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Environment / GMOs / Roads.

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Sussex Village tells Cuadrilla to Frack Off

04-08-2013 07:51

Join the ongoing resistance at Balcombe

Attempts by Cuadrilla Resources to begin exploratory drilling for gas at Balcombe, West Sussex on a temporary licence that expires in September have met with strong resistance by locals and environmental activists from around the country who have come together for The Great Gas Gala. The start of drilling, for which Caudrilla has a very small window, has been significantly delayed by the action in spite of excessive and repressive policing, a camp has sprung up, support by locals for direct action is reported to be over 80% and the resistance continues. Planned events at the camp include a 'meet the locals' tea party on Sun 4 August, a day of artistic resistance on Sat 10 August and a 'Gas Gala' on Sun 18 August.

On the newswires: Whose streets? Cuadrilla's streets! | No Names, No Frack Drill | Frack Free Somerset in Solidarity with Balcombe blockaders | Ongoing blockade of Fracking Site | Resistance Call-Out for Balcombe | Meanwhile, in Scotland

Other links: Frack Off: Extreme Energy Action Network | Background story to Balcombe Fracking Resistance | The Great Gas Gala | Frack Free Balcombe | Balcombe camp events listing

Full article

Rossport Solidarity Camp Week of Action 21st-30th June 2013

23-04-2013 11:45


Come to act in solidarity with the campaign in Mayo against Shell’s Corrib Gas Project. For over 12 years, the local community have been resisting Shell's plans to force through a high pressure raw gas pipeline and inland refinery. Local people have gone through all possible channels to fight the project.

Let down by the Government; many have been beaten, imprisoned and feel under siege by the security and police. However people continue to protest in order to protect their families, livelihoods and resources. Currently Shell are attempting to tunnel under an EU 'protected' estuary with their tunnel boring machine but they are experiencing major construction problems. If they are having difficulties without protests, imagine how much havoc a little more disruption will cause. Rossport is the frontline of the resistance to ‘Extreme Energy’ extraction in Ireland.

Hot on the heels of the anti-G8 protests, we warmly invite old and new faces to come join us for a week of action against Shell's disastrous project.

If you are new to taking action don’t worry - all kinds of skills and roles are needed during the week of action and you will be able to play a role that you are comfortable with. If you know the area and have ideas for action - get prepared and come with an affinity group if possible.

Links to newswire articles: Shell to Sea campaigner speaking in Bristol, Leeds & Manchester this week | Digger diving | In memory of Ogoni 9 | Community protests at Shell's profit announcement | Trucks blockaded

Other links: Last year's Summer Camp | Rossport Solidarity Camp | Shell to Sea | Mayo topic on | Rossport Camp Gathering on Facebook | Rossport Solidarity YouTube Video

Full article | 3 comments

SchNEWS: Battle of Bexhill

23-12-2012 19:55

Update! A week of direct action against Bexhill link road.

“We were caught out and a lot of damage has been done – but people have been amazing and now we've have a set of established tree defences and work has stopped for the day at least. We really need support and all the usual wish-list stuff, tools, tarps, ropes etc. So come and give us a Christmas visit” - Combe Haven Defender

Maps of the planned road (scroll down!) - the camp is at Adams Farm

Anti-road protestors in Bexhill were ambushed by an early start to the tree felling on the controversial Bexhill-Hastings link road this week, but they rallied and a week of constant direct action has put a spanner in the works, with no work reported today (Saturday 22nd). Work wasn't expected to begin until early January but as soon as East Sussex County Council acquired the land (by compulsory purchase) the chainsaw gangs were set to work.

From the newswire: Hastings/|Bexhill anti-road camp needs you! | Help Needed Immediately | Anti-road campaigners high in trees at Bexhill and are prepared to stay | Brighton: Emergency meeting | Second Battle of Hastings: Day One... Protestors 10, Road builders 0 | Protestors Take To Trees To Stop Chainsaws

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Capitalist Crisis Creates 'shortfall in waste' in Sheffield.

05-12-2012 15:16

Keep the monster caged
Sheffielders have been diligently sorting their waste for recycling for many years. The idea is to reduce waste going to Landfill and Incineration. As a reward for all their diligence Sheffielders will now have to put up with Veolia importing even more waste from further afield to an Incinerator built in the heart of their City.

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Campaigners mobilising to fight 'hundreds of new roads'

25-09-2012 19:08

Campaigners are hoping to kick-start opposition to 'hundreds of new roads' with actions in Twyford Down and Hastings this weekend.

Government and local councils are planning to spend billions of pounds on dozens of new roads over the next few years, and new 'growth' funds and devolved spending powers for local councils threaten to add hundreds more disastrous projects to this list.

In the 1990s, what was in effect a popular uprising [ 1 | 2 | 3 ] brought Tory plans for ‘the greatest road-building programme since the Romans’ to a screeching halt.

Could this weekend's actions be the beginning of a new upsurge of anti-roads protests?

On the newswire: Local residents camp & rally against Bexhill-Hastings link road | Twyford anniversary action | Stop the Road! Rally & Camp | Parking the car … for good | Bikes alive bike blockade at King's Cross | Video of Bikes Alive! Protest | Climate Rush give cake to Sustrans | 'bikes alive' action at kings x tomorrow | No to Road Building | Tenth anniversary of the siege of Wanstonia M11 link rd | Pics from Arundel 2nd bypass protest march
Links: Combe Haven Defenders | Hastings Alliance | Campaign for Better Transport | Bicycology

Full article | 8 comments

Take the flour back

10-06-2012 19:49

On 27th May at Rothamsted, Harpenden, Hertsfordshire, more than 400 growers, bakers and families from across England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales, France and Belgium marched against the return of open air GM field testing. Take the Flour Back linked arms with their European counterparts, notably France’s Volunteer Reapers and walked calmly towards the field of GM wheat before being stopped by police lines.

From the newswire: European activists link up to draw the line against GM| Final details| Take the Flour Back defend Direct Action on Newsnight| Open letter to Rothamsted| What is food sovereignty| Pull up the GM wheat, or we will, say growers| Meet-up point announced| Callout


From SchNEWS: If we stay there will be stubble|One man assault on GM crop trial in Hertfordshire|Flour to the people

Links: Take the flour back

Full article

Solidarity and Support Needed at Huntington Lane Protest Camp

02-08-2011 08:04

Don't Quarry - Be Happy!

The protest camp at Huntington Lane near Wellington in Shropshire, which has been protecting woodland in an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) against the ravages of UK Coal since March 2010 and preventing the building of a road which would give access to a second area for opencast mining, has been on eviction alert since court papers were served on 15 July and has issued a call-out and invitation for new people to get involved in defending the site. More people are urgently needed to stay on site ready to resist any eviction attempt, as well as people to visit for a few hours or days to show support and carry out solidarity actions.

On the newswires: Don't Quarry - Be Happy! | Peace News Camp Visit to Huntington Lane | Huntington Lane Facing Eviction - An Invitation | Court Papers Served - Eviction Imminent | Activists stop work at Huntington Lane
Elsewhere: Protest Camp Website | Directions and Maps

Full article

Activist Films at Sheffield Doc/fest

07-06-2011 20:39

Sheffield Doc/Fest 2011

In the past Sheffield Indymedia has hosted its own fringe documentary film festival alongside the international annual event hosted at the Showroom Cinema, this year Access Space are hosting Open Splice: an afternoon of short open source documentaries on Friday 10th. Although we don't have the time and energy for our own screenings this this year the main event has a number of great looking films of interest to activists, including the première of the new British Film about climate change related direct action, Just Do It and the UK première of If a Tree Falls about the Earth Liberation Front.

Links: Sheffield Doc/Fest | Just Do It | If a Tree Falls

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Don't buy the lie: Say No to nuclear energy before it's too late

25-05-2011 22:58

"The time to act is now. We only have this summer to build a massive public backlash against the new nuclear programme. By the Autumn, the government will have given the green light to at least ten new reactors and it will be a lot harder to fight the momentum." Kick Nuclear campaigns against the UK's addiction to nuclear energy.

Mass Blockade at Hinkley
Join the mass blockade outside Hinkley Power Station, near Bridgwater, Somerset on Monday 3 October.

Links: Stop Nuclear Power Network | Boycott EDF | Stop New Nuclear.

Full article

Oxford February/March Bumper Double Roundup

14-04-2011 10:29

Volunteer doctors - Lansley might just feel a small prick

This February and March double roundup of grassroots news in Oxford begins with the anti-cuts movement. Back in February there was a March against the cuts, then in March, Cornmarket turned into the Big Society Hospital. A week later the big TUC march bought London to a standstill, one Oxfordian wrote My march for the alternative about the day. Please do share your experiences of demos at publish your news by the way! Not to be outdone both Swindon and Stroud were also organising against the cuts.


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Text Earth First! Summer Gathering 2014, August 28-31st, South West
09-07-2014 19:50

Video 'Grasp The Nettle' Documentary Available for Download, Screenings, Sharing
09-07-2014 01:56 | 2 additions

Text Candidate Brighton Kemptown predicts an environmental disaster.
26-06-2014 15:38

Image URGENT support needed at Yorkley Court Farm
23-06-2014 16:54 | 2 additions | 12 comments

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Image The S.H.I.T. Party
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Text New Fracking Worry: ancient life brought back to surface
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Text [a] Water is an Issue in Africa
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Text 50 Years to Destruction
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Image Skillshare this weekend at Upton Community Protection Camp, Chester
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Generic media Kick Nuclear, London
28-04-2014 12:20 | 1 comment

Text Going Forward with Permaculture
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Image Reoccupation of the Hambach Forest in Germany
26-04-2014 17:43

Image May Gathering in Plymouth to Prevent Wilful and Accidental Nuclear Holocaust
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Text Anti Fracking Video Fracking Livid In Fracking Town Evidently
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Text A Request to Eric, Stop the Planning Process for new UK Coal sites
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Image Frack Free Upton (Chester). Call-out for support at New Protection Camp
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Text Are We Heading for an Environmental Crisis if UK Coal go Bust?
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03-04-2014 16:55

Image Waking up to Fracking and Associated Evils in Wrexham and Everywhere
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Image Eco-Warriors Accuse Enfield Council of Corruption at Middlesex University
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Image Resisting Together - Edinburgh, 29th March
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Text The Great Yorkshire Vegan Festival
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Image No Fracking in Farndon: Photo Report 2 - Protection Camp established
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Text Climate Dark Age
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Image No Fracking in Farndon: Photo report 1 - on the verge.
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Image 56 Oil Billionaires
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Text video - chemical weapons mediterranean
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Text Remember Fukushima London demo, Saturday 15 March 2014
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Image Public meetings in Bristol & Avonmouth about new Biomass Power Station
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Image factory farming poster
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Image Solidarity with NO TAV Struggle - Info Night in Bristol this Sunday
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Text North West Vegan Festival
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Text 36 Billionaire Hedge Fund Managers Invested in War, Warmonger Media, Animal Slau
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Image Call-out for actions and manifestations on the 22 February 2014 !
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Text Frack Free February
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Text UK Winter Floods & Australian Heat
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Text Plea to Make Coal a 'Special Case'
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Text Anti-fracking defendants found not guilty as movement grows
10-01-2014 11:42

Text Global Freezing And Baking: How To End The Extremes
08-01-2014 17:34 | 1 comment

Text Fracking horrors coming to the UK
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Audio More Nuclear Scandals
02-01-2014 18:46

Text Why Is the Weather So Crazy?
18-12-2013 23:15

Text Arson against EDF
18-12-2013 10:10 | 1 comment

Image Eco-Warriors needed for Cat Hill protest at Middlesex University
15-12-2013 15:10 | 1 comment

Audio UG#671 - The Nuclear Fuel Pool of Damocles (Fukushima, Chernobyl and PBDEs)
04-12-2013 01:06

Text You Have Not Been Told the Truth About Global Warmin
03-12-2013 18:58 | 1 comment

Text Extreme warming "not compatible with human existence"
24-11-2013 07:25

Image Disney Corporation Promotes Treekilling
20-11-2013 16:25

Image “Return Fire” PDF version (anarchist publication from the U.K.)
25-10-2013 09:54 | 10 comments

Image Shell PR event shut down in Oxford
23-10-2013 11:55 | 4 comments

Audio UG#667 - Community Successes (Restoring Our Connection To The Land)
23-10-2013 09:29

Text I Have A Confession to Make
20-10-2013 00:40

Text Walk a mile in the shoes of a nation crying to end cyanide mining and political
19-10-2013 23:30

Text Anti-Fracking protests escalate in Canada
18-10-2013 01:11 | 1 comment

Video Italy, Seveso dioxine disaster July 10, 1976
16-10-2013 01:09

Text Why Having Children Should Be Illegal:
16-10-2013 00:21 | 8 comments

Text The Hambach forest occupation is under direct threat of eviction
14-10-2013 21:31

Image Call for decentralised action for the first anniversary of ZAD evictions
14-10-2013 17:09 | 1 comment

Image How Innocent Birds Are Treated In Many Factory Farms
13-10-2013 17:37 | 2 comments

Image London ‘March Against Monsanto’ 12th Oct 2013 - report/pics
13-10-2013 15:53

Text Campesino strike in Colombia
08-10-2013 20:23

Text Fracking off Cuadrilla
06-10-2013 23:36

Image Save Rosia Montana – Romanian anti-mining protest in London
29-09-2013 23:01

Image September London Critical Mass Bike Ride - report n pics
28-09-2013 17:32

Text Is Rafael Correa the Haile Selassie of Ayahuasca?
26-09-2013 20:04

Text Extreme Rain & Climate Collapse
22-09-2013 05:58 | 1 comment

Text Black Fishies TONIGHT in Nottingham
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Text Tonight Black Fish! Brighton
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Text THE Black Fish Tour Kicks Off!!
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Image Trial of anti-road protestor Emily Johns
11-09-2013 20:33 | 4 comments

Text Climate & Fukushima Round Up
11-09-2013 19:18

Text Eviction of Ferrarisbos Forest Occupation Wilrijk, Antwerp, Belgium
05-09-2013 18:03

Image LCC ‘Space for Cycling’ protest ride attracts 1000s – report & pic
02-09-2013 22:39

Image Aberthaw Power Station Tree Felling for Biomass?
02-09-2013 19:36 | 1 comment

Text Solidarity with Rosia Montana - what cyanide are you on?
01-09-2013 00:48

Image August Critical Mass bike ride – report & pics
30-08-2013 22:53

Image The latest on GM food, info nights next week
30-08-2013 10:22

Text The era of changing yourself
28-08-2013 20:56 | 6 comments

Image Obama Not Fighting Forest Fires.. No $.. Because Of Causing Fires Elsewhere
22-08-2013 14:59 | 3 comments

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Text The May 29 Case in La Paz (TIPNIS and the FAI-FRI)
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Text Mapuche youth assassinated, call for solidarity
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Text Call out for support for forest occupation in Belgium
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Text A Letter to Deep Green Resistance
09-08-2013 11:51 | 7 comments

Text 2014 Northern Vegan Festival
08-08-2013 11:01

Text "UK Coal says "Business as Usual", Shame about the Debt
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Text UK companies supporting Seaworld.
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Image Whose Streets? Cuadrilla's Streets!
31-07-2013 07:33 | 2 comments

Text UK Coal going to keep it's promises
30-07-2013 14:57 | 3 comments

Audio UG#657 - Rounding Up The Opposition (Glyphosate Risks, David versus Monsanto)
29-07-2013 22:17

Image No Names, No Frack Drill
29-07-2013 20:43

Text Grow Heathrow Call For Support
26-07-2013 14:44

Image Ongoing Blockade Of Fracking Site In Sussex
25-07-2013 12:47 | 2 comments

Text Stop fracking! Resistance call-out for Balcombe, July 25
24-07-2013 08:15

Image Occupy Firgrove call for hellp
24-07-2013 01:36 | 5 comments

Text Sussex under attack
23-07-2013 10:35

Image UK Coal win the battle but not the war... campaigners fight on
19-07-2013 20:35 | 1 comment

Image National Animal Rights Summer Gathering: 2nd-4th Aug 2013
19-07-2013 14:56 | 2 comments

Image Reclaim the Power: Action Camp: 16 – 21st August
19-07-2013 12:05

XML UK Ecology Newswire Archive