
“If you are ever in Jerusalem, this would be one of the first things I would seek out. You won’t regret it.”- Skott and Shawna. 
Read the rest of their post on their
blog. http://www.getupandglobe.com/the-israeli-committee-against-house-demolitions-one-side-of-the-story/


“I could not have wished for a more informative and interesting tour.” – ICAHD anonymous tour survey.


We learned about the history of the conflict, and that gave us a really important context for the rest of the day's events. Furthermore, the nature of the tour, the fact that it was all completely interactive and dynamic, really kept my attention and gave me a wonderfully comprehensive understanding of the conflict.” – ICAHD anonymous tour survey.


“I was very grateful to have the opportunity to go on this tour. I took the ICAHD tour of east Jerusalem immediately following a birthright tour. I finally was able to express my political views in an open and informed environment, and to witness a reality that I knew existed, but had been sheltered from seeing on the guided Birthright tour. I would highly encourage more birthright participants to contact ICAHD!” – ICAHD anonymous tour survey.


“Our tour guide, Inbar, was engaging, charismatic, and very personable. She answered all of our questions, and I felt very comfortable asking them.”– ICAHD anonymous tour survey.

“Mohammed’s knowledge and ability to communicate was well beyond any expectations I had. On a scale from 1-10 this man would be 10+.” – ICAHD anonymous tour survey.


“Great tour! Our tour guide, Ruth, had a good pace of information, variety, and depth. I’ve told all of my friends to come on this tour if they ever find themselves in Israel/Palestine.” – ICAHD anonymous tour survey.


“Mohammed was a wonderful tour guide--clear, knowledgeable. I bought and am now reading Jeff Halper's book: Obstacles to Peace. Thanks so much--it is excellent and I will spread the word.” – ICAHD anonymous tour survey.


“It was a good combination of speaking, moving around, and seeing things. It was good to see the contrast in infrastructure between a settlement and a Palestinian neighborhood. Our tour guide, Chaska, was very knowledgeable and clear. I couldn’t have asked for a better tour experience!” – ICAHD anonymous tour survey.


“Even though I had heard about all the conditions that Palestinians are subject to, seeing it first hand is a truly eye opening experience.” – ICAHD anonymous tour survey.

"I spent the entirety of the trip trying to look at the evidence through objective eyes (...) The raw truth of the occupation speaks for itself, and I see myself as little more than a conduit when it comes to shedding light on the facts on the ground. (...) The streets and pavements on the approach to Nof Zion were in pristine condition, and then – literally the second we passed the gated entrance of the compound – the road became little more than a dirt track; the streetlights gone and all signs of tarmac and pavement having vanished too. The evidence couldn’t have been clearer: this was the shocking truth about how the municipality viewed its two sets of residents. The Jews got everything, whilst the Arabs were lucky to be thrown even scraps on which to survive. (...) We continued to Maaleh Adumim, an opulent and thriving city of 40,000 settlers deep in the occupied territories, witnessing for ourselves the flagrant breaches of international law taking place there. Everywhere was evidence of the theft being carried out by the authorities: lush, well-tended grass verges along the roadsides; huge municipal swimming pools in the heart of the town; and an ironic “doves of peace” fountain which spewed out streams of water into the baking desert air." - Seth Friedman