Foswiki is the FREE enterprise collaboration platform

Developed, supported and maintained by its users and the open-source community.

Foswiki is a wiki, so you and your team members can collaborate and edit pages directly in the web browser.

For advanced collaboration, Foswiki lets you enter macros to automate pages and build entire applications from within your browser.
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Find out what makes Foswiki the ideal collaboration tool for your project, team or business.

Project updates

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  • 15 Mar 2013 New Foswiki 1.1.9 Virtual Machine is available. Now with fcgi and Ubuntu LTS 12.04.4
  • 19 Nov 2013 Foswiki 1.1.9 has been released. 44 fixes and 4 enhancements since Foswiki 1.1.8
  • 28 Feb 2013 Foswiki 1.1.8 has been released. 4 fixes since Foswiki 1.1.7
  • 01 Feb 2013 Foswiki 1.1.7 has been released. 20 fixes and 4 enhancements since Foswiki 1.1.6
  • 02 Dec 2012 Foswiki 1.1.6 has been released. 94 fixes and 27 enhancements since Foswiki 1.1.5
  • 10 Apr 2012 Foswiki 1.1.5 has been released. More than 100 bug fixes and improvements since Foswiki 1.1.4.

Where to go from here?

Webs on this Site

Foswiki lets you organize your website into separate webs. The Extensions Web lets you add new capabilities to your site.

Go to the Support Web to browse repository of support questions or to find out about getting support.

Learn about all webs on this site, and how to keep up to date.

Talk to us

Chat in realtime on IRC, participate on our mailing lists, report a sensitive security issue or just cheer us up with a short mail.

Find a Foswiki consultant to create or customize your Foswiki site.


Learn about the Foswiki Community.

The Foswiki Association is a non-profit foundation, tasked with caring for the interests of the Foswiki project.

Who are the developers building Foswiki

Extension news

  • CharsetConverterContrib 1.1 released, to support the conversion of existing RCS stores to use utf-8 for the {Site}{CharSet} 11 Jun 2014
  • CopyContrib 2.00 now with multi-lingual message handling 10 Jun 2014
  • ListyPlugin 0.99 first release of a new list management widget NEW 28 May 2014
  • XSendFileContrib 3.05 fixes file check on wrong location 28 May 2014
  • SolrPlugin 2.10 implements the new style of ACL rules in newer Foswikies 28 May 2014
  • SoapPlugin 3.21 works around automatic type detection in SOAP::Lite causing problems on utf-8 content 28 May 2014

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---+++ Webs on this Site
Foswiki lets you organize your website into separate webs.
The [[Extensions.WebHome][Extensions Web]] lets you add new capabilities to your site.
Go to the [[Support.WebHome][Support Web]] to browse repository of support questions or
to find out about getting support.
<p>[[AboutWebs][Learn about all webs on this site, and how to keep up to date.]]</p>
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[[Community.InternetRelayChat][Chat in realtime on IRC]],
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[[Development.SecurityAlertProcess][report a sensitive security issue]] or just cheer us up with 
<a href="[Cheer-to-Foswiki]">a short mail</a>.
<p>Find a [[Support.WikiConsultants][Foswiki consultant]] to create or customize your Foswiki site.</p>
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---+++ Community
<p>Learn about the [[Community.WebHome][Foswiki Community]].</p>
<p>The [[Community.Association][Foswiki Association]] is a non-profit foundation, tasked with caring for the interests of the Foswiki project.</p>
<p>Who are the [[Development.CurrentActiveDevelopers][developers building Foswiki]]</p>
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---+++ Migrating from TWiki
<p>[[Community.WhatTheForkMeans][About compatibility, installing, keeping your plugins]]</p>

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%STARTSECTION{"whatIsFoswikiCol1"}%<ul class="benefits foswikiUnvisited">
<li id="benefitsEditor">World class <b>[[Extensions.TinyMCEPlugin][text editor built in]]</b>, so that you get what you see.</li><li id="benefitsDynamic">Create <b>[[System.Macros][dynamic pages]]</b>: status boards, to-do lists, inventory systems, employee handbooks, bug trackers and much more</li><li id="benefitsLayouts"><b>Customize the layout</b> of the site, or per page, user or group</li><li id="benefitsExtensions">Over <b>[[Extensions.WebHome][200 polished extensions]] all actively maintained,</b> to expand the out of the box functions</li><li id="benefitsCompatible"><b>[[TWiki/TWikiUpgradeGuide][Compatible with TWiki]]</b>, including a <b>[[Extensions.TWikiCompatibilityPlugin][seamless migration path]]</b></li><li id="benefitsCommunity"><b>[[Support.WebHome][Free, friendly, and effective community-based support]]</b> by a community dedicated to democracy</li>

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Topic revision: r147 - 22 May 2014, CrawfordCurrie
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