Councils ramp up parking fines to boost revenue

Feel like you're getting stung more often for that parking fine? There's a good chance you are as some of Sydney's council increase their revenue from fines by more than three times.

Sun-Herald analysis of figures released under freedom-of-information laws shows a massive rate of growth in the number of fines issued by some Sydney councils in the past five years.

NSW drivers have shelled out nearly $900 million in council parking fines in the past five years to 2012-13, with more than 7.5 million penalty notices issued by councils.

And Canada Bay council's rangers have proved to be Sydney’s most marauding.

The number of tickets issued by the inner-city council that takes in Drummoyne and Five Dock, has grown nearly three-fold over the past five-years, from about 8500 to about 23,000.

That has netted the council an extra $2.17 million in revenue from fines, or a three-fold growth.

In that time, Canada Bay's population has grown about 15 per cent, according to census figures.

Mayor Angelo Tsirekas said in a statement: “Schools, community associations, businesses and residents [say] that we needed to better enforce parking.”

The City of Sydney slugged motorists about $38 million last year, but its takings increased by about $1 million despite issuing over 50,000 fewer tickets than five years ago.

Holroyd and Botany Bay also issued more than double the fines they did in 2008. Holroyd Council increased the number of fines from 4311 in 2007-08 to 10,813 in 2012-13.

But more than a dozen councils now issue fewer tickets: Campbelltown City Council rangers now write out about 40 per cent fewer tickets.

While some councils have issued significantly more fines, the number of penalties issued across Sydney has declined marginally, from 1.1 million a year to 1.09 million.

The NSW government’s steep increase in the value of parking fines (a “no stopping” fine has risen from about $190 to $240) has helped total fine revenue for Sydney councils increase by one-fifth to $145 million.

Councils were first given responsibility for policing parking infringements in 2002, and in the following five years, the number issued rose by 93 per cent.

Roberta Ryan, the head of the centre for local government at UTS, said some councils were investing in technology to make rangers more effective as they came to rely on fees to make up for decreasing funding and state government caps on their rate increases.

“People can expect more of this to come in [this] financial environment – and an increase of other charges,” she said.

Harold Scruby of the pedestrian council, who requested the documents, said councils were not doing enough to issue infringements for violations around school zones, which make up about 2 per cent of fines and have fallen about 10 per cent in the past three years.

“They don’t want to confront residents even if safety is at stake, but are happy to fine visitors,” he said.

The story Councils ramp up parking fines to boost revenue first appeared on The Sydney Morning Herald.

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