Berbera Beach 2011 HD
Maxamed Bk (BERBERA) 2014 Official Video
Somaliland Berbera June 18, 2012
TAARIIKHDA BERBERA PART 1 Somaliland taariikh khadiimi ah oo hore
Somaliland Horumarka Gobolka Saaxil Berbera Part 1 of 2
Baro Taariikhda Berbera
Berbera oo laisku diyaarinayo 18 may 15 05 2014
Somalia's Port of berbera the single most productive utility.
Warbixin Dadweynaha Usoo Dalxiis Tagay Bada Magaalada Berbera
Ahmed Budul iyo Berbera
madaarka berbera
Mursal Muuse Boodhari berbera show 2014
Berbera Beach 2011 HD
Maxamed Bk (BERBERA) 2014 Official Video
Somaliland Berbera June 18, 2012
TAARIIKHDA BERBERA PART 1 Somaliland taariikh khadiimi ah oo hore
Somaliland Horumarka Gobolka Saaxil Berbera Part 1 of 2
Baro Taariikhda Berbera
Berbera oo laisku diyaarinayo 18 may 15 05 2014
Somalia's Port of berbera the single most productive utility.
Warbixin Dadweynaha Usoo Dalxiis Tagay Bada Magaalada Berbera
Ahmed Budul iyo Berbera
madaarka berbera
Mursal Muuse Boodhari berbera show 2014
Maxamed Bk (BERBERA) 2014
African Express MD-82 Landing at Berbera, Somaliland
Asma Love iyo Sahra ilays ♥ Berbera ♥
Berbera Al Fanaan Max'ed BK
View from the cockpit on landing into Berbera, Somaliland
On the road between Berbera & Hargeisa
Maxamed BK (BERBERA) Offical Song 2014
hees berbera final
cafe barbera
Barbera d'Alba vs. Barbera d'Asti
Diego Barbera per Expedia Pioneer
Matsumoto Castle in Nagano and Temples © Francisco Barbera in Japan 2014
Barbera Van Schaik, from Academic Medical Center
335 Barbera Dr, Davenport, FL 33897
Stone Age Dentistry Singer Hanna Barbera Animation Art on eBay
The Wine Brothers - Barbera & Nebbiolo from Piedmont
Hanna Barbera Ride 1995 Universal Studios Orlando Florida
Barbera Vineyard near Nizza Monferrato, Italy - Piedmont Properties P348
Hotel Campanile Barcelona Barbera del Valles Spain
Barbera Kruger Belief + Doubt Hirshhorn Museum in Washington DC
Cantina Barbera Behind the Wine
dolcetto, barbera, barolo, barbaresco per una merenda nelle langhe
Los Angeles Road Trip (Malibu, E.T. house, Griffith Observatory, Sunset Blvd.)
Café Galdos Madrid - Andrea Barbera
Viva Las Vegas Travel Journal (pre trip)
Beautiful Somalia Landscape - hotels accommodation yacht charter guide
Barbera Parc Hotel Barcelona
Puerto Rico trip 2014
Skedaddle Guide Training Week 2014
Berbera (Somali: Barbara, Arabic: بربرة) is a city and seat of Berbera District in Somaliland, a self-proclaimed Independent Republic with de facto control over its own territory, which is recognized by the international community and the Somali Government as a part of Somalia. It was for centuries the capital of the Somaliland region and also the colonial capital of British Somaliland from 1870 to 1941 when it was moved to Hargeisa. Located strategically on the oil route, Berbera has a deep sea port that was completed in 1962, and which is still the main commercial seaport for Somaliland.
Berbera preserves the ancient name of the coast along the southern shore of the Gulf of Aden. It is thought to be the city Malao described as 800 stadia beyond the city of the Avalites, described in the eighth chapter of the Periplus of the Erythraean Sea, which was written by a Greek merchant in the first century CE. In the Periplus it is described as
an open roadstead, sheltered by a spit running out from the east. Here the natives are more peaceable. There are imported into this place the things already mentioned, and many tunics, cloaks from Arsinoe, dressed and dyed; drinking-cups, sheets of soft copper in small quantity, iron, and gold and silver coin, not much. There are exported from these places myrrh, a little frankincense, (that known as far-side), the harder cinnamon, duaca, Indian copal and macir, which are imported into Arabia; and slaves, but rarely.
cada dia que pasa es mas dificil olvidad, y es muy cierto lo que dices que una cosa es querer y otra es amar.
por que an pasado mas de dos años y todo me parece igual, por que cada dia me tengo mas que enamorar.
como se puede olvidar a una persona que en mi corazon siempre esta, como se puede olvidad a una persona que en tu vida habita y no te quiere soltar.
por que no te puedo olvidar? si yo vivi contigo mil momentos de felicidad y no por eso te puedo dejar.
que puedo hacer para que te des cuenta de una vez que sin ti mi vida a sido tan cruel.
en mi corazon hay heridas que no sanan llenas de dolor y en cada palpitar dicen tu nombre sin control.
se repite coro
por que no te puedo olvidar?...
apenas te quiero y no puedo olvidar
apenas te siento que estas junto a mi
cuando por mas no quiero amar siento que te estoy amando a ti
siento que vuelo y no puedo volar
siento que navego en altamar sin nisiquiera zarpar
apenas te quiero y no te puedo olvidar
siento que vuelo y no puedo volar
quisiera decirte que te estoy queriendo cada dia mas
apenas te siento aqui, y ahora no quiero dejarte ir
siento que estas junto a mi y que vives dentro de mi por siempre
apenas te siento...
apenas te quiero...
te pido una oportunidad de que me brindes tu amor, de que me des un espacio en tu corazon.
me siento tambien cuando tus labios dejan su sensacion en mis mejillas.
abreme tu corazon asi como yo logre abrir el mio, abre las puertas para que pueda pasar.
abreme tu corazon dejame enamorarlo dame una oportunidad.
me siento a diario y lo unico que hago es pensar en ti y en todos esos momentos que paso junto a ti.
de pronto me imagino que estas aqui viviendo en mi corazon cree que sin ti no soy nada a quien le brindo mi amor.
abreme tu corazon dejalo abierto de par en par para poder pasar
abreme tu corazon asi como yo logre abrir el mio
abreme tu corazon abre las puertas dejame enamorarlo
dame una oportunidad
abreme tu corazon.
desde el dia que te conoci me enamore de ti, algo senti en el corazon como un flechazo de amor.
desde aquel horizonte cupido me flecho y al saber que tu no me quieres mi corazon derrama sangre sin control ( se repite)
si tan solo pudiera olvidarte sacarte de mi mente y que digo que no entiendes pero que puedo hacer si cupido me flecho
desde aquel horizonte... ( se repite)
quiero olvidarme de ti ya no quiero sufrir dedo de pensar que nunca vas a ser para mi aunque yo te quiero
desde aquel...(se repite)
mi corazon derrama sangre sin control
quisiera que estuvieras junto a mi toda la vida y siempre estemos juntos los dos que todo el tiempo fuera oro para demostrarnos amor
pudiera decir que no hay nada que nos separe nuestros corazones son quiza iguales
la vida es distinta y no se que hacer si tan solo te dijera mirame
mirame porque te demuestro a cada instante lo que puedo ser
porque te sigo amando despues de todo lo que a pasado entre tu y yo
porque yo siempre te quise y te voy a querer si tan solo te dijera mirame.
no se ni que hacer, ni que pensar,ni que decir, pues yo me quede en soledad desde el dia que te fuiste de mi .
quiza tu encontraste la felicidad en alguien mas que te haga feliz y que te ame tanto como yo a ti.
por volverte a ver yo daria mi vida y un poco mas una distancia pura de la eternidad una vida sin nombre que nos unira.
no sabes en realidad que daria por tenerte aqui dejaria todo por que te quiero solo a ti.
te necesito y quisiera volverte a ver
por volverte a ver yo daria mi vida y un poco mas una distancia pura de la eternidad una vida sin nombre que nos unira.
por volverte a ver.
todo el dia me la paso pensando en ti en todos esos momentos que pasas junto a mi en como seria la vida si no te tuviera aqui quiza la vida no seria vida porque te necesito para decirte cuanto te quiero.
todos aquellos momentos me hacen recordar como tu decias todo lo que me querias y sin embargo yo te sigo queriendo sin decidir que hacer.
volvere para verte una vez mas, para continuar, para descubrir que yo siempre estuve aqui y que tu serias feliz
por volverte a ver...
volvere para verte una vez mas, para continuar, para descubrir porque yo siempre porque yo siempre estuve aqui.
cuando veo el cielo siento que te veo, siento que esta junto a mi el cielo es hermoso tu igual que el miro las estrellas cada anichecer veo que atraviesa una estrella fugaz dibujando tu rostro y no dice donde estas
te busco dia y noche por todos lados pero no te puedo ver donde diablos te has metido lo quiero saber
te busco en la madrugada y en cada anochecer cuando empieza a oscurecer
todo siempre va cuando siento que la realidad se vuelve solo soledad
te busco dia y noche...
te busco dia y noche...
te necesito para toda la vida eres como el agua que aun bebo como el oxigeno que respiro eres como el viento que me hace volar
hoy quiero platicarte mi vida entera desde que te conoci quiero que tu sepas que eres todo para mi como te lo podre decir
te necesito igual que ayer te necesito mas que ser algo que me pueda hacer correr algo que me invada la vida por delante
te necesito creelo porfavor
te necesito vivo por amor
te necesito te lo digo yo
todos los dias en la escuela
te buscaba dentro de ella
pero lo que nunca me puse a pensar
fue que entre tu y yo no habia nada mas que una gran amistad
si pudiera decir que te amo,
si pudiera decir que te extraño y que no puedo dejar de pensar en ti
como te puedo decir que me estoy muriendo, muriendo por ti en un misterio, misterio que no me deja vivir y que siempre siento algo por ti.
si tan solo pudiera gritar tu amor a los cuatro vientos seria como un sueño estar cerca de ti.
como te puedo decir que me estoy muriendo,muriendo por ti en un misterio, misterio que no me deja vivir y que siempre siento algo por ti.
se repite coro
Like I'm nowhere
Slipping out of time…
Flowing, flowing
Down the river of the moonlight
Kissing your palms,
Deep in the night
Body's Becoming so wild
Tasting your lips
And begging you please
Won't you let me
Feeling your fingers
Touching me faintly
Softly as feather
Whispering to you
Make love to me
Hearing you breathing
Sounds like heaven's sigh
dying, dying
On the velvet wings of the night.
Inhaling your scent
With all of my skin
Feelings becoming so keen
As if you're an angel
And I'm crying to you
Oh Won't you let me to
Feeling your fingers
Touching me faintly
Softly as feather
Whispering to you
At least these circles on the water
Know what for I am
Whatever trees will do
Their fate is to drop shadow…
Explain to me what for is Lord and
What for is the devil…
Live every day
As if it's the last day Ever…
Ever… Ever… Ever…
Some might think you're insane
Or maybe even worse.
You'll be repaid
For what it's worth…
For what it's worth.
Take what it takes
Not less nor more
Cause every life wall
Has a secret door.
Explain to me what for is Lord and
What for is the devil…
Live every day
As if it's the last day Ever…
Once upon a time
Some stranger came to me and said
That I didn't have to be afraid
Of open loving heart.
Once upon a time
I felt there had to be someone
With brown eyes and gentle smile
With pure loving heart.
And he would treat me very right
And hold me when my soul is cold
He'll always be right by my side
He'll never let me go.
Once upon a time
Some stranger said to me one thing
And I believed, cause everything
He said was pure truth.
Once in a blue moon
My heart bloomed up with light and care
Cause I knew that he's always there
Was always there for me.
He treats me like nobody else
And holds me when my soul is cold
He cares for me like no one cares
He never lets me go.
Once in a blue moon
People get their chance to feel
Some real, sincere and genuine
What is lying in the corner of the room
In complete mostly sacred silence?
Pale walls are hanging above
And I see myself in some
Strange picture of violence…
Me is clot of the thoughts and dreams
Me is everything it should seem
Me is crack of the century
Me is fake, me is joke, me is real!
My ceiling's cracking and we are apart
We knew it was end from the start
When you saw me in green light dress
Realizing it wasn't fate…
Me is clot of the thoughts and dreams
Me is everything it should seem
Me is crack of the century
Me is fake, me is joke, me is real!
My beautiful green backdoor lawn
We're making love till the dawn
It might be cold. I don't care…
I can see it as if I was there!!!
I am a clot of the thoughts and dreams
I am a everything it should seem
I am a crack of the century
I am fake, I am joke, I am real!
Quit smoking!
Smoking kills!
Quit smoking!
Smoking kills!
Pure sunlight
Fresh stardust
My heart is my compass
Cause I'm a cosmic girl
I'm walking through the open space
Exploring new worlds
Zipalula, Zipalula, Zipalula la lu la
Made out of rays, comets and stars
Born by the Universe mind.
One comet told me there's a place
With trees and seas and mountain chains
With countries and towns.
Some funny creatures living there
Straight walking Homo sapiens
Attached to the ground.
Zipalula, Zipalula, Zipalula la lu la,
Mystery things hidden by space
Cosmic girl knows all of them.
You won't believe
But there's a hole
So black and dark
It swallows light
It eats all planets
Squeezes time
It's huge and awful
Friend of mine
So if you meet it
Be polite
You should be gentle Cosmic knight
Black hole is dangerous
Even for me
Cause we are what It likes to eat…
Pure sunlight
Fresh stardust
My heart is my compass
Cause I'm a cosmic girl
I'm walking through the open space
I have no right to look at you like that
I don't allow myself to think what I am thinking
Pretending everything is fucking great
Catching your every glimpse
Waiting for it unblinking
I wanna hug you
I wanna touch you
I wanna be yours
But I can't
Cause I belong to
You belong to
We belong to
Someone else
I wanna hug, I wanna touch, But I can't…
My mind belongs to you
I'll be your cat
Sitting by your legs
Leaking your sweet arms
Forgiving wicked touches, Masquerade
But it won't come true in the real life.
I wanna hug you
I wanna touch you
I wanna be yours
But I can't
Cause I belong to
You belong to
We belong to
Someone else
I wanna hug, I wanna touch, But I can't…
Your smiling lips
Your deepest eyes
Saying to me "Goodbye"
When in the crowd
Among of million faces
I'll see your face
A splash!
For a brief moment…
And I was thinking
What if
It was your life.
A crash!
We didn’t notice
It was a star
It could’ve been my life.
Look at the stars
They remind me of eyes
On the (omniscient) face of the sky
That is smiling to us
With its moon pearly lips
Saying “give her a kiss”.
A scream!
Don’t be so silent
You’ve heard enough
To use it
Just feel it’s coming out.
A steam!
Fulfilled with autumn
It brings us rains
And cozy
Nights for making love.
Look at the stars
They remind me of eyes
On the (omniscient) face of the sky
That is smiling to us with its moon pearly lips
Saying “give her a kiss”.
Oh dear the sky is so incredible tonight
And the clouds are floating about my head
I wanna come back and make all things right
Raindrops are falling making me allover wet
My outstretched arms grew numb without moving
And I don’t regret.
I don’t regret.
I know it is clichéd when I say that you're looking down on us
But I never believed in heaven til I knew that's where you are
I'm no longer afraid of death knowing that I'll meet you when it comes
But I'll live and live until it does
We'll never stop loving you
We'll never stop thinking of you
We'll never stop wearing your clothes writing you songs
And living the path that you put us on
I know you're losing sleep at times delusional
When you wake and think he's there
But just cause it's not physical
Don't mean his presence doesn't fill our air
And it's undoubtable and impossible
For us to ever stop loving you
To ever stop thinking of you
To ever stop wearing your clothes writing you songs
And living the path that you put us on
My imperfections you let them mean nothing
I'd have done the same with yours
If you had any
But just because I'm a mess doesn't mean this has to end
Oh I deem it a certainty you'll never find such love again
Take another step take another step back don't leave
Look at where we've been through time
I'll always value your life over mine
My limitations we laughed about them
The irony of feeling small when I am over 6 feet tall had you sold on me
But just because I'm a mess doesn't mean this has to end
I deem it a certainty, you'll never find such love again
Take another step take another step back don't leave
Look at where we've been through time
I say cheaters have no hearts but I cheated on the one that I loved for life
I say tattoos are turn offs but look at my arms and look at the mess on them
I don't want a girl with problems, even though we'd be a perfect match
Oh how do I get what I want, when I don't know what it is
I don't like bending down to kiss but when would I find someone taller than me
If I did well I'd run to the hills 'cause she'd look f*cking scary
And I don't want a girl who won't trust me, even though we'd be a perfect match
It's your loss if you want to love me, but your friends will think you're much better than that
I'd Like To win father of the year
From the day your born to the day I'm no longer here
I'd Like to be your best friend the one to build your confidence your number one for all
I'll take you to your first ever school play
If you're villager six and you have no lines to say
Well I'll still be in the front row filming for the upload of your big day
Well people make mistakes and I know I will time after time
But just promise that you'll learn from mine
Child live and love
I need you to find the best part of me-e-e-e-e In yo-o-o-o-ou
And when you fall in love cherish your heart
If it breaks don't let it tear your world apart
keep your friends close their what you'll need the most when times are hard
And people make mistakes and I know I will time after time
But just promise that you'll learn from mi-i-ine
And child live and love
I need you to
find the best part of me-e-e-e-e
in yo-o-o-ou
in yo-o-o-o-ou
Child live and love
I need you to
find the best part of me-e-e-e-e in yo-o-o-o-ou
I want to be in love with you forever
Forget about the childish doubts, my silence when we
talk about
you going somewhere without me
Cause every Sunday evening time, you pack your bags and
we leave mine,
I purposely leave late, hope your bus comes early
There's so many things that'll stop us from staying
But I want to be in love with you forever
If I drew up a contract would you sign and agree to
share your life with mine
Or would the romance die
In that split second
I want to stay in this paradise, quoting you lyrics
every night
Not telling you which ones that I wrote myself
about the oh so many things that'll stop us from
staying together
But I want to be in love with you forever
Yes I want to be in love with you forever
But theres so many things that'll stop us,
theres so many things that'll stop us,
Theres so many things that'll stop us staying together
But I want to be in love with you forever