
Berber (amazigh) real natural Beauties - from North Africa
No surggery done, these Berber women from North Africa are real natural beauties....
published: 12 May 2010
author: Lewnisun
Berber (amazigh) real natural Beauties - from North Africa
Berber (amazigh) real natural Beauties - from North Africa
No surggery done, these Berber women from North Africa are real natural beauties.- published: 12 May 2010
- views: 48524
- author: Lewnisun

Berber Exploitation - Morocco
Nov 1997 For centuries the Berbers of Morocco have been persecuted by their Arab masters. ...
published: 02 Nov 2007
author: Journeyman Pictures
Berber Exploitation - Morocco
Berber Exploitation - Morocco
Nov 1997 For centuries the Berbers of Morocco have been persecuted by their Arab masters. Today even their festivals have been hijacked. Miriam is fighting t...- published: 02 Nov 2007
- views: 60670
- author: Journeyman Pictures

Berber nomadic people in Sahara Desert / Atlas Morocco
Berber nomadic people in Sahara Desert / Atlas Morocco, The Nomad Camps, Experience desert...
published: 18 Jan 2012
author: viajepormarruecos
Berber nomadic people in Sahara Desert / Atlas Morocco
Berber nomadic people in Sahara Desert / Atlas Morocco
Berber nomadic people in Sahara Desert / Atlas Morocco, The Nomad Camps, Experience desert Morocco, Sahara Nomad Wedding, trip to the south of Morocco to dis...- published: 18 Jan 2012
- views: 7668
- author: viajepormarruecos

Morocco: Berber Villages Slideshow - Fall 2010 Voyage
From learning why the people settled here to sleeping under a blanket of stars and appreci...
published: 01 Oct 2010
author: SemesteratSeaChannel
Morocco: Berber Villages Slideshow - Fall 2010 Voyage
Morocco: Berber Villages Slideshow - Fall 2010 Voyage
From learning why the people settled here to sleeping under a blanket of stars and appreciating its magnitude, students take in life in the Berber Villages.- published: 01 Oct 2010
- views: 2764
- author: SemesteratSeaChannel

Berber language slipping away
Tamazight -- the language of the Berber people -- has been taught in Moroccan primary scho...
published: 18 Oct 2010
author: AFP
Berber language slipping away
Berber language slipping away
Tamazight -- the language of the Berber people -- has been taught in Moroccan primary schools since 2003. Despite the government measure, only 14 percent of ...- published: 18 Oct 2010
- views: 28100
- author: AFP

MOROCCO: My Life as a Berber
Follow me as I learn how to make traditional Berber bread, tajine, fetch water from a well...
published: 27 Mar 2014
MOROCCO: My Life as a Berber
MOROCCO: My Life as a Berber
Follow me as I learn how to make traditional Berber bread, tajine, fetch water from a well and even climb the Atlas mountains! For more info, visit www.girlvsglobe.com.- published: 27 Mar 2014
- views: 353

Amazigh Dance & Amazigh Dancing Music (Amazigh - Kabyle)
The Franco-Amazigh Dancing Association "Tilelli" dancing Amazigh Dance Music Le groupe de ...
published: 25 Jun 2011
author: itheri0675
Amazigh Dance & Amazigh Dancing Music (Amazigh - Kabyle)
Amazigh Dance & Amazigh Dancing Music (Amazigh - Kabyle)
The Franco-Amazigh Dancing Association "Tilelli" dancing Amazigh Dance Music Le groupe de danse franco-amazighe "Tilelli" dansant sur Amazigh Danse Musique M...- published: 25 Jun 2011
- views: 466304
- author: itheri0675

The Truth : Touaregs are 1% of Berber Populations
The truth about Tuaregs Tuaregs were white people descended from Berbers men married slave...
published: 30 Aug 2011
author: Thearabiannight100
The Truth : Touaregs are 1% of Berber Populations
The Truth : Touaregs are 1% of Berber Populations
The truth about Tuaregs Tuaregs were white people descended from Berbers men married slaves and their children became freemen now only 8% of Tuaregs are berb...- published: 30 Aug 2011
- views: 749
- author: Thearabiannight100

Flissa Sabre-Kabyle Berber people,Northern Algeria,19th century
This flissa or flyssa is the distinctive weapon of the Kabyle Berber people of Algeria. Si...
published: 05 Sep 2010
author: izkormvach
Flissa Sabre-Kabyle Berber people,Northern Algeria,19th century
Flissa Sabre-Kabyle Berber people,Northern Algeria,19th century
This flissa or flyssa is the distinctive weapon of the Kabyle Berber people of Algeria. Since they vary in length they are sometimes classed as swords, somet...- published: 05 Sep 2010
- views: 1530
- author: izkormvach

A beautiful Amazigh (Berber) Song
A beautiful song sung by the Amazigh people the descendants of Tariq ibn Ziyad in North Af...
published: 02 Mar 2012
author: ilkajajab1
A beautiful Amazigh (Berber) Song
A beautiful Amazigh (Berber) Song
A beautiful song sung by the Amazigh people the descendants of Tariq ibn Ziyad in North Africa . The song is from Morocco.- published: 02 Mar 2012
- views: 11515
- author: ilkajajab1
Youtube results:

Kefale Alemu on the Traditional Oil Production by the Berber People in Morocco
Traditional Oil Production by the Berber People in Morocco...
published: 22 Feb 2014
Kefale Alemu on the Traditional Oil Production by the Berber People in Morocco
Kefale Alemu on the Traditional Oil Production by the Berber People in Morocco
Traditional Oil Production by the Berber People in Morocco- published: 22 Feb 2014
- views: 11

CBF Mission Work to the Berber People Group
Cooperative Baptist Fellowship Global Mission Offering to North Africa and the Berber peop...
published: 27 Jan 2010
author: argylemultimedia
CBF Mission Work to the Berber People Group
CBF Mission Work to the Berber People Group
Cooperative Baptist Fellowship Global Mission Offering to North Africa and the Berber people group. For more information about the CBF and how you can partic...- published: 27 Jan 2010
- views: 377
- author: argylemultimedia

Morocco Berber Feature 2012 News
The Berbers of North Africa are one of the numerous communities around the world that shy ...
published: 31 Oct 2013
Morocco Berber Feature 2012 News
Morocco Berber Feature 2012 News
The Berbers of North Africa are one of the numerous communities around the world that shy away from modern development and city life. The Kingdom of Morocco is not often recognized for how diverse it is with visitors often expecting to only see the desert. Varying from the buzzing metropolis of Casablanca to smaller towns and villages sightseers are able to travel through lush date plantations on to the expected arid desert plains. More then 800 kilometers from the country s capital Rabat is the Sahara Desert. It has taken a full day s drive from Marrakech. The desert is known for its harsh and inhospitable climate and all that can be heard is the whistle of the wind. However many Berber families choose to spend their lives here clinging to their distinct culture and language. It is unclear if these communities have always been in North Africa or if they migrated from the Iberian Peninsula. However the Nomadic lifestyle of Morocco s indigenous people has become increasingly difficult. Berbers face a harsh existence in the desert and mountains of the country plagued by poverty. Many have now settled in villages where there is employment and modern amenities. Though ultimately the desert remains a refuge for Berbers whose culture dates back 4000 years. While Berber society is tribal and clan based it is influenced by Islam. Individual Berber families in the desert build settlements out of tents and small shelters constructed from animal skins wood sand and water. A camp is made up of an entire family. Women remain there while the men head to the sand dunes to tend to their herds of sheep goats or camels. The oven called a hoosht is built using a mixture of sand and water to form a clay and shaped into a dome where only bread is baked. Living off the land the communities survive largely on a diet of bread sheep and goat meat as well as camel milk. While Berber families have a separate oven where they bake bread they also use fire as well as the heat of the earth. They also have a separate kitchen and where they other food is prepared by the women of the family. In the arid desert water is sourced from wells to which Berbers travel on foot. Amar Mouhou a Berber tour guide has spent his entire life there. Most of the Berber people are nomad and come from the mountains and the nomadity. If he goes for example to the city it is completely different for him and they prefer this quiet life he said. Amar explained that the Berber lifestyle has adapted to the often harsh climate and environment. They wear like this in the summer time and other jellaba in the winter time. It s from the camel skin. It makes him warm in the winter time. Because for example in January it sometimes get to zero degree Celsius. It s so cold at night. Even in the day it s about 20-25 degrees he said. While Berbers continue to live a traditional lifestyle there has been an increase in education for the young. About 40 percent of Moroccans cannot read or write and th- published: 31 Oct 2013
- views: 0

Broadcasting to Libya in Berber
The uprising in Libya has shaken Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi's hold on the country. One ...
published: 21 Jun 2011
author: AlJazeeraEnglish
Broadcasting to Libya in Berber
Broadcasting to Libya in Berber
The uprising in Libya has shaken Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi's hold on the country. One community that up until now had been too afraid to showcase its cul...- published: 21 Jun 2011
- views: 10031
- author: AlJazeeraEnglish