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Impulse control disorder

Woman who uncontrollably ripped her hair out becomes internet sensation

JENNA CLARKE A video of women pulling out her hair has attracted more than 5 million views on YouTube in just over a month.

Old Spice 'mandroid' is the new height of masculinity


LUCY CORMACK Old Spice has replaced their resident, all-American hunk with a robot in their latest ad campaign.

Worrying trend

One in five women are interested in having 'designer vagina' surgery

13 per cent of women have received negative comments from romantic partners about the appearance of their genitals.

LIVIA GAMBLE A recent study suggests a worrying trend among women to change the appearance of their vagina with surgery.

Too far

Woman spends $35,000 to look exactly like Kim Kardashian


Surely one Kim Kardashian is plenty?

Belgian World Cup beauty Axelle Despiegelaere loses modelling contract

The photo that shot Axelle Despiegelaere to social media stardom.

LUCY CORMACK The collaboration between the infamous World Cup Belgian beauty and L'Oreal is no more.

Is Axelle Despiegelaere the new Pamela Anderson?

The photo that shot Axelle Despiegelaere to social media stardom.

JENNA CLARKE For Axelle Despiegelaere the internet giveth, and the internet taketh away.

How the 'honey shot' became a moneymaker

More than a face in the crowd: Axelle Despiegelaere shot to social media stardom during the World Cup to score a deal with L'Oreal.

LUCY CORMACK If the FIFA World Cup has shown us one thing, it’s that it is the perfect hunting ground for up and coming models.

New research

Do men actually prefer the 'no make-up' look or is it a big lie?


NEDAHL STELIO For as long as I can remember, men have declared they prefer ''the natural look'' on women. But that could all be complete hogwash, according to a new study.

Aspiring model won't be controlled by her colostomy bags

Bethany Townsend embraces her colostomy bag.

LIVIA GAMBLE After three and half years of hiding her body Bethany Townsend decided she is no longer controlled by her colostomy bags.

Super foods and beauty

Super foods in skincare - what's all the hype?


JULIA TEEN Is what’s good for the body really good for the skin? That’s the question dermatologists are asking with the rise of trendy super foods turning up in our beauty products.

Weird Japanese beauty

Freaky and frightening Japanese beauty trends


MJ Angel Are the women of Japan being forced to take the idea of beauty too far?

Expert advice

Hair products you really need

Too many hair products? With these tips from hairdressers, you'll narrow down your collection in no time.

RACHEL CLUN Trying new hair products can be scary.

Strange Japanese beauty products

blahClick for more photos

Just a handful of the bizarre beauty products on the market in Japan.

What beauty looks like according to Photoshop


What does it mean to be beautiful?

Photoshopped beauty

Esther HoningClick for more photos

What happens when the same image is sent to Photoshop designers all around the world with the brief "Make me look beautiful".

Purple lips and dirty hair

Purple-lipped, dirty haired Lorde becomes a beauty queen

Lorde on the cover of Billboard magazine.

JENNA CLARKE Once upon a time purple-tinged lips were a sign of hypothermia, now they are a symptom of the “Lorde effect”.

Belinda Seper joins Myer to revamp its fashion offering

Belinda Seper will be working for Myer to increase its high-spending customer base.  The Age. Photo: Angela Wylie. June 13 2014.

Georgina Safe, National fashion editor Retail giant recruits fashion maven Belinda Seper.

World Cup: A guide to the high-profile WAGS of 2014


Meet the first ladies of football, from a Russian beauty to a famous pop star and a Lebanese divorcee.

On the rise

On the rise: Lunch hour facelift treatments


ELEANOR PENDLETON Forget going under the knife in the quest for younger looking skin. Now, the bulk of non-surgical procedures available are designed to restore a youthful appearance to the skin on an outpatient basis.

World Cup fever

World Cup: A guide to the high-profile WAGS

irinaClick for more photos

Meet the first ladies of football, from a Russian beauty to a famous pop star and a Lebanese divorcee.

New internet star

Miss Indiana praised for 'normal' body

Beauty Queen

Nyree McFarlane Nia Sanchez, aka Miss Nevada, may have won Miss USA this week, but it was Mekayla Diehl, 25-year-old Miss Indiana, that grabbed Twitter's attention. Why? Because she appears to actually possess a very small amount of body fat on her stomach.

Both sides of ourselves

<i></i>Click for more photos

Juxtaposed images of the left and right sides of the face challenge ideas that symmetry is better. True beauty, perhaps, lies somewhere in between harmony and imperfection. Images from Alex John Beck's 'Both Sides Of' series.

Both sides of beauty

Both sides of beauty: symmetry isn't always more seductive

SARAH BERRY Do you have a best side? Is symmetry tantamount to sexiness?

Comments 20

Miss Universe Thailand quits after barrage of criticism on social media

Outspoken ... Weluree Ditsayabut, 22, announces she is relinquishing her title as Miss Universe Thailand during a news conference at the Renaissance Hotel in Bangkok.

Bangkok: Miss Universe Thailand has resigned less than a month into her reign after being harshly criticised on social media over her political comments and looks.

The finger trap test

The finger trap test: the internet's new measure of 'beauty'


MJ Angel Over the past few years we’ve seen some pretty ridiculous and some downright dumb beauty trends that have caused controversy as well as a distorted and often unhealthy view of beauty. The latest is the "finger trap test", a simple test using one’s finger that determines if you’re a hottie or nottie.

Beauty boon

Sephora to sell make-up at US prices in Sydney


JENNA CLARKE Sephora plans to match US prices of cosmetics when the multinational beauty chain opens its first Australian store in December.

Operation blow-dry

Blow Dry in Syrian refugee camp

Beauty salons are helping Syrian women cope with life in a refugee camp. By Claire Stewart.

Restricted ad

Rihanna's ad isn't just 'sexual' - it's 'unattainable sexual '


Radhika Sanghani Rihanna's latest perfume advert has been restricted by the UK ad watchdog because it's so 'provocative', but that's not why Radhika Sanghani is so grateful for this ruling.

Why do we love to hate celebrities who've had plastic surgery?

Nicole Kidman at the press conference for her film Grace of Monaco at the Cannes Film Festival.

RACHEL CLUN Why do we point and scoff at their attempts to halt time?

Fish, snails, beer and vampires

Fish, snails, beer and vampires: 10 bizarre beauty treatments

Not all beauty treatments sound relaxing or comfortable.

RACHEL CLUN People, it has been shown, will do the strangest things for beauty.


Taurus horoscope

It's a nose-to-the-grindstone day, but you're fine with that. You're confident you can get it all done. It's a great day for personal plans.

...find out more here