Latest technology news

How one man 'wrote' 8.5 per cent of Wikipedia

Eryk Bagshaw Swedish physicist Sverker Johansson is, arguably, the world's most prolific writer.

Phase-changing robots ahead

Lance Ulanoff New material that can switch between pliable and solid could give future robots shape-shifting capabilities.

Boy found to be allergic to his iPad

Drones pose growing privacy risk: report

LG builds flexible TV you can roll up

Internet makes us stupid: study

Editor's Picks


Robots take the field in RoboCup

Football-playing machines line up for their chance to take the cup. Their ultimate goal? To beat the human World Cup champs within the next 35 years.


Silent Circle's private calling plans

Eric Auchard Company unveils one of the best commercial options for individuals and business to make encrypted phone calls.


Finger device reads to blind

MIT scientists developing an audio reading device to be worn on the index finger of people whose vision is impaired.


Vulnerability found in bulbs

Ben Grubb Thought your connected smart light bulbs were safe?



DPP given drone collision evidence

Ben Grubb Operators of a drone involved in injury athlete referred to DPP.


NASA robots get Android brains

3D-sensing Google  smartphones will become the brains and eyes of ball-shaped hovering robots.


Bandits in brazen Samsung heist

Thieves make off with $6.6m worth of devices in attack on factory.


Taxis tied to card skimming

Rose Powell Sydney taxi users targeted bsyndicate of fraudsters.


How free will the net be in 2025?

Elizabeth Weise Future generations' may have "limited" idea of web.


China's drones to combat polluters

Kari Paul Drones can detect pollution from factories even at night.


Plans for self-healing jets

Jets with 3D printers on-board could heal themselves.


Blogs & Columns

Gadgets on the Go

Hands on: FRITZ!Box 7490 modem/router

Adam Turner With a super-fast 802.11ac wi-fi revamp, the flagship FRITZ!Box 7490 is the Swiss Army knife of prosumer modem/routers.



Street photography rules

Terry Lane David Gibson, author of The Street Photographer’s Manual, is very prescriptive when defining street photography.


Time for an iWatch

Garry Barker The sum of Apple's latest developments is much greater than its parts.


Buzz Aldrin saw 'unidentified' object during 1969 Apollo 11 flight

David Milward Second man to walk on moon convinced life exists elsewhere in space but denies his sighting was extraterrestrial.