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Actors Laurent Bateau (actor), Dominique Arcé (miscellaneous crew), Frédéric Bodson (actor), Didier Lacoste (writer), Xavier Berthelot (composer), Nora Melhli (producer), Bénédicte Gellé (editor), Stéphane Kappes (director), Marie-Anne Leverbe (producer), Christian Karembeu (writer), Béatrice Espinasse (writer), Pierre Poudew (actor), Julien Bitton (actor), Pierre Gope (actor), Eve Ronsard (actress),
Adriana Karembeu, rédactrice en chef de la DH/Les sports ce 4 février
Christian Karembeu nous informe sur sa séparation avec sa femme, Adriana Karembeu... Retrouvez toutes les émissions de Grand'Place sur Wéo dans leur intégralité sur :
Christian Karembeu est un ancien footballeur français. Il est issu d'une famille kanak de dix-huit enfants en Nouvelle Calédonie. Il fait sa carrière de footballeur en France et contribue à la victoire des bleus en 1998. Il est l'un des joueurs français les plus titrés. Emission du 26/02/2011
Christian Karembeu est l’un des footballeurs français les plus titrés. Sa renommée est mondiale. Il a connu la consécration en faisant partie de l’équipe mythique des bleus devenue championne du monde en 1998, et championne d’Europe en 2000, et il a joué dans les plus grands clubs européens – notamment le Real Madrid, avec lequel il a remporté deux Ligue des champions. Mais avant c’est un français d’Outre Mer, né à 17 000 kms de distance de la métropole, en Nouvelle Calédonie. Ce film revient sur le parcours d’enfance de l’un de nos sportifs de haut niveau les plus accomplis et reconnus. L’ancien footballer José Touré, qui jouera le rôle de confident tout au long de cette aventure, s’intéressera aux racines de Christian Karembeu, à son environnement familial, amical, culturel, à l’univers quotidien dans lequel il a grandi et s’est construit, pour dévoiler les origines de son destin hors normes, comprendre sa trajectoire, et connaître l’homme. Un film de José TOURE et Marie-Claire JAVOY Produit par Viva Productions et France Télévisions Diffusion France Ô - 52mn 2012
UEFA Caption of Change Christian Karembeu adds his voice to the One Goal movement as a Champion for child nutrition. Join One Goal, bringing nutrition to every child in Asia: #onegoalcampaign
Extrait d'un reportage sur l'attachant Kanak diffusé sur FR3 en 2011. J'espère que les manuels scolaires ne mentionnent plus "nos ancêtres les gaulois" surtout pour les enfants qui vivent au bout du monde ! Nous savons tous aujourd'hui que nos ancêtres communs viennent d'Afrique
Gol de Karembeu en el Real Madrid 2 Borussia 0 de la ida de semifinales de la Liga de Campeones de 1998.
L'ex-footballeur revient à l'occasion de la sortie du livre Kanak dont il est le co-auteur (ed. Don Quichotte). |ABONNEZ-VOUS pour plus de vidéos : - ► Nos nouveautés : ► Retrouvez le meilleur d’Europe 1 chaque jour en vidéo avec des extraits de toutes nos émissions : | Cyril Hanouna dans Les Pieds dans le Plat : | Nicolas Canteloup dans La Revue de Presque : | Les Chroniques humour de Jérôme Commandeur : | L’actu du jour en 30 secondes : | Les portraits de Matthieu Noël : | L’interview de Jean-Pierre Elkabbach : | La Revue de presse de Natacha Polony : Retrouvez-nous sur : | Notre site : | Facebook : | Twitter : | Google + : | Pinterest :
Final game of the 2000-01 season sees Middlesbrough (wearing the new strip for the following season) beat West Ham 2-1 at The "show more" for more... Joseph Job gave Boro the lead with his second league goal of the season (his first had been on the opening day!) but 9 minutes later Todorov equalised for The Hammers. On his final game for Boro and after just completing one season, Christian Karembeu signed off with the winning goal. Someone else also signing off was Bryan Robson as this was his final game in charge. Terry Venables had effectively taken over as first team manager in December and fulfilled his brief to guarantee Boro were not relegated. Unfortunately from that moment, Robbos position became untenable and after seven of the most exciting and successful years in Boros history the ex Manchester Utd and England Captain ceased to be employed by Middlesbrough. Robbo did not receive the best of receptions from the Boro fans at the end of this game when the squad completed the [what is now traditional] lap of honour however history should judge Robson kindly. He had presided over an unprecedented period in Boros history playing some of the best attacking football ever seen on Teesside and just by being at the helm put Boro on the global football map with some staggering signings. Arguably the period should have been even better as poor managerial decisions cost Boro in the games that mattered (Not signing a world class defender or two whilst other notable attacking players were being recruited and not shuttingup shop prior to Heskeys 1997 Wembley equaliser being the big one) but the good far outweighed the bad and anyone who was lucky enough to attend Boro matches during these years will never forget the impact Bryan Robson had on the club. It was the mark of the man that it was HE who told Steve Gibson to bring Venables in as he didn't feel he could guarantee keeping Boro up and by doing so probably knew that the ultimate outcome would be he would lose his job. Steve Gibson tried to persuade Venables to stay on as manager but El Tel was having none of it, preferring instead to stay with ITV until the opportunity to preside over the beginning of Leeds Utds spectacular decline came along the following year. Gibson therefore again turned to Old Trafford for his next unproven managerial appointment.
Coup de pub ou la fin d'une histoire d'amour ?
Christian retourne aux sources en Nouvelle Calédonie en compagnie de José Touré qui ira de découverte en découverte. - La coutume Kanak - Le respect des ancêtres et de la nature - Le monde visible et invisible - Le bougna, plat succulent et symbolique des kanak - Le partage et l'espoir
Jubilé Olivier ROUYER, 12 juin 2011 à Nancy. VARIÉTÉ CLUB DE FRANCE-ASNL 78 : 4-3 Buts : Noah (7'), Dugarry (26'), Papin (32'), Kebe (60') pour le VCF. Germain (23'), Vairelles (37') et Rouyer (75', sp) pour l'ASNL. Variété club de France : Schille, Billong, Amireche, Blanc, Karembeu, Giresse, Puel, Dugarry, Zidane, Noah, Papin puis Magniez, Walleme, Orts, Lemaire, Faucher, Detave, Pecout, Padovan, Sabouin, Vendroux, Perez, Guede, Janvion, Bregere, Hitoto, Kebe, Bridier, Adamaczak. Entraîneur : Vendroux. ASNL 78 : Moutier puis Schneider, Cloet, Neubert, Curbelo, Jeannol, Engel, Rubio, Germain, Rouyer, Chebel, Vairelles puis Sorin, Diakhaté, Biancalani, Puygrenier, Ouadah, Martin, Lécluse, Bastien, Zitelli & Platini.
Champion du monde 98 de football, Karembeu dénonce les illusions d'une France "Black, blanc, beur" et l'argent dans le foot. Il n'oublie pas ses origines Kanak et son enfance en Nouvelle Calédonie où il a rêvé de devenir footballeur.
Christian Karembeu - Παναθηναικος Ριζουπολη
Το Olympiacos TV ετοίμασε ένα video - αφιέρωμα στον Κριστιάν Καρεμπέ, ο οποίος έχει σήμερα (3/12) τα γενέθλιά του!
In der Premierensendung 2014 spricht Stargast Christian Karembeu über Frankreichs Rolle während der WM in Brasilien und die Erwartungen an Franck Ribery. Das GO!Brasil-Special von der Schneefußball-Weltmeisterschaft aus der Schweiz gibt zudem Einblicke ins deutsche WM-Quartier und thematisiert die Sturmfrage im DFB-Team. Die neue Webshow von SPOX mit den Moderatoren Annika Zimmermann und Harro Füllgrabe - ab jetzt für Euch jede Woche mittwochs! bietet aktuelle Interviews, News, Berichte und Videos aus der Welt des Sports. Gratis auf YouTube!
l'équipe nationale algérienne à Suisse,Genève En préparation pour la "Coupe du Monde" et le Match de "Algérie vs Arménie"
extrait d'on n'est pas couché du 26 fev 2011 (émission de Ruquier)
Martigny a accueilli dimanche 20 mai deux champions du monde. Marcel Desailly et Christian Karembeu, maillot brésilien sur les épaules, ont affronté une séle...
Le 31 mai 2008 a eu lieu au Stade Numa-Daly à Nouméa, le jubilé de Christian KAREMBEU, accompagné des joueurs de l'équipe de France 98. Sthan KABAR-LOUËT a rassemblé pour la Cérémonie d'Ouverture 140 danseurs de Nouvelle-Calédonie : La troupe WEDRUMEL, FAKA GALO GATAA, TEMONOROA et les danseurs du KARBAL NOUMEA BALLET.
El exjugador de la Selección francesa y campeón del mundo en 1998, está en Guatemala como parte del Trophy Tour de Coca Cola que trajo a nuestro país el trofeo de la Copa del Mundo. El exvolante del Real Madrid y embajador de la FIFA se mostró luego del aterrizaje en el aeropuerto internacional La Aurora. Video Prensa Libre: Milton Meléndez.
Christian Karembeu, UEFA’s Captains of Change Ambassador and long-time supporter of Special Olympics presents medals and watches soccer action from Special Olympics teams competing in the finals of the 2014 Special Olympics European Summer Games in Antwerp. Here he talks about his love for Special Olympics and current football news with Special Olympics' volunteer reporter Chris Hull.
Interview de Christian KAREMBEU, Champion du Monde de Football 1998, réalisée dans le cadre du lancement du jeu SUBBUTEO en France.
petite interview de DADDY SUPA lors de son passage au caprices festival.
Pitch Talk on the Road visited the Alexandra Park FC & 14 Fourteen Sponsorship Launch & in this full interview we had the chance to speak with French World C...
Lors du Raid Rostaing Mongolian Trophy 2012, Jacques et Christian nous expliquent pourquoi ce raid.
Christian Karembeu, a accepté de répondre à une interview, en direct du Salon Top Résa de Deauville.
FIFA World Cup Trophy Tour Christian Karembeu interview 코카콜라 월드컵트로피 투어 월드컵 트로피 투어 행사는 지난해 9월 12일 브라질에서 출발해 9달 동안 6개 대륙, 90개국을 방문하는 일정 한국 코카-콜라 이창엽 대표이사, 대한축구협회 정몽규 회장, 한국 축구 국가대표팀 홍명보 감독, FIFA 홍보대사 자격으로 온 전 프랑스 축구 국가대표 크리스티앙 카랑뵈(Christian Karembeu)
Mr. Christian KAREMBEU, Football, France Peace and Sport Champion for Peace.
Die nächste Folge der neuen Webshow von SPOX hat Frankreich-Star Christian Karembeu zu Gast. bietet aktuelle Interviews, News, Berichte und Videos a...
Interview sauvage de C. Karembeu au moment ou les gens disaient que T. Henri se la pétait un peu surtout depuis que Zidane s'est retiré...
The NATION Exclusive interview with Former Football Star Christian Karembeu, who brought to Thailand the UEFA Trophy. Also in the VDO are Asawin Rojmethatawe...
Frankreichs Christian Karembeu blickt im Gespräch mit dem Webshow-Team von SPOX auf die bevorstehende WM. Der Equipe Tricolore räumt er Außenseiter-Chancen e...
Pitch Talk on the Road visited the Alexandra Park FC & 14 Fourteen Sponsorship Launch & in this full interview we had the chance to speak with Former Arsenal invincible player & French World Cup winner; Robert Pires. We visited Alexandra Park of the Glemnet Southern Amateur League (SAL)/Amateur Football Alliance (AFA) on the day of the launch of their 1st ever sponsorship deal with sports clothing company 14Fourteen. The day had dual celebrations as it was the 1st time that the 1st team of APFC were playing in the premier league of the Glemnet SAL for 50 years. We caught up with the powers that be & influential figures at Alexandra Park fc (Chairman Dave McLoughlin & Sponsorship officer Ray Gerlach) along with a couple of famous faces in the form of French World Cup winner Christian Karembeu & Former Arsenal invincible player Robert Pires and the CEO of 14Fourteen, ex-Swiss under 21 international player Phillippe Wick. We also asked some of the next generation of APFC players and Alexandra Park Youth FC chairman Will Stanilan how they found the event as well. This video was a joint production of Pitch Talk & LJA Productions 2014 Presenter - Liam 'LJA' Angell aka Straight Shootin' LJA Producers - Liam Angell & Gavin Henry Camera - Gavin 'Da Gman' Henry Sound - Gavin 'Da Gman' Henry Editor - Liam 'LJA' Angell (LJA Productions) Music (used with permission) 'Culture' By Cappah Beats aka Cappah UK @cappahbeats on twitter Special Thanks to Alexandra Park FC Ray Gerlach Dave McLoughlin Phillippe Wick Will Stanilan Christian Karembeu Robert Pires Glemnet Southern Amateur League Amateur FA Cappah Beats And all of the interviewees This video was a joint production of Pitch Talk & LJA Productions 2014 Also don't forget to join us LIVE every Monday night @ for the Pitch Talk LIVE show!!! For more information about Pitch Talk, find us at: / Phone & text in to the LIVE show with your views - +44 (0)7535804466 Add us on Skype at pitchtalk1 to skype into the show LIVE!
Pitch Talk on the Road visited the Alexandra Park FC & 14 Fourteen Sponsorship Launch & in this full interview we had the chance to speak with Alexandra Park...
Karim Benzema n'arrive pas à percer au Real Madrid depuis son arrivée. Pour Christian Karembeu, l'attaquant français doit se focaliser sur ses points forts e...
Invité de Luis Attaque ce lundi sur RMC, Christian Karembeu, champion du monde en 1998, porte un regard sans concession sur l'état actuel de l'équipe de Fran...
(Source: ... Liga: ... Argentina v Brazil ... A group Panathinaicos fans racially abused Olympiacos strategic advisor Christian Karembeu.
noodls 2015-03-18... Christian Karembeu, who also played for Real Madrid, and now serves as FIFA Beach Soccer Ambassador.
noodls 2015-03-16Olympiakos strategic advisor Christian Karembeu expressed his confidence on Tuesday that UEFA are ...
Kathimerini 2015-03-03Olympiakos strategic advisor Christian Karembeu expressed his confidence that UEFA are getting to ...
News24 2015-03-03... to sign Christian Karembeu, given his penchant for being on the pitch and not giving a flying one.
The Guardian 2015-02-05Programme ambassador Christian Karembeu will join UEFA General Secretary Gianni Infantino in closing the week's activities.
noodls 2015-01-20(Source: ... 13.01 .2015 00:30 ... : ... Christian Karembeu, a former World Cup winner with France in 1998, is next onto the stage.
noodls 2015-01-13At last! The moment had arrived! But first Christian Karembeu had to talk about Ebola, so we were delayed a bit again ... . .
The Irish Times 2015-01-12At last! The moment had arrived! But first Christian Karembeu had to talk about Ebola, so we were delayed a bit again ... . .
The Irish Times 2015-01-12... World Cup winner Christian Karembeu amongst those to express particular admiration for her finish.
The Irish Times 2015-01-12... and Henry followed his 1998 World Cup-winning teammate Christian Karembeu in presenting awards.
Al Jazeera 2015-01-12... and Henry followed his 1998 World Cup-winning teammate Christian Karembeu in presenting awards.
Canada Dot Com 2015-01-12... then introduces Christian Karembeu, who speaks on the urgent need to raise awareness of Ebola.
The Guardian 2015-01-12Christian Karembeu (born 3 December 1970 in Lifou, New Caledonia) is a retired French international footballer and current scout for Arsenal Football Club. He is also part of a Paris-based consortium to expand the A-League with a Pacific Island team.
During his career Karembeu played for Nantes (1990–95), Sampdoria (1995–97), Real Madrid (1997–2000), Middlesbrough (2000–01), Olympiakos (2001–04), Servette Genève (2004–05), Bastia (2005). With Real Madrid, he won the Champions League in 1998 and 2000, starting in the former but remaining on the bench for the latter. He last played midfield for Bastia in the French Ligue 1. He announced his retirement on 13 October 2006, although he added that he would "be having a kickabout from time to time". The France legend also took part in a friendly competition for Kettering Town FC with Gianfranco Zola, Les Ferdinand and Gus Poyet.
Born in the French territory of New Caledonia, he was a vital player in the French team that won the 1998 World Cup. In Euro 2000, he was on the squad as well but played only one game. He compiled 53 caps in his career, earning his first one on 14 November 1992 against Finland in a 2–1 victory.