About me

About meClipboard21

I teach at Rhodes University, the Eastern Cape; I’m South African, born and bred. I’ve presented papers at more than 80 conferences and workshops, have published in key journals like Capital and Class and Labor History, and have more than 100 other articles and papers.

Winner of the 2008 international Labor History and the 2008/2009 CODESRIA dissertation prizes for my thesis on South African anarchism and syndicalism, I wrote Black Flame: the revolutionary class politics of anarchism and syndicalism (with Michael Schmidt, AK Press 2009) and co-edited Anarchism and Syndicalism in the Colonial and Postcolonial World, 1880-1940 (with Steve Hirsch, Brill 2010).

I have a background in social movement activism, trade union education, the Workers’ Library and Museum, the Anti-Privatisation Forum, and the National Health and Allied Workers Union.

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