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Migration and NoBorder news.

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Dignity not destitution! Support the right to asylum

26-06-2013 10:56

Shared National Day of Asylum Seekers Taking Action

This Saturday 29th June will see protests across the country by asylum seekers and supporters calling for 'Dignity not Destitution'.

In June 2012, 250 asylum seekers and supporters marched through Bristol to tell people our problems and to demand Dignity For Asylum Seekers [ Report | Press Release ]. This gave us more confidence to speak out. After last year's march we campaigned to get Bristol City Council to support us. We are pleased to say that in January they voted overwhelmingly to support us and condemn the government’s policy on forced destitution. Now, we are joining together with groups around the country to take action on the same day to say that forced destitution is wrong. Read the full article for details of events around the country.

On the newswires:
Call-outs for 29 June Leeds | Glasgow | Previous Bristol actions: Reports 1 | 2 | 3 | Audio 1 | 2
Other links:
Still Human Still Here | City of Sanctuary

Full article | 2 comments

International campaign against G4S gathers momentum

07-07-2012 21:33

Campaigners in the UK and Sweden have taken various actions against G4S over the last month. Meanwhile, various discussions and meetings are taking place to coordinate efforts aimed at forcing the multinational security giant to halt its “unlawful and criminal activities”, as well as to put pressure on public authorities to withdraw from and not award new contracts to the notorious company.

Related: Many reasons to stop G4S | G4S Alternative Annual Report

Links: Corporate Watch | No to G4S

Full article

UK border regime claims another life

28-08-2011 14:51

Colnbrook immigration prison - why people kill themselves?

"When they put him in the room they were putting pressure on him saying he had no right to stay in this country. He was normally a very quiet person [...] but the pressure is too much for people in here."
-Campsfield detainee

On 2nd August, a 35 year old Indian man who was hours away from being deported hanged himself in the toilet block of Campsfield House.

Campsfield is not a house, it is a migration prison just outside Oxford where people are held arbitrarily for the "crime" of being foreign, non-white, and poor. Several hunger strikes, protests, suicides and escape attempts have taken place over the years since it first opened in November 1993.

This comes shortly after two detainees died in Colnbrook migration prison, on 2nd and 31st July. The first seems to have died of a heart attack amid reports that staff were very slow to call an ambulance. Not much has been said about the second; it is "being treated as unexplained".

Campaigners in Oxford responded by holding a vigil, while at Colnbrook a solidarity demo was held. These deaths are just the tip of an iceberg of deaths caused by borders (around 15'500 since 1993 across Europe, not counting undocumented deaths), and deaths are themselves only the most extreme part of the massive suffering imposed by this system.

Meanwhile, the Namaste project: a local initiative to match destitute asylum seekers with people willing to house them, is gradually gathering momentum.

[ Campsfield: report | press release | vigil ] [ Colnbrook: report | demo ] [ overview ]
[ Guardian: Campsfield | overview ] [ Close Campsfield Campaign | Oxford No Borders | Namaste update ]
[ List of deaths | Oxford migration articles ]

Full article

Oxford's early summer round up

17-07-2011 15:53

Protesting against deportation

Asylum has been high on the agenda recently as 24 Iraqi refugees went on hunger strike in Campsfield House. This was followed up with a very successful blockade of deportation coaches near Heathrow Airport [ 1 | 2 ] by No Borders.

Anti-military action has also been around recently. First, a group of Oxford-based campaigners managed to force the the British Government to admit that it was still training Bahraini officers, despite the brutality going on in that country as part of the 'Arab Spring.' This was followed by an apparently unconnected act of resistance against the military as the armed forces building in Oxford was daubed with red paint.

Fighting the cuts continued with the return of the Big Society Hospital, the launch of the Save Garsington Buses Campaign, and the continuing refusal of the City Council to listen to the public.

Education was on the agenda as activists told Grayling exactly want they thought of his plans for private universities, whilst locally based NGO - People & Planet published the Green League asking 'how green is your university?'

Climate change concerns raised their head again as the defendants from the Ratcliffe 114 (many from Oxford) launched an appeal against their convictions, and Oxford-based Campbell Road Productions announced their new film investigating the Tar Sands.

In other news, the summer also saw the fourth happening of the Oxford Radical Forum.

Don't forget to keep posting your news here on Oxford Indymedia.

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Deportation flight to Iraq blockaded and stopped

26-06-2011 20:00

No Borders and refugee solidarity activists blockaded the Harmondsworth and Colnbrook immigration prisons, near Heathrow airport on 21 June to stop a mass deportation flight to Baghdad. About 70 Iraqi refugees, mostly Kurds, were due to be forcibly flown on a specially chartered flight from an undisclosed airport at 11pm. A last-minute court injunction forced the Home Office to call it off, so the blockaders decided to end their protest at 9pm, after making sure that the migration prisoners were safely off the buses. The action was an important step in escalating resistance to the deportation machine, in solidarity with the hunger strikers in Campsfield, the rioters in Brook House, the Yarlswood four, and all migration prisoners in their everyday struggle.

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Oxford's January round up

07-02-2011 21:30

Welcome to the latest round up of grassroots news from Oxford. It's proven to be another busy month for activists and campaigners in Oxford. Local, national, and international attention has focused on our little city somewhere between London and the Midlands.

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Oxford Review of the Year

31-12-2010 18:36

It's been a busy year for activists and grassroots campaigners in Oxford. Peace campaigners have kept up the pressure on the war-mongers, including those at AWE Aldermaston and BAe systems. Campsfield Detention Centre has remained a target for people opposed to the inhumane treatment of migrants. And, of course, the anti-cuts movement has grown from strength to strength closing down shops, occupying buildings, and bringing angry people out on the streets.

Full article

November in Oxford - it's not all cuts

04-12-2010 20:26

Clearly opposition to the cuts has been at the forefront of many people's thinking during November. This opposition is welcome, and much needed, but let us not forget all the other struggles and positive alternatives that are going on. Here is a round-up of non-cuts news in Oxford during November - peace, migration, zines, water, and food.

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G4S guards accused of killing deportee

23-10-2010 15:23

Jimmy Mubenga

Three G4S security guards are accused of causing the death of Jimmy Mubenga, who died during his forcible deportation on a British Airways flight to Angola on 12th October. Eye witnesses told the Guardian how the 46-year-old man was being "heavily restrained by security guards and had complained of breathing problems before he collapsed." The three men have since been questioned by police and bailed until December pending further inquires.

In response to the government's deafening silence, on 15th October activists from South London plastered the area from Elephant and Castle to Peckham with posters holding witness statements and other info about Jimmy's murder.

From the Newswire: Group 4 murder Angolan migrant during deportation | Unacceptable death of Jimmy Mubenga | Jimmy Mubenga posters in South London | Dover detainees demand 'proper investigation' | The Angolan death on BA77 at Heathrow

Full article | 4 comments

SchNEWS 743: Leicester Is More

14-10-2010 21:05

A thousand EDL supporters rampaged through the streets of Leicester on Saturday (9th), attacking locals, anti-fascists and police.

On the Newswire: 1

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Text exiles in Calais - hunger strike has begun
11-06-2014 14:59 | 1 comment

Image Calais sea festival/ Evictions and resistance
03-06-2014 19:55 | 1 comment

Image March for Dignity Arrives in Newport
31-05-2014 20:44

Image Leaflet distribution at Green St market Thurs 29th May
30-05-2014 09:10

Text Is fish the future?
23-05-2014 08:31

Image Hunger strike and protests now in 3 UK migration prisons
07-05-2014 13:12 | 4 comments

Image Organising for Prison Abolition: Skill Sharing Weekend
02-05-2014 08:42

Image Home office racist van raiders empty handed in West London restaurant raid
01-05-2014 13:13 | 3 comments

Image UKIP posters in Leicester, vastly improved
30-04-2014 09:48 | 2 comments

Image March for Engerland 2014
29-04-2014 16:26 | 7 comments

Text UKIP launches Euro elections campaign in Sheffield 22/04/14
22-04-2014 07:54

Text UKIP is a pro-racist Far Right group, confirmed by French FN invitation
18-04-2014 13:21 | 4 comments

Image Neo Nazis target Animal Rights
17-04-2014 11:32 | 4 comments

Text Calais: The fascist demonstration that never happened
15-04-2014 15:44

Text Fascist demonstration called in Calais this SUNDAY (13th)
09-04-2014 08:03

Generic media Big report showing impact of direct action campaigns against detention profiteer
04-04-2014 16:16

Image Migrant English Project Benefit @ Cowley Club April 6
03-04-2014 14:20

Text Calais : Defend the Squats, Defend Ourselves, Defend the 62
31-03-2014 13:20 | 3 comments

Image Demonstrators Storm Spanish Embassy in London in Solidarity with Sub-saharan Migrants
28-03-2014 18:35

Text Calais: Defend the Squats, Defend Ourselves, Defend the 62
24-03-2014 20:19

Image Poetry Slam Against Borders - London, 27th March
22-03-2014 14:15

26-02-2014 08:03

Image Act now: fash on the attack in Calais
22-02-2014 16:53 | 18 comments

Text Calais: Callout for demonstration on Saturday 1st of March
20-02-2014 16:22

Image Two more deaths at the Calais border
07-02-2014 20:53 | 3 comments

Image URGENT - Phone Blockade of Royal Jordanian started!
31-01-2014 11:28 | 2 comments

Image The Greek state murders, Europe consents
25-01-2014 14:47 | 1 comment

Text Stop G4S campaign convergence
24-01-2014 17:34

Text #132: No Borders Tangier, ISP website-blocking, observations on creativity...
20-01-2014 14:19

Image Phone Blockade about to start - help stop deportation of Emily Mei Yeh
17-01-2014 09:39

Text Urgent - Please contact British Airways to stop Osama's forced removal to Libya.
10-01-2014 23:49

Image The Barbarian 2: international anarchist review from Greece
05-01-2014 09:59

Text German police eating stones in Hamburg
23-12-2013 14:12

Image Urgent Phone Blockade for our friend Emily - STOP her from flying!
23-12-2013 12:27 | 2 comments

Image Calais Winter Appeal
21-12-2013 13:00 | 2 comments

Text Amsterdam - 100 refugees squat place
15-12-2013 02:18 | 1 comment

Image Solidarity demo with Russian LGBTQ activist facing deportation
09-12-2013 18:08 | 3 comments

Text Squatter from 195 Mare Street Detained by UKBA
06-12-2013 16:52 | 3 comments

Text Isa is back in the UK!
01-12-2013 00:14 | 2 comments

Image Isa Muazu, hunger striker, removed by the Home Office
29-11-2013 15:46

Image Don't let Isa die in detention
22-11-2013 17:23

Text Home Office preparing to let hungerstriker die
20-11-2013 21:15 | 4 comments

Image Radio Calais - La voix des "sans papiers"
20-11-2013 16:08

Text AgainstGreece: 2 very possible 'pushbacks' in Greece
14-11-2013 23:30

Text 4 turkish political prisoners in Greece, on hunger strike since 24/9
11-11-2013 00:17

Text Radical Routes Autumn Gathering 2013
04-11-2013 12:40 | 2 comments

Text 195 Mare Street, No Borders on migrant crackdown in Calais and more...
04-11-2013 10:48

Text Calais latests and call out for help
23-10-2013 15:18

Text Reminder: Two demos against the UKBA in London
21-10-2013 12:58 | 8 comments

Image Refugee Strike Berlin: Call for Solidarity
17-10-2013 21:15 | 5 comments

Text RWE Fuck Off & Die! [Lignite/Brown Coal Protest] (Germany)
10-10-2013 16:19

Text URGENT: activists to support/ spend the night with the Syrians at Calais port
03-10-2013 18:47

Text Support the Syrian port blockaders in Calais!
03-10-2013 15:15 | 5 comments

Text 65 Syrians protesting at the port of Calais
03-10-2013 09:45 | 2 comments

Text EDL in Bradford- Public Meeting today at 6 in Girlington Centre
02-10-2013 15:28 | 3 comments

Text AgainstGreece: Salute to the people smugglers-Greek arrested w/ 23 war refugees
24-09-2013 21:58

Image London Banner Drop in Rememberance of Killah P
19-09-2013 15:55 | 6 comments

Text Detention Center Contractors Attacked in Rotterdam
18-08-2013 17:41

Text Uprsing at Concentratiuon Camp, Amydaleza, Athens
10-08-2013 20:34 | 3 comments

Text Cuts to UK legal aid, toxic legacy of 2012 Olympics, Made Possible by Squatting!
05-08-2013 18:00

Text Update for Croydon anti-EVF demo tomorrow
26-07-2013 18:16 | 1 comment

Image Where Am I To Go? London Roma Evicted
20-07-2013 09:38

Text Oppose the Racist EVF Demonstration in Croydon – Stick up for Migrants
15-07-2013 23:12

Text No Borders info night and social, 16th July
11-07-2013 14:56

Text Free Evenia Mawongera - stop the deportation
11-07-2013 12:56

Text Jimmy Mubenga: Heathrow deportee 'unlawfully killed'
09-07-2013 15:30 | 2 comments

Text £225 buys you access to an exclusive view of Ethical Fashion
07-07-2013 17:32 | 11 comments

Image Solidarity Rally with the Non-Citizens in Munich/Germany
04-07-2013 18:42 | 3 comments

02-07-2013 21:42

Text Protest at German Embassy this Wednesday 1pm!!!
01-07-2013 11:47

Image Dignity for Asylum Seekers: Leeds protest Saturday 29th June 11am
22-06-2013 19:10 | 1 comment

Text Support Needed: Calais Migrant Food Project 8-21st July
22-06-2013 18:29 | 1 comment

Text 6 torched vehicles at UKBA crime team building & Tascor transporters smashed
22-06-2013 12:09 | 9 comments

Image Calais : open letter from No Border squat
18-06-2013 14:07 | 2 comments

Image Calais : squatting court case adjourned
18-06-2013 13:38

Text Solidarity demonstration with Dutch hunger strikers
05-06-2013 14:31 | 1 comment

Text Standoff with EDL in Abingdon
02-06-2013 17:25 | 12 comments

Text Leeds No Borders public meeting
21-05-2013 12:09

Text International hip hop & spoken word benefit - 8th June @ LimaZulu, London
19-05-2013 13:38

Text Urgent action for Abdul Rajabali
16-05-2013 07:48

Image A new racist attack in Athens. Victim a 14 years old boy from Afghanistan
15-05-2013 12:56 | 1 comment

Text Support Abdul Ghafar Rajabali
13-05-2013 23:15

Text Hunger and thirst strikes in the Netherlands
10-05-2013 01:15

Text Mobs and Coppers
22-04-2013 14:59 | 11 comments

Image Love Across the Faith Divide
21-04-2013 15:50

Image Oxford Premier of Into the Film + Q&A Sunday 5th May
18-04-2013 18:09

Text Barnardo's, Cedars and the Red Lines
15-04-2013 16:45 | 6 comments

Text Attacks on Mitie in Bristol
15-04-2013 15:42 | 1 comment

Image Calais Info Night. Tonight @ Pogo Cafe, Hackney
15-04-2013 12:21

Image Refugee solidarity demonstration in Düsseldorf-Oberbilk (ger)
09-04-2013 22:19

Image Barnardo's windows smashed in Brixton - it was us
09-04-2013 19:59 | 19 comments

Text UKBA band playing gig in Cardiff on Saturday
29-03-2013 09:18 | 2 comments

Text Richard William Littlejohn
24-03-2013 12:40 | 6 comments

Text Ugandan asylum seeker & Movement for Justice activist killed by Reliance thugs
14-03-2013 23:38

Image e day Hassanat Aliyu and her daughters deported late Saturday night
11-03-2013 01:11

Image Protest on International Women's Day against the deportation of Hassanat
08-03-2013 20:27 | 1 comment

Image Outside Cardiff Mags court tomorrow (Monday)
17-02-2013 12:57

Text Solidarity with friends of Saleh family arrestees.
07-02-2013 23:56

Text UKBA raid disrupted by Anti Raids Network
05-02-2013 18:38 | 18 comments

Text pro-UKBA band playing south London
02-02-2013 23:04 | 25 comments

Text Mobile fingerprint scanners: what everyone needs to know
01-02-2013 00:32 | 3 comments

Image Cowardly EDL Try To Disrupt Manchester Anti-fascist Gig #EDL @TheRamanShackle
31-01-2013 03:35 | 4 comments

Image EDL /SDL/WDL Members Join The BFF For Half Price With Discount Code #edl #sdl
29-01-2013 12:48 | 8 comments

Image [choucha] refugee protests in tunisia
28-01-2013 11:41 | 1 comment

Text Capita gets bigger slice of UK immigration cake, chokes on first bites
26-01-2013 17:42 | 1 comment

Image Dutch activist Joke Kaviaar sentenced to four months in prison for incitement
22-01-2013 19:17 | 4 comments

Image No Borders anarchist Joke Kaviaar comes out fighting against incitement trial
07-01-2013 00:10 | 5 comments

Image New Year's Day solidarity action at London Detention Centre
04-01-2013 20:47

Image Cardiff French embassy is target over police repression as busy month is topped
23-12-2012 22:25 | 1 comment

Text Barnardos shop locked shut in Oxford
22-12-2012 10:51 | 1 addition

Image Exeter Picturehouse cinemas targeted in new campaign against Barnardo's / Cedars
19-12-2012 06:23 | 1 comment

Image Out Of The Rubble - Fundraiser
16-12-2012 23:29

Text URGENT: Dawn raid on family in Glasgow - Protest tomorrow!
02-12-2012 15:20 | 1 addition | 4 comments

Image URGENT: Christine must stay!
26-11-2012 19:47 | 1 addition | 1 comment

Image UAF Make Themselves Look Stupid
13-11-2012 13:19 | 16 comments

Text Barnados under regular pressure in Oxford
09-11-2012 23:20

Text You lock up kids you get locked out
08-11-2012 17:32 | 2 comments

Image Reminder: join the action against Barnardo's today!
08-11-2012 00:06

Image Solidarity across prison walls: Harmondsworth demo for Prince
07-11-2012 12:58 | 1 comment

Text Sole Survivor of Tragic Sea Crossing Blames Police for Deaths of Migrants
05-11-2012 16:23 | 4 comments

XML UK Migration Newswire Archive