil
Allein mit diesem geht es weiter
Gibt uns kraft und hält uns wach
In den Nächten singen wir den Mutgesang
Vom freien Willen und unserm Widerstand
Die letzte Zuflucht die dir jetzt noch bleibt
Wie lange suchst du schon was dich befreit
Rhågenfels ja hols dir
Rhågenfels ja finde es
Rhågenfels greif zu
I don't wanna play aroun' no more
I see that black cross painted on your door
We was good friends for a long, long time
But baby you got hungry for a life of crime
Get the message now?
The car you drive is painted red and grey
But if you ask me to get in
Well I'll just run away
We was good friends for a long, long time
But baby you got hungry for a life of crime
Bop to Helium Bar tonight
Bop to Helium Bar tonight [x4]
Bop to Helium Bar tonight [x4]
Bop to Helium Bar tonight
Bop to Helium Bar tonight [x4]
Bop to Helium Bar tonight [x4]
That stuff that's falling from the sky really isn't rain
I'd put on a hat but its eating out my brain
It's really all too late if only to explain
We messed with mother nature
And now she's had enough
Check mate is her final move
There's no such call of bluff
Not too long you'll really start to feel
It's already there but you just can't see it
It's up there in the air, how's it feel to breathe it
No matter what we do regardless of the tears
That stuff that's falling from the sky really isn't rain
I'd put on a hat but its eating out my brain
It's really all too late if only to explain
Silence not a warning but its really all in vain
We messed with mother nature
And now she's had enough
Check mate is her final move
There's no such call of bluff
Not before too long you'll really start to feel
We got the neutron bomb,
We got the neutron bomb
We got the neutron, gonna drop it all over the place
Yer gonna get it on yer face
Foreign aid from the land of the free
But don't blame me
We got the neutron bomb,
We got the neutron bomb
We got the neutron, don't understand you don't know what you mean
We don't want you we want your machines
United Nations and NATO won't do
It's just the red, white and blue
We got the neutron bomb,
We got the neutron bomb
We got the neutron, that's the way it's gotta be
Survival of the fittest is the way it's gonna be
We don't want it, we don't want it,
Don't blame me
We don't want it, we don't want it,
Love me my love
Come with me now
Come here my love
On the ride
We'll ride the night
By the sparkling light
Of the bright diamond sky
On the range
Every little thing that I have seen
Comes back to remind me in my dream
Life in the city is not how it should be
Every time I hear someone say
They don't care they want to throw it all away
I have to reply to it another day
Back road hideout
Left me no doubt
Faith had died out in the town
Back road hideout
I did shout out
Take me away from the pain
Love me my love
Come with me now
Come here my love
On the ride
We'll ride the night
By the sparkling light
Of the bright diamond sky
On the range
Somehow in this fast decline
We lead it to the deep divide
Shoot out passed that hollow blast of flames
It's not hard to recognize
We'll see it on the rise
You must trust your eyes
You're not insane
Back road hideout
Left me no doubt
Truth must be found and revealed
Back road hideout
I did shout out
Who can tell how it's concealed
Love me my love
Come with me now
Come here my love
On the ride
We'll ride the night
By the sparkling light
Of the bright diamond sky
On the range
Every little thing that I have seen
Comes back to remind me in my dream
Life in the city is not how it should be
Every time I hear someone say
They don't care they want to throw it all away
I have to reply to it another day
Back road hideout
Left me no doubt
Faith had died out in the town
Back road hideout
I did shout out
I want a car
I want a girl
Don't want to work
Don't want to go to school
Leave me alone
I don't care about you
I don't care about you
'Cause I'm teenage
And I'm young
Ha ha and I'm strong
And I'm wild
And I'm teenage
I want a car
I want a girl, yeah!
Don't want to work
Don't want to go to school
Leave me alone
I don't care about you
I don't care about you
'Cause I'm teenage
And I'm young
Ha ha and I'm strong
And I'm wild
I can't get out
I'm stuck inside
I have to shout
I'm stuck in my brain
It's all in my mind
I'm in myself so
There's nothing to find
I'm in, I'm in, I'm in
Solitary confinement
I have to shout
I'm stuck in my brain
It's all in my mind
I'm in myself so
There's nothing to find
I'm in, I'm in, I'm in
Attention all you humans
Who feel the overload
A message from the underworld
We finally broke the code
There is no god in heaven
There is no answer fit
Just a phantom overlord
Who says that this is it
I said, "uh, yeah"
Can ya feel the chords we play?
Can ya hear the words we say?
Can ya feel the chords we play?
Can ya hear the words we say?
There is no need to pray
Repentance is in vain
The message from the underworld
Says we're all insane
There is no wrong or right
There is no Pentecost
There is no guiding light
No answer for the lost
I said, "uh, yeah"
Can ya feel the chords we play?
Can ya hear the words we say?
Can ya feel the chords we play?
Can ya hear the words we say?
Message from the underworld
Message from the underworld
This is my townshit, (townshit...)
Wit the Raleighs, for the niggaz, that whoride
This is my townshit for the niggaz
in the 'Maros and the Mali's wit the Raleighs
This is my townshit for the niggas that whoride and the bustas high side
This is the townshit where we have sideshows that get raided by the five-o's
This is my townshit for the niggas, that strap gats, and accumulate scratch
This is my townshit for the niggas in 'Maros and the Mali's wit the Raleighs
And the kits can't forget the 'Stangs the Coupes, and old schools wit the duals
Sittin on gold ones, beats in the trunk straight blowin for blocks
But ain't trippin on the cops, ballers ballers
Knots in ya pocks, non-stop action
Hoes be flaggin, playas down in the traffic
And vice versa action, tongue lashin
Pooh butts be draggin, so they get passed by
But don't blame it on the high
Just smash off and better luck next time
You hittin the strip, don't trip, cause every few blocks
You run into a knot ya stop and pop one
Sittin pretty tight, holla at me later on good night, trick
This is my townshit
This is my townshit for the niggaz
in the 'Maros and the Mali's wit the Raleighs
This is my townshit for the niggaz that whoride and the bustas high side
This is the townshit where we have sideshows that get raided by the five-o's
This is my townshit for the niggaz, that strap gats, and accumulate scratch
Let me touch down on makin paper hit on the pager I do you little favor
For a fee, I pitched it to my foleys we skin deep you're crossed we
And re-ve-enge we blend in like two chameleons
can't see our skin when we bounce in
Cause we be covered in leather, and it goes down however
we want us and when we
slide up on ya on the corner and start bustin like whoridas
With them choppers, makin niggas wanna retire, and that's how you handle your
business, man, what is this?
This is my townshit for the niggaz
in 'Maros and the Mali's wit the Raleighs
This is my townshit for the niggas, that strap gats, and accumulate scratch
Mr. Critical don't wanna get physical,
I'm freakin this empty signal as Big Nose
Jay-Z or Reggie, are they ready for some straight laced who rida joggin
That we be splurgin lurkin nightstalkin
chalkin fools up in the list a hits and
check this
Westbound lick the town shit give me a pound shit
Give it playa status and smash it to ya hideout
Then knock on me on ya block foley on a come up
Till the sun's up gettin this paid another who-rida
Escapade-us, the greatest side-show on earth
Was givin birth in a town-bitch
Cowards get infected by a five-O can't feel nuthin
but a cool, calm and collected
when I ride though
Sideways on a hoe call her a bitch then bump this
gold fingers on bomb tell ya son
got that townshit
This is my townshit for the niggaz
in the 'Maros and the Mali's wit the Raleighs
This is my townshit for the niggaz that whoride and the bustas high side
This is the townshit where we have sideshows that get raided by the five-o's
This is my townshit for the niggaz, that strap gats, and accumulate scratch
Yeah, it's the WhoRidas baby
Puttin it down for all the shot callas and the big ballas in the town, feel me
Shot callin and big ballin, advance to the next level in the game
Shot callin and big ballin, advance to the next level in the game
It all starts off when ya grindin sellin rocks
Then ya mind expands you wanna sew up the block
And be the man so you pull all night shifts, currency flips, like gymnastics
And you gotta stay strapped cause fools be jackin
Leavin niggas missin in action but we ain't havin that
Fat ass gats are tucked tight, as you grind every cop
grind every cop night after night
Young hustlas be at this, tryin to blow up to the kilogram status
And it feels fantastic, cause you know that you on your way
Forty keys a week, knockin off zips a day with no sleep
Passed the peak at forty overtime, hella high sharper than a porcupine (ouch)
Wit your eyes lookin shady, it's big ballin baby
Shot callin and big ballin, advance to the next level in the game
Shot callin and big ballin, advance to the next level in the game
Shot callin and big ballin, the next level, the next level
Shot callin and big ballin, in the game, advance to the next level in the game
Now my pocket done blew up like rockets
Call me NASA, helpin my money get blasted
You can't handle that 69 cancer crowd
Bust a half-a-jacka, in the midst a gettin dealt wit (fo sho)
They call up Silky to con, milk these fools like cows boo-gow
Laya playa down forty letters form the crown
So gettin gee-chee shot callin and ballin through the town
Now how you like us now you probably don't
Cause we be bubblin straight lace hustlin
Don't be trustin fools that be smilin in the face
Schemin like demons on the under for papes
Underground tapes dope sold by crates cause
It's the ballin ass whoridas, call the shots on
playa hatin niggas for they dollas
Wringin collas, makin neighbors holla, smashin off in Impalas (errrrrrr)
Shot callin and big ballin, advance to the next level in the game
Shot callin and big ballin, advance to the next level in the game
Shot callin and big ballin, the next level, the next level
Shot callin and big ballin, in the game, advance to the next level in the game
Now we lettin fools know what time it is wit this here
Cali shots then disappear, and shift the gear
Keep my ear close to the ground, nigga what you hollerin, Westbound
Grew up in dog town, wit a natural perpetual frown,
And it's still on til this day, check the game and peep the play
By hostile big ballas, I got the sauce to set it off
And raise you up from the spot snatch the chamber back
On that G-lock, and let it pop, Ha-San Chop (yeah)
Shot callin and big ballin, advance to the next level in the game
Shot callin and big ballin, advance to the next level in the game
Shot callin and big ballin, the next level, the next level
Shot callin and big ballin, in the game, advance to the next level in the game
[Verse 1: Choppa Saan]
I know a girl named Renee from around the way
she like to do it all day sippin Alizae
brought her back, from Atlanta, GA
posted up in the Bay she say she do whatever I say
got a cousin named Shanee who loves to play
doin it "My Way" like Usher Raymond
a bad chick
from the Camen Islands
profilin, stylin
bout to have 'em both wowin
smilin at the ass
in high heels
I sit back
an watch 'em peel off they clothes
they wanna serve me like Vogues
in a sideshow
the main shows are high an dope
remote controled like Tyco
"Bad" like Michael Jackson
stone cold mackin
lights, camera, action
they got me laughin, cuz I'm high
and I'm filmin low budget
and I'm rubbin on a stomach
Renee lovin it
Shanee suckin her lips
rubbin her hips
talkin bout call up some mo friends
aight, I'll hit Mr. Taylor in the Benz
tell him "Once again it's on, I got to turkeys in the ozone gettin it on,
come on homes?"
Chorus: Choppa Saan]
I know a girl named Renee from around the way
she like to do it all day sippin Alizae uh!
Sittin by the "Dock Of The Bay".
(Bound to get lucky!)
She got a cousin named Shanee who loves to play
doin it "My Way" like Usher Ray
all day
Sittin by the "Dock Of The Bay".
(Bound to get lucky!)
[Verse 2: Mr. Taylor]
I love a girl like Tish, that works the twist
does the twist
make a brotha yell "Baby girl don't stop that twist!"
watch her ass clap as she shake it from the back
I hate when the tush looks like it's been mushed
I give the girl a push
if not, she have ya spot smellin like the "Dock Of The Bay"
front the girl off, an send the girl on her way
no B.S. dout
but Dorthoy used to work a playa like straight on out
you swore you had a date with hope
but I couldn't cope
cuz the broad needin major Scope
and a halitocious and majortroticious a playa couldn't focus
pour some brew an cut like hocus pocus
"Who beeped me?"
Can it be who stay in apartment "C" remindin me of Tooty wit the bodacious
know me as "Pooky"
wants to swoop me an bob her head on my Suzuki
Now why's that?
Cuz Mr. Taylor knows where it's at!
I know a girl named Renee from around the way
she like to do it all day sippin Alizae uh!
Sittin by the "Dock Of The Bay".
(Bound to get lucky!)
She got a cousin named Shanee who loves to play
doin it "My Way" like Usher Ray
all day
Sittin by the "Dock Of The Bay".
(Bound to get lucky!)
[Verse 3: Choppa Saan]
Everybody know how we do it in the Bay
big flossin an grindin, everythang all day
the playas on the turf
the girls in skirts
gold diggas in the club puttin in work
store clerks actin like jerks while we flirt
shootin the lip
wit this tight lil chick
will mommy help this little Filipino trick
that I met on Reno-Novado
playin Keno drinkin Vodka out cans
stop ???
when I feel that I got ya
an I'm still watchin
we both jockin
she was not too spoiled ridin, forget, forgot 'em
I hollerd at that ass an I kept mobbin
"Baby keep it poppin", is what I hollered on my way out the doe'
I take a shower
hit the airport in a Supersport
ballin on the court
hit a triple double
an I quickly go for broke no joke
ask my playa folk how burn rubber leave 'em smoked
man I'm from the "O"
from the "O".
I know a girl named Renee from around the way
she like to do it all day sippin Alizae uh!
Sittin by the "Dock Of The Bay".
(Bound to get lucky!)
She got a cousin named Shanee who loves to play
doin it "My Way" like Usher Ray
all day
Sittin by the "Dock Of The Bay".
(Bound to get lucky!)
Sittin by the "Dock Of The Bay".
(Bound to get lucky!)
Sittin by the "Dock Of The Bay".
King Saan:
Who ride with me?
King Saan and Mr. T
Out to clock G
Major deep with my folly
Bump the police
Them fools ain't knowin' me
The K the I the N the G
With crazy ass Mr. T
Doin' an Al Pacino over a C Note
We smoke we go for broke
Hit then choke smash on the gas
Faster than Road Rash
Strippin' rent for the cash
Shoot the shot and lay it off the class (whew)
Cause homey talkin' bullshit but we know
But you gotta recollect and respect the Hobo
We've been puttin' it down like major ah
Ballers in the town
Hoes get clowned
But don't try and stop you'll get dropped during the operation
Cause you're playerhatin'
Cause we makin'
Major cash
Makin' fools major mad
But player haters don't really know the half
[Hook: x4]
Ride with me King Saan and Mr. T
Out to clock G (Just
talk about bank) [x8]
Major deep with my folley
Mr. Taylor:
Most days I ride cut the B.S. to the side
Nothin' but pay
Each and every way
I say to the players and they ask
"What's goin' on Mr. Taylor?"
Big enough to fill a sky scraper
So much you think I pulled a caper no vapors and chase
Same people I find
You have to have a different state of mind
(Then what?)
I've never been stuck and is down to rich real quick
I stick to the calm the cool collective
Get back with my folley out blaze up a chom
Not flambroast but somethin' real close to divide
Shit man we came with a plan to make a grand
Got stand with my dice in my hand
Thinkin' I'm shootin' blanks?
Fool I'm talkin' bout bank
Break yourself playa. Fat lumps baby.
King Saan:
Everybody know it's all about bank
Playas ain't slippin' all day smokin' on dank
Gotta make sure I got security fuck the jury
So my fist of fury stay fired up
Everyday posted drawn blue print with Mr. Tay
Spend your scratch and let the hit play
And potna you'll see why we called the WhoRidas
Spittin' like choppers and snakes with venom
Make you react like gin in your system
Like adrenaline
If you're listenin'
You'll recognize that the lik is here uh
Fo life tightest new rhymes
When we come through and life up your life
Like ? flyin' through the night fool we strike
Yeah that's right
Cause when it really goes down
Funk mode all through the town
Bitch you gots to stay paid till you go against the grain
Got barrels to the brain
Jackers doin' they thang
Ballers in the game sellin' cocaine
Women yellin' your name with pictures in the frame
I'm just talkin' bout bank