- published: 29 Jan 2014
- views: 4395
SINTEF (Norwegian: Stiftelsen for industriell og teknisk forskning), headquartered in Trondheim, Norway, is the largest independent research organisation in Scandinavia. Every year, SINTEF supports research and development at 2,000 or so Norwegian and overseas companies via its research and development activity.
The acronym SINTEF means "The Foundation for Scientific and Industrial Research". SINTEF was established at the Norwegian Institute of Technology (NTH) in Trondheim in 1950 and expanded rapidly in the following years. The largest expansion came in 1993 when the "Centre for Industrial Research" in Oslo merged with SINTEF and created the SINTEF Oslo campus.
SINTEF has approximately 2100 (2010) employees, most of whom are located in Trondheim, and approximately 350 of whom are in Oslo. There are also offices in Bergen, Stavanger, Tromsø, Raufoss and Ålesund, in addition to overseas offices in Houston, Texas (USA); Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; and Hirtshals, Denmark (the Hirtshals location being a laboratory installation).
SINTEF MiNaLab offers a range of R&D;&I; services within micro- and nanotechnology, including feasibility studies, device design, prototyping, process development, and small and medium scale production. The cleanroom is situated in Oslo, Norway. www.minalab.no The film was produced by redant.no.
SINTEF Ocean ble opprettet i januar 2017, men vår historie strekker seg tilbake til 1939. Da ble Skipsmodelltanken ferdigstilt og siden har SINTEF-instituttet vokst med mange nye, internasjonalt ledende laboratorium som både shipping- og oljenæringen har hatt stor nytte av i Norge og internasjonalt.
SINTEF-stipendet skal tildeles årlig og har som mål å gi universitetsstudenter muligheten til å gjennomføre prosjekter eller studieopphold i sin mastergradsutdanning. Utdanningen må være relevant for ett eller flere av fagområdene i SINTEF og må berøre problemstillinger som bidrar til vår visjon; "Teknologi for et bedre samfunn".
Project for solar-powered electric boat transport in the Middle East and North Africa receives US$1 million UN Energy Grant
Webfilm for SINTEFs byggforskserie Se flere filmer på solvsuper.no
Researcher from SINTEF Energy and Egston playing Mozart on an inductor in the new SmartGrid Lab at SINTEF/NTNU. This required over 140 A peak to peak as seen in the oscilloscope. The converter can deliver up 200 kW with 20 kHz bandwidth and will be used as a grid emulator.
RoboTrim was a research project that started at SINTEF Fisheries and Aquaculture to look into the possibility of a more adaptive processing system; starting with the after-trimming of salmon fillets (a process currently done manually).
internal atrocious brain damage. totally distorted illusions
mass decomposition rotten chaotic life form. internal
decay bleeding thoughs. self redemption of pain true
insanity. lapitated mind's deterioration perpetual killing
insticts beyond description. eternal graves of a mortal
life flowing in my eyes. obscure delusive morbid
dimensions desecrated vanished souls in eternal
incongruity cryptic dark agony. my impulsive anger born
in hidden lunacy deformity of life form. vague inner
conflicts perished by disconformities. beholden in
deception dying in irresistible psycosis. passing through
the hallucinative gorecstasy indefinate heights of infinity
losing feelings. diving into the bowels of earth never