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12-03-2014 19:08 | 2 additions

Women's battle against undercover policing: Week of Action

***STOP PRESS 13th March: The Metropolitan Police has withdrawn its application to strike out women's case as the legal battle continues. Solidarity picket on Tuesday 18th March will go ahead as planned.***

Five of the eight women taking legal action against the Metropolitan Police, due to undercover police officers deceiving them into long term intimate relationships, will be opposing Scotland Yard's attempt to have their cases struck out on Tuesday 18th March. The women and their Police Spies Out of Lives support group have called for a solidarity picket outside the Royal Court of Justice, The Strand, at 9am on Tuesday 18th, as part of a week of action (17th - 21st March).

On the Newswire: Outrage as High Court permits secrecy over undercover policing | Abuse of women by undercover police must stop now! | Three undercover political Police unmasked | Undercover and over-the-top: The collapse of the Ratcliffe trial | Mark 'Stone/Kennedy' exposed as undercover police officer‏

Other Links: Police Spies Out Of Lives | Campaign Opposing Police Surveillance


11-11-2013 22:31 | 2 additions

New squatting law starts to crumble - Keep squatting!

Section 144 of LASPO may prove unenforceable in practice

Resistance to s.144 of the Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Act (LASPO) 2012 that outlaws squatting in residential buildings is growing. Ultimately, the law may prove unworkable and unenforceable. There have been a number of successful prosecutions under the new law, including the widely publicised conviction and imprisonment of 21 year old Alex Haigh who came to London looking for work and stayed in an unoccupied housing association flat. He pleaded guilty, but it has since become clear that where a not guilty plea is entered by defendant, it may be difficult if not impossible for the prosecution to prove the charge. After some notable acquittals, we have a better idea about the obstacles facing hapless prosecutors and some of the ways in which well-informed residential squatters might go about successfully defending themselves in court. Read on.

On the newswire: Brighton acquittals 1 | Brighton acquittals 2 | Moelfre acquittal | Squatting as protest in Southwark | Mike Weatherley is a coward case | Alex Haigh conviction | Henry: Bristol's first victim of squatting criminalisation
Other links: Squatters Legal Network | Advisory Service for Squatters | Rooftop Resistance | SQUASH


24-08-2013 09:10

Tower Hamlets - Round Two

Anti-fascists are gearing up for the return of the English Defence League to Tower Hamlets in East London on September 7th.

The EDL don't have any right to "march on" areas. This is not about expressing freedom of speech, it's about causing fear and division. That's why they must be opposed - Anti Fascist Network

The EDL's leadership have a peculiar obsession with this borough of London - this'll be the third time they've tried (and failed) to demonstrate en masse in the area. That's without counting leadership Tommy and Kev's ill-fated effort at a charity walk through the area back in June.

The last time the league put in an appearance in the borough, in September 2011, a thirty day ban on all parades in the area was enforced by the Home Secretary. On the day, an army of cops enforced separation between them and the thousands of locals and anti-fascists waiting for them just up the road.

So why Tower Hamlets? According to the EDL it's because the area is already under Sharia law. In fact they go so far as to claim that there is "No beer allowed, this is a Muslim area", which will come as news to regulars of the White Hart and Blind Beggar.

In reality there probably are a handful of nutters who want to establish a global caliphate and Taliban-style social mores in the East End but they're a tiny, tiny minority. Despite EDL assertions, local government is probably no more corrupt there than in any major city. Scare stories about 'ghettoes' and 'no-go zones' are just there to whip up hate and get boots on the street.

Last time, the EDL mobilised around 800 of their footsoldiers for their venture into darkest Muslamic country. When they announced Tower Hamlets 2013 they were at the height of their post-Lee Rigby bounce. Recent outings in Hull and Portsmouth have not seen anything like the numbers turning out in the immediate aftermath of the soldier's death but the threat to the area is still substantial.

There's every likelihood that there will be a state ban on demos and parades again but anti-fascist opposition on the streets is what counts. The Anti-Fascist Network is calling for autonomous anti-fascists to meet in Altab Ali park at 11 a.m on September 7th saying, "We are calling a mass opposition, the more people, the safer and more empowering it will be for all of us. On the day we aim to be mobile and fluid in order to disrupt the EDLs plans".

Look out for the Anti Fascist Network (AFN) banners and flags and join them on the streets.

Follow @THStopEDL for updates now and on the day

From the newswire:
North East BNP members exposed | Local residents oppose EDL march in South Shields | Anti-fascists report from Liverpool James Larkin march | EDL in Brum update


08-05-2013 12:33

Anti-capitalists gear up for G8 protests


Anti-capitalists have been gearing up for the protests against the G8 Summit with Mayday actions across the country. The focus was on Primark and other businesses profiting from the global slave labour system which led to the death of 700 people in Bangladesh. There were angry protests in central London, Hackney, Lewisham, Birmingham, Brighton and Bristol, with the clear message going out that the disaster was not an accident but the inevitable consequence of the callous capitalist system. Stop G8 is holding another organising meeting in London on May 25 and May 26, before the big week of action in the capital from June 10 to June 14, featuring the #J11 Carnival Against Capitalism.

On the Newswire: Mayday protest in central London | Mayday protest in Glasgow | Mayday protests in Birmingham, Hackney and Lewisham | Mayday protest in Bristol | Mayday protest in Brighton | Squatted social centre in Lewes | Guillotine in Worthing | Oxford Stop G8 meeting | Call-out for J11 | Call-out for week of action

Other links: Stop G8 | Resist 2013 UK G8 Summit | Stop G8 on Twitter | They Owe Us


23-02-2013 10:01

Eileen House opened by Self-Organised London as new social space

Self-Organised London Social Space has now been opened in a squatted office building near Elephant and Castle.

Eileen House on 80-94 Newington Causeway, a 1960s office building, has now been empty for years. Its redevelopment has been subject to a protracted and contested debate between Southwark Council, Oakmayne developers, local residents, the famous nightclub “Ministry of Sound” (located opposite Eileen House) and – the mayor of London (see PDF). After numerous months of haggling and bureaucratic warfare, it’s time to reclaim Eileen house for the public and the interests of the Elephant’s residents!

On Tuesday night, 19th February, a number of social centre collectives squatted Eileen House as a direct action against gentrification. As a selforganised London Social Space, we want to propose & exchange ideas for radical alternatives, serving the needs of the many vibrant and organic communities around E&C!

For this reason we will put on a number of events, talks, discussions, film screenings, music nights and much more for the first week (see below). All residents and Londoners are more than welcome to pop in for a cuppa, discuss matters, attend our events or just have a good chat! During this first week we are really happy for people to come mby, have a look around the building and maybe give us a hand with setting up the space, while on the long run, the opening times will be from Wednesdays till Sundays, 2-10 pm.

Links: Self-Organised London Social Space | Crews:
No Shoes No Roots | DIY space for London

From the newswire:
Fight gentrification! Reclaim regeneration! For self-organised spaces... | Siege of The Elephant | first protest on london shard viewing platform | News from the Library Street Social Centre | Southwark Council leaks it's own Confidential Regeneration Agreement


22-11-2012 11:34

Gaza solidarity

Israel launched a new offensive on the people of Gaza last week which claimed the lives of 162 Palestinians. Four Israeli civilians and one soldier have also died as a result of retaliatory rocket attacks.

As of 20th November 23% of Palestinian casualties were children. The youngest victim of the recent Israeli aggression is 11-month-old Omar Al Mashharrawi.

Hundreds of solidarity demonstrations have been held globally and a national demonstration is planned in London on Saturday 24th November. On Friday 16th November a demonstration was held in Birmingham and another is planned for Thursday 22nd outside the BBC offices to protest biased reporting. In Brighton on Saturday 17th November activists locked on to the Ecostream store, a shop owned by an Israeli company that has its main manufacturing facility in the West Bank settlement of Mishor Adumim. Later on a hundred strong crowd marched to the store and held a noisy demonstration outside the shop. On Monday 19th a phone and twitter blockade of the company was held.

The same day in Wrexham activists picketed Barclays Bank in protest at Barclays investments in companies supplying weapons to Israel.

On Tuesday 20th a group of solidarity activists occupied G4S headquarters over the company's contracts with the Israeli prison service as well as providing equipment and services to Israeli military checkpoints and maintaining contracts with businesses working in Israel's settlements.

The 'Don't Dance with Israeli Apartheid' campaign held demonstrations against London performances of the Israeli state sponsored Batsheva dance troupe at Sadlers Wells on the 19th-21st November as part of a coordinated international campaign. There were also protests both inside and outside of the Birmingham performances at the Hippodrome on the 14-15th November coinciding with the start of the latest Gaza massacre.

Palestinians in the West Bank have also been demonstrating in solidarity with their brothers and sisters in Gaza, only to be met with typical Israeli oppression. On Saturday, 31-year-old Rushdi Tamimi was shot by an IDF soldier at a protest in the village of Nabi Saleh. He died of his wounds in hospital on Monday around the time news surfaced that Hamdi Mohammad Jawwad Al-Falah, 22, was killed after being shot four times during a demonstration in the Bir al-Mahjar neighborhood in western Hebron. A baby also died in hospital on Monday after an Israeli tear gas canister landed in his bedroom in Qalandia refugee camp.

A ceasefire was reached on Wednesday 21st of November. However, the conflict is likely to continue if Israel does not end its siege of Gaza and attempts to control the Gazan economy. The need for solidarity with the people of Palestine struggling against Israeli militarism, apartheid and occupation has never been greater.

Upcoming events: Thursday 22nd November - Gaza solidarity demo in Brighton at the Old Steine at 5pm and Die In on the BBC Steps at the Mailbox in Birmingham 6pm-7pm| 23rd/24th November - Don't Dance with Israeli apartheid demos in Plymouth| Hebden Bridge Gaza solidarity demo - meet at the Central Intersection at 5pm| 24th November - Mass Gaza Solidarity demo in London| Sunday 25th - Demo at Ecostream, Western Rd, Brighton, 1-3pm


05-08-2012 20:43

Police arrest 182 at Olympics critical mass in London

Arrests outside kettle photo: rikkiindymedia(At)gmail[d0t]com

While the London 2012 Olympic open ceremony was underway on Friday 27th July, there was a massive police and military operation underway, which included the use of CS gas, to contain and eventually arrest 182 London critical mass cyclists. The cyclists were held in a police kettle for two hours, handcuffed in buses for three hours and held in a police cell from six hours to two days. Out of 182 cyclists, only 3 have been charged with any offence. However, all have bail conditions imposed on them until September 18th 2012 restricting their freedom to move, assemble, associate and live their lives. Some groups have issued advice that the bail conditions may breach Articles 10 & 11 of the European Convention on Human Rights. They point out that "breaching bail conditions is not a criminal offence."

A petition for justice for the 182 has been launched with the following demands:

  1. All bail conditions should be discharged
  2. All data including DNA, fingerprint, addresses etc taken from those cyclists should be removed from all paper and comupter records of police & other agencies.
  3. An independent review of the police behaviour on Friday 27th July should be conducted as a matter of urgency.

Articles: Olympic critical mass - report and pics | Arrests in Critical Mass during Olympics ceremony | Mass Arrest | Critcal mass | SchNEWS: Mass Arrest of the Week


09-06-2012 11:11

SchNEWS 818 - Serf's Up

27-04-2012 20:16

Summer 2012 antimilitarist actions

The UK antimilitarist movement is building fresh coalitions against new developments in state militarism. In March activists converged in Bristol to confront an unmanned drones conference and a ‘Disarm the National Gallery’ campaign was launched in London to end arms trade sponsorship of the gallery. This week delegates visiting the annual Counter-Terror conference were met by a counter-protest and Vince Cable's speech at the UKTI conference was disrupted.

Smash EDO, who have campaigned to shut EDO MBM down for eight years are launching three months of action, from May 1st to August 1st, next week with a mayday noise demonstration, a bad music demonstration and a phone and twitter blockade to name just a few of the planned events.

And in Scotland, Faslane peace camp are calling for 30 days of action against Faslane nuclear base.

On the newswire: Vince Cable's speech to Arms Industry disrupted | Protest & Vigil At Shenstone Drones Factory | Smash Edo reports | Anti-militarism topic

Links: Stop The Arms Fair | Disarm DSEi | Space Hijackers | Smash EDO | CAAT | London CAAT

Smash EDO Summer of resistance reports: Picket of Barclays - 27/4/12| A few words on sensationalist journalism, protest bans and the local rag| The Summer of Resistance starts here| Mayday! Mayday! The Summer of Resistance Day One| Day Two: Face the Music| Day Three: Hot on the Wire| Day Four: Surprise! Surprise!| Smash EDO Summer of Resistance Week Two begins| Bikes not Bombs: Smash EDO Summer of Resistance hits the Pedals| Ratchet up the Racket: Summer of Resistance Continues| Summer of Resistance Targets Barclays


19-10-2010 06:30

Crude Awakening Blockade

On Saturday 16th October, Climate campaigners gave the Oil Industry a Crude Awakening, taking direct action against the industry for its role in exacerbating climate change, as well as its devastating impact on local communities and environments around the world. Three blocs starting from three different places, one mass action - "When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty". 


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Image 'Remembering the Real WW1' Demo at Imperial War Museum, Saturday 19 July, London
30-06-2014 13:37

Image Rediscover hope, anarchists are urged
30-06-2014 11:30

Text Trying to bring Rebekah Brooks to book in 2003
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Image Short Films: My Message to the Government #MyMsgToTheGov
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Text IDEAS FOR FREEDOM 2014: Their class war and ours
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Text Stop NATO Cymru and Anarchist Action Network
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Image Franz Ferdinand’s assassination anniversary: Anti-war walk and film 27-28 June,
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Image Harry Matz EDL member and fascist
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Text Starting a help account for cats in need of help
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Image Leaflet distribution at Green St market Thurs 29th May
30-05-2014 09:10

Text DIY Cultures 2014, Sunday 25th May, 12pm-7pm, Rich Mix
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23-05-2014 07:27

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Text THEIR CLASS WAR AND OURS: Ideas for Freedom 2014
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Text An Attack on the Zapatistas is an Attack on us all: A Call to Action in Support
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Text DWP unravelling - UK Neo Cons breaking laws, suppressing due process
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Image May Day March London
07-05-2014 09:21

Text 50 Years to Destruction
05-05-2014 23:49

Image Supplemental photos to May Day event of Saturday May 3rd
05-05-2014 21:22

Text FOI Hearing. Re. HLS
05-05-2014 12:31

Image May Day march and rally in Edinburgh
03-05-2014 23:15

Text Council Asked to Act over Breach of Contract
30-04-2014 09:24

Image Pull the plugs on Nazi thugs
27-04-2014 04:35

Image Benetton stores targeted by global protests
26-04-2014 13:48

Text Free Mumia rally Brixton
25-04-2014 01:04

Image Bristol Anarchist Bookfair - 26th April
23-04-2014 16:01

Text ARMS DEALERS ON TRIAL DEMO Outside Thames Magistrates Court at 9am on Thursday
21-04-2014 20:59

Text Espionage & Brain-Computer Interfaces - Modern Warfare Series
21-04-2014 13:32

Image Real World War I Free School Sunday 18 May, London
20-04-2014 14:50

Image Radical Anthropology talks in London
20-04-2014 14:45

Text UKIP is a pro-racist Far Right group, confirmed by French FN invitation
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Image Victory to the striking South African miners! Demonstrate in London, Thursday 24 April
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Text Tower Hamlets - could the BBC & Private Eye be leaving out 'UK National' angle?
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Image Nazi clothing brand sets-up shop in London
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Text Met Police Laughing Stock as Anti-Fascists Released
16-04-2014 02:46

Image March on Parliament, 21st June! Austerity is Theft!
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Text “Two Weeks of Worldwide Action: Juan Vázquez Guzmán lives! The Bachajón struggl
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Image Mr Putin,Ukraines leaders&war gamblers,the worlds Watching!,lets join Eurasia
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Text Iraq's Government Paedophile Plan for Children
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Text #137: Breaking the Frame & politics of technology, rant on Irish policing...and
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Image Calf Crate Crimes In Oregon
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Image Programme out now for Bristol Anarchist Bookfair 2014
07-04-2014 16:31

Text Anti Fracking Video Fracking Livid In Fracking Town Evidently
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05-04-2014 21:37

Text Stop Basildon Council Evictions on Fri 11th April
05-04-2014 14:47

Image Esther to be rehoused! Solidarity works
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Image The @SalvationArmy Must quit #Workfare
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Text Are We Heading for an Environmental Crisis if UK Coal go Bust?
04-04-2014 04:56

Text 100th Anniversary WW1: Critique Conference on Imperialism & War London 11/12 Apr
02-04-2014 12:12

Image Vegan And Vegetarian Champions Ask LeBron James To Join Them
01-04-2014 21:41

Text BBC says sorry over lax Data Protection for sources - another own goal!
01-04-2014 16:29

Image Eco-Warriors Accuse Enfield Council of Corruption at Middlesex University
30-03-2014 17:16

Image Demonstrators Storm Spanish Embassy in London in Solidarity with Sub-saharan Migrants
28-03-2014 18:35

Image 'POP UP' Syrian Refugee Camp
28-03-2014 00:40

Image Drone Waddington NVDA
27-03-2014 10:46

Text Demonstration in support of West Papuan prisoners - London 2nd April
25-03-2014 21:44

Text Unfair Mario
24-03-2014 14:13

Image “Fracked Future Carnival” at London Shale Gas Forum on Wednesday
22-03-2014 16:59

Image Poetry Slam Against Borders - London, 27th March
22-03-2014 14:15

Image Road Blockade Save Britain's Children From Abuse
21-03-2014 12:58

Text Is Anti-Fascism returning to Europe?
19-03-2014 11:26

Image Support vigils at HMP Wandsworth for jailed war resister Fr Martin Newell
18-03-2014 09:29

Image Fr Martin Newell jailed for unpaid peace protest fines
16-03-2014 12:14

Image Ash Wednesday peace liturgy and End Hunger Fast Campaign
15-03-2014 11:12

Image Rising Tide blockaded Shell garage last night in memory of fellow activist
14-03-2014 17:45

Image 56 Oil Billionaires
13-03-2014 22:39

Text The US and Britain’s Paedophile Colony
13-03-2014 21:01

Image The Battle For Britain's Children And Their Justice
13-03-2014 08:59

Text New Unionism 2014: a conference for activists, 29 March, London
12-03-2014 16:40

Text Gordon Brown to the rescue
12-03-2014 13:13

Image Glow In The Dark: Consume Fish Or Radioactive Fish Oil
11-03-2014 17:36

Audio RIP Bob Crow - who told it like it is - RMT General Secretary
11-03-2014 13:31

Image Week of Action : Police Spies Out of Lives
10-03-2014 19:56

Text Fascist knife attack in Malmö, Sweden on the night of International Women's Day
10-03-2014 18:58

Image 12 March: Wandsworth - Ben Griffin of Veterans for Peace speaks about Pvt Chelsea Manning
10-03-2014 15:22

Image Wave of UK protests to mark anniversary of Fukuhima disaster
09-03-2014 10:28

Image The Weather Underground - Documentary Showing, London
03-03-2014 19:31

Image Vote for the Biggest Biomass Baddie! Take part in the Biomess Awards ceremony!
03-03-2014 12:37

Image Worldwide March Against Corruption – London pics and report
03-03-2014 09:50

Text Racism in the Netherlands/Party for Freedom, Wilders and the poison of racism
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Audio Ukraine, Putin won't shrug off Kiev coup: Martin Summers
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Generic IMPORTANT! NHS Care Data Opt-Out Forms!
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Text Casual Work Article Download!
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Image MIPIM: London not for sale, March 6, 2.15pm
27-02-2014 21:45

Image The under-representation of Aboriginal people in the Media
27-02-2014 01:29

Image Homes Not Jails!
27-02-2014 00:30

Image Homes not Jails!
26-02-2014 23:17

26-02-2014 08:03

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Image A Background of Ukraine Politics
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Image Water Cannon “Consultation” at London City Hall 17th Feb 2014
21-02-2014 12:37

Image Charges dropped against DSEi protestors
21-02-2014 10:09

Image Atos Kills - Archway Demo
20-02-2014 13:39

Image Launch of Campaign Opposing Police Surveillance (COPS): 27 February 2014
18-02-2014 22:54

Image Genocide Of 165,000 Geese And Mute Swans Planned In New York
18-02-2014 16:19

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Image Boycott Workfare Welfare Action Gathering
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Text Dissident Island Radio - Episode 133 - Subversions of justice...
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Image All New look for UK PROTEST & DEMOS
17-02-2014 14:09 | 1 addition

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Text ‘Why Have You Gone to Russia Three Times in Two Months?’—Heathrow Customs Agent Interrogates Snowden Lawyer
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14-02-2014 14:42

Text The British establishment unites against democracy
14-02-2014 10:15

Image Opposing the official commemorations of World War I London meeting this Saturday
13-02-2014 16:08

London Newswire Archive >>

Text Stop NATO Cymru and Anarchist Action Network
18-06-2014 14:26

Text Open Letter To The People of Barnet
11-06-2014 16:12 | 1 comment

Text Daring dawn blockade of Britain's Nuclear weapons factory
19-05-2014 06:39 | 3 comments

Text An Attack on the Zapatistas is an Attack on us all: A Call to Action in Support
17-05-2014 10:59 | 1 comment

Image May Day March London
07-05-2014 09:21

Text 50 Years to Destruction
05-05-2014 23:49 | 7 comments

Image Supplemental photos to May Day event of Saturday May 3rd
05-05-2014 21:22

Text FOI Hearing. Re. HLS
05-05-2014 12:31

Image May Day march and rally in Edinburgh
03-05-2014 23:15 | 4 comments

Image Benetton stores targeted by global protests
26-04-2014 13:48 | 8 comments

Image Bristol Anarchist Bookfair - 26th April
23-04-2014 16:01

Text ARMS DEALERS ON TRIAL DEMO Outside Thames Magistrates Court at 9am on Thursday
21-04-2014 20:59 | 2 comments

Image Victory to the striking South African miners! Demonstrate in London, Thursday 24 April
17-04-2014 06:46

Image Nazi clothing brand sets-up shop in London
16-04-2014 12:50 | 13 comments

Text Met Police Laughing Stock as Anti-Fascists Released
16-04-2014 02:46

Image March on Parliament, 21st June! Austerity is Theft!
15-04-2014 20:23 | 4 comments

Text “Two Weeks of Worldwide Action: Juan Vázquez Guzmán lives! The Bachajón struggl
15-04-2014 19:28

Text #137: Breaking the Frame & politics of technology, rant on Irish policing...and
09-04-2014 09:21

Text Stop Basildon Council Evictions on Fri 11th April
05-04-2014 14:47

Image Esther to be rehoused! Solidarity works
05-04-2014 10:43 | 1 comment

Image The @SalvationArmy Must quit #Workfare
04-04-2014 23:54

Text Are We Heading for an Environmental Crisis if UK Coal go Bust?
04-04-2014 04:56

Image Demonstrators Storm Spanish Embassy in London in Solidarity with Sub-saharan Migrants
28-03-2014 18:35

Text Demonstration in support of West Papuan prisoners - London 2nd April
25-03-2014 21:44

Image “Fracked Future Carnival” at London Shale Gas Forum on Wednesday
22-03-2014 16:59 | 1 comment

Image Poetry Slam Against Borders - London, 27th March
22-03-2014 14:15

Image Support vigils at HMP Wandsworth for jailed war resister Fr Martin Newell
18-03-2014 09:29 | 3 comments

Image Fr Martin Newell jailed for unpaid peace protest fines
16-03-2014 12:14 | 2 comments

Image Rising Tide blockaded Shell garage last night in memory of fellow activist
14-03-2014 17:45

Text The US and Britain’s Paedophile Colony
13-03-2014 21:01 | 1 comment

Image Week of Action : Police Spies Out of Lives
10-03-2014 19:56 | 3 comments

Image 12 March: Wandsworth - Ben Griffin of Veterans for Peace speaks about Pvt Chelsea Manning
10-03-2014 15:22

Image Wave of UK protests to mark anniversary of Fukuhima disaster
09-03-2014 10:28 | 2 comments

Image Vote for the Biggest Biomass Baddie! Take part in the Biomess Awards ceremony!
03-03-2014 12:37

Image Worldwide March Against Corruption – London pics and report
03-03-2014 09:50 | 36 comments

Image MIPIM: London not for sale, March 6, 2.15pm
27-02-2014 21:45 | 2 comments

Image Homes Not Jails!
27-02-2014 00:30 | 1 comment

Image Water Cannon “Consultation” at London City Hall 17th Feb 2014
21-02-2014 12:37 | 7 comments

Image Charges dropped against DSEi protestors
21-02-2014 10:09 | 4 comments

Image Atos Kills - Archway Demo
20-02-2014 13:39 | 2 comments

Image Launch of Campaign Opposing Police Surveillance (COPS): 27 February 2014
18-02-2014 22:54

Image Boycott Workfare Welfare Action Gathering
18-02-2014 11:25

Text Dissident Island Radio - Episode 133 - Subversions of justice...
18-02-2014 00:25 | 1 comment

Text ‘Why Have You Gone to Russia Three Times in Two Months?’—Heathrow Customs Agent Interrogates Snowden Lawyer
16-02-2014 22:36

Text Zapatista Support Bases Under Attack: Call for a Week of National and Internatio
14-02-2014 20:17 | 2 comments

Image Opposing the official commemorations of World War I London meeting this Saturday
13-02-2014 16:08

Image MET plans to criminalise homelessness in 6 boroughs – Protest 26th February 10am
12-02-2014 23:38

Image Call-out for actions and manifestations on the 22 February 2014 !
05-02-2014 04:49

Image The Extinction Festival at the Cat Hill Protest
01-02-2014 22:49

Text Defrauded Workers Campaign to Change Law
30-01-2014 01:22

Text Anarchist Action Network / Stop NATO Cymru Meeting - 22nd-23rd Feb
28-01-2014 15:37

Text Campaigner followed from home by Counter Terror Command
28-01-2014 13:05 | 3 comments

Text Stop G4S campaign convergence
24-01-2014 17:34

Image 10 Days till Slough!
22-01-2014 23:46 | 1 comment

Text Free Margaretta
21-01-2014 22:28 | 1 comment

Text #132: No Borders Tangier, ISP website-blocking, observations on creativity...
20-01-2014 14:19

Image November 5th “Million Mask March” in London
09-11-2013 19:01 | 1 comment

Image Protests at Arms Dealers’ Charity Dinner – report and pics
12-09-2013 23:54 | 2 comments

Image DSEI Arms Fair ‘Critical Mass’ and Blockade – report and pics
08-09-2013 23:12

Image SchNEWS: Tower Power
08-09-2013 20:28

Image Vigil at US embassy tonight – report & pics
03-09-2013 22:39 | 1 comment

Image LCC ‘Space for Cycling’ protest ride attracts 1000s – report & pic
02-09-2013 22:39

Image August Critical Mass bike ride – report & pics
30-08-2013 22:53

Image Stop The War protest in Whitehall turns to civil disobedience – report & pics
28-08-2013 23:41

Text EDL Woolwich Washout!
30-06-2013 09:53 | 7 comments

Image Report/ Photos/ Vid - Solidarity with Ecuador & Julian Assange in London
17-06-2013 19:00 | 2 comments

Image FLF (food liberation front) action last friday - some pics and words
16-06-2013 12:31 | 2 comments

Image huge turkish solidarity protest in harringay as taksim square cleared
16-06-2013 00:23

Image 'they owe us' - canary wharf - J14 - pics and words
15-06-2013 23:26 | 1 addition | 4 comments

Image G8 london carnival against capitalism - report n pics
12-06-2013 00:31 | 2 comments

Text Stop G8 Convergence Space Going Well
09-06-2013 09:32 | 1 comment

Image london world naked bike ride - words and pics
08-06-2013 22:21 | 1 comment

Image Camden Solidarity Vigil for Bradley Manning: report and photos
07-06-2013 22:32 | 1 addition | 2 comments

Image vigil at EDFenergy HQ in victoria tonight - pics and report
06-06-2013 22:52

Image legal aid protest at ministry of justice - pics and words
04-06-2013 23:09 | 3 comments

Image thousands join london #may18 NHS rally - pics and report
19-05-2013 17:59 | 1 comment

Image uk mayday - a few pics and short report
03-05-2013 22:38

Image ukuncut london millionaire eviction - report and pics
14-04-2013 21:04 | 6 comments

Image trafalgar square thatcher death party - report and pics
14-04-2013 17:45 | 3 comments

Image Come to StopG8 gathering this weekend
04-04-2013 11:48 | 4 comments

Image Bexhill Bypass; Round Two
30-03-2013 23:22 | 1 comment

Image Friern Barnet People's Library Latest: Report and Photos
14-01-2013 12:43 | 1 comment

Image vedanta protest in london today - reports and pics
11-01-2013 22:46 | 2 comments

Image small determined workfare demo in holloway, london yesterday
09-12-2012 12:17

Image small but loud protest and direct action at india house - report & pics
06-12-2012 18:39 | 1 comment

Image Fracking Lord's Chelsea Mansion Drilled
01-12-2012 11:40 | 1 addition | 2 comments

Image NUS march - report and pics (#demo2012)
21-11-2012 22:43 | 21 comments

Image anti BP sponsorship flashmob at british museum - report & pics
18-11-2012 20:12 | 1 comment

Image global noise occupyLSX anniversary - report and pics
15-10-2012 21:33

Text Time to move on: IMC London signing off
13-10-2012 14:55 | 35 comments

Image Immigration detention centre blockaded to stop Sri Lanka charter flight
19-09-2012 12:55 | 4 additions | 3 comments

Image Block Atos and occupy Dept of Work and Pensions
31-08-2012 20:55 | 2 comments

Image Week 7, Runnymede Eco-Village.
03-08-2012 16:55

Text olympic critical mass - report and pics
29-07-2012 22:55 | 8 comments

Image 'payup' protest at holborn sainsbury's store today
04-06-2012 00:55 | 1 comment

Image 'occupy democracy' teach-in at st paul's today
04-06-2012 00:55

Image hunger striker khader adnan on skype at palestine
03-06-2012 22:55

Image Sussex gets a new political copper: SmashEDO Summer of resistance demo report
31-05-2012 11:15 | 1 comment

Image Smash EDO Summer of Resistance: Down the Drones
16-05-2012 20:48

Image Occupy London - Finsbury Square
16-05-2012 09:23

Image Anti-nuclear protest hits Centrica AGM
13-05-2012 16:55

Image 12M at Bank of England Pics
13-05-2012 14:55 | 2 comments

Image 12M meet the 1% pics
12-05-2012 22:55 | 1 comment

Image Smash EDO Summer of Resistance Targets Barclays
12-05-2012 18:18

Text Occupy Global Day of Action – Meet the 1%
12-05-2012 16:55 | 2 comments

Image Protesters disrupt performance by the Jerusalem Quartet in support of a boycott of Israel
08-05-2012 19:12 | 4 comments

Image Face the Music: Smash EDO Summer of Resistance Day Two
02-05-2012 20:58

Image London Stock Exchange: Paternoster Square Occupied
01-05-2012 20:55 | 2 additions | 1 comment

Text Mayday Workfare Demos Shut Ox St. Stores - report
01-05-2012 18:55

Image leyton marsh resistance this morning - report/pics
10-04-2012 18:55 | 2 comments

Image news from leyton marsh and call to action
09-04-2012 16:55

Text Statement by the save Leyton Marsh Group
04-04-2012 14:55

Text Trafalgar12 activists in court
03-04-2012 22:55

Text Legal assault on Save Leyton Marsh Camp/aign
03-04-2012 18:55 | 3 comments

Image Leyton Marsh Camp update
29-03-2012 16:55

Image UCU/NUT protest in london today
28-03-2012 22:55

Image Protestor Offered Money to 'Disrupt Occupy'
22-03-2012 16:55 | 8 comments

Image report and pics on budget day parliament protests
22-03-2012 02:55 | 3 comments

Image report on ukuncut budget protest at downing st
21-03-2012 22:55

Image report and pics on nhs demo and actions yesterday
18-03-2012 14:55 | 20 comments

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