45 min 0 sec

National Geographic Apocalypse The Rise of Hitler 1of2 Becoming Hitler
Apocalypse: The Rise of Hitler
Infamous for his crimes against humanity, Hitler's rise to ...
published: 20 Jul 2014
National Geographic Apocalypse The Rise of Hitler 1of2 Becoming Hitler
National Geographic Apocalypse The Rise of Hitler 1of2 Becoming Hitler
Apocalypse: The Rise of Hitler Infamous for his crimes against humanity, Hitler's rise to power was unexpected and devastating. But how could a political party so intolerant gain so much power under one man? Using historical newly colourised and impactful footage, Apocalypse: The Rise of Hitler is a two-part documentary which takes a remarkable look into the Nazis' ascent, exploring Hitler's path from mediocre student and failed artist to totalitarian dictator. 1) Becoming Hitler Documentary charting the dictator's rise to power, from his beginnings as a struggling artist in Vienna to his eventual demise in Berlin. The first episode focuses on Hitler's formative years and how, when he returned home from the First World War, his nationalistic diatribes were largely ignored by the public, until the 1929 economic crisis put him and his ideas in the spotlight.- published: 20 Jul 2014
45 min 8 sec

Nazis : El misterio sobre la muerte de Hitler - Documental completo en español
Pero veamos la historia de Hitler en detalle:
Cuando los rusos llegaron a Berlin tardaron...
published: 20 Jul 2014
Nazis : El misterio sobre la muerte de Hitler - Documental completo en español
Nazis : El misterio sobre la muerte de Hitler - Documental completo en español
Pero veamos la historia de Hitler en detalle: Cuando los rusos llegaron a Berlin tardaron 6 días en poder llegar a la zona del bunker donde supuestamente se suicidó y nunca encontraron su cadáver, al menos a ciencia cierta. Desde el primer momento hubo noticias de que Hitler había escapado. Luego encontraron un cadáver que resultó ser de un doble, hubo noticias de que Hitler se habia casado, de modo que la gente escuchó por primera vez hablar de Eva Brown y hubo rumores de que tenían dos hijos. La gente decía que lo último que hace una persona que está sentenciada es casarse. Hitler parecía tener motivos, tiempo y medios para escapar y entre la gente surgió el temor de que pudiera haber sobrevivido y alentara a una nueva generación a instaurar el 4º Reich. Estos rumores fueron además alimentados por Stalin, que estaba convencido de que no había muerto e incluso llegó a acusar a las fuerzas inglesas y estadounidenses de haberle protegido. Los rusos tardaron décadas en permitir el acceso a los restos del cadáver que habían encontrado calcinado en el jardín que había sobre el bunker de Hitler. Estando Berlín tomado, los nazis convirtieron una gran avenida en pista de despegue de la que despegó un bimotor ante la mirada atónita de las fuerzas aliadas, que no pudieron reaccionar. Una mujer piloto, una de las favoritas de Hitler, desapareció con su avion. Hubo rumores de que Hitler había escapado a España y hubo múltiples supuestos avistamientos de él en Europa y Sudamérica. Hubo rumores en Madrid de que en el norte de España se había preparado una flota de submarinos para la escapada de Hitler. Dos meses después, dos submarinos nazis aparecieron en Argentina, donde altos cargos nazis ya se habían refugiado. En Fuerteventura, hay una playa de unos 37 km en el lado suroeste, llamada Cofete, que está totalmente desierta excepto por una mansión que se levanta a las faldas de la montaña frente a la costa. Los lugareños cuentan el rumor de que la mansión es donde Hitler se refugió y cuentan que hay acceso directo desde la costa por submarino. Otros rumores apuntan a que pudo esconderse en Japón o en la Antártida antes de que el segundo submarino que apareció en las costas argentinas. Varios documentales hablan de los misterios que aún quedan en este asunto.- published: 20 Jul 2014
%s hours 28 min 51 sec

Hitler: The Rise of Evil 1 of 2
A unique slant, profiling the life of Adolf Hitler as a child and his rise through the ran...
published: 20 Jul 2014
Hitler: The Rise of Evil 1 of 2
Hitler: The Rise of Evil 1 of 2
A unique slant, profiling the life of Adolf Hitler as a child and his rise through the ranks of the National German Workers' Party prior to World War II.- published: 20 Jul 2014
44 min 21 sec

Greatest Mysteries of WWII: Hitler's Architect
ENTIRE PLAYLIST | Greatest Mysteries of WWII
published: 20 Jul 2014
Greatest Mysteries of WWII: Hitler's Architect
Greatest Mysteries of WWII: Hitler's Architect
ENTIRE PLAYLIST | Greatest Mysteries of WWII http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FzDmq7RnCsI&list;=PLRPW3IFnQj1zwp1r7j_M22wIxwTj9RUqJ- published: 20 Jul 2014
%s hours 32 min 54 sec

Madhava Rao (Chiranjeevi) is a loving yet strict brother of five younger sisters. Life is ...
published: 20 Jul 2014
Madhava Rao (Chiranjeevi) is a loving yet strict brother of five younger sisters. Life is fine until one of his sisters, Ammo, elopes with her bava (Rajendra Prasad) because Madhava has her eldest sister marry a widower. She is banished from the house but she moves in next door. Their father (Dasari Narayana Rao) comes back to see his children, but they hate for deserting them and their mother and marrying someone else. The village goons (Rami Reddy & Prakash Raj) in order to get back at Madhava have his sisters\' dance teacher take them to a shady motel, but their father rescues them. However, he is blamed for their being in a police station. Later their father is murdered and his two daughters from his second marriage stay with Madhava. His other sisters are unhappy and go to Ammo\'s house. Her husband in trying to fix everything is ambushed and attacked and blames Madhava, who after fighting the villains, decides to leave. But he stops and returns to his family.- published: 20 Jul 2014
%s hours 57 min 13 sec

Hitler - El Reinado del mal [ESPAÑOL] - [COMPLETO]
Hitler: the rise of the evil (Hitler: el reinado del mal en España, Hitler: el ascenso del...
published: 20 Jul 2014
Hitler - El Reinado del mal [ESPAÑOL] - [COMPLETO]
Hitler - El Reinado del mal [ESPAÑOL] - [COMPLETO]
Hitler: the rise of the evil (Hitler: el reinado del mal en España, Hitler: el ascenso del mal en Hispanoamerica) es una miniserie de dos episodios que muestra la llegada de Adolf Hitler al poder. Uno de los temas centrales de la película es la influencia que tuvo Ernst Hanfstaengl sobre Hitler, quien fue ganando espacio en la política de la entonces República de Weimar hasta su consolidación como Führer en 1934. También se muestra como un periodista llamado Fritz Gerlich se opone desde el principio al nacionalsocialismo. Destacan las actuaciones de Peter O'Toole como Hindenburg, Peter Stormare como Ernst Röhm y de Robert Carlyle como Hitler.- published: 20 Jul 2014
%s hours 56 min 50 sec

Hitler: The Rise Of Evil (2003)
Rendező: Christian Duguay
Szereplők: Robert Carlyle (Adolf...
published: 20 Jul 2014
Hitler: The Rise Of Evil (2003) Rendező: Christian Duguay Szereplők: Robert Carlyle (Adolf Hitler), Liev Schreiber (Ernst Hanfstaengl), Matthew Modine (Fritz Gerlich), Peter Stormare (Ernst Röhm), Friedrich von Thun (Erich Ludendorff), Stockard Channing (Klara Hitler), Jena Malone (Geli Raubal), Julianna Margulies (Helene Hanfstaengl) Robert Carlyle, a brit színész alakítja a XX. század leghíresebb diktátorának szerepét ebben a kétrészes életrajzi tévésorozatban. A film végigköveti Adolf Hitler életét gyermekkorától 1934-ig, amikoris Németország abszolút uralkodójává vált. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0346293/?ref_=fn_al_tt_1- published: 20 Jul 2014
%s hours 7 min 12 sec

'How Hitler Lost The War-WW2'
This film is a look at how Adolf Hitler won and then lost the war in Europe by the men who...
published: 20 Jul 2014
'How Hitler Lost The War-WW2'
'How Hitler Lost The War-WW2'
This film is a look at how Adolf Hitler won and then lost the war in Europe by the men who fought it, narrated by Norman Rose. It is an alternative view of WWII that deviates from the commonly held beliefs about the conflict. It includes interviews with veterans and well known figures of the war, such as Adolf Galland, Johannes "Macki" Steinhoff, and Johann-Adolf, Count von Kielmansegg. This video was uploaded for youtube user "snedler" to watch in full. This video was uploaded as an educational tool to enlighten those who dont have access to such material.Hope you enjoy. If the copyright holder/s have issue with this Documentary being available on YouTube, please contact me and i will gladly take it down. To all viewers: To have a thorough understaning of any historical event, one needs to understand the event from both sides. Yes this doc is bias just as every other doc is, but it gives you some facts you may not find elsewhere. Just like most doc's the propaganda is obvious, so quit nitpicking about it. When watching any documentary its most important to keep an open mind, if not, why would you in your obviously infinite knowledge even bother to watch? No one nation won this war, it was the effort of multiple nations. Put simply, the war was won with North American Industry (USA & Canada), Brittish Intelligence, and Russian Blood. Analytic Stats: Almost all dislikes are from either the USA, Isreal, or Southeast Asia. Seems the many Brittish, Canadian, French, and Polish viewers understand the film. A Common Misunderstanding: For the RAF fans, take it from a pilot that was there. The RAF didnt win in as much as the Luftwaffe lost the Battle of Britian. Listen to the Retired RAF Air Marshall's statement of "if they had persisted in a sensible strategy, they would almost certainly have won." He is talking about when the Luftwaffe switched from attacking RAF air bases to bombing cities instead. I'll take his word, as he would certainly know more about it than any of us armchair generals. This seems to be the most common aspect of the doc that people get heated about. Why? the RAF won. Foul Language will not be tolerated and your comment will be removed. Discussions and debates have no need for the use of profanity for this reason: It is the last bastion of ignorance to revert to foul language and namecalling in a discussion. Argue, discuss, debate, but dont start dropping the F-bomb left and right. Make your point without profanity.- published: 20 Jul 2014
44 min 38 sec

Hitler's Secret Science
Hitler and Nazi Germany were heavily invested in science, using their many brilliant scien...
published: 20 Jul 2014
Hitler's Secret Science
Hitler's Secret Science
Hitler and Nazi Germany were heavily invested in science, using their many brilliant scientists to work on development of ingenious new forms of weaponry computer technology and magnetic tape, a scary array of bombs and they experimented with time.- published: 20 Jul 2014
%s hours 30 min 38 sec

Hitler - La folie d'un Homme - documentaire M6 - 2004
8 mai 1945 : huit jours après le suicide de Hitler dans son bunker de Berlin, l\'Allemagne...
published: 20 Jul 2014
Hitler - La folie d'un Homme - documentaire M6 - 2004
Hitler - La folie d'un Homme - documentaire M6 - 2004
8 mai 1945 : huit jours après le suicide de Hitler dans son bunker de Berlin, l\'Allemagne capitule. L\'Europe est un champ de ruines. Le monde découvre l\'horreur des camps de concentration. La guerre a fait cinquante millions de morts. Pendant 12 ans, de 1933 à 1945, une nation entière a suivi un homme dans sa folie. Regarder le documentaire de l\'homme qui a conduit son pays de la conquête de l\'Europe à la ruine.- published: 20 Jul 2014
%s hours 10 min 39 sec

Hitler. La Segunda Guerra Mundial en Color. (Documental Completo)
Documental completo de "Adolf Hitler. La Segunda Guerra Mundial en Color" que comprende de...
published: 20 Jul 2014
Hitler. La Segunda Guerra Mundial en Color. (Documental Completo)
Hitler. La Segunda Guerra Mundial en Color. (Documental Completo)
Documental completo de "Adolf Hitler. La Segunda Guerra Mundial en Color" que comprende desde la subida del nazismo en alemania a finales de la década de 1930 hata el final de la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Imagenes originales en color. Subido por rocknska4life - Borja Cervera. Suscrbiros! Nota: En el minuto 52:05 se corta el sonido por derechos de copyright, pero al finalizar ese minuto vuelve. Sólo se corta al narrador leyendo una carta de un padre a su hija y de fondo una canción alemana de la época (ésta ultima es el motivo de la censura).- published: 20 Jul 2014
%s hours 4 min 34 sec

Adolf Hitler - The greatest story Never told !
Adolf Hitler - The greatest story Never told !
For a long time the world has been manipula...
published: 20 Jul 2014
Adolf Hitler - The greatest story Never told !
Adolf Hitler - The greatest story Never told !
Adolf Hitler - The greatest story Never told ! For a long time the world has been manipulated on the history of the Second World War. Overwhelming evidence, Exposing Lies and Truth about Adolf Hitler, His childhood, his rise in Germany and Europe, his ideals, defeats and victories are all in this documentary. All rights documentary are attributed to Truthwillout1001 http://www.youtube.com/user/Truthwillout1001 Pentru mult timp lumea a fost manipulata despre istoria celui de-al doilea razboi mondial . Dovezi incontestabile, Demascarea minciunilor, Adevarul despre Adolf Hitler, Copilaria sa, ascensiunea sa in Germania si Europa, idealurile sale, infrangerile si victoriile sunt toate in acest documentar . Toate drepturile documentarului sunt atribuite lui Truthwillout1001 http://www.youtube.com/user/Truthwillout1001- published: 20 Jul 2014
44 min 7 sec

[DOKU] Geheimnisse des Dritten Reichs: Hitler und das Geld [HD]
Die von Hitler selbst gestrickte Legende vom asketischen, opferbereiten, selbstlosen "Führ...
published: 20 Jul 2014
[DOKU] Geheimnisse des Dritten Reichs: Hitler und das Geld [HD]
[DOKU] Geheimnisse des Dritten Reichs: Hitler und das Geld [HD]
Die von Hitler selbst gestrickte Legende vom asketischen, opferbereiten, selbstlosen "Führer" im Dienste seines Volkes, der sogar auf sein Gehalt als Reichskanzler verzichtet habe, ist so langlebig wie falsch. Heute lässt sich nachweisen, wie ungeniert sich Hitler beim Geld bediente und bedient wurde. Die Dokumentation zeigt, wie Hitlers Reich zu einem kaum entwirrbaren System von Korruption und Bereicherung geriet.- published: 20 Jul 2014