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Federal Politics

Russia's MH17 response 'deeply unsatisfactory'

5:22pmThe Prime Minister has confirmed 28 Australian deaths, and warned Russia it must not hinder investigations.


MH17: Bishop condemns 'unspeakable crime'

MH17 Tragedy: Bishop condemns 'unspeakable crime' (Thumbnail)Click to play video

Foreign Minister Julie Bishop confirms 27 Australians have died, but warns the figure could climb higher.

Government will negotiate on climate

Government will negotiate on climate (Thumbnail)Click to play video

The government will negotiate with the Palmer United Party on an ETS, but it is not government policy says Parliamentary Secretary for the Environment Simon Birmingham.

Climate Change

Labor will pursue an ETS

Labor will pursue an ETS  (Thumbnail)Click to play video

Following the Carbon Tax repeal Opposition Leader Bill Shorten sets out his party's plan to combat climate change.

'We are a conservationist government ': Abbott

'We are a conservationist government ': Abbott (Thumbnail)Click to play video

The Prime Minister welcomes the repeal of the carbon tax, but doesn't rule out ever introducing a carbon pricing mechanism in the future.

Sell Triple J, says Senator

Sell Triple J, says Senator (Thumbnail)Click to play video

The left wants to build "gulags for words and thoughts" says Senator James McGrath in his maiden speech.

National Security

Reforming national security

Reforming national security  (Thumbnail)Click to play video

The Attorney-General George Brandis announces changes to the ASIO Act.

Homophobia is never a joke: Wong

Homophobia is never a joke: Wong (Thumbnail)Click to play video

Labor Senator Penny Wong praises Ian Thorpe, and takes aim at football commentator Brian Taylor.


Clive Palmer to support FOFA changes

Clive Palmer to support FOFA regulations (Thumbnail)Click to play video

The PUP gives a win to the government while the Greens and consumer group are worried of future financial disarray from the water down regulations.

Bob Katter's shoeless cameo

Bob Katter's shoeless cameo  (Thumbnail)Click to play video

The colourful politician removed his shoes to make a point in question time on Tuesday.

Shorten's carbon tax lament

'Let there be no tears for humanity': Shorten's carbon tax lament (Thumbnail)Click to play video

'Let there be no tears for humanity': in an impassioned speech the Opposition Leader defends Labor's environmental policy.

Carbon Tax

Jacqui Lambie: PM should sack 'disgraceful' Abetz

Lambie: PM should sack 'disgraceful' Abetz (Thumbnail)Click to play video

Palmer United Senator Jacqui Lambie accuses government Senate Leader Eric Abetz of playing 'silly little political games' on the carbon tax, telling 3AW he should be sacked.

Carbon Repeal

Carbon tax to linger

Carbon tax to linger  (Thumbnail)Click to play video

The Government says it will continue its attempts to repeal the Carbon Tax despite failure in the Senate.

Abbott: 'give Japan a fair go'

Abbott: 'give Japan a fair go' (Thumbnail)Click to play video

Tony Abbott and his Japanese counterpart were full of praise for each other in a join press conference.

New Senate

Jacqui Lambie's first question

Jacqui Lambie's first question (Thumbnail)Click to play video

Palmer United Party Senator Jacqui Lambie asks her first question to Leader of the Government in the Senate Eric Abetz.

Future of Financial Advice

Financial advice changes target industry funds

Financial advice changes target industry funds (Thumbnail)Click to play video

Trade unions were set to benefit from changes to financial advice legislation, according to the government, so it has decided to make amendments.

Clive Palmer

Palmer's throwdown to Joe Hockey

Palmer's throwndown to Joe Hockey (Thumbnail)Click to play video

In an address to the National Press Club, Clive Palmer says he and his Senators cannot support measures that 'destroy our way of life'.

Australian soldier dies in Afghanistan

Australian soldier dies in Afghanistan  (Thumbnail)Click to play video

The soldier died overnight in a non-combat incident says Air Chief Marshal Mark Binskin.

ALP failed to prosecute case for climate action: Shorten

ALP failed to prosecute case for climate action: Shorten (Thumbnail)Click to play video

The climate change debate is now dominated by "denialists, flat-earthers and internet trolls," says the Opposition Leader.

MH370 update: search zone moves south

MH370 update: search zone moves south (Thumbnail)Click to play video

The search for the plane will continue further south in a 60,000 square kilometer area close to the original search zone.

Carbon Tax

PM 'not an evil person': Palmer

PM ' not an evil person': Palmer (Thumbnail)Click to play video

Clive Palmer talks to the media after his meeting with Prime Minister Tony Abbott on carbon policy. Nine News.

Greens sceptical about Palmer's ETS

Greens sceptical about Palmer's ETS (Thumbnail)Click to play video

Australia already has en effective emissions trading scheme, argues Greens environment spokesperson Larissa Waters.

Government may negotiate on ETS: Hunt

Government may negotiate with Palmer on ETS: Hunt (Thumbnail)Click to play video

The Environment Minister has not ruled out negotiating with Clive Palmer over amendments to the government's climate policy.

Peter Greste

'We cannot let the Greste decision stand': US Ambassador

'We cannot let the Greste decision stand': US Ambassador (Thumbnail)Click to play video

The US will continue all legal and diplomatic means to help jailed journalist Peter Greste says US Ambassador John Berry.

Labor won't support any changes to pensions

Labor won't support any changes to pensions (Thumbnail)Click to play video

Labor has again attacked the government's changes to pensions, but will support some changes to family payments.

Fuel Excise

Greens won't support fuel excise

Greens won't support fuel excise  (Thumbnail)Click to play video

The fuel excise revenue raised doesn't invest in public transport or fuel efficient cars says Greens leader Christine Milne.

Prime Minister 'bewildered' by Peter Greste verdict

Peter Greste: Prime Minister 'bewildered' by verdict (Thumbnail)Click to play video

Tony Abbott says the Government will do all it can to bring the journalist home, but won't engage in megaphone diplomacy.

Politics in pictures

May 23rd 2014

The good, the bad and the ugly

The good, the bad and the ugly (Thumbnail)Click to play video

CHRIS HAMMER Politics as a spaghetti western - the week in music, photos, video and headlines.

May 16th 2014

Budget week montage

Budget week montage (Thumbnail)Click to play video

CHRIS HAMMER The political contest hots up - budget week recounted through music, photos, videos, headlines and artworks.

May 9th 2014

Leak week

Leak week (Thumbnail)Click to play video

CHRIS HAMMER It was a week of pre-budget leaks - told here through music, video, photographs and headlines..

May 2nd 2014

Political montage

Political montage (Thumbnail)Click to play video

CHRIS HAMMER It was a week of budget leaks and political drama - as told through music, video, headlines and photographs.

April 25th 2014

Pomp, ceremony and politics

Pomp, ceremony and politics (Thumbnail)Click to play video

CHRIS HAMMER There was Easter, royalty and Anzac Day, but also plenty of politics - the political week as told through music, photos and video.

April 17th 2014

The political week

The political week (Thumbnail)Click to play video

The week in politics - told through a montage of photos, music, and video.

April 11th 2014

The political week

The political week (Thumbnail)Click to play video

CHRIS HAMMER Tony Abbott's Asian trip and the politics of the week told through video, music and photographs.

April 4th 2014

The week that was

The week that was (Thumbnail)Click to play video

CHRIS HAMMER The week in politics, told through photos, video and music.

March 28th 2014

The week in politics

The week in politics (Thumbnail)Click to play video

CHRIS HAMMER It was the week that knighthoods returned to Australia, as told through music, video and photographs.

March 21st 2014

The week in politics

The week in politics (Thumbnail)Click to play video

The political events of the week told through music, video and photographs.

March 7th 2014

The week that was

Politics in pictures (Thumbnail)Click to play video

CHRIS HAMMER The past week in politics, told through photography, sound bites and music.

February 28th 2014

The week that was

The week that was (Thumbnail)Click to play video

CHRIS HAMMER The political week told though a montage of video and photos.

February 21st 2014

The political narrative

The week in politics (Thumbnail)Click to play video

A montage of photographs and video tells the story of the week in federal politics.

February 14th 2014

The week that was

The week that was (Thumbnail)Click to play video

The past week in Canberra, told through a montage of video and the photography.


Greens reject budget rhetoric

Greens reject budget rhetoric  (Thumbnail)Click to play video

It's not the responsibility of the Greens to support the budget, says Greens Senator Larissa Waters.

Breaking Politics

Budget blues and axing the tax

Budget blues and axing the tax  (Thumbnail)Click to play video

National Party MP Andrew Broad joins Breaking Politics to discuss the political topics of the day.

Breaking Politics

Brave new Senate

Brave new Senate  (Thumbnail)Click to play video

CHRIS HAMMER Newly elected LNP Senator Matthew Canavan joins Chris Hammer in the studio as the Senate continues to debate the repel of the Carbon Tax.

Breaking Politics

Carbon and the Senate roadblock

Carbon and the Senate roadblock  (Thumbnail)Click to play video

CHRIS HAMMER Greens Senator Larissa Waters joins Breaking Politics to discuss the tricky new Senate the Government faces.

Breaking Politics

Asylum seekers, carbon and university fees

Asylum seekers, carbon and university fees (Thumbnail)Click to play video

Liberal Senator Scott Ryan defends the government's policies on asylum seekers, carbon reduction and higher education.

Taking issue on asylum

Taking issue on asylum (Thumbnail)Click to play video

Labor's Michelle Rowland takes issue with the government on asylum policy, as well as the carbon tax and university deregulation.

Breaking Politics

Violent language in politics and asylum.

Violent language in politics and aylum.  (Thumbnail)Click to play video

Labor MP Tim Watts joins Chris Hammer via broadband to look through the issues of the day.

Breaking Politics

Asylum and carbon

Asylum and carbon (Thumbnail)Click to play video

CHRIS HAMMER Liberal MP Andrew Laming joins Breaking Politics to discuss the topics of the day.

Breaking Politics

Racism, asylum and the ABC

Racism, Asylum and the ABC (Thumbnail)Click to play video

CHRIS HAMMER Labor MP Amanda Rishworth says the Immigration Minister Scott Morrison is being "churlish" by trying to work around a High Court decision.

Breaking Politics

Fuel excise and Senate tactics.

Fuel excise division within the Greens?  (Thumbnail)Click to play video

CHRIS HAMMER Deputy Greens Leader Adam Bandt joins Chris Hammer to discuss the new Senate and reports of division within the Greens.

Breaking Politics

ABC appointments, university deregulation and boats

ABC appointments, university deregulation and boats (Thumbnail)Click to play video

CHRIS HAMMER Liberal Senator Scott Ryan joins the show to discuss the issues of the day with Chris Hammer.

Renewable Energy

Low price energy future?

Low price energy future?  (Thumbnail)Click to play video

CHRIS HAMMER Is Australia destined to be the low cost energy capital of the world?

Breaking Politics

RET, FOFA and asylum seekers.

RET, FOFA and asylum seekers.  (Thumbnail)Click to play video

CHRIS HAMMER Labor MP Terri Butler joins Chris Hammer via broadband to discuss the issues of the day.

Victorian Polling

Napthine's polling disaster

Napthine's polling disaster  (Thumbnail)Click to play video

CHRIS HAMMER Victorian state political editor Josh Gordon explains to Chris Hammer the reasons the Victorian government is performing so poorly in the polls.

Breaking Politics

Budget fairness, renewable energy and returning jihadists

Budget fairness, renewable energy and returning jihadists  (Thumbnail)Click to play video

CHRIS HAMMER As the debate over the fairness of the budget continues, Labor MP Michelle Rowland and Liberal Senator Scott Ryan join Breaking Politics to discuss the issues of the day.

Breaking Politics

Tax havens, foreign farm ownership and the ABC

Tax havens, foreign farm ownership and the ABC  (Thumbnail)Click to play video

CHRIS HAMMER National Party Senator John 'Wacka' Williams and Labor MP Terri Butler join Chris Hammer in the studio to discuss the issues of the day.

Joe Hockey's morality, Brandis' intellect...and carbon

Joe Hockey's morality, George Brandis' intellect...and the carbon tax (Thumbnail)Click to play video

Labor's Andrew Leigh says the Treasurer's ethical compass is broken while Liberal MP Andrew Laming defends the intellect of the Attorney General as they discuss the issues of the day.

Breaking Politics

Bodyguards for ministers and Iraq

Bodyguards for ministers and Iraq.  (Thumbnail)Click to play video

CHRIS HAMMER it would be a sad state of affairs if politicians regularly needed heightened security like in other countries says Liberal MP Wyatt Roy.

Breaking Politics

Sexism in politics and the South Australian budget

Sexism in politics and the South Australian budget  (Thumbnail)Click to play video

CHRIS HAMMER More often than not sexism comes from social media says Labor MP Amanda Rishworth.

School Chaplains

Chaplaincy decision could set 'dangerous precendent'

Chaplaincy decision could set 'dangerous precendent'  (Thumbnail)Click to play video

CHRIS HAMMER The High Court could put 'good programs at risk' says Nationals MP Andrew Broad.

Breaking Politics

Party time: backbenchers speak out

Party time (Thumbnail)Click to play video

CHRIS HAMMER The Labor and Coalition party rooms meet Tuesday morning, and both Tony Abbott and Bill Shorten face dissent. Labor MP Terri Butler and Nationals Senator John 'Wacka' Williams discuss.

Are young people slack, or are there too few jobs?

Are young people slack, or are there too few jobs?  (Thumbnail)Click to play video

Labor MP Amanda Rishworth discusses youth unemployment and training with Online political editor Chris Hammer.

Youth unemployment, corporate schools and the Middle East

Youth unemployment, corporate schools and the Middle East (Thumbnail)Click to play video

Are young people slack? Should schools partner with corporations? Liberal MP Wyatt Roy discusses the political issues of the day.

Strategic Policy

US defence agreement

US defence agreement  (Thumbnail)Click to play video

The agreement signed with the United States could possibly be a prelude further US - Australia defence arrangements says Dr Ben Schreer.

Budget fairness, parental leave and Australia Post

Budget fairness, parental leave and Australia Post (Thumbnail)Click to play video

CHRIS HAMMER Is it the role of government to guarantee equality? Is the government's parental leave scheme in trouble? The issues of the day with Nationals MP Andrew Broad

Equality, paid parental leave and climate change

Equality, paid parental leave and climate change (Thumbnail)Click to play video

CHRIS HAMMER Will the Greens support the government's parental leave policy? Is Australia doing enough to tackle climate change? The political issues of the day with Greens Senator Larissa Waters.

Breaking Politics

Advocacy funding, Australia Post and PPL

Advocacy funding, Australia Post and PPL (Thumbnail)Click to play video

Advice from advocacy groups such as ACOSS is important for governments says Labor MP Michelle Rowland.

Breaking Politics

Direct action, PPL and Australia Post.

Direct action, PPL and Australia Post. (Thumbnail)Click to play video

The US is moving to a form of direct action against climate change says Liberal MP Angus Taylor.

Breaking Politics

Global climate action and paid parental leave.

Global climate action and paid parental leave. (Thumbnail)Click to play video

CHRIS HAMMER Australia is at risk of being left behind on future energy jobs, while the US is likely to take the lead says Labor Senator Louise Pratt.

Breaking Politics

Paid parental leave and political skulduggery

Paid parental leave and political skulduggery  (Thumbnail)Click to play video

CHRIS HAMMER Reports the National Party was duped into thinking the government would reduce the diesel fuel rebate is just another rumour says Senator John 'Wacka' Williams.

Breaking Politics

Israel, Turnbull and the emergency welfare fund.

Israel, Turnbull and the emergency welfare fund.   (Thumbnail)Click to play video

Liberal MP Wyatt Roy says a $230 million emergency welfare fund is designed as a 'strong social safety net'.

Breking Politics

$230 million emergency welfare fund, Turnbull & Israel.

$230 million emergency welfare fund, Turnbull & Israel.  (Thumbnail)Click to play video

Malcolm Turnbull hasn't been selling the Government's budget as well as one would expect says Labor MP Amanda Rishworth.

Question Time

Question Time

Question time: talk to the budget

Question time: talk to the budget (Thumbnail)Click to play video

CHRIS HAMMER The opposition goads the government with its own budget papers during Wednesday's question time.

Question Time

Target acquired, ammunition primed

Target acquired, ammunition primed (Thumbnail)Click to play video

CHRIS HAMMER Fairfax polling reveals voters remain unconvinced by the budget and the Prime Minister - Labor uses one to target the other in Monday's question time.

Question Time

Beating the budget drum

Budget battle continues (Thumbnail)Click to play video

CHRIS HAMMER The opposition digs deeper into the budget in its attempts to discredit Tony Abbott during Thursday's question time.

Question Time

Question time: pamphlet wars

Question time: pamphlet wars (Thumbnail)Click to play video

CHRIS HAMMER Federal politicians are paying big money to get their budget spin directly to voters - as revealed in Wednesday's question time.

Question Time

Abbott: 'There are no broken promises'

Prime Minister Tony AbbottClick to play video

CHRIS HAMMER Tony Abbott defends his election commitments and the fairness of the budget during Tuesday's question time.

Question Time

The fairness test

The fairness test (Thumbnail)Click to play video

CHRIS HAMMER Labor thinks it's on a winner - devoting Monday's question time to portraying the budget as unfair and asserting that Tony Abbott is responsible.

Question Time

'The coalition is strong'

'The coalition is strong' (Thumbnail)Click to play video

Labor attempts to exploit a report of divisions between Liberal and National Party MPs during Thursday question time.

Question Time

PEFO, MYEFO and Treasurer Joe.

PEFO. MYEFO and Treasurer Joe. (Thumbnail)Click to play video

With Tony Abbott overseas, it's left to Joe Hockey and Warren Truss in Wednesday's question time to counter claims the government is exaggerating the 'budget emergency'.

Question Time

Question time: where is the problem?

Where is the problem? (Thumbnail)Click to play video

Health spending dominates question time: Labor says it's being cut, the government says it's being increased.

Question Time

Indexation interrogation

Indexation interrogation (Thumbnail)Click to play video

Question time Monday: did the government break an election promise by changing the indexation of veterans' pensions in the budget?

Question Time

Deregulation debate

University Deregulation (Thumbnail)Click to play video

Student fees and student loans take centre stage in question time, as the the government defends plans to deregulate universities.

Question Time

Gloves off, claws out

Gloves off, claws out (Thumbnail)Click to play video

CHRIS HAMMER Question time gets rowdy, as insults are exchanged across the dispatch box.

The Speaker

Labor targets Bronwyn Bishop

Labor targets Bronwyn Bishop (Thumbnail)Click to play video

Parliament's powerful privileges committee will be asked to investigate allegations that Bronwyn Bishop has hosted Liberal Party fund raisers in the Speaker's dining room.

Question Time

Labor's question time attack

Labor's question time attack (Thumbnail)Click to play video

CHRIS HAMMER The opposition accuses Tony Abbott and Joe Hockey of deceit during Wednesday's question time.

From left field

Sleepy times in the Senate?

Sleepy times in the Senate?  (Thumbnail)Click to play video

Did Defence Minister David Johnston nod off in the Senate on Thursday? You be the judge...

Fund the ABC, or the pig goes

Fund the ABC, or the pig goes (Thumbnail)Click to play video

In an animated senate estimates hearing, ABC Managing Director Mark Scott said he couldn't guarantee Peppa Pig would be safe from budget cuts.

Tony Abbott visits the DMZ

Tony Abbott visits the DMZ (Thumbnail)Click to play video

Raw vision: during his trip to South Korea Prime Minister Tony Abbott takes time to see the border with North Korea.

Turnbull pokes fun at the knights and dames

Turnbull pokes fun at the kinghts and dames (Thumbnail)Click to play video

The knighthood honours system isn't a throwback to imperial times, but in line with many great republics like Guatemala, Turnbull jokes at a Free TV event on Wednesday.


Laughter crackdown in Parliament

Gigglegate (Thumbnail)Click to play video

Labor MP Julie Collins is thrown out of Parliament for laughing as the Speaker, Bronwyn Bishop accuses the opposition of employing a new parliamentary tactic.

Knights and Dames: Tony Abbott mocked

Game of Tones: winter is coming (Thumbnail)Click to play video

'Winter is coming' warns labor's Sam Dastyari, invoking medieval drama Game of Thrones in mockery of Tony Abbott's decision to reinstate knighthoods.

WA Senate Election

A most polite spray

A most polite spray (Thumbnail)Click to play video

Greens Senator Scott Ludlam invites Tony Abbott to visit Western Australia - and then unloads on the Prime Minister in a Senate speech earlier this week that has since gone viral.


MH17: Ukraine airspace dangers 'well known'

Questions need to be asked about why MH17 flew through the airspace of a war zone says international security expert Peter Jennings.

Budget backlog

Key budget measures still haven't come before the Senate- should the government revert to a plan B? With Liberal Angus Taylor, and Labor's Amanda Rishworth.

Government enjoys carbon tax victory

The government was enjoying its carbon tax victory on Thursday, as the Greens mourned and Labor backed an ETS.

Greens slam Tony Abbott's carbon tax 'lie'

Tony Abbott campaigned on a lie about the impact of the carbon tax, says Greens Environment Spokesperson Larissa Waters.

Labor calls out Hockey's 'bluff and bluster'

Labor will continue to block the Government's budget measures despite threats from the Treasurer, says Labor MP Ed Husic.

Government's carbon tax warning

Labor will bring back the carbon tax if it wins the 2016 election warned the government in question time on Tuesday.

Government rejects 'confected outrage' over corporal punishment

The government doesn't support corporal punishment says Parliamentary Secretary for Education Scott Ryan, but we shouldn't be afraid of debate either.

How much will a leg of lamb cost?

The opposition used question time to challenge Tony Abbott's claims about the impact of the carbon tax on household bills.

FOFA, tax office job cuts and carbon tax repeal

National Party Senator John 'Wacka' Williams and Labor MP Terri Butler join Callum Dennes in the studio to discuss the political issues of the day.

The Clive effect: what next?

The government faces three years of horse trading in the Senate - analysis with Tony Wright, Judith Ireland and Chris Hammer.

New week, new shot at a repeal

Liberal MP Andrew laming says he is more confident than last week that the carbon tax will be repealed before Parliament's winter break.

Senate headaches

Liberal MP Waytt Roy joins Chris Hammer via broadband to discuss the government's legislative future with the current Senate.

PM 'incapable of doing deals'

Labor MP Amanda Rishworth takes a swipe at the government following chaotic scenes after the first week of the new Senate.

'A watershed in Indonesian democracy'

The result is not yet official and civil unrest is possible, but Fairfax correspondent Michael Bachelard says it's likely Joko Widodo is the next Indonesian president.

Carbon tax repeal voted down

Palmer senators have joined Labor, the Greens, and Ricky Muir to vote down carbon tax repeal legislation.

Taking issue on asylum

Labor's Michelle Rowland takes issue with the government on asylum policy, as well as the carbon tax and university deregulation.

Shinzo Abe 'scrums down' with Aus MPs

Japanese Prime Minister praises Australia and Japan's close ties and cracks jokes in a landmark speech to a special sitting of parliament.

Shinzo Abe visit: what to expect

Trade and defence are likely to be the focus of the Japanese Prime Minister's visit. Analysis with defence correspondent David Wroe and economics editor Peter Martin.

No carbon abatement? No problem

Australia can safely go years between abolishing the carbon tax and introducing an alternative scheme, according to Liberal MP Andrew Laming.

Politician's 'sexually violent' spray condemned

Comments made by NSW Nationals MP John Williams- including that he would tear a female colleague a "new orifice"- must be condemned by all male politicians says Labor MP Tim Watts.

Adam Bandt: 'we respect each others positions'

Deputy Greens Leader Adam Bandt says the party room remains united and that media reports of divisions are wrong.

Lambie's comments 'completely and utterly disgusting'

Comments by new Palmer United Senator Jacqui Lambie represent everything that's wrong with politics according to Liberal MP Wyatt Roy.

Negotiating the new Senate

Eight crossbenchers will control the fate of Government legislation in the new senate. Chris Hammer and Mark Kenny analyse the state of play.

Janet Albrechtsen 'eminently qualified' for ABC panel

The Government's appointments to the ABC board selection panel were based on merit says Liberal Senator Scott Ryan.

HECS changes a mere 'accounting measure'

Economist Joseph Stiglitz has called Government changes to universities 'a crime' but Parliamentary Secretary for Education Scott Ryan says the policy will have little impact on students.

'Inconceivable' that caliphate will survive

The Islamic state declared by Sunni rebels is unlikely to endure, but its fate rests on what action the international community takes says ANU Professor Amin Saikal.

Shadow banking fuelling real estate boom

Foreigners are investing billions in Australian apartments, but the government has no idea how this is being financed. Labor's Ed Husic says the market may be exposed.

Turnbull unplugged

At a conference on Monday the Communications Minister riffed on everything from Hillary Clinton to tax concessions.

Senator's royal commission call

National Party Senator John 'Wacka' Williams wants a royal commission to investigate white collar crime, but defends the government's approach to financial planning laws.

Business doubts budget forecasts achievable

A major business group believes the transition away from mining has stalled and doubts that budget forecasts will be met, based on an ACCI survey revealing deteriorating business conditions.

The disability debate

The government wants a simpler, better targeted welfare system, according to Liberal MP Andrew Laming, but Labor's Andrew Leigh says it's all about cost cutting.

Fight for gay marriage 'must continue' says outgoing senator

Louise Pratt, the WA Labor senator who lost her job in a factional deal, looks back on her time in federal politics.

Emissions reduction target in doubt?

Repealing the carbon tax in favour of direct action or Clive Palmer's ETS will make the 5 per cent reduction target hard to meet argues ANU Professor Ken Baldwin.

Making sense of Palmer's climate policy

His press conference with former US vice-president Al Gore got plenty of attention, but confusion abounds over the details of Clive Palmer's climate policy. Analysis with Chris Hammer and chief political correspondent Mark Kenny.

What should replace the carbon tax?

The Government wants direct action, while Labor and Clive Palmer want an ETS- though they can't agree on a model. Liberal MP Wyatt Roy and Labor MP Amanda Rishworth debate the issue.

Climate Clive and question time

Climate change gets a once over in Thursday's question time, following Clive Palmer's dramatic intervention in the policy debate.

Question time: talk to the budget

The opposition goads the government with its own budget papers during Wednesday's question time.

Negotiating the budget

Senate numbers are finely balanced and DLP Senator John Madigan has warned the Government he won't be taken for a fool. Analysis with Chris Hammer and Fairfax political correspondent James Massola.

Stop the boats, stop the jihadists?

Can the government stop Australian jihadists returning from Iraq? Labor's Michelle Rowland and Liberal Senator Scott Ryan debate the issue.

Of budgets and broken promises

Labor pursues some new angles during Tuesday's question time as it attempts to make Tony Abbott take full responsibility for the pain in the budget.

Australia humiliated by UNESCO

UNESCO's world heritage committee has rejected the government planned 'vandalism' in Tasmania's forests, according to Greens leader Christine Milne.

Labor MP pushes for Federal euthanasia laws

Alannah MacTiernan says it's time politicians showed some courage on the euthanasia debate

Labor questions Joe Hockey's ethics

The Shadow Assistant Treasurer, Andrew Leigh, plays the man and not the ball, casting doubt on the Treasurer's morality.

George Brandis 'is a great intellect'

Andrew Laming has defended the Attorney General over claims he is intellectually arrogant, and says trade has not been put at risk by his comments on East Jerusalem.

Female pollies copping sexist twitter

Federal MP Amanda Rishworth says male politicians aren't subjected to the same level of abuse as females, especially on Twitter.

High Court strikes down school chaplains program

It's the second time the program has been struck down by the court and Fairfax Radio's Francis Keaney was there for the decision.

'We shouldn't be treating the reef like a tip: Greens'

UNESCO has given Australia another year to clean up its act on the Great Barrier Reef. Greens Environment spokesperson Larissa Waters joins Breaking Politics to discuss.

Labor's privatisation strategy

Labor wants to determine which state privatisation programs receive federal funding. Shadow Finance Minister Tony Burke explains why.

Refugee repatriation, youth mental illness and Australia Post

Labor's Ed Husic and Liberal senator Scott Ryan join Breaking Politics to discuss the issues of the day.

Tony Abbott awarded golden toilet brush

Armed with rolls of toilet paper, cleaners protested pay cuts outside parliament and awarded the golden toilet brush award to the PM.

100 days in photographs

The first 100 days of the Abbott government seen through the lens of Fairfax Canberra photographers Andrew Meares and Alex Ellinghausen.