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Fri May 9 2014 (Updated 05/12/14) Activists Issue Call of Action to Save Oldest Red Horse Chestnut Tree in Santa Cruz
City Clears Way for Hyatt to Cut Down 110-Year-Old Heritage Tree The healthy 110-year-old tree near the sidewalk at 407 Broadway in Santa Cruz is a Red Horse Chestnut, and it is slated to be cut down to make space for a Hyatt Place Hotel to be built. Gillian Greensite of Save Our Big Trees states that it is the oldest of only three red horse chestnut trees in the city, and the group has issued a call of action to save it.

It is a designated Heritage Tree in the city of Santa Cruz, and featured in the city’s heritage tree brochure which was distributed by Santa Cruz Parks & Recreation on April 19, 2014 to commemorate Earth Day in San Lorenzo Park. The Planning Commission and Santa Cruz City Council have given the Hyatt Corporation a green light to cut the tree down and build the four-story Hyatt Place Hotel.

imc_photo.gifRead More with Photos | See Also: pdf'Save Our Big Trees' Lawsuit Costing City $80,000

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