
Interview on Brazil before the World Cup 2014

We would like to present you an interview the Anarchist Radio Berlin made with a member of the Comite Popular da Copa in Sao Paulo, a coordination of groups and individuals against the FIFA World Cup and its negative effects.


Dirty Wars: film screening & discussion

Investigative journalist Jeremy Scahill is pulled into an unexpected journey as he chases down the hidden truth behind America's expanding covert wars.


Is the GCSB taking our picture, too?

More revelations from the trove Snowden documents show that the NSA is capturing roughly 55,000 portrait-quality photographs of people from the internet everyday.


GCSB officially part of US drone war

Tonight prime minister John Key has formally acknowledged that the GCSB provides information that is used in the US assassination programme called the 'drone wars'.

State Repression

What's a little state violence and repression between friends?

The US' decision to renew military aid to, and restore its partnership with, Egypt was followed almost immediately by reports of unprecedented state repression in the country.

War & Militarism

New Zealand govt approves Steyr replacement programme

The New Zealand Defence Force (NZDF) has received government approval to acquire up to 8,800 new rifles to replace the in-service Steyr 5.56 mm weapon, Defence Minister Jonathan Coleman announced on 17 June.

Opinion & Blogs

Iraqi hydrocarbon prize of U.S. invasion in danger

The unfolding collapse of the U.S. proxy government in Baghdad has cut short a process of legalizing the de-nationalization of the hydrocarbon industry in Iraq.

War & Militarism

The sectarian myth of Iraq

We coexisted peacefully for centuries, and need neither brutal dictators nor western intervention, by Sami Ramadani


24 June 2014
23 June 2014
21 June 2014
20 June 2014
19 June 2014
18 June 2014
17 June 2014

Inequality, Causes and Consequences

Child Poverty Action day of lectures - all welcome


Presenting our radical start | homepage for anarchists and comrades

A homepage for activists and social revolutionaries with lots of features such as search tools, links and webtools to make your surfing easier.

15 June 2014

Upcoming Events

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