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Newport Rising: Festival of Radical Change

28-05-2014 10:53

26 May - 1 June, Newport.

Organised by Anarchist Action Network, Stop NATO Cymru and South Wales Anarchists, the festival runs all week at 95-96 Commercial Street, Newport NP20 1LU. Sharing ideas and skills, celebrating resistance & organising to win. All welcome. Workshops and skill shares all week, free cafe all day and free meal every evening.

The NATO Summit comes to Newport at the beginning of September. Come along this week and prepare for the Stop NATO week of action 30 August - 5 September and take part in some of the many talks, sessions and workshops. Something for everyone! All welcome (except cops and mainstream journalists, who will be asked to stay outside). The venue is an alcohol & drug free space.

If you can only manage one day and want to get clued up on NATO and what's planned for August & September, come along on Sunday:
Sunday 1 June. 4pm: Talk - Resisting the NATO Summit. 6.30pm: Meeting to build resistance against the NATO Summit.

On the newswire: Protest & Street Theatre | Banner drops | Photos from Newport Rising | Anarchists Shut Cardiff Barclays | Anarchist Travelling Circus Presents Newport Rising | Protest the NATO Summit | Antimilitarists Block NATO Conference | NATO Uncut Call-out | Stop NATO Cymru Statement

Other links: Stop Nato Cymru | | No Nato Newport | The Long March on Newport

Full article | 2 additions | 2 comments

Women's battle against undercover policing: Week of Action

12-03-2014 19:08

***STOP PRESS 13th March: The Metropolitan Police has withdrawn its application to strike out women's case as the legal battle continues. Solidarity picket on Tuesday 18th March will go ahead as planned.***

Five of the eight women taking legal action against the Metropolitan Police, due to undercover police officers deceiving them into long term intimate relationships, will be opposing Scotland Yard's attempt to have their cases struck out on Tuesday 18th March. The women and their Police Spies Out of Lives support group have called for a solidarity picket outside the Royal Court of Justice, The Strand, at 9am on Tuesday 18th, as part of a week of action (17th - 21st March).

On the Newswire: Outrage as High Court permits secrecy over undercover policing | Abuse of women by undercover police must stop now! | Three undercover political Police unmasked | Undercover and over-the-top: The collapse of the Ratcliffe trial | Mark 'Stone/Kennedy' exposed as undercover police officer‏

Other Links: Police Spies Out Of Lives | Campaign Opposing Police Surveillance

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New squatting law starts to crumble - Keep squatting!

11-11-2013 22:31

Section 144 of LASPO may prove unenforceable in practice

Resistance to s.144 of the Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Act (LASPO) 2012 that outlaws squatting in residential buildings is growing. Ultimately, the law may prove unworkable and unenforceable. There have been a number of successful prosecutions under the new law, including the widely publicised conviction and imprisonment of 21 year old Alex Haigh who came to London looking for work and stayed in an unoccupied housing association flat. He pleaded guilty, but it has since become clear that where a not guilty plea is entered by defendant, it may be difficult if not impossible for the prosecution to prove the charge. After some notable acquittals, we have a better idea about the obstacles facing hapless prosecutors and some of the ways in which well-informed residential squatters might go about successfully defending themselves in court. Read on.

On the newswire: Brighton acquittals 1 | Brighton acquittals 2 | Moelfre acquittal | Squatting as protest in Southwark | Mike Weatherley is a coward case | Alex Haigh conviction | Henry: Bristol's first victim of squatting criminalisation
Other links: Squatters Legal Network | Advisory Service for Squatters | Rooftop Resistance | SQUASH

Full article | 36 comments

Attack on The Casa

08-11-2013 18:32

Attackers outside The Casa

On Saturday 2nd November 2013 a fundraising benefit gig for the family of imprisoned whistleblower Chelsea Manning, organised by WISE Up Action, at The Casa in Liverpool, a pub set up by sacked Liverpool Dockers, suffered multiple violent attacks.

The day before the physical and verbal attacks on the anti-war activist organisers and The Casa staff, a statement on Adam Ford's blog, "from a group of activists who will be supporting Chelsea Manning but opposing Ciaron O'Reilly at an event in Liverpool tomorrow" claimed that "Ciaron O'Reilly - a main organiser of tonight's event - does not support Chelsea Manning in the same way that we do" and said that they "intend to protest against that". Ten days before the attack an article opposing the event, published on the blog of a member of the Liverpool Solidarity Federation and reproduced the next day on Libcom, claimed that Ciaron O’Reilly was a "vile misogynist and transphobic shitbag" and that "O’Reilly’s fundraiser in Liverpool will be challenged on the basis of his behaviour towards women and on the basis of his support for Julian Assange." Ciaron O’Reilly refutes the allegations against him, in response to the accusation that he made some sexist remarks he has said "I am not sure I have" and in response to the charge that that he refers to Chelsea Manning using her previous name of Bradley, he has made it clear that he does "not refuse to use the name Chelsea".

On 19th October 2013, outside the Anarchist bookfair in London Ciaron O’Reilly was physically and verbally assaulted because of his ongoing support and solidarity work for Julian Assange of WikiLeaks who has been sheltering from persecution in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London for over a year.

Links: Catholic among the Pigeons | Solidarity gigs/events for US prisoner of conscience Private Manning | Drunk Attack on Chelsea Manning's Family Fundraiser in Liverpool | Weekend of Solidarity with Chelsea Manning's Family - the good news! | Photos and audio from Chelsea Manning's Family Fundraiser in Liverpool

Full article | 3 comments

Stop the Murder, Stop the Hate, Close Down the Group of Eight!

09-06-2013 20:39


StopG8 have organised a week of action in London from 8th to 15th June, ahead of the UK G8 summit. Tuesday June 11th will be the big day, The #J11 Carnival Against Capitalism mass action will start at 12 noon on Tuesday June 11th, the meet-up points will be:

  • North: Oxford Circus.
  • South: Piccadilly Circus.

The action will finish with a ‘street party’ at 5:30pm, the location will be announced on the day.

Other links:

Stop G8 | Resist 2013 UK G8 Summit |Stop G8 on Twitter | They Owe Us

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Anti-capitalists gear up for G8 protests

08-05-2013 12:33


Anti-capitalists have been gearing up for the protests against the G8 Summit with Mayday actions across the country. The focus was on Primark and other businesses profiting from the global slave labour system which led to the death of 700 people in Bangladesh. There were angry protests in central London, Hackney, Lewisham, Birmingham, Brighton and Bristol, with the clear message going out that the disaster was not an accident but the inevitable consequence of the callous capitalist system. Stop G8 is holding another organising meeting in London on May 25 and May 26, before the big week of action in the capital from June 10 to June 14, featuring the #J11 Carnival Against Capitalism.

On the Newswire: Mayday protest in central London | Mayday protest in Glasgow | Mayday protests in Birmingham, Hackney and Lewisham | Mayday protest in Bristol | Mayday protest in Brighton | Squatted social centre in Lewes | Guillotine in Worthing | Oxford Stop G8 meeting | Call-out for J11 | Call-out for week of action

Other links: Stop G8 | Resist 2013 UK G8 Summit | Stop G8 on Twitter | They Owe Us

Full article

Cuts Meeting at Birmingham Council House Blockaded

03-03-2013 00:28

On the morning of Tuesday 26th February at 7:30am a group of Save Birmingham activists blockaded the entrance to the Council House underground car park. Later that day the annual budget meeting would take place where over £100m worth of cuts would be voted through. Save Birmingham, who had previously occupied the balcony of the Council House in the lead up to the budget meeting, along with other anti-cuts groups had called for a public blockade of the Council House at 11:00am to prevent the councillors from entering the building and voting through the cuts. When 11:00 arrived the car park blockaders were joined by hundreds of people from around Birmingham angry at the way the cuts are being undemocratically forced onto the city by the council. Soon all major entrances to the Council House had been blockaded just in time for the councillors to start arriving. Police tried to break up and force councillors through but eventually resorted to sneaking councillors into the Council House via secret doors in the Art Museum which is connected to the Council House. When the meeting finally got under-way activists twice managed to gain entry to the building to disrupt the meeting.

On the Newswire: Video of Blockaded: Birmingham Council House cuts meeting | Council House Blockaded | Photos from Birmingham Council House blockade | More photos of Council House Blockade | Council Have Voted Through £102m Cuts – Blockade & Demonstration Is Not The End | It’s Time To Shut The City Down – Day Of Action Against Council Cuts | Save Birmingham - Blockade the Council House

Previous features: Anti-Cuts protesters occupy Birmingham Council House

Links: Save Birmingham

Full article

Anti-Cuts protesters occupy Birmingham Council House

07-02-2013 00:43

At 1:30pm on Monday 4th February a group of 20 protesters from the Save Birmingham campaign walked into the Council House and occupied the balcony overlooking Victoria Square. The group had previously sent two letters to every councillor in Birmingham the last letter with over 200 signatures but with no response from the council. The Save Birmingham campaign has been steadily growing over the past few months, from rooms packed full of people opposed to the proposed cuts at several of the councils own consultations to a meeting of 175 people called by Communities Against the Cuts to organise a grass roots movement to fight back against the cuts. This led to the day of action on the 4th, the day the Labour Group who have a majority on the Council had a private meeting to agree on the £625m cuts to Birmingham which will be voted through at the budget meeting on 26th February. The day started with a small silent protest in Victoria Square outside the Council House, which was followed by the occupation of the Council House later in the afternoon. The balcony occupation lasted five hours and ended after more than 200 anti-cuts activists arrived in Victoria Square after marching from the Bullring.

On the Newswire: Save Birmingham March on the Council House - Don't let them vote through the cuts | Birmingham Council House Occupied | Photos from yesterdays Birmingham Council House Occupation and Demonstration | Birmingham Council House Balcony protest

Links: Save Birmingham

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SchNEWS: Battle of Bexhill

23-12-2012 19:55

Update! A week of direct action against Bexhill link road.

“We were caught out and a lot of damage has been done – but people have been amazing and now we've have a set of established tree defences and work has stopped for the day at least. We really need support and all the usual wish-list stuff, tools, tarps, ropes etc. So come and give us a Christmas visit” - Combe Haven Defender

Maps of the planned road (scroll down!) - the camp is at Adams Farm

Anti-road protestors in Bexhill were ambushed by an early start to the tree felling on the controversial Bexhill-Hastings link road this week, but they rallied and a week of constant direct action has put a spanner in the works, with no work reported today (Saturday 22nd). Work wasn't expected to begin until early January but as soon as East Sussex County Council acquired the land (by compulsory purchase) the chainsaw gangs were set to work.

From the newswire: Hastings/|Bexhill anti-road camp needs you! | Help Needed Immediately | Anti-road campaigners high in trees at Bexhill and are prepared to stay | Brighton: Emergency meeting | Second Battle of Hastings: Day One... Protestors 10, Road builders 0 | Protestors Take To Trees To Stop Chainsaws

Full article

Day of action against Workfare and Starbucks

12-12-2012 00:35

Saturday 8th December saw two separate days of action happening across the country. The first was the start of a week of action against the governments Workfare scheme. Workfare replaces jobs and undermines wages, this can be seen by Superdrug in Brighton not hiring any Christmas temps because they have free labour from the job centre. The Work Programme actually reduces your chances of finding a job, whilst the Mandatory Work Activity has had no effect on unemployment levels. Since 3rd December, disabled people can now be sent on time unlimited workfare placements. If they say no, their benefits will be cut to £28/week indefinitely. Unemployed people who refuse can have their job seekers allowance cut for up to 3 years.

The second day of action was against Starbucks tax avoidance. Starbucks have not paid any corporation tax in the past 3 years, and only £8.6m in the 14 years they’ve been trading in this country. Costa Coffee, whose turnover last year was £377m, just £21m less than Starbucks paid £15m in corporation tax.

On the newswire: Workfare’s Christmas Bonus For The Bosses | 100 people at #Sheffield @ukuncut #Starbucks Action | UK Uncut protest against tax dodgers Starbucks | Anti-Austerity Protest, Manchester Report and Pics | small determined workfare demo in holloway, london yesterday | islington starbucks ukuncut actions yesterday - report & pics 1 of 2 | islington starbucks ukuncut actions yesterday - report & pics 2 of 2 | Bath Anti-Starbucks Demo | Boycott Workfare day of action | Anti-Workfare Pickets Glasgow Report | Boycott Workfare Video | Starbucks action in Cambridge by UK Uncut

Previous Features: Workfare: Enslave us and we'll shut you down!

Links: Boycott Workfare | UK Uncut

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Image Rediscover hope, anarchists are urged
30-06-2014 11:30

Image Newsflash: Labour Doesn’t Care About You
27-06-2014 17:03 | 1 comment

Image The ‘Asian Century’ and ASEAN integration: contradictions and challenges
26-06-2014 11:44

Image Short Films: My Message to the Government #MyMsgToTheGov
24-06-2014 15:51

Image 50,000 March Against Austerity to a Media Blackout
24-06-2014 10:08 | 1 comment

Image URGENT support needed at Yorkley Court Farm
23-06-2014 16:54 | 2 additions | 12 comments

Text Bakunin-The Spirit of Revolt
23-06-2014 12:41 | 1 comment

Image The 3-in-1 revolution
21-06-2014 03:32

Image Disgusting Tories try to extend 'Universal Credit' on the sly
20-06-2014 18:40 | 1 comment

Text IDEAS FOR FREEDOM 2014: Their class war and ours
20-06-2014 13:58

Image Struggle for National Democracy
20-06-2014 13:45

Image Philippine agrarian reform: Powerful law, ineffectual bureaucracy
15-06-2014 10:35

Audio UG#685 - The US Deep State, 1963-1981 (Coup of 63, The Cabal, Watergate Coup...)
14-06-2014 18:44

Image Class War: Thailand’s Military Coup
13-06-2014 09:17

Image USA - Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of Death Penalty
12-06-2014 00:11

Text London Boris Johnson PR front Evening Standard has been blocking comments
10-06-2014 15:42

Image A Tribute to Filipino Labor Leader Romy Castillo
10-06-2014 12:10

Image Graffiti in Support of ZAD, France & Can Vies, Spain in Hastings, England
04-06-2014 15:16

Image Anarchism against alcoholism
03-06-2014 13:56 | 2 comments

Text Sanctions protest in Stanley County Durham
02-06-2014 18:57

Text Orgreave Truth and Justice Campaign Mass Picnic and Festival
02-06-2014 16:36 | 1 comment

Image Affinity Group - a street gang with an analysis
02-06-2014 05:53

Image Info Day & Benefit Event – Saturday 7th June 2014 in London -UK
01-06-2014 18:19 | 2 comments

Text How can I destroy Surveillance Cameras?
30-05-2014 21:31

Text Hindu Supremacism – A Spent Force of Casino Capitalism
30-05-2014 17:42

Text Video: Militant anti-fascism in Sweden
30-05-2014 15:27

Audio UG#683 - The Standardization of Mind & Body (DSM-5, Disabilities & Fruit Trees)
29-05-2014 15:07

Image Democracy and socialism
28-05-2014 12:18

Image Asia-Pacific Left activists say 'No to another coup in Thailand!'
23-05-2014 09:42

23-05-2014 07:27

Text THEIR CLASS WAR AND OURS: Ideas for Freedom 2014
20-05-2014 13:32

Image Sydney : 3 Luxury Cars Torched By FAI/IRF (Australia)
19-05-2014 10:36 | 5 comments

Image 26 May - 1 June: Newport Rising: Come & prepare for NATO Summit in Sept
19-05-2014 08:05 | 1 addition | 9 comments

Image Melbourne : Historic Colonial Buildings Torched (Australia)
18-05-2014 14:04 | 2 comments

Text An Attack on the Zapatistas is an Attack on us all: A Call to Action in Support
17-05-2014 10:59 | 1 comment

Image Lancaster UKIP Billboard Improved
16-05-2014 03:42 | 3 comments

Text DWP unravelling - UK Neo Cons breaking laws, suppressing due process
13-05-2014 11:04 | 1 comment

Audio UG#682 - The Commercially Controlled Media (Shadows Of Liberty)
11-05-2014 02:09

Text Anarcha-feminism: women's liberation, now and in the future society
07-05-2014 10:37

Audio UG#681 - Leviathan Remixed (Resistance Audiocollage)
05-05-2014 16:15

Image Organising for Abolition: Skill Sharing Weekend
05-05-2014 10:15 | 4 comments

Text Boko Haram – An Image From The Future
04-05-2014 15:02 | 1 comment

Image Oklahoma Governor Thanks Witnesses After Botched Execution
04-05-2014 02:42 | 2 comments

Text War preparations between Ukraine and Russia – Show or reality?
02-05-2014 18:04

Image Organising for Prison Abolition: Skill Sharing Weekend
02-05-2014 08:42

Image Philippines: Inclusive growth under Aquino no longer possible
01-05-2014 12:42

Image US President Obama Visit in Manila
30-04-2014 11:07

Image UKIP posters in Leicester, vastly improved
30-04-2014 09:48 | 2 comments

Text Council Asked to Act over Breach of Contract
30-04-2014 09:24

Image March for Engerland 2014
29-04-2014 16:26 | 7 comments

Image Benetton stores targeted by global protests
26-04-2014 13:48 | 8 comments

Image Bristol Anarchist Bookfair - 26th April
23-04-2014 16:01

Image Victory to the striking South African miners! Demonstrate in London, Thursday 24 April
17-04-2014 06:46

Text Tower Hamlets - could the BBC & Private Eye be leaving out 'UK National' angle?
16-04-2014 16:23 | 2 comments

Text WDM campaign launch event - The New Scramble for Africa?
14-04-2014 09:53

Text Next Anarchist Action Network Meeting in Bristol, 19/20 April
13-04-2014 10:33

Text The anarchist subculture and the leftist protest ghetto in the United States
12-04-2014 13:17 | 3 comments

Text Safiad Casnewydd
12-04-2014 10:30

Text The Anarchist Travelling Circus Presents: Newport Rising
10-04-2014 08:30

Image Programme out now for Bristol Anarchist Bookfair 2014
07-04-2014 16:31

Image On National Democracy
07-04-2014 11:53

Image Middle East - Spike in Executions
06-04-2014 01:52

Text Stop Basildon Council Evictions on Fri 11th April
05-04-2014 14:47

Image Esther to be rehoused! Solidarity works
05-04-2014 10:43 | 1 comment

Image The @SalvationArmy Must quit #Workfare
04-04-2014 23:54

Text Are We Heading for an Environmental Crisis if UK Coal go Bust?
04-04-2014 04:56

Image Migrant English Project Benefit @ Cowley Club April 6
03-04-2014 14:20

Image The Philippines-Bangsamoro Agreement
02-04-2014 07:56

Text BBC says sorry over lax Data Protection for sources - another own goal!
01-04-2014 16:29 | 2 comments

Audio UG#678 - The New Pearl Harbor 2 (Amerithrax, The Pentagon and Shanksville)
29-03-2014 13:48

Text Demonstration in support of West Papuan prisoners - London 2nd April
25-03-2014 21:44

Image Poetry Slam Against Borders - London, 27th March
22-03-2014 14:15

Image Road Blockade Save Britain's Children From Abuse
21-03-2014 12:58

Text Eritrean detainee on hunger strike in Greece facing deportation to Eritrea
16-03-2014 21:22

Image 56 Oil Billionaires
13-03-2014 22:39

Text CURO Housing issues 10% of its tenants with notices seeking repossession.
13-03-2014 13:54

Image The Battle For Britain's Children And Their Justice
13-03-2014 08:59 | 1 comment

Text New Unionism 2014: a conference for activists, 29 March, London
12-03-2014 16:40

Image Londoners tell Boris 'Our City is Not for Sale'
11-03-2014 09:49 | 1 comment

Image Week of Action : Police Spies Out of Lives
10-03-2014 19:56 | 3 comments

Image Tear Down The Walls: Prison Abolition Speaking Tour
10-03-2014 00:51 | 2 comments

Image Public meetings in Bristol & Avonmouth about new Biomass Power Station
09-03-2014 21:50

Text Letter from John Bowden about his parole application
08-03-2014 13:17 | 2 comments

Text Brighton Anniversary Miners Benefit
06-03-2014 12:46

Text The Psychological is Political
06-03-2014 10:17 | 1 comment

Image Stop Workfare In Its Tracks – Join The Week Of Action 29 March – 6 April 2014
05-03-2014 12:52

Image The Weather Underground - Documentary Showing, London
03-03-2014 19:31

Image MIPIM: London not for sale, March 6, 2.15pm
27-02-2014 21:45 | 2 comments

Image The under-representation of Aboriginal people in the Media
27-02-2014 01:29

Image Homes Not Jails!
27-02-2014 00:30 | 1 comment

Image Homes not Jails!
26-02-2014 23:17

Image Children Are Screaming To Be Heard
25-02-2014 14:53

Text Aristocratic Britain exposed as real welfare parasites (whilst the poor starve)
25-02-2014 08:59 | 3 comments

Image A Background of Ukraine Politics
23-02-2014 18:41 | 2 comments

Text Open Letter to President of Venezuela
23-02-2014 11:33 | 1 comment

Text North Devon Community Squat Local Pub
22-02-2014 16:53

Image The True Cost of Extreme Energy in Somerset & Bristol
21-02-2014 09:02

Image Solidarity with NO TAV Struggle - Info Night in Bristol this Sunday
21-02-2014 08:52

Text Atos the new saga of Govenrment unemployment spin.
19-02-2014 17:33 | 2 comments

Text Chuffed but Gutted: The Almost Autonomist
18-02-2014 14:50

Image Boycott Workfare Welfare Action Gathering
18-02-2014 11:25

Text Dissident Island Radio - Episode 133 - Subversions of justice...
18-02-2014 00:25 | 1 comment

Text Billionaires Profiteering From Slaughterhouse Suffering, Earth Destruction
17-02-2014 21:34

Text Earth First! Winter Moot 7-9 March 2014
16-02-2014 19:30

Image Follow the Yellow Brick Footpath
16-02-2014 16:24

Text Zapatista Support Bases Under Attack: Call for a Week of National and Internatio
14-02-2014 20:17 | 2 comments

Image David Satter - an NSA shill among the Caucasian insurgents exposed
14-02-2014 15:59

Image The Black Rose Syndicat- Operation Mindfuck
14-02-2014 15:22 | 1 comment

Text ZAC Goldsmith can make a small difference if HE is honest!
14-02-2014 14:42

Image Support the Blackmail 3: Against Animal Testing & State Repression!
14-02-2014 13:37 | 3 comments

Text Any Helpers at Student co-operation
13-02-2014 08:49

Text Bosnia Latest!
12-02-2014 12:58

Text bristol & bath suv's loose air
07-02-2014 13:15 | 1 comment

Text Dear council, a poem, from rent.
06-02-2014 19:27 | 1 comment

Text The so-called indignants protests : Potential, contradictions and perspectives
05-02-2014 15:01

Image Should Cameron be prosecuted for recruiting Brits to fight in Syria?
05-02-2014 10:41 | 3 comments

Image Call-out for actions and manifestations on the 22 February 2014 !
05-02-2014 04:49

Image Brighton fundraiser for squat!net
04-02-2014 22:48 | 5 comments

Audio UG#676 - What We're Not Being Told 2 (Plutopia,Kett's Rebellion,Bullingdon Club)
01-02-2014 16:43

Text Defrauded Workers Campaign to Change Law
30-01-2014 01:22

XML UK Social Struggles Newswire Archive