
The Garden of Eden and the Sumerian Paradise of Dilmun, Part One
Some PhD Scholars have proposed that behind the mythical Garden of Eden lies an even earli...
published: 30 Sep 2009
author: Walter R. Mattfeld
The Garden of Eden and the Sumerian Paradise of Dilmun, Part One
The Garden of Eden and the Sumerian Paradise of Dilmun, Part One
Some PhD Scholars have proposed that behind the mythical Garden of Eden lies an even earlier mythical Paradise called Dilmun (Tilmun or Nitukki) in Sumerian ...- published: 30 Sep 2009
- views: 5985
- author: Walter R. Mattfeld

تقرير جامعي : حضارة دلون - Dilmun Civilization
تقرير عن حضارة دلمون لمجموعه من طالبات الجامعة للإيرلندية للتمريض تصوير ومونتاج : محمد الك...
published: 02 Apr 2012
author: TheAlgeneral10
تقرير جامعي : حضارة دلون - Dilmun Civilization
تقرير جامعي : حضارة دلون - Dilmun Civilization
تقرير عن حضارة دلمون لمجموعه من طالبات الجامعة للإيرلندية للتمريض تصوير ومونتاج : محمد الكعبي إنتاج الجنرال ميديا.- published: 02 Apr 2012
- views: 1096
- author: TheAlgeneral10

Dilmun, El Paraíso del dios Enki Una teoría del orígen de los sumerios
Dilmun, El Paraíso del dios Enki Una teoría del orígen de los sumerios...
published: 02 Jul 2013
Dilmun, El Paraíso del dios Enki Una teoría del orígen de los sumerios
Dilmun, El Paraíso del dios Enki Una teoría del orígen de los sumerios
Dilmun, El Paraíso del dios Enki Una teoría del orígen de los sumerios- published: 02 Jul 2013
- views: 119

From Dilmun To Bahrain
From Dilmun To Bahrain is a corporate film, commissioned by the Bahraini Ministry of Touri...
published: 11 Jul 2012
author: Firehorse Showreel
From Dilmun To Bahrain
From Dilmun To Bahrain
From Dilmun To Bahrain is a corporate film, commissioned by the Bahraini Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Information. The film retraces the six thousand yea...- published: 11 Jul 2012
- views: 625
- author: Firehorse Showreel

Dilmun - In Search of the Land of Immortals in Bahrain (In Arabic)
http://SupremeMasterTV.com • EE1917; Aired on 14 Dec 2011 • Please share those videos thro...
published: 20 Apr 2012
author: SupremeMasterTV13
Dilmun - In Search of the Land of Immortals in Bahrain (In Arabic)
Dilmun - In Search of the Land of Immortals in Bahrain (In Arabic)
http://SupremeMasterTV.com • EE1917; Aired on 14 Dec 2011 • Please share those videos through facebook and other means. Subscribe, comment and like it are fu...- published: 20 Apr 2012
- views: 132
- author: SupremeMasterTV13

Aysha Murad: From Dilmun to Bahrain
Aysha Murad discusses the past and future of Bahrain. Speaker Biography: Aysha Murad is co...
published: 07 Jan 2011
author: LibraryOfCongress
Aysha Murad: From Dilmun to Bahrain
Aysha Murad: From Dilmun to Bahrain
Aysha Murad discusses the past and future of Bahrain. Speaker Biography: Aysha Murad is counselor of cultural affairs for the Embassy of the Kingdom of Bahrain.- published: 07 Jan 2011
- views: 1278
- author: LibraryOfCongress

Bahrain and Manama in the 1950's, Dilmun burial mounds. Film 90037
Bahrain in the 1950's Aerial view of large town of Manama in flat coastal setting. Moving ...
published: 11 Apr 2013
author: HuntleyFilmArchives
Bahrain and Manama in the 1950's, Dilmun burial mounds. Film 90037
Bahrain and Manama in the 1950's, Dilmun burial mounds. Film 90037
Bahrain in the 1950's Aerial view of large town of Manama in flat coastal setting. Moving to red American automobile being driven down highway (surrounded by...- published: 11 Apr 2013
- views: 343
- author: HuntleyFilmArchives

The Lost Paradise of Dilmun Water Park, Bahrain
Sim Leisure's Pride & Joy : The Lost Paradise of Dilmun Water Park, Bahrain. For more info...
published: 20 Mar 2009
author: simleisure
The Lost Paradise of Dilmun Water Park, Bahrain
The Lost Paradise of Dilmun Water Park, Bahrain
Sim Leisure's Pride & Joy : The Lost Paradise of Dilmun Water Park, Bahrain. For more information, please visit http://www.simleisure.com.- published: 20 Mar 2009
- views: 39075
- author: simleisure

Seventh Harmonic - Garden Of Dilmun Preview
Listen to a preview of the new Seventh Harmonic album "Garden Of Dilmun", accompanied by a...
published: 04 Apr 2011
author: outofline1995
Seventh Harmonic - Garden Of Dilmun Preview
Seventh Harmonic - Garden Of Dilmun Preview
Listen to a preview of the new Seventh Harmonic album "Garden Of Dilmun", accompanied by a beautiful slide show. Album release: May 13th, 2011.- published: 04 Apr 2011
- views: 6203
- author: outofline1995

Luis Ruiz - Dilmun (Reeko Remix)
VINYL ONLY BUY HERE http://www.decks.de/t/luis_ruiz-orioni_ep/c25-29
Orioni EP
Krill Music...
published: 25 Oct 2013
Luis Ruiz - Dilmun (Reeko Remix)
Luis Ruiz - Dilmun (Reeko Remix)
VINYL ONLY BUY HERE http://www.decks.de/t/luis_ruiz-orioni_ep/c25-29 Orioni EP Krill Music KRL006- published: 25 Oct 2013
- views: 871

The Garden of Eden and the Sumerian Paradise of Dilmun (Umm Daleimin?) Part Three
In this video Umm Daleimin east of and adjacent to Qurnah is proposed as the possible site...
published: 17 Oct 2009
author: Walter R. Mattfeld
The Garden of Eden and the Sumerian Paradise of Dilmun (Umm Daleimin?) Part Three
The Garden of Eden and the Sumerian Paradise of Dilmun (Umm Daleimin?) Part Three
In this video Umm Daleimin east of and adjacent to Qurnah is proposed as the possible site for ancient Dilmun. Of course only archaeological excavations reve...- published: 17 Oct 2009
- views: 4068
- author: Walter R. Mattfeld

The Intriguer - Dilmun Gates
Cancion extraida del disco News Of The New World de Dilmun Gates. www.dilmungates.com Sigu...
published: 04 Aug 2012
author: Dilmun Gates
The Intriguer - Dilmun Gates
The Intriguer - Dilmun Gates
Cancion extraida del disco News Of The New World de Dilmun Gates. www.dilmungates.com Siguenos en facebook! - http://www.facebook.com/Dilmun.Gates Suscribete...- published: 04 Aug 2012
- views: 494
- author: Dilmun Gates

Bahraini Dilmun Cat
Read/see more: http://cat-chitchat.pictures-of-cats.org/2008/09/bahraini-dilmun-cat.html -...
published: 24 Mar 2010
author: PoC - Pictures of Cats org
Bahraini Dilmun Cat
Bahraini Dilmun Cat
Read/see more: http://cat-chitchat.pictures-of-cats.org/2008/09/bahraini-dilmun-cat.html -- An exotic, naturally occurring cat in Bahrain believed by Kathrin...- published: 24 Mar 2010
- views: 10947
- author: PoC - Pictures of Cats org
Youtube results:

Noah's Flood, Shuruppak and Dilmun, the Mesopotamian Background
The Mythical Flood of Noah is a recast of the Mythical Mesopotamian (Sumerian) Shuruppak f...
published: 18 Jul 2009
author: Walter R. Mattfeld
Noah's Flood, Shuruppak and Dilmun, the Mesopotamian Background
Noah's Flood, Shuruppak and Dilmun, the Mesopotamian Background
The Mythical Flood of Noah is a recast of the Mythical Mesopotamian (Sumerian) Shuruppak flood of circa 2900 BC. The Flood hero's boat grounded at Kur Nisir ...- published: 18 Jul 2009
- views: 2819
- author: Walter R. Mattfeld

N.I.C Club @Lost Paradise of Dilmun Water Park
فيديو لرحلة اعضاء نادي نيسان وانفنتي البحرين الى القرية المائية جنة دلمون المفقودة - 2013....
published: 04 May 2013
N.I.C Club @Lost Paradise of Dilmun Water Park
N.I.C Club @Lost Paradise of Dilmun Water Park
فيديو لرحلة اعضاء نادي نيسان وانفنتي البحرين الى القرية المائية جنة دلمون المفقودة - 2013.- published: 04 May 2013
- views: 842
- author: BAHRAIN NIC

Dilmun (Seventh Harmonic)
If we could find the grounds of verdure And make them our own Fields of purity and light; ...
published: 19 Apr 2013
author: Abrakt
Dilmun (Seventh Harmonic)
Dilmun (Seventh Harmonic)
If we could find the grounds of verdure And make them our own Fields of purity and light; without plague Where the ravens do not crow If we could take this e...- published: 19 Apr 2013
- views: 70
- author: Abrakt