#Palestine 검색 결과

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  1. 사진 · 모두 보기
  2. Such total tragedy in , overwhelming brutality and inconsolable grief. Surely to God the people of have suffered enough.

  3. Let's get real in here !! Show the world the reality of & who is targeting the children !!

    , , 님 외 3명
  4. Allow me to distill all this "but it's complicated" nonsense. One side is allowed to have an army. The other is not.

  5. Thank you to the caller for pledging R135,000-00 towards our#IRSApledge. Allahu Akbar! That covers the expense of 1 hospital in !

  6. About 300 people already gathered at metro mont royal for the in solidarity with

  7. Mashallah pledges coming from all over Southern Africa! We as an ummah stand united to assist our brothers and sisters in

  8. 4 Palestinian children were murdered on a beach today in by Israel. Their crime? Playing soccer.

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